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Ysan, which summons did you sacrifice?

PT, which summons did you use last night?

Remember, starting tonight I am at 75% strength/vulnerability.

Tomorrow (if you want to keep me) you are going to have to win the lynch and make a sacrifice to me. They know this, and will likely be desperately planning to force my removal from this team.

We know that they will not have Apollo to use, but they will use Athena to prevent the lynch win. They will be desperate to pull it off so one of Zeus' guesses will be to nullify Odysseus' nullify of Poseidon summoning Athena. They will also likely use Aphrodite in a way that will prevent Nestor from nullifying Poseidon's summon.

Because we know this, we can counter it... And allow ourselves to get the maximum use of my recruitment by not sacrificing to Hades until tomorrow.



1) Aphrodite will protect Dawh (he's Poseidon right?)

2) Zeus will summon Athena

3) Nullify Mnemosyne Nullifying one of IDNE's guesses (I know that this is essentially the same thing as being nullified, but this way we get to choose which guess is nullified ;))

Summon: Oceanus -> send a message to Heracles asking for his vote tomorrow or else we will attack him the following night.

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Nestor Action: Boost Diomedes

Nestor Summon: ??? (which one was sacrificed?)




Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Diomedes Action: Attack Dawh

Diomedes Summons:

Erz Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Hades Action: Attack Dawh

Hades Summon:

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses


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1) Aphrodite will summon Eros to protect PoseiDawh

2) Poseidon will attack Ysan

3) Demeter will protect Dawh

Summon: Prometheus->Diomedes (I believe that we can send a plain message to Heracles using the main forum tomorrow during the day. It will be plain to everyone that the Olympians have choosen Demeter and Heracles only chance of recruitment is to side with us.)

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Nestor Action: Boost Theseus

Nestor Summon: Agemmemnon


1) Poseidon will summon Athena

2) Poseidon will summon Athena

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Diomedes Action: Attack Dawh

Diomedes Summons: Briares

Erz Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Hades Action: Attack Dawh

Hades Summon: Theseus -> Dawh

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

What about this?

ITACHI: If Zeus guesses that Agemmemnon will guess that Poseidon will summon Athena, will it take out both guesses or just one?

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  IDoNotExist said:
What about this?

You doubled up on the same guess for both of Ysan's nullifications, so a single guess would eliminate both guesses wouldn't it?. And we need to have a guess that nullifies Mnemosyne nullifying one of Odysseus' guesses (because it WILL happen, so at least we can take the control away from her and prevent her from choosing which is nullified).

itachi: If Odysseus or Zeus are nullified, then they lose their night action and 1 guess correct?

Does the same occur for Nestor?

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  Brandonb said:
You doubled up on the same guess for both of Ysan's nullifications, so a single guess would eliminate both guesses wouldn't it?. And we need to have a guess that nullifies Mnemosyne nullifying one of Odysseus' guesses (because it WILL happen, so at least we can take the control away from her and prevent her from choosing which is nullified).

itachi: If Odysseus or Zeus are nullified, then they lose their night action and 1 guess correct?

Does the same occur for Nestor?

If nestor is targeted with one nullification, he looses his boost ability. If he is targeted with two nullifications, he looses his boost ability and one guess, right itachi?

I have all of my summonings except for rhea. I am waiting to hear back from Itachi about the guesses.

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I'm sorry...I just woke up and...I've decided to withdraw from the game. You guys are amazing, maybe the best team I've had (as Y-san at least ;P), but right now all I want to do is sleep and when I do think about this game I can't think about strategy...

I know Itachi has put a lot of effort into this despite the fact that he's busy, and I really appreciate that, and I've had fun, but, well, I don't know what's going on anymore...I thought I read the rules carefully like I always do, several times, but then it's not what I thought...so there's something seriously wrong with me... :unsure:

And honestly, I do feel like we had an advantage at one point, but that was something we earned as a team by playing carefully and intelligently, and by employing the 'seek-and-destroy' policy on Aphrodite, who is the only one our team is weak to b/c of the ineffectiveness of our nullifies on her summons due to the middle-man.

Yes, I've made my share of mistakes, and I accept the consequences of those, such as losing one of my summons (I take full responsibility for messing that up), but overall I feel like most of our strategy and intelligent playing has been countered by luck and not understanding the rules...and right now I'm not really in a state to adapt quickly to all the changes and I don't want the stress, frankly.

So thank you Itachi for letting me play, thanks to IDNE, Bb, and Prof. T for being great teammates and good luck...apparently you're going to need it :/

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  Yoruichi-san said:
I'm sorry...I just woke up and...I've decided to withdraw from the game. You guys are amazing, maybe the best team I've had (as Y-san at least ;P), but right now all I want to do is sleep and when I do think about this game I can't think about strategy...

I know Itachi has put a lot of effort into this despite the fact that he's busy, and I really appreciate that, and I've had fun, but, well, I don't know what's going on anymore...I thought I read the rules carefully like I always do, several times, but then it's not what I thought...so there's something seriously wrong with me... :unsure:

And honestly, I do feel like we had an advantage at one point, but that was something we earned as a team by playing carefully and intelligently, and by employing the 'seek-and-destroy' policy on Aphrodite, who is the only one our team is weak to b/c of the ineffectiveness of our nullifies on her summons due to the middle-man.

Yes, I've made my share of mistakes, and I accept the consequences of those, such as losing one of my summons (I take full responsibility for messing that up), but overall I feel like most of our strategy and intelligent playing has been countered by luck and not understanding the rules...and right now I'm not really in a state to adapt quickly to all the changes and I don't want the stress, frankly.

So thank you Itachi for letting me play, thanks to IDNE, Bb, and Prof. T for being great teammates and good luck...apparently you're going to need it :/

Thank you for letting us know and you will definetly be missed in this game, but I understand how you feel. I wish you could continue playing with us, you are a very intelligent player, but I know that you have not been doing well and I think you should have some time to relax. We will do our best without you and if you feel better at any point of the game, I am sure that we would all appreciate your input.

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1) Aphrodite will summon Eros to protect PoseiDawh Is there more needed to this (the protector as well as protectee)?

2) Poseidon will attack Ysan

3) Demeter will protect Dawh

Summon: Prometheus->Diomedes (I believe that we can send a plain message to Heracles using the main forum tomorrow during the day. It will be plain to everyone that the Olympians have choosen Demeter and Heracles only chance of recruitment is to side with us.)

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Nestor Action: Boost Theseus

Nestor Summon: Agemmemnon


1) Mnemosyne will Target IDNE Do we have to pick which guess she will nullify?

2) Poseidon will summon Athena

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Diomedes Action: Attack Dawh

Diomedes Summons: Briares

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Hades Action: Attack Dawh

Hades Summon: Theseus -> Dawh

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Y-san: Don't go. Hang in there. :(

Bb: Is this summon and subsequent boost from Nestor OK with you or did you have another in mind?

Tomorrow we should all vote for me and try to convince one other to do so as well. I don't need Gyges any more.

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  Prof. Templeton said:
Bb: Is this summon and subsequent boost from Nestor OK with you or did you have another in mind?

The summon... not really. That's a triple threat against Dawh, and he can only lose 1 summon no mater how many times we successfully hit him. So something else may be in order.

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  Brandonb said:
The summon... not really. That's a triple threat against Dawh, and he can only lose 1 summon no mater how many times we successfully hit him. So something else may be in order.

Agreed. I was thinking about a nullify or a protect or maybe Calchus could be useful. Thoughts?

Edited by Prof. Templeton
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  Brandonb said:
The summon... not really. That's a triple threat against Dawh, and he can only lose 1 summon no mater how many times we successfully hit him. So something else may be in order.

What do you mean by this? If we successfully attack someone multiple times in the night, they should lose multiple summons, and die if their summons are gone. If we take out Dawh or SG we have a majority tomorrow. That is why I wanted to focus heavily on SG, since he is down to only one summon, but I understand wanting to take out Poseidon's summons.

If we attack from three directions at SG, and he is only able to successfully block one, if the other two are successful, we get a kill and take out a vote for their side. Why is this not a good idea?

Did I misunderstand something about the rules? I will go back and look at them.

Edited by IDoNotExist
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Here are the rules about summoning:

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Summonings: Each Character has the ability to Summon other Characters. Unless specified otherwise, each Summoning may be used infinitely, but not 2 Nights in a row. If a Character is successfully targeted to be killed, they must sacrifice one of their Summonings to stay alive. For Example: If Hades summons Achilles to attack Nestor and the Attack is successful, Nestor must sacrifice Agamemnon or Priam for the rest of the Game. Demeter will then have the ability to use that fallen Character once.

Summonings may be treated just like any other character unless specified otherwise. Oceanus may be targeted just as Aphrodite would be. But they may only be effected if they are Summoned that particular Night.

Once a Player's Summonings are all gone, they finally become vulnerable to be killed from the Game. All Characters are required to lose 1 Summoning, except Hades, who must relinquish 3. Whenever a Summoning is lost it will NOT be public knowledge, even if they are lost during the Daily Sacrifice.

I believe that the part you focus on when you say that a character can only loose one summon a night is the part I have highlighted, however, I believe that it is saying we can only specifically target a summon if it is being used that night. Basically, if Zeus is using Hermes one day, and we target Zeus, Zeus gets to choose whatever summon he wishes to sacrifice, however, if we target hermes, if the attack is successful and not nullified by a guess, Zeus must forfiet Hermes and has no decision about which summon to lose. If we successfully attack a character three times, and they only have 2 summons, we kill them.

ITACHI: Is this a correct interpretation?

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  IDoNotExist said:
Did I misunderstand something about the rules? I will go back and look at them.

here's the convo

  Yoruichi-san said:
Why are we attacking sg twice? He can only lose ONE summon/life per night...

  Brandonb said:
Really? we can't take out his summons directly while at the same time taking his life?

Can we get a clarification on this itachi?

  itachi-san said:
just 1 per night as Y-San said before.

No matter how many hits, they only lose 1 sacrifice...

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  Brandonb said:
here's the convo

No matter how many hits, they only lose 1 sacrifice...

suck :dry:

Thanks for the recap, sorry I missed it.

What if we target SG as well as Dawh? They will not be able to successfully block them both. If not that, then I guess we should us a nullification on Mnemosyne perhaps.

Edited by IDoNotExist
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Hey everyone! great conversation going on as usual :thumbsup: sorry to lose you Y-San, but at the end of the day it's just a game and it should be fun, so I totally understand. No worries and thanks for playing :) ~it has been quite the epic game all thanks to having awesome players. ST has also dropped out. My thoughts are that if you guys don't mind, just powerplay Nestor. The other group will be powerplaying ST as well.

  IDoNotExist said:

What about this?

ITACHI: If Zeus guesses that Agemmemnon will guess that Poseidon will summon Athena, will it take out both guesses or just one?

This would nullify Agamemnon's guess, which I'm sure you don't want ;)

  Brandonb said:
You doubled up on the same guess for both of Ysan's nullifications, so a single guess would eliminate both guesses wouldn't it?. And we need to have a guess that nullifies Mnemosyne nullifying one of Odysseus' guesses (because it WILL happen, so at least we can take the control away from her and prevent her from choosing which is nullified).

itachi: If Odysseus or Zeus are nullified, then they lose their night action and 1 guess correct?

Does the same occur for Nestor?

correct. Nestor would be nullified of his primary action.

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  IDoNotExist said:
Here are the rules about summoning:

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Summonings: Each Character has the ability to Summon other Characters. Unless specified otherwise, each Summoning may be used infinitely, but not 2 Nights in a row. If a Character is successfully targeted to be killed, they must sacrifice one of their Summonings to stay alive. For Example: If Hades summons Achilles to attack Nestor and the Attack is successful, Nestor must sacrifice Agamemnon or Priam for the rest of the Game. Demeter will then have the ability to use that fallen Character once.

Summonings may be treated just like any other character unless specified otherwise. Oceanus may be targeted just as Aphrodite would be. But they may only be effected if they are Summoned that particular Night.

Once a Player's Summonings are all gone, they finally become vulnerable to be killed from the Game. All Characters are required to lose 1 Summoning, except Hades, who must relinquish 3. Whenever a Summoning is lost it will NOT be public knowledge, even if they are lost during the Daily Sacrifice.

I believe that the part you focus on when you say that a character can only loose one summon a night is the part I have highlighted, however, I believe that it is saying we can only specifically target a summon if it is being used that night. Basically, if Zeus is using Hermes one day, and we target Zeus, Zeus gets to choose whatever summon he wishes to sacrifice, however, if we target hermes, if the attack is successful and not nullified by a guess, Zeus must forfiet Hermes and has no decision about which summon to lose. If we successfully attack a character three times, and they only have 2 summons, we kill them.

ITACHI: Is this a correct interpretation?

yes mostly correct, sorry I forgot about this question when answering stuff. The only thing you need to add to that interpretation is that Hermes will be unaffected if he is not Summoned on the night he is attacked.

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  itachi-san said:
yes mostly correct, sorry I forgot about this question when answering stuff. The only thing you need to add to that interpretation is that Hermes will be unaffected if he is not Summoned on the night he is attacked.

Itachi, here is the part I specifically had the question about and I wanted to be clear whether or not you just confirmed it or denied it, because it seems you denied it before. I said: If we successfully attack a character three times, and they only have 2 summons, we kill them. I was refering to attacking a character successfully three times in the same night.

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So maybe we should concentrate on SG who only has the 1 summoning left which wasn't used last night so he'll employ Eros tonight. And then he will be vulnerable to attack directly once his summoning is defeated. If we are able to eliminate him we may have an advantage in the voting.

  • Mnemosyne will target IDNE, but she will also summon a muse to nullify someone
  • We have Zues' 3 (or 2 hopefully) guesses to contend with and he may boost Poseidon
  • We have Poseidon's attack plus he will probably summon Athena.
  • Aphrodite will summon Eros and force a player into protecting another (how does this affect a players actions if they are forced to protect) Plus, the wording in the OP makes it seem like we would have to guess the protector and the protectee in order to nullify. And she will nullify someone.
  • Demeter may save one of our enemies since she is half recruited.

    We have five guesses to work with so let's look at the certainties:

    • Poseidon will summon Athena
    • Mnemosyne will target IDNE
    • Aphrodite will summon Eros (but do we need more information or does guessing that prevent the summons?)

    And the uncertainties

    Zues will guess ??? x3

    Poseidon will attack ???

    Aphrodite will nullify ???

    Demeter will save ???

    If we are trying for an elimination we want to prevent our attacking character from being nullified (Hades and Diomedes) and we would want to boost them as well.

    I know we are running late, but I must look after the kids now. I'll check back. Bb are you there? Any thoughts

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If it were just me I would probably do something like this, but I've just arrived in BTSC so I'm not 100% sure how some of this works namely the guesses and nullifying Mnemosyne. I would appreciate any input from you guys. I think it's worth a try to eliminate an Olympian if possible so we don't risk losing Bb tomorrow.

I'm using this color because this is not a final draft only a suggestion



1) Aphrodite will protect SG

2) Zeus will Guess that Diomedes will attack SG

3) Poseidon will summon Athena

Summon: Prometheus and boost Hades

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Nestor Action: Boost Diomedes

Nestor Summon: Agamemnon


1) Mnemosyne will target IDNE

2) Aphrodite will summon Eros

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Diomedes Action: Attack SG boosted to 100%

Diomedes Summons: Briares

Erz Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Hades Action: Attack SG boosted to 100%

Hades Summon: Helen to nullify Dawh

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

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These are the current suggestions with a few key thing pointed out.




1) Aphrodite will protect SG

2) Zeus will Guess that Diomedes will attack SG

3) Poseidon will summon Athena

Summon: Prometheus and boost Hades

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Nestor Action: Boost Diomedes

Nestor Summon: Agamemnon


1) Mnemosyne will target IDNE


Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Diomedes Action: Attack SG boosted to 100%

Diomedes Summons: Briares

Erz Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Hades Action: Attack SG boosted to 100% <- Hades is already at 75%, this seems to be a waste

Hades Summon: Helen to nullify Dawh

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

These are my recomended alterations:



1) Eros will protect SG

2) Poseidon will summon Athena

3) Aphrodite will nullify Hades

Summon: Prometheus and boost Diomedes

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Nestor Action: Nullify Dawh

Nestor Summon: Agamemnon


1) Mnemosyne will target IDNE

2) block Zeus from blocking Odysseus' blocking Eros from protecting SG

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Diomedes Action: Attack SG at 100%

Diomedes Summons: Briares

Erz Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Hades Action: Attack SG at 75%

Hades Summon: Minotaur to protect PT

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

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I'll take point then.

Final actions:



1) Eros will protect SG

2) Poseidon will summon Athena

3) Aphrodite will nullify Hades

Summon: Prometheus and boost Diomedes

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Nestor Action: Nullify Dawh

Nestor Summon: Agamemnon


1) Mnemosyne will target IDNE

2) block Zeus from blocking Odysseus' blocking Eros from protecting SG

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Diomedes Action: Attack SG at 100%

Diomedes Summons: Briares

Erz Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

Hades Action: Attack SG at 75%

Hades Summon: Minotaur to protect PT

Era Vote: The Age of the Titans - Odysseus' 5 Titans are invincible and Zeus only has 2 Guesses

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