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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. It says 'dust' in the Serbian too!!

    7 A stvori Gospod Bog čoveka od praha zemaljskog, i dunu mu u nos duh životni; i posta čovek duša živa.

    Prah is dust!

    EDIT: Even though prah is closer to powder than dust!

  2. When my parents (yeah... I still live with my parents :rolleyes: I live in Serbia :dry:) ask me why do I spend so much time at the computer, my excuse is always the same:

    "Why the hell am I paying so much money per month for the internet if I'm not going to use it. We didn't buy this computer to be an ornament to decorate my room, but to be put to some use, and as you can clearly see... I'm using it!"

    If they continue with the nagging I must resort to one of the excuses above mentioned by LIS, but most of the time the first excuse works. ^_^

  3. No, but I plan to. If it's not expensive, I'll buy it at Barnes and Nobles today. While wearing my God Delusion shirt, so no one gets the wrong impression.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: Now we wouldn't want that to happen would we?!

    I was thinking of buying the Bible. There's one guy on the flea market near where I live that sells old books and he had this huge copy of the Bible. But it was a special one cause it had wide margins on the side for writing notes as you read it. Nothing was written in it yet and it was an old book in perfect condition, but alas, I had no money :(

    I would really like to have and read the Bible, Kuran and Torah... well I doubt that I would read them from cover to cover, but I would like to have them, even though I'm an agnostic.

    The funny thing is that one of my close friends is a believer and the other one is a sworn atheist. :lol:

    And I'm only discussing religion with my atheist friend, to discuss it with my believer friend would be completely pointless.

  4. good Idea

    SIGN UP THREAD in this topic

    WAIT! I think that this is a bad idea cause the FINAL EPIC BATTLE still wasn't posted so it'll look ridiculous!

    Rosters and a final post don't seem to go together!

    I think that it'll be better to start a new sign up topic and then we could sign up and ask questions to clarify some things about the new Matrix! :)

  5. I had a suspicion

    About somebodies faction

    Without asking why

    I shoot him in the eye :dry:

    Blood and guts

    Paint the walls

    These things won't make me twitch B))

    Random name

    Everyone's the same

    Votes I swiftly switch :wacko:

    Baddies lied

    I sent a spy

    Bring on the lynch!!! :ph34r:

    Baddies you'll die...

    I will snatch your eyes...

    Out of their sockets...

    And kick them in a bucket... :mad:

    He was a goodie?? :o:duh:

    Oh, f**k it!! :dry:

    Oh, well... :rolleyes:

    I wave to the bucket! :D

  6. Neo, Smith, Merovingian and Architect were meant to be 100% undetectable but that was my bad

    Well, there's your freakin' balance... well not quite the balance, but it's better than nothing!

    They knew who I was before they offed JZ, and he was their first RID kill!

    Oh... I forgive you LIS, you were ill and had no appetite, I know how hazy things can be when you can't eat! :)

    I have a bit of a temper, please forgive :blush:

    I'm already signed in for Matrix over revolutionized and evolutionized! :D

  7. I don't know how to do this again?! :huh:


    I don't know how to be notified that I have something in my g-box :lol: Seriously :huh:

    OK I have found it! :D

    Gmail help - Receiving - How will I know when I have a new message? - Here - Download Gmail notifier!

  8. OK! I've managed to work something out... I placed a tiny thingamabob on my blue bar doohickey at the bottom of the screen and now I'll be notified when I get a message in my inbox! :D

    Yippee! :lol:

    I'm computer illiterate! :blush:

    I don't know how to do this again?! :huh:


    I don't know how to be notified that I have something in my g-box :lol: Seriously :huh:

  9. Man we are waiting five days for this.

    Did you PM twin_bro Woon? Twin_bro was on yesterday, maybe he doesn't know that it's his turn!

    This is why I was reluctant to sign up! I love this game, but I don't understand why is it progressing so slowly?? :huh:

    Write five lines of poem, or a caption, period... why is this taking so long??

  10. I don't know if he knew, guessed, or was just bluffing to save Izzy. I was also surprised no one called me out for not having arrested Bb when I said I would.. ^_^

    Yeah... it did caught my attention that you were still alive, but I was too distracted by all the dead bodies all over the Matrix! :dry:

    I totally should have offed you during my one day time kill :lol: but renan caught my attention and I knew he was bad, but I thought that he was an agent!

    I should have had more off those day kills and invincibility against RID killing! Then it would have been balanced B))

    It would be super if we could have a rematch of this one with the secret abilities refined. The agents and rogues wouldn't have spy roles and they wouldn't be able to specifically redirect an action. The rest would remain the same, cause it was cool! But since LIS already made Matrix III I don't see the possibility of that happening!

    I didn't like the Architect ability to make a player numb till the end of the game though (I didn't quite understand this one LIS, all abilities numbed, or just the main one with the use of the secret ones?)

    Overall a great game, but I said that already ;)

    EDIT: I forgot to say that I loved the way you all (agents) synchronized your votes to lynch me :thumbsup: so I did the count, I knew you could manipulate votes and that was the end, no ace up my sleeve, nada... ('nothing' in Spanish)

  11. Awesome game everyone! Thanks LIS and SD for the whole set-up, SD for your excellent posts (Host Messages were a perfect touch ;)), and to the fellow Agents. Even with our run ins it was really good fun :blush:.

    We had a total mix-up on Day 2 though. There was confusion in the ranks so I went after Izzy. Then I found out we didn't want to go after her, even though we knew she was the Frenchman. So I had to back-track, which turned you all on me... ^_^ . That was our most stressful point, but once we got through that the odds were heavily in our favour.

    And the Agents got lucky that the attention was focused so much on Rogues, if it wasn't then the outcome would have been very different.

    Oh and SD, I didn't mean to seem impatient earlier, I was actually looking for confirmation from you that the day was over. Sorry about that :).

    And yeah, IDNE, I couldn't believe no one went for you once Itachi outed you! I think we were all like :huh: !

    Also kudos to Voltage, who I thought did really well in his first game in the BTSC.

    Thanks everyone, well played :D.

    We totally should have lynched you, what strikes me now is that BB was against it? :huh: Didn't he know that you were an agent??

    Well Voltage didn't show his face much in the thread!

    LIS I have read the new Matrix and :wacko:

    Hopefully I'll get the gist of it when it starts! :)

  12. HEHEHE how long did it it tate you to figure out it was my potd defending him that did me in right

    I had no idea that you were Morpheus!

    Hey Bb, check out this post again here

    The Agents realized that the baddies had majority and were going to offer a truce to the rogues until we killed off all of the goodies but we never received a response. Perhaps it was not obvious enough, or did you not read it, lol :lol:

    Made hints that I was cypher and we knew that you were Twin #1 and Izzy was the Merovingian. Practically told you that we could have majority if we worked together.

    How come that you didn't take Izzy's offer to work together with the Rogues??

  13. Your Matrix posts were exquisite SD! :D I immensely enjoyed them. You have shown such an insight into the characters, Matrix, human nature. You added extra essence to every post that made them superb and captivating!

    Seriously... I always read the posts first and then looked at the roster not to spoil the suspense! :lol:

    My favorite character was the apprentice, of course :P

    I love playing mafia with/against you, but this time I'm glad I didn't! ;)

  14. Yeah. I'm told that the Indies had me down as a baddie, but I was pretty curious about how I was doing on that front. I think Andro trusted me for a good long while. Also, Andromeda, the spies did next to nothing for us, actually. We got more use out of the redirects. For the past 2 nights we've controlled every kill in the game. Of course... last night worked out way better for you than it should've, but, these things happen.

    I trusted you at first to be honest, but in the end I though that you must have been bad!

    I don't mind losing, it was a fun game, but 22 players were way too much!

    One more thing, next time if a baddie faction has a RID killer it's no fair that they can spy... it's too easy!

    They didn't make a mistake once.

    Impy is right, redirect is like an additional spy role, random redirect makes you think harder and that redirect can blow up straight into your face. It seems to me like agents had no risks at all through out the game, just fear of getting lynched.

    It's good that LIS can make all the changes to make it more balanced for Matrix 3!

    Knowing my luck I'll probably be a baddie! :dry:

    You guys lost this game during the days, not at night. The lynching was how we were able to stay alive, not the Role Descriptions.

    EDIT: andro, how did you know who to RID?

    I couldn't RID?? :huh:

    None of us could, which sucked!!

  15. One thing that I don't understand??

    I think this game was way off balance cause it's not fair to have spying role and RID kill??

    And they had 3 optional ones per night??

    Way off balance! And how come that we didn't get a RID killer!

    Way, WAY off balance LIS!

  16. Here is what we think we know...









    Switch-Reaymond - ??

    Mouse- ST - Reaymond



    Dozer-Zerep - ST








    Well IDNE I couldn't kill you cause you were freed human and I knew who you were and I wanted to lynch an agent and that terribly failed. On JS we were so close!

    Nice thinking ;)

  17. You actually did well, but from our perspective it was pretty amusing to see people start up on hunches and suspicions (that were correct), and abandon them halfway through. I was pretty much amazed that someone didn't push on me more after I RID'd the Merovingian.

    Edit: And on day 1 I think you had 3 Agents on the chopping block at some point.

    Having RID killers made all the difference, but having two was too much!!

    Question - when did you find out who I was? :)

  18. So you were the Oracle!

    andro, thanks for helping us out most of the game. Alot of the things that you said, you were unknowingly giving us information that we badly needed. And when you began voting for Brandonb we all probably cracked up laughing! :lol:

    In due time, Prof. T.

    You are welcome! :) I thought that my post count has to be high like in previous games cause you might suspect something and it turns out that you knew who I was all the time! :o

    The truth is I was just trowing in a vote and the rest off the people just followed (baddies) I had no idea who he was!

    I had no idea who renan was... to be honest I had no idea about anything :lol:

    Oh... I'm so not playing next time it makes me look bad (I don't wanna use the word stupid :blush: but yeah)

  19. I wish I had saved my day kill for today, that would have been sweet, but alas...

    To be honest I wasn't that powerful at all!

    Neo - the One - Deletes programs, all humans are safe from attack unless chosen twice. Invulnerable while Trinity is alive,

    once only he will auto save her if attacked but kill action is void.

    secret - BTSC meets trinity by accident, same target, and Neo has one chance to guess who Trinity is.

    secret - Can kill ONLY once during day IF night kill failed

    Good luck

  20. In time. What takes you 2 minutes to read takes me about 20 to write...maybe more.

    And andro wants epic... yikes. I think maybe I set the bar too high for myself :unsure:

    Oh and could you incorporate the machines saving Neo out of his ship just before he dies... till the next time maybe?! :)

    To have a cliffhanger maybe, for the next episode? :D

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