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Posts posted by andromeda

  1. Umm... Likely. Does the real Apoc, if he's lying, want to jump in and subtly say something or, erm, yeah. It's also possible I got redirected last night and JS isn't Johnson? *confuzzled*

    NO real Apoc (if it isn't JS) should most definitely stay in SILENCE!

    Izzy what are you talking about?? :huh: If JS isn't Apoc you are saying that we should out the real one??

    The best thing for the time being is to vote for JS! We'll find out who he is for certain and if he is Apoc as he says, he would have been RID killed during the night anyway so no harm done!

    JS it was very um... what's the word of you to do what you did! Marking Izzy as a baddie, cause you might of destroyed all the chances for us to win if she not a baddie, if you know what I mean!

  2. Time for some honesty I guess. To begin I am not the Oracle, neither am I Cypher or an Agent. The fact that you all could consider me being an Agent is a bit mad :blink: , the way this has gone. To begin the explanation here's my full RD:

    Apoc - Kidnaps using the Nebuchadnezzar, player spends 1N out of game

    Secret: Even Days picks player. Dice roll: 1 or 2 = Role; 3 or 4 = Faction; 5 or 6 = Other.

    So simply put I picked Izzy today on Day 2, and I rolled a 5: Izzy is not a Freed Human. I think that this is where my error occurred. Some things made me believe she was part of the Rogue Programs so to try and make sure she got lynched I went with the Merovingian for effect. I figured when she turned out to be bad it would be inconsequential. But after some cryptic clarification I realised "Izzy is not a Freed Human" does not neccessarily mean that she isn't a Useable Program. I think that is what is meant by "Other".

    Also do not lynch andro at any stage, she's very important. I hope you get the message CPB... I have nothing on Impervious though, just the luck of the draw. That's why I didn't vote for him. It's a bit late with this but alot of the developments happened last night in the early hours of the morning for me...

    I have to try and save myself....

    Great... OK then Oracle investigate BB!

    One question (I believe that you are who you say you are) even though there's a slight possibility that you might be the Architect... or the agent... man I'know nothing anymore!

    OK every vote should stay put cause if we don't lynch him he'll be RID killed. This way if we lynch him the baddies will have to guess harder and thanks for the kind words JS but I don't think that I'm that important, there are more important roles of freed humans there that we need to save from lynching, but I will need a save from Tank tonight!

  3. Okay, for the final time, this is my thread, and rules are subject to be/change as I (or possibly Rookie/Martini/Bonanova) see fit. There is no problem with posting the entire song. If you don't feel like reading it, no worries. That's why different fonts have been applied to the necessary words.

    This is a Song-Based Chain Quiz, not a verse one.

    I don't recall the rules forbidding on-going games. To be fair, there could be an end. Stump everyone else, win.

    Hm you are right about winning... so stump me then! *glares at stumper* <_< :P;):wub:

  4. I have to disagree with you on this, and I hope that Apoc does as well. The role that I believe GC to have would be a very bad role to take out of the game right now. I don't want to say too much about this (damn RID killers), but I believe he is best left where he is. Also, I said I wasn't going to change, so change I won't. It won't affect the outcome of the lynch anyways.

    OK I get your hint. Apoc check BB!

  5. The Keymaker picks a role not a player, so no go on that one. Plus, initially I had my doubts about IDNE, but I don't think we need to worry about him. ;)

    So much about my plan... hm... well Keymaker find out who Morpheus is since he'll be hopefully protecting you!

    Thanks PT I totally forgot what you said earlier! ;)

    OK so IDNE is not our problem for now!

    Lynching JS it is, so get those votes in people, we need to have a lot of votes on one person, I don't want someone meddling with them!!! *glares at meddlers* <_<

  6. Heh at RT's post. Someone should try to find a song to answer his post and mine, but it isn't necessary if it can't be done.

    Technically, thanks to Andromeda being precise on word pronunciation ( :P ), we should be going with mine instead of RT's.

    You are still posting the entire songs instead of just one verse so I don't even care to read it! :rolleyes:

    One verse, the exact word! Not more than five lines, and the word that we are looking for shouldn't be in the title!

    Simple rules!

    OK One more time:

    1. Do not post the entire song

    2. Post five to six lines

    3. The exact word has to be in those lines

    4. The word that we need to chain the previous song/verse to shouldn't be in the title, because this game thread is about thinking and not just googling your way though it

    5. So the word that we need to chain our verse to should be bolded as before and the next word that the next person should find should be italicised and going after the bolded word.

    6. One person can't chain two verses in a row...

    When I get to think of it, this is a never ending game thread and as such it should probably be locked!

  7. Fixing colors I don't like Joe being brown!

    1 - andromeda - voting for Joe's Student

    2 - Voltage - voting for Randro

    3 - Jarze - Killed by Agent Smith

    4 - Prof. T - voting for Joe's Student

    5 - IDoNotExist - voting for Itachi

    6 - Joe's Student

    7 - Star Tiger - Killed by Twin #2

    8 - Crazy Painter voting for Itachi

    9 - Renan - voting for Itachi

    10 - Magic_Luver101 -

    11 - Randro- voting for Joe's Student

    12 - Grey Cells - voting for Impervious

    13 - Impervious - voting for Joe's Student

    14 - A.I. - voting for Impervious

    15 - R.M.Z voting for Brandonb

    16 - Reaymond - Killed aboard the Nebuchadnezzar

    17 - SG - voting for Izzy

    18 - Izzy - voting for Joe's Student

    19 - Zerep - voting for Itachi

    20 - CyberSpace17 - voting for Joe's Student

    21 - itachi - voting for Joe's Student

    22 - Brandonb - voting for Izzy

    Much better now!! :D

    12 - Grey Cells - voting for Impervious

    Even after my repeated claims that Impy is good you are still voting for him?? - You should definitely be investigated! <_<

  8. Yeah... I use Firefox too! No reason to change it. :D

    Yeah... I just had a reason to change it cause it went completely berserk, in translation it wouldn't work. I'm hoping it's not a virus again :o cause I've just reinstaled Windows!

    How do I bookmark on Chrome! The right click doesn't have the bookmark button like the Firefox has.

    I had to download Chrome cause my Fox is not working and I really don't like explorer!

    Like I said I had to download Chrome and the thing that I noticed right away is it's speed, it runs like a wind!

    What I liked about FF is bookmarking, I had a long never ending list that was quite a pain to manually save before the reinstalment!

    What I like about Chrome and I'll probably use it often is what LIS has mentioned, if I accidentally close a tab I can easily retrieve it!

    And another think I love the fact that when I'm on BD and I only have one tab open and I'm replaying in the thread and I need to copy paste something from somebody else's post I just duplicate the tab :D and that goes faster than opening BD in a new tab on FF!


    Thanks chief! :)

  9. During lunch I was thinking about the lynch (I got some weird stares from my mom, especially when she asked me "Where have you drifted off?" and I answered "Inside the Matrix" :lol: "Matrix?" she repeated rolling her eyes)

    So... I've concluded who the dead people are, sorry to inform you guys, but my lunch contemplation says that the goodies are down by two human and one program, but then again, maybe it's just the soup talking! ;)

    Anyway... my further conclusions - JS is an agent, or Cypher and Izzy is the Merovingian (the baddies decided to let that info out using Cypher (I'm pretty sure now that JS is Cypher) so after the lynch he is the hero after Izzy gets lynched. The RID killing had already took place during the day so the agents are probably restricted to one lynch per day/night cycle and they didn't wan't to wait to risk Rogue attack during night, but they were thinking that this way they get rid of the Merovingian and make someone look good at the same time!!

    So by lynching JS (in my conclusion Cypher, but even better if he's an agent) it will be good riddance!

    I don't know when the night ends so...

    Morpheus protect Impy! :)

    Tank protect me! Thanks! :D

    Dozer, choose wisely...

    Neo pick a target, you have waited enough!! Choose very carefully, but I'm thinking that at this point we'll probably get a hit!!

    Oh and one more thing - we have to lynch someone - hopefully there won't be any obstructions!!

    Joe you are going down - today!! *glares at joe the baddie* <_<

    I had something to add, but I couldn't edit anymore so...

    Apoc - get GC in the Neb! I'm suspicious of him and I need to know if he's with us or against us!

    Oracle - hm... just be careful cause even if you manage to get a valuable information you can't share but I'll try to be more focused to find out who you are.

    Keymaker - investigate IDNE - if you don't get anything in return, well...

    The rest of you know what to do! :)

  10. During lunch I was thinking about the lynch (I got some weird stares from my mom, especially when she asked me "Where have you drifted off?" and I answered "Inside the Matrix" :lol: "Matrix?" she repeated rolling her eyes)

    So... I've concluded who the dead people are, sorry to inform you guys, but my lunch contemplation says that the goodies are down by two human and one program, but then again, maybe it's just the soup talking! ;)

    Anyway... my further conclusions - JS is an agent, or Cypher and Izzy is the Merovingian (the baddies decided to let that info out using Cypher (I'm pretty sure now that JS is Cypher) so after the lynch he is the hero after Izzy gets lynched. The RID killing had already took place during the day so the agents are probably restricted to one lynch per day/night cycle and they didn't wan't to wait to risk Rogue attack during night, but they were thinking that this way they get rid of the Merovingian and make someone look good at the same time!!

    So by lynching JS (in my conclusion Cypher, but even better if he's an agent) it will be good riddance!

    I don't know when the night ends so...

    Morpheus protect Impy! :)

    Tank protect me! Thanks! :D

    Dozer, choose wisely...

    Neo pick a target, you have waited enough!! Choose very carefully, but I'm thinking that at this point we'll probably get a hit!!

    Oh and one more thing - we have to lynch someone - hopefully there won't be any obstructions!!

    Joe you are going down - today!! *glares at joe the baddie* <_<

  11. I still think that JS is bad, but lets think about this for a second. I don't think he's the Architect cause in that case he wouldn't have anything to worry about during the night, but by his reaction I think he has.

    1. If we let JS slide (and he is an agent) he will be RID killed by the Merovingian since Izzy knows who he is!! Well says she knows who he is.

    2. If we lynch JS, we are risking to lynch the Oracle cause we still don't know who she is. Oracle is without protection as we concluded so either way JS will go if not by our hand then by the hand of the baddies, or the Rogues.

    3. JS's claim that Izzy is the Merovingian was never his deduction. He never claimed to have thought about it, but he just claimed that he knows who she is and now he discarded that claim??

    5. If we lynch Itachi - it will be no good cause we have no idea who he is - I frankly don't wanna risk to lynch Neo especially cause I believe that reay was Switch!!

    6. If we lynch Izzy we might get a Rogue and I'm also very suspicious of GC, yes I'm still very suspicious of him. There's just something about his posts that's odd. IDNE I'm still not trusting you especially after you have accused me.

    7. Second thought - what if Izzy is the Oracle - outing one of the agents might be a desperate attempt to stay alive, or she might be telling the truth, but then how would she know??

    I decided - I'm going for Joe!

    1 - andromeda - voting for Joe's Student

    2 - Voltage - voting for Randro

    3 - Jarze - Killed by Agent Smith

    4 - Prof. T - voting for Joe's Student

    5 - IDoNotExist - voting for Itachi

    6 - Joe's Student

    7 - Star Tiger - Killed by Twin #2

    8 - Crazy Painter voting for Itachi

    9 - Renan - voting for Itachi

    10 - Magic_Luver101 -

    11 - Randro- voting for Joe's Student

    12 - Grey Cells - voting for Impervious

    13 - Impervious - voting for Joe's Student

    14 - A.I. - voting for Impervious

    15 - R.M.Z voting for Brandonb

    16 - Reaymond - Killed aboard the Nebuchadnezzar

    17 - SG - voting for Izzy

    18 - Izzy - voting for Itachi

    19 - Zerep - voting for Itachi

    20 - CyberSpace17 - voting for Joe's Student

    21 - itachi - voting for Joe's Student

    22 - Brandonb - voting for Izzy

  12. Why is everbody saying that Joe's student is an agent and that Izzy is innocent but there are still 5 votes for Izzy and NONE for Joe's student?

    Edit: Why are we voting for itachi? Because he cant defend himself? I seem to be missing something? :blink:

    Nobody is saying that Izzy is innocent, except Izzy! Nice try, you are a Rogue!!! Thanks!

    Good point... if the agents have a saving ability then it's a secret one... and I wouldn't be surprised if they have one...

    Hmm, that would mean that the agents get another freebee RID kill tomorrow if JS lives through this lynch (assuming he is the spy role, and not a different agent).

    ...This is assuming alot though, and I will not be changing my vote unless we can get the full sway.

    Grr, how much time is remaining?

    A lot cause SD was late on the night post so this one is extended!

    I think that Renan might be bad but not sure..... Theres just something about him :unsure:

    Edit: Also TB didnt post anything when he voted and seemed to have been powerplayed by some more experienced goodie and JS took his place.....

    I agree!! But you made a fatal error defending Izzy!!

  13. I'm now starting to wonder if it would be better to take out JS first...

    The Morovingian has an RID kill, but so do the Agents. However, the agents have the 1-up as long as they have a spying role to feed their RID killer. Besides, the agents' RID killer will most likely RID kill the Morovingian now for us... (instead of an innocent).

    How much time do we have left? I would like to change my vote to JS if we have time.

    Edit: clarification

    Edit2: nvm, Neo will have him tonight :P

    I'm fine with that agenda! :) Unless JS gets protected?! RID kill breaks through any protection, saves are ineffective, so what to do??

    Question for the hosts!

    Do baddies have a save?? :huh:

    At least, at home.

    After reading all those posts and updating spreadsheat, Im satisfied for now with Bb. I have an eye on Izzy, but Ill change my vote for someone I think has more chances of really being a baddie. Our great power is here in lynch. We have to take the less risk possible of lynching a goddie.

    We have nothing on Itachi other than that he's been inactive for a valid reason. We have two baddies to pick from?

    What exactly are you trying to do here?? What is your game renan? I don't like it one bit!

    Why are all those people voting for Itachi? Do you know something that we don't??

    What a...?? :huh:

  14. today must have been family emergency day for me. but I'm on now...*reads N2* interesting, INTeresting,INTERESTING!

    that was a lame way to die. :mellow: no fight scene, no witty last comment, not even a gasp for one more breath (no offense to you ST I know you didn't write it) ;) (hope I don't go that way...then again I hope I don't go at all)

    Um... you forgot to vote. It would be really nice if you could tribute! :)

    1 - andromeda - voting for Izzy

    2 - Voltage - voting for Brandonb

    3 - Jarze - Killed by Agent Smith

    4 - Prof. T - voting for Izzy

    5 - IDoNotExist - voting for Itachi

    6 - Joe's Student - voting for Izzy

    7 - Star Tiger - Killed by Twin #2

    8 - Crazy Painter voting for Itachi

    9 - Renan - voting for Brandonb

    10 - Magic_Luver101 -

    11 - Randro

    12 - Grey Cells - voting for Impervious

    13 - Impervious - voting for Itachi

    14 - A.I. - voting for Impervious

    15 - R.M.Z voting for Brandonb

    16 - Reaymond - Killed aboard the Nebuchadnezzar

    17 - SG - voting for Izzy

    18 - Izzy voting for Itachi

    19 - Zerep

    20 - CyberSpace17

    21 - itachi

    22 - Brandonb - voting for Izzy

  15. ...how do we know that Andro is an innocent again?

    Just go with it! <_< Read all my posts... go to my posts not here, to get a perspective!

    Anyways. It seems that JS is more likely to be the agent than the Oracle... and either way he is surely telling the truth about Izzy (why would he lie about that out of nowhere?). And IMO, I'm not sure who the greater threat is (I would say the one that can spy, to avoid him getting another one of our IDs tonight) but then again whichever one is not lynched, the other will probably be killed tonight.

    Wait... can we not create a tie and lynch both at once? :huh:

    Edit: lol, looks like I got a vote while typing.

    Anyways, the reason for my edit is that, looking back at the roles, I believe JS is more likely to be Jones (I doubt they would actually out the real spy role so easily).

    I agree on JS :)

  16. To the italicised part: You misunderstood me :lol: I know itachi is a guy! I was talking about Izzy at that stage.

    But I have concrete evidence she's not an innocent. I'll go out on a limb, even though I didn't want to do this but...:

    She's the Merovingian. Please don't waste this info. I may not live much longer, so don't let it be wasted. For those of you voting for Itachi... you have nothing on him. I do on Izzy. Lynch her and see. Please.

    You heard the guy... He still might be an agent, but we need to off a baddie!!


  17. I am pretty sure that Itachi is a guy and I believe that Izzy has reasons for voting for him. She seems to have experience being a leader so I will follow her lead on this one. Either way I suggest that you get your vote off of Izzy though. We need her.

    Oh come on!!!

    You know what... I'm off!

    I just can't do the constant switching and I'm staying with Izzy!!

    Are you saying that you know 100% that she's cool, cause Joe says 100%?! :huh:

  18. OK then, you better be right Joe! *glares at Joe* <_<

    1 - andromeda - voting for Izzy

    2 - Voltage - voting for Riranor

    3 - Jarze - Killed by Agent Smith

    4 - Prof. T - voting for Izzy

    5 - IDoNotExist - voting for Itachi

    6 - Joe's Student - voting for Izzy

    7 - Star Tiger - Killed by Twin #2

    8 - Crazy Painter voting for Itachi

    9 - Renan - voting for Brandonb

    10 - Magic_Luver101 -

    11 - Randro

    12 - Grey Cells - voting for Impervious

    13 - Impervious - voting for Itachi

    14 - A.I. - voting for Impervious

    15 - R.M.Z voting for Brandonb

    16 - Reaymond - Killed aboard the Nebuchadnezzar

    17 - SG - voting for Izzy

    18 - Izzy voting for Itachi

    19 - Zerep

    20 - CyberSpace17

    21 - itachi

    22 - Brandonb

    EDIT: This ain't good cause it's a tie now... Vote people!!! *glares at people* <_<

  19. It would help me narrow it down for everyone if I knew who S_T was. I am getting close but I cannot decide if she is the keymaker, mouse, ceraph, or could she be cypher? Judging by these roles, I really hope that she was not one of the first three, but if she was, I can tell for sure who cypher is. It is really important that we know who the dead are so we know what we are dealing with now and what weapons we have in our arsenal.

    I narrowed it down to Ceraph! :(

    You better be a goodie and I hope that this helps! :)

  20. Had to be...I dont know who reaymond was, andro, could you fill us in? Should I switch my vote or do you think that the rodent will get away with it anyway?

    You just said it!

    I don't know who to vote for, I'm clueless.

    We still have enough time to vote so I'll have to reread some posts.

    Question for the hosts:

    I think that there should be a penalty if the RID killer guesses it wrong!!!

    Cause if there isn't then they will make wild guesses and have us eradicated!

    How about - if they guess it wrong they don't get to act day and night!!! Muhahaah! That way the chance is given to the goodies to figure out who that certain baddie is! Frenchy or the fancy shades guy!!

    Tell me the good news hosts!!

    I might need a protection Tank if you are still alive, cause I think that the baddies might be on to me after these harsh words :unsure:

  21. It is still possible that Reaymond could have been of a different faction.

    Nope... I think that we goodies need to put our heads together and think really hard!!

    If we could only put the Oracle and Morpheus together!!

  22. I will tell you guys this. I am a human, and its my job to stop the other humans from being idiots. ;)

    Unfortunately nobody was there to stop reaymond! :rolleyes:

    Well he made it pretty obvious about who he is!!

    I knew, the Rogues knew and the baddies knew!!

    Oh reaymond...

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