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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    I have to do a project, but if you want, go grab me some statistics. Have you ever wondered why drug related (like, high dude bashing someone's head in) never makes the news? It doesn't really happen. Drugs are so much more about self-discovery and just tripping balls (kinda making you immobile anyway, lmao) that people have no desire to go out. So then prove, outside of your mind of hypothetical "what ifs", that it makes it worse. Tbh = to be honest. No, you wouldn't. Things like anthrax and atomic bombs could take us all out at ONCE. Lakes, computers, and high people only do so much damage. That would mean the legalization of drugs.
  2. Izzy

    History lesson time. It's been mentioned a few times, but how much do you know about the drug war? From Wikipedia, "The War on Drugs is a campaign of prohibition and foreign military aid being undertaken by the United States government, with the assistance of participating countries, intended to both define and reduce the illegal drug trade.This initiative includes a set of drug policies of the United States that are intended to discourage the production, distribution, and consumption of psychoactive drugs." This has led to drug schedules, where different drugs are rated on levels of illegality. Basically.. the drug war hasn't been effective AT ALL. In fact, it has lead to an enormous blackmarket of illegal substances, which is where a lot of your gangs come from. By nature, drugs don't make people violent. The desire for drugs, being dealt to you at inflated prices from unidentified sources make people violent. I can't remember where, and I'm sort of pulling statistics out of my a** (I swear this really happened), but in some South American country, they decided to call off the drug war. There was an insanely large drop in violence (like 70% or something), and living conditions et al. improved immensely. So, yeah, the more accessible things are, the more you can be assured of quality, and the less it will cost, meaning people won't have to resort to stealing/killing for it. Unreality did an awesome job of covering the pros/cons of alcohol and marijuana. Alcohol is a LOT worse. ..I'm sure Obama would enjoy a good toke now and again. But no, if we're basing something off of what our leaders want, and not the nation as a whole/what parts of the nation can prove as justified, then f**k them.
  3. Izzy

    Then I don't sympathize for them. There comes a point in a person's life where you come to terms with your intelligence, limitations (physical, mental, whatevs), and level of responsibility. If you know you're scoring pretty low in these categories, and you try/habitually use drugs anyway, sorry, but you're an idiot. I mean, I know there's a small margin of error, where you don't know your family abuse history or if you're likely to get addicted, freak accidents, that sort of thing, but that counts for so little of drug-related accidents if you take into account the people that actually know what they're getting into. Also, it's not the government's job to protect us from ourselves, it's their job to protect other people from us (well.. ideally. We have the Baker Act here, which is bull, but meh). I'll use the car-driving example again. Legally, we're allowed to get totally smashed. We're allowed to drink until we puke. The SECOND we start endangering someone else's life with our shenanigans, like having a baby around or getting behind the driver's seat of a car, it becomes illegal, because it can be statistically shown that other people tend to get injured at the intoxicated person's expense. I can't think of any other drugs (aside from maybe PCP. Stay away from that sh*t, kids!) that will make a person go totally crazy and seek out the endangerment of other people. 99.6% of the time, high people keep to themselves, typically in a dark room, with pretty lights and music haha. Drugs, for the most part, don't endanger other people, they endanger the user. If the government CHOOSES to help out an addict by making loans, providing money for rehab, etc. then that's their choice, and I'm sure some private charities advocate it, but no one is asking the goverment/taxpayers to provide these services (I think that addressed one of your other points.) We can't be assured of "safe use" just as we can't be assured of safe driving, safe sex, or.. anything really. The great thing about the universe? Nothing happens perfectly! If we did, the gas molecules at the beginning of time wouldn't have dispersed with minor errors and we wouldn't be here. But, just because some people do abuse, doesn't mean we should let them ruin it for everything. Have people take a test that shows knowledge of a *specific* drug before they're allowed to buy it. I think with a few kinks, we can get this.. right. I know "Well, there are a lot of people out there that neglect/abuse their children!!!" isn't really a good argument and it doesn't throw out how drugs can cause a problem with this, but... crap-parenting is sort of irrelevant, just because drugs don't necessarily need to be involved. If parents can't responsibly deal with their children, then do the same thing they do now: Take the kids away from parents that can't handle drugs responsibly. Tbh, I don't think legalization of drugs will increase usage too much, at least not immediately (too many negative connotations would still be associated with them), so child neglect rates would be roughly the same. Regarding plants, I think anything that could endanger the existence of the human species as a whole (including weapons FFS), should be illegal. ..Saying you wanted to outlaw slavery a few decades ago was politcal suicide, but sometimes, 'ya just gotta do what's right.
  4. Izzy

    No, I mean you would literally have to spend a few thousand dollars on MDMA if you want to die from it. Say you find a nice dealer, he sells you a 100 mg pure MDMA pill for $25. Using this as a source, 325mg/kg is the LD50 (the point when half the study dies) for rats. The number for humans is *probably going to be higher, but let's base it off of that. For simplicity's sake, let's say you're a 100kg dude. You would have to take 32500mg of MDMA to hit the lethal dose, and you probably STILL won't die. That's 325 pills (well, in an ideal world, lmao. Pills are usually more like 50 mg and cost like $30, eeping the numbers low to show a point). 325*25 = $8125. So, if you have $8125 you want to spend on a drug, to die, go ahead, but that's the LD50 for rats. For humans it might be something around 400-500mg/kg. Now, that's a totally pointless dose, lmao. I'm sure you've heard of Ibuprofen? Around the 800 mg dose, whether or not you take more, it doesn't have any more of an effect on you. So you can take 500 mg of MDMA or 5000 mg, but the difference in feeling will be negligible. *edit* Oh, you can die from MDMA, though. Mostly associated with dehydration, not the drug itself, though.
  5. Izzy

    On a side note, you'd have to take crazy UNKNOWN amounts of MDMA to die. Like, the number is so up there that unless you're going to blow a few thousand dollars on drugs, you'll be fine.
  6. Izzy

    ^..Not really unrealistic amounts, just stupid amounts. Three 4 oz bottles at 15mg/tsp would put me in the lethal 20.00mg/kg range. But there's no need to take that much, at all.
  7. Izzy

    Those are the opiod receptors in your central nervous system. Mu and delta are opioid receptors agonists (agonists initiate psychological responses when combined with a receptor while antagonists interferes with/prevents them) that produce physical dependence, but mu1 and mu2 are the biggest factors in this. So, if a drug, say DXM, binds with kappa and delta but not mu, that explains why it isn't really addictive. Mu and delta also produce psychic dependence. The activation of kappa opioid receptor suppresses physical and psychic dependences on mu and delta opioid receptor agonists, but the activation of delta opioid receptor potentiates the dependence on mu opioid receptor agonists. So, someone was arguing that since DXM binds with kappa and delta, which are opiod receptors, that it's an opiate, ..but that's not really true. There's some good info here, but I couldn't really be bothered to read it all: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2443864/
  8. Izzy

    ^Yeah, that's pretty much what I ended up telling her. T'was responded with something like "Stupid teenager trying to one-up you with virtually no background in neuroscience or chemistry. Do whatever, kid." Meh. I love Erowid haha. http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/chemistry/chemistry_compare.php Plug in DXM and some opiate.
  9. Izzy

    Dude, unreality, remember when I was arguing with that chick about whether or not DXM was an opiate? She.. may be right? http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dxm/dxm_basics.shtml Man I feel like a tool now. Though, pharmacology wise, I still think it's just a stereoisomer of whatchamacallit and doesn't actually bond with mu, hence the no addictive properties. Kappa and Delta don't really matter..
  10. Izzy

    Haha, oh man, it's so hard to quote when it's embedded in another quote. Peace: I this is on my "dont even THINK about it" list... Me: GOOD. Though, don't take my word on it. Do some research. ..I'm refraining so hard from suggesting something awesome. >_> Peace:[ignorance] what drugs are those? [/ignorance] Me: When I was 11, I broke a bone, and the docs sent me home with some hydrocodone. It was eyeopening, but insane. At that age, you don't even realize the high/addictive potential. It was like "I'm still in pain, I'm going to take a few more. Oh hey look, I can do push-ups despite my broken clavicle. Oh man, I feel amazing." ..I still don't know whether or not I'm happy about how everything happened.
  11. Izzy

    Not really. One poor decision (unprotected sex resulting in a fetus) shouldn't lead to another bad decision (an unwanted child being born and then having to endure the unwantedness). My personal view on abortion: I couldn't do it, and I hope that no one I'm ever with does it, but I'm not against it.
  12. Izzy

    Yeah, I knew that. >_> I just sort of think PCP, meth, and heroin are unnecessary. From what I've read, DXM is way better than PCP anyway, and it doesn't have the violence. No one needs to be up two weeks straight, just do regular amphetamines. And man, there's no need for the drug to hit you instantly. Morphine is the strongest you should do. That doens't mean they should be illegal, though.
  13. Izzy

    Making them yourself just leads to a larger margin of error. It's safer and better for all people involved to just have an easier way to get them. If people die, I'm sorry, but that's sort of their fault. We really don't need the government protecting us from everything. Well.. sort of.. http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/5meo_dmt/5meo_dmt_health.shtml I think the bit that freaks me out most is how easy it is to make and how easy it is to screw up the process. The amount you ingest/smoke/inject is so small that it's really easy to OD. If you're sitter doesn't know what s/he's doing, you could die. ..I dunno, DMT just creeps me out. =/ It's sounds so trippy that I don't even know if I could handle it haha. Giving crazily strong drugs to 10 year olds unnecessarily exposes people. In this utopia we're creating in our minds, adults should be able to ask for whatever drugs they want. It'd be awesome if this could be put into place immediately, but opiates should be right up there with em.
  14. Izzy

    MDMA, MDA, etc. Though, doesn't that come down to preference, though? An experience from opiates could be just as bad, health wise, as a bad trip from ketamine. PCP is a hallucinogen, but is just absolute shite. ..Yeah, the difference is the physical addiction, but hallucinogens can offer a psychological addiction. I know that sounds a bit.. strange, because after some it's like "Wow, that was awesome, but I really don't want to do that again soon", but.. yeah. Idk how to explain it. At least give people their codeine, maybe occasional hydro/oxy/morphine. I meh at heroin. Poppy seeds in tea? Wonder what that's like.
  15. Izzy

    ^I agree with you to some extent. Other peoples' abuse of "hard drugs" does freak me out a bit, but I don't think we should go so far as to make them (er, keep them) illegal. Think back to the alcohol prohibition. If the plant is around and people want the chems, they'll still make their own. Might as well get the good quality by knowing it's from a legit source. DMT for example. That stuff can *really* mess some people up, but it's secreted in the pancreas and can be made from plants (mimbusa habillis or something, don't feel like looking in the Guide right now). Maybe hospitals should give you the chems a few times every year for recreational use to prevent abuse? SWIM limits themselves anyway, but other people don't. This might help in that region.
  16. Izzy

    Haha yeah. Adults and teenagers alike are STUPID. Stupid people shouldn't be allowed to use drugs. They need their brain cells. A bit o personal philosophy.
  17. Izzy

    Yeah... I wouldn't know. ;P SWIM knows people, I assume. DXM is actually legal, and mushrooms are legal in SWIM's state. ;D Codeine/other opiates and amphetamines can be prescribed. Other things are harder. It depends on where you're at.
  18. Izzy

    Then have consequences, such as the ones for drinking and driving. I kind of get the feeling that when people realize it's in their best interest, they'll listen.
  19. Izzy

    Then have consequences, such as the ones for drinking and driving. I kind of get the feeling that when people realize it's in their best interest, they'll listen.
  20. Izzy

    See, drugs don't destroy lives. People destroy lives. It's all about education. Erowid.org = omniscience.
  21. Izzy

    Oh, I totally agree. I don't even think people should be allowed to smoke in public because of the negative effects is has on everyone else. I think there should be a time and a place. In your own home, surely. Maybe at concert venues and such. I think if people were properly educated properly about drugs, and not just all attacked with an "THEY'RE ALL BAD", problems would, to some degree, be taken care of. Abuse can be a problem with so many things, but there are proper rehabilitation programs/medicines to help get people off of drugs. Yeah, I've been aware of that. Heated up morphine = heroine. Codeine is pretty harmless and awesome, if you can stomach it. I think I've mentioned it before, but SWIM throws up about half the time. Don't chew oxy/hydro pills, btw. It rapes your stomach, even if you do get a larger surface are digestion ratio.
  22. Izzy

    Haha, what letter? You'll find my opinions change occasionally. >_> Yeeah, I know. I still have all my teeth, with no cavities or gum diseases, and they're pretty white. If that counts for anything.
  23. Izzy

    ^ Omg. Itchiness. <3 Abuse is with everything though. That in and of itself shouldn't be reason enough to criminalize a drug. People are going to get it anyway, and at east if it's regulated by people that aren't drug dealers, quality is insured, and some of the risks associated with, say MDMA, significantly decreases. I'm definitely going to say the benefits of moderate opiate use definitely outweigh the negatives, as long as you control yourself. As a rule of thumb, I avoid heroin, haha. Morphine tops, though more comfortable with oxy/hydro.
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