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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. My mistake. I should have checked timestamps. I was in a bit of a rush. Mod to the Day post coming shortly. KM's vote change won't be counted.
  2. Molly Mae


    FL??? FANNY - 1 GYPSY - 0 NINTH - 0 FUNNY - 1 FUNKY - 1 FLORA - 2 FLAIR - 2 FLOCK - 2 FLIES - 2 FLEET - 3 FLINT - 3 KNOCK - 0 FLUFF - 3 Score Change: Maurice +10, Sorry for the delay.
  3. Day 1: Mercy v Indecision They all agreed that there was a rat and that they would find it. "Cat is the rat!" one yelled. "Yeah, he's gotta be!" another agreed. "But Aura...!" "Everyone calm down," yet another said. "Here's a note from maurice*" The note reads: "Stealth is a weapon of the cops and you can't beat stealth by shooting wrecklessly. Take aim." "Such wise words." "Let's wait until we have a little more information..." *The note is for story only and isn't really from maurice. Host: Yuli and Molly Mae 1. plasmid 2. Flamebirde 3. MiKi 4. 'Cat'astrophe 5. KlueMaster 6. maurice - DEAD - Killed N1 7. Auramyna 8. Araver N2 ends when I get all actions or tomorrow morning at 9 am, whichever comes first. I'm going to be out of town again tonight recovering my car from the great state of Indiana.
  4. Sorry for the delay. I was stranded out of state last night and trying to get back. Just got to work. Day post will be up shortly. Until then, feel free to send in actions.
  5. Molly Mae


    F???? FANNY - 1 GYPSY - 0 NINTH - 0 FUNNY - 1 FUNKY - 1 FLORA - 2 FLAIR - 2 FLOCK - 2 Score Change: Maurice +5,
  6. Molly Mae


    F???? FANNY - 1 GYPSY - 0 NINTH - 0 FUNNY - 1 FUNKY - 1 FLORA - 2 Score Change: Maurice +5,
  7. "Where's our driver!?" one of them yelled. "What the h*** is going on?" "I think," said another, "that we have been set up." "Set up?" the first asked "Yeah. You were there. You didn't come to that conclusion?" "So what do we do?" "We wait for the Boss. And I'm sure he's gonna be pissed." ---- Over the next hour, several people showed up. Everyone seemed to be in good health--everyone except for maurice, who was covered in blood. He hobbled in and passed out on the ground. "Someone get a doctor!" one of the men yelled. But Mr White hadn't made it back from the job yet... ---- The group gathered for a discussion to figure out what was going on. Mr Gray stopped Kluemaster, and asked him a question. What began as a simple inquiry turned into an hour long chat and Kluemaster missed the convention. ---- "You there!" one of the men said to Auramyna. "Why didn't you come back straight away?" "Oi," said she," I got new orders from the Boss' Son. "Or maybe you were out informing the cops!" "Now listen here, you--" "Silence!" one of them yelled. "Let's take a vote..." Host: Yuli and Molly Mae 1. plasmid 2. Flamebirde 3. MiKi 4. 'Cat'astrophe 5. KlueMaster 6. maurice - DEAD - Killed N1 7. Auramyna 8. Araver Scum weekend: Day 1 ends Sunday at 8 pm.
  8. Post coming up shortly.
  9. Molly Mae


    F???? FANNY - 1 GYPSY - 0 NINTH - 0 FUNNY - 1 FUNKY - 1 Score Change: Maurice +5,
  10. Molly Mae


    ????? FANNY - 1 GYPSY - 0 NINTH - 0 FUNNY - 1 Score Change: none
  11. Molly Mae

    Eh, it should be fine. There really aren't any new players joining these games right now. And I think they need to bridge away from vanilla roles.
  12. What if the guy behind you says black (indicating that your hat colour is black) but the person in front of you is red?
  13. Molly Mae

    Just sent you a pm about the secret ability/wincon. I'm looking at the baddie wincon and considering it now.
  14. That's what she said. A good game, goodies. Sorry I wasn't around to vote. But even if I was, Maurice has this stupid rule where people outside the game can't vote... =P I formally protest this rule, sir. Formally.
  15. Molly Mae


    ????? FANNY - 1 GYPSY - 0 NINTH - 0 Score Change: none Again: Never try twice what only works well once. =P
  16. Maurice: In your example, are you betting 100% of it right out?
  17. Molly Mae


    ????? FANNY - 1 Score Change: none
  18. Molly Mae

    Oh...Two-Shoes isn't a role? =/ I see that now.
  19. Molly Mae


    Oh, but I hope this gets finished before I leave for the weekend.... ????? Score Change: none
  20. Molly Mae

    I was unaware that there were other characters in Tom and Jerry. Anyway, biggest point is that the game is 6 vs 4. The baddies will win this one if average play is seen all around. For 6 goodies, ideally there should be 2 or 3 baddies, depending on roles. 3 is still probably too many. If you want 4 baddies, I would suggest 9-11 goodies (again depending on roles). Roles make a difference, but not very much of a difference if the numbers aren't balanced.
  21. Molly Mae

    @Mo: You and your obsessions... Welcome to the Den! Hope you enjoy your stay.
  22. Molly Mae

    I have a blog where most of my posts are in similar style. =P
  23. Perhaps the strategy that provides the highest expected average is sought? (Overall) Blackjack odds can favour the player, depending on house rules, number of decks, and the right player.
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