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Everything posted by Magic_luver101

  1. yes that is what i meant thanks
  2. friend: Are you sick? me: No. Why? friend: Well you are not talking about BrainDen so I was wondering if somthing was wrong.
  3. Magic_luver101

    presonly i like this better but here is the right answer
  4. First of all I am dislecic so sorry for the spelling mess ups second you could have been nicer about it and last but not least THE BOTTEM IS ARBIC!!!!
  5. the young have me i am lost age rises weakned by realty posesed be most young few old still have me i bring paly i am the substance of dreams and goals you can love me or hate me i am ewerything was bult on me what am i?
  6. Magic_luver101

    i just got it cuse my fingers are raw from practing with my new guitar
  7. when u shoulb be eatting dinner but cant be bothred to dreg your self away crom the comp (i have been away to long)
  8. Magic_luver101

    does it have something to do with the captoles
  9. Magic_luver101

    what do u mean by numbers like a subution meathoid
  10. you should make a BrainDen theam

  11. when your comp breaks and you get all twitchy from notbeing able to bd
  12. thank you read the others they are also funny
  13. •Are people born stupid or do they have to work at it? •What was the best thing before sliced bread? •Why do old women die their hair blue? •If you're born again do you have two belly buttons? •Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injection? •Why is toilet paper scented? •If you try to fail and succeed which have you done? •Why is it called a building when it's already built? •What is the purpose of the red string on Band-Aid brand adhesive packages? •How can someone walk up hill both ways through 32 feet of snow? •If someone invented instant water, what would they mix it with? •If the universe is everything, and scientists say that the universe is expanding what is it expanding into?
  14. •Why do we sing Take Me Out To the Ball Game if we are already there? •How can someone be dirt poor, and another be filthy rich? •If one synchronized swimmer drowns do the rest have to drown too? •When someone says "You know what they say..." Who are they? •Was the only reason God gave us a shin is to find things in the dark? •Why isn't "palindrome" spelled the same way backwards? •Isn't the best way to save face to keep the lower part shut? •Why do people look up when they think? •Where does the lost sock in the washer and dryer go? •Is atheism is a non-prophet organization? •If you set to work with a knife that will cut through anything and Tupperware that's guaranteed not to break, what happens? •Why do croutons come in airtight packages? It's just stale bread.
  15. •If you don't repair your brakes right away should you make your horn louder? •Where do swear words come from? •If you keep trying to prove Murphy's law, will something go wrong? •Why are movie theatres always so cold? •If the entire world is a stage, where is the audience sitting? •Why do men's bicycles have crossbars? •Why are toilet flush handles on the left side? •Is laughing stock cattle with a sense of humor? •Do you think the Assassination Museum was created after JFK's assassination? •Why is it when two planes almost hit each other it is called a near miss? Shouldn't it be called a near hit? •Just before someone gets nervous do they experience cocoons in their stomachs? •If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians eat? •Does a fish get cramps after eating? •If pro is the opposite of con, is progress the opposite of congress? •How do they get the ship in the bottle ? •Does chewing gum lose its flavor on the bed post overnight? •Does the little mermaid wear an algaebra? •Why do we have to dry raincoats?
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