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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    I think the point was that he consciously wanted a tiger to surprise him, which isn't possible, but should be by your definition of the door.
  2. Izzy

    What if you wanted to be reborn? Would the door grant you an endless cycle of reincarnation? Or how about wanting all these changes to the world, to do things you think will help people. Surely, others will have such a desire, so what will the world become? But while wanting these things, your overall want it to not live in a hallucinatory state where nothing is real.
  3. Izzy

    Dawh beat me too it. I don't even want an exact copy of my real friends, I want my REAL friends. Nor do I want my real friends to be victim to any inconvenience, in ANY dimension (in case you try pulling some multi-verse stuff on me). It seems like a nice fairy tale, though.
  4. Izzy

    Memory fail.. but didn't we play already?
  5. Izzy

    Is everything behind the door simultaneously? So.. if I want a pet zebra but my friend is allergic to zebras and wants some cat food (that I can't stand the smell of) instead, will they be in the same area, or are there different doors? In which case, wouldn't finding people like yourself be impossible because of the different doors? Or, do only the people that want the same thing meet by the same door? In which case, that's a lonely world, which I wouldn't want, so that wouldn't be my door, but only people that think the same way would be behind that door. Eugh, paradox.
  6. Izzy

    I give up and want to know.. Tell us?
  7. Izzy

    I know what the addiction feels like. It happened to me with Runescape from when I was 10-12. Literally, I'd come home from school, start playing, and wouldn't get off until two or three in the morning. I don't really regret playing, though. I met a lot of awesome people that I'm still in touch with today (haha, I get to tell my Facebook wife I've known her for 1/3 of my life, and it freaks her out ), it taught me how to type, it.. was just awesome. Granted, the graphics sucked, the censors were meh, and the quests were 'aight.. WoW is supposedly this awesome x a few thousand. While it was fun, I'm not convinced it's a chapter of my life I want to repeat. Tbh, I don't think you can really get into it without it happening. =/
  8. (My history exam was easy. I should have between a 94 and a 104, extra credit depending. )
  9. D: Looks like I'm going to get killed by history twice in one day.
  10. ^ The night phase ends at 11 and then the day cycle begins? I'll be gone tomorrow, I'm fine for the rest of today.
  11. Just a heads up.. tomorrow I won't be able to get on until about 6 PM EST. I have to go to school to take an exam (D:), and have to stay until 5 afterwards for our final practice before our competition Saturday. Saturday will be sort of the same thing.. I'll be at school starting at 6 AM, and won't be home until 6 PM at least because I'm going to the State Invitationals and the drive will be hell. However, if I score well enough, I'll make it to the State Convention later in the year, and hopefully all the way up to DC. ;D ...For Math, haha. MAO = win. However, while we're on the coast geeking it up, we're stopping by a mall during our break, so I'll take my Macbook and see what the wifi status is. I'll be up til 2 amish tonight though, so I'll probably get a few words in before I'm gone for a while.
  12. Izzy

    The door to heaven? *edit* The Stairway to Heaven, haha.
  13. Izzy

    Nothing, because such a place surely does not exist. ;P Unless you mean in a personal-heaven sense. Then, everything I want minus some random food I'll crave once every few years.
  14. Izzy

    I was about *this* close to buying WoW, but then figured my time would be better spent addicted in the virtual world of Xbox Live. ..Merely because I spend way to much time online as it is. >_> It looks interesting though.
  15. Now I'm not sure so... Yeah, she's theater, but the lynch didn't specify her faction. =/ Exams need to die. Let's lynch the administration making us take them.. History exam tomorrow. :(
  16. Gmaster, is a baddie is lynched, will we know about it?
  17. Why? Because we called you on statements that made no sense? I agree with Medji. For once, lol.
  18. GM answered this above. If you weren't specifically told you're baddie/indy, you're a goodie. Spying on you would be useless as you're theater, and the action would be blocked. Why not lynch someone we're fairly certain is an independent rather than an inactive goodie? Responses that are unverifiable and tbh crap. They can be summed up with "I am good." with no "because". Yes, it worked. Indy's want to get rid of baddies too, so I don't see your point. Must work on history. Exam Friday. FML. (School history, entirely unrelated to this game.)
  19. CP, again, you're relying on what others will very easily interpret as false representation of yourself. You're saying things no one aside from the host and the baddies/indies can confirm, so your statements are entirely meaningless. Give us something good to go on?
  20. Because he probably asked for something along the lines of "Do the baddies know they're bad?" Or is a baddie himself, knowing the baddies know that they're bad.
  21. CP, Gmaster is THE HOST. Everyone has BTSC with him. 'Night Moosh.
  22. Wanna plead no contest and save me the waiting 'til later while I should be doing history? ;P
  23. Is it fair to assume Magic is the other indy since CP was trying to save her earlier while throwing ill-formed accusations at DD and Medji?
  24. When you go into the school bathroom, and written on the ceiling is "RID <name>". I'm not sure what the RID actually stands for, but I all I could think about was Mafia. I might take pictures if I can remember.
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