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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    MaFBIa Signups

    Riverside picnic? Your Jedi mind tricks won't work on them.
  2. Izzy

    Volunteer surveys are prone to bias anyway.
  3. Izzy

    (*apologizes for post quality in advance. I r sleepez.) Are we talking about the same God here? Humanity's wrongdoings, from the Biblical perspective, trace back to original sin when the chick ate the apple of knowledge. Painful child birth was the punishment. Last I heard, that's still hella painful. You're really giving a fairy credit for seeing past, present, and future, KNOWING Eve would mess up, incarnating himself in human form, letting himself "die", and then coming back to life, only so Jews could be prosecuted for the centuries to follow? And, credit for, well, essentially this? : Mhmm. England also exists, ergo Hogwarts. Space exists and we can't find Alderan. Must have been the death star. The Bible was, in it's time, an accountance of the world as people understood it. The places and people may be real, but most of the events depicted therein are certainly not. The Bible also says the Earth is flat and the center of the universe no older than 6,000 years. The Qur'an, btw, depicts the same events. Why Jesus? *edit* Oh. Troy. The Illiad. Then found. Somehow doubt you believe in Zeus. History works like that. People live somewhere. They write about it. Then we dig it up. That doesn't mean their religious beliefs were accurate in any way whatsoever. Buried Aztec temples? Somehow doubting you condone human sacrifice. @LJ: "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use." - Galileo Galilei God gave some people AIDS, made some people blind, made others homosexual and lots *gasp* atheist. "But Izzy, people are genetically predisposed to those things!" Why would other traits behave differently and transcend known law? Creativity included. *sleeps*
  4. Izzy

    Or they use this as proof that the arguments for atheism are fallacious.
  5. Izzy

    Haha. I was waiting for the page to load, and my exact thought was, "Okay, do I just pick atheist or complain about Jedi not being on there?" Pleasantly surprised. Agnostic with God? "I'm not sure, but I think God exists."? I think there's another term for that stance, but it eludes me at the moment. And Sith, btw. Unless you mean Pastafarian?
  6. Izzy

    From what I've gathered, I think you're a little off topic..
  7. Izzy


    Yeah. Araver? A noob? What? He have another SH on our hands.
  8. Izzy


    Hey, you can't make me go to the Dark Side in your posts. Loved the last scene, though. Good game, Mafia.
  9. Izzy

    Mmm.. I guess human arrogance and craving for purpose trump in LJ's worldview. I sympathize, but whatever makes you happy. (Not to suggest that that's how the world actually works, but.. eh.) *edit* @Amateur: Even the Catholic church realized indulgences were bad after a while. Religions are improving, lawl.
  10. Izzy

    You're thinking about it wrong. The sacrifice the stars made is equivalent to you dying and becoming fertilizer. I really want to watch the video, but still don't have the time. >_>
  11. Yeah, that was a good one. I'll have to dig through it to find my favorite. :D

  12. ..The moment was structured so. :D

  13. *huggles and kissles*

    Oh, I finished Slaughter-house 5. ;D

  14. Izzy

    *giggle* Have I told you that I love you recently? LJ, if you have this "It's beautiful because <sky-fairy of your bidding> made it like that", you mentally erode the foundation of beauty that actually exists. If a child paints a picture, sure, that's pretty, I guess, maybe if it's my child. Compare that to the paints naturally falling like that and creating a sunset on paper, with vivid colors blending together so harmoniously it makes you want to cry. One is man-made, the other was chanced by nature. How you can't see the beauty in that is beyond me. And yeah, life has no meaning. Sing it in the streets. Shout it from the rooftops. That means you can go through life without messing up and being bound by some abstract rulings of mythical beasts. It means you make your life what you WANT it to be, not what G-dawg allows it to be.
  15. Izzy

    Exactly: this is beautiful. There's a reason this is in my sig. "Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget God. The stars died so that you could be here today." ~Lawrence Krauss Why does life have to have a meaning? Why should that meaning be to please a jealous sky-fairy? Doesn't living for eternity undermine how awesome life actually is? The "just a bunch of stardust" as you so enthusiastically put it, shows the complex intertwining of our universe. This is so much more magical (and logical) than some sky-fairy going "Ah, yes *throws some dirt together* PEOPLE!" *will actually watch the video at some point*
  16. Izzy


    No contest, then?
  17. Izzy


    Waitwaitwait. Molly admitting to FBIness and Vine voting with him? Did someone not get the FBI memo, or.. what? Because that is some weird voting. Talk. Hosts: NickFleming and EDM 3.MissKitten 5.Vipe195 6. Izzy is voting for Vine 7. Molly - Voting for Vipe195 8. DD - Voting for Molly Mae 9. Vineetrika - Voting for Vipe195 10. Glycereine - Voting for Molly Mae
  18. Izzy


    Not disagreeing with Glyc, but doesn't this take precedence because it explains yesterday? Hosts: NickFleming and EDM 3.MissKitten 4.araver 5.Vipe195 6. Izzy is voting for araver 7. Molly 8. DD - Voting for araver 9. Vineetrika - Voting for onetruth 10. Glycereine - Voting for onetruth 11. Marq 13. onetruth
  19. Izzy


    If the hitman kills Araver we'll have no idea who he is, and we won't know what was up with the votes yesterday. Meh, up to the hitman.
  20. This was posted to my Facebook wall ten minutes ago. My copied response, because I don't have time to be creative right now. D: Mmm.. Good in principle. People need a wake-up call. I can't help but think that humanism will arise from this with some negative connotations that I don't personally care for. Secular. Christian ads annoy me. This.. won't be much better. It's hard to reason with people who have made up their minds, so this will have questionable success. I think the response will mostly be "Damn atheists, look at them shoving their beliefs down our throats!" Lawl at the irony. Meh at all else. Loving the free speech though. This didn't come through in my previous comment, but I f'ucking LOVE the banners. ♥ Thoughts?
  21. Izzy


    Here's what I'm thinking. The hitman probably should take out Araver tonight. Given Maurice's role, that's completely sensible. However, if Maurice is wrong, that means we'll have no way of knowing about it. We'll still be forced to lynch someone tomorrow, and if we don't know who, well, that's a potential net loss of two Mafia members. Conversely, if Araver is in the FBI, we can possibly get two FBI members down. We get more information if we lynch Araver tomorrow: we'll learn his role and things from the voting patterns. Basically, we get him no matter what. It's a trade off between speed and information. Noobs, vets, thoughts?
  22. Lawl. I agree. Christianity shouldn't be banned because we need morons to stone. So it goes. Unrelatedish, but.. RUUR? Will check out your post after homework, Dawh. Couldn't resist from the above. The moment was structured so.
  23. Izzy


    Had Araver started the same accusation with you, the defending, if you wish to call it that, would be reversed.
  24. Izzy


    Not at all. I would love to see some noob fire going on today, and it appears the set-up for that has begun. I would pass around popcorn if *someone* hadn't stolen it. Ah, you misinterpreted what I meant. Reread through the roles and you might pick up on it. <3
  25. Izzy


    You appear to be going after Araver based on nothing other than inactivity (noobiness), self-contradiction (noobiness), and then having an okay defense, which you've interpreted as coaching. All valid points, perhaps, but realize that at the moment they're guesses at best. I do want to hear from Araver, but I would also like to know if there are reasons behind you pushing this lynch other than what you have deemed behavior not typical of a noob. If so, we'll hear you out. If not, well that isn't exactly something I want to back up. We need to get some information circulating and you seem like a good start. Along with Araver, I might add.
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