I think this is probably more color related than xyz axis related. I think the triplets are RGB values of some sort. So the 5 buttons correspond to red (1,0,0), green (0,1,0), blue (0,0,1), white (1,1,1) and black (0,0,0). I don't have much HTML development experience, but I think the reference to "style" refers to CSS style sheets and how colors are referenced in them. I looked up "cornflower blue" and it is one of the named colors that should be known by all browsers. It's hex value is #6495ED. (Interestingly, the blue color value used to show the coordinates is not cornflower blue, but the value #6699cc). Anyway, my thinking is that since the room is cornflower blue and the sphere is reflecting that color, I think we need to figure out how the coded sequence is related to that specific color.