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The Battle for Mt Olympus III


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  Impervious said:
Hopefully there will be no demise of summonings tonight.

Yeah, we can always hope, but keep in mind that Poseidon already summoned Ares last night, so there's no overall protection, it's going to be up to individual actions to determine who lives and dies... :unsure::o

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  dawh said:
Yeah, we can always hope, but keep in mind that Poseidon already summoned Ares last night, so there's no overall protection, it's going to be up to individual actions to determine who lives and dies... :unsure::o

very true...well, moving forth...*anxiously awaits night post*

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Night 2: An Early and Epic Showdown

Sun setting, Zeus lowered his head in thought, contemplating the Second Night of this ludicrous and pointless insurrection. He stood in the antechamber of his Royal Palace, thinking deep and gazing down at the golden floors, looking through them as if they did not even exist. "Something is amiss. I no longer feel as if Time is moving. Perhaps this silly Age of Heroes is finally coming to a halt, though I have never felt this sensation... well not for quite a while at least. It couldn't be..."

Cutting his thoughts short, an enormous hand exploded through the floor, shattering everything in its path. Zeus leapt backward away from the Titan's rage. It was his father! It was Cronus! Zeus concentrated all his power on keeping the Titan from ascending any farther so that only his arm had fully entered the Palace. Not one for compromise, Zeus slowly unsheathed his brilliant sword, a current of electricity running up and down the blade, and plunged it deep into Cronus' forearm. He could hear the Titan's booming howl from below. Zeus twisted the blade and put all his energy into electrocuting Cronus, who had no choice but to withdraw his arm and descend back down to the Earth. Falling, Cronus' deep voice resonated throughout the walls of the Palace.

Cronus: Time is no longer on your side my son! I shall now send you to the time when your power was greatest: The Age of Olympians, but only to prove how weak you really are! Know this: the following Nights will only show you what you are without the power you stole from me. I am weakened, yes, but Time will forever be mine!

Zeus looked down through the new hole in his Palace's floor as Hephaestus hesitantly entered, limping and shrank slowly down to one knee before his father.

Hephaestus: My Lord. You c-called for me?

Zeus: Worry not my son. I will crush Cronus once and for all this time. ...As for you. I need your skill to craft a Shield for my brother Poseidon.

Hephaestus: Then he is indeed here with us on Olympus!?

Zeus: Yes. And he is not difficult to find.


The ground quaking under his massive steps, Poseidon strode over Olympus, searching for his prey. Finding Impervious standing before the gorgeous Aphrodite, Poseidon raised his Trident at his foe. Impervious could barely move, having been completely seduced by the Goddess, but his eyes were able to stray for just a moment to see the impressive Sea-God prepare to blast the ground into pieces with a shockwave from his famous three-pronged weapon. Knowing his fate was sealed, confronted by two Olympians at once, Impervious closed his eyes and waited for death to take him, but it didn't. Eyes still closed, he thought endlessly about what could possibly be transpiring.

Slightly opening his right eye, he saw that Heracles stood behind Aphrodite with a dagger just grazing the back of her neck. He then tossed a sheet over her seductive figure and kicked her to the ground. Cracking open his left eye, he saw that Odysseus stood before Poseidon, sword and shield at the ready to take on the seemingly overwhelming Olympian all by himself. Locked in position, Impervious, Poseidon, Aphrodite (tossing the outrageous and offensive sheet off of her), Heracles and Odysseus all stared each other down, each more wary of the escalating scenario than the next, but each ready to fight at the moment's notice.

The showdown lasted for what seemed an eternity, but it's conclusion proved uneventful and shocking as a lightning bolt sprang from the clouds overhead, split into segments and exploded the terrain between all the enemies.

Poseidon: It seems my brother does not wish this fight to transpire. Besides (pulling his newly forged shield around from his back) with this, I'm untouchable.

Odysseus: Care to wager on that? It may save you for a night, but you put far too much faith in it.

Poseidon: You dare insult the work of Hephaestus? Insolence! I...

Aphrodite: Please, no! Just stop! Zeus does not wish this and by the looks of things, most of us would incur heavy causalities. We will take our leave.

The smoke cleared from the lightning, the ground severed between everyone. "Consider yourselves lucky. We shall indeed take our leave." Poseidon glared at Aphrodite with a look of discontent at having been ordered by a lesser God. Stomping the ground, Poseidon caused a minor quake that blew the dust back up from the battleground, shrouding their escape. Odysseus and Heracles looked at each other for a moment and parted ways, leaving Impervious alone. Sinking to his knees, he thanked the Heavens for no blood having been spilled.


Dedicated to her decision, Kat raced to her target, but once again her world seemed to change into some sort of dreamlike environment. It wasn't natural and she had no idea where she was. She was however, surrounded by birds and not just any birds. They bore wings of brass with sharp, metallic feathers, which she soon learned could be shot at her, and quickly. One after the other she slayed them, but they seemed to be endless. Surely, killing all these birds would take all Night, but she saw no other means of escape from this dream-like prison.

Kat: Whoever is doing this to me... is going to pay...



1) Brandonb

2) dawh

3) grey cells


5) Impervious

6) Kat

7) Prof. Templeton

8) SomeGuy

9) star tiger

10) Y-San

Edit: Day 2 begins now and ends 24 hours from this post

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Great post Itachi! B))

Wow, everyone was after Brandonb the first night and it looks like Impervious was a popular target tonight. I'll have to look at things more carefully (when I have more time) before I make a decision on who to vote for. :o

And what's Heracles grudge against Kat? :huh:

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Lol...poor Kat... :rolleyes:

It appears that Impervious was saved by Odysseus...he correctly guessed Poseidon would attack Odysseus?

did aphrodite seriously target me again?!?

and thanks ody :)

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clarification: assuming Zeus and Odysseus have Summonings, they and their Summonings are invincible during the age of Olympians and Titans respectively. If they have no Summonings, they are vulnerable to be killed. Essentially, those ages protect their Summonings, and if Zeus or Odysseus are targeted successfully, it defers to any Summonings they have, which in these cases, are invincible.

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1) Brandonb

2) dawh

3) grey cells

4) IDNE- Voting for IDNE

5) Impervious - voting for Impervious

6) Kat

7) Prof. Templeton

8) SomeGuy - voting for IDNE

9) star tiger

10) Y-San

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Heracles? What is your problem with me? :dry: *Pulls a pointed feather out of her shoulder* Ok, so Someguy and IDNE are agreeing right away...I'm guessing they figured out they're on the same team? The question is which...and why do you guys want an Indie so early?


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  Kathleen said:
Heracles? What is your problem with me? :dry: *Pulls a pointed feather out of her shoulder* Ok, so Someguy and IDNE are agreeing right away...I'm guessing they figured out they're on the same team? The question is which...and why do you guys want an Indie so early?


B/c Indies have more summons to use/sacrifice...plus it gives one team added vote weight...

The funny thing is...I don't think they are on the same team...XP

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  Yoruichi-san said:
B/c Indies have more summons to use/sacrifice...plus it gives one team added vote weight...

The funny thing is...I don't think they are on the same team...XP

:lol: , you read my mind. But hey, me ain't gonna get in the way :)


1) Brandonb

2) dawh

3) grey cells

4) IDNE- Voting for IDNE

5) Impervious - voting for Impervious

6) Kat

7) Prof. Templeton

8) SomeGuy - voting for IDNE

9) star tiger - voting for Bb

10) Y-San

I know I'm stupid, don't make fun of me -_-

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  Brandonb said:
What the heck!? I'm Indy! I'm not messin with anyone, leave me alone! lol :P

Hey, you still have a summoning to chew on, and I already said, I'm not very bright :P It's just a filler...until I clean up my brain (it's a pig sty right now -_- )

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  star_tiger said:
Hey, you still have a summoning to chew on, and I already said, I'm not very bright :P It's just a filler...until I clean up my brain (it's a pig sty right now -_- )

Sounds like you should have been helping Kat on Night 1! :lol:

I guess since Bb doesn't want to be sacrificed, I should take some of the pressure off of him by picking someone else who's already got votes. I don't know that I trust IDNE, so I guess I'll vote for the other choice.


1) Brandonb

2) dawh - voting for Impervious

3) grey cells

4) IDNE- Voting for IDNE

5) Impervious - voting for Impervious

6) Kat

7) Prof. Templeton

8) SomeGuy - voting for IDNE

9) star tiger - voting for Bb

10) Y-San

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  dawh said:
Sounds like you should have been helping Kat on Night 1! :lol:

I guess since Bb doesn't want to be sacrificed, I should take some of the pressure off of him by picking someone else who's already got votes. I don't know that I trust IDNE, so I guess I'll vote for the other choice.

Ok, obviously someguy and impervious are on the same team. Someguy does not want to be voted again because he does not want to loose another summon, thus making him very vulnerable. I would rather that Someguy be sacrificed then Impervious. If you want to keep the teams balanced because you are not sure who is on who's side, you should vote for me. If you think you are on the same side as impervious, go ahead and vote for him. If you are an independent, you should vote for me because voting for a team which already has an independent will give them their two independents and they will be unable to recruit anymore.

Edited by IDoNotExist
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  IDoNotExist said:
Ok, obviously someguy and impervious are on the same team. Someguy does not want to be voted again because he does not want to loose another summon, thus making him very vulnerable. I would rather that Someguy be sacrificed then Impervious. If you want to keep the teams balanced because you are not sure who is on who's side, you should vote for me. If you think you are on the same side as impervious, go ahead and vote for him. If you are an independent, you should vote for me because voting for a team which already has an independent will give them their two independents and they will be unable to recruit anymore.

:lol: , then why is SG voting for you?

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  IDoNotExist said:
Ok, obviously someguy and impervious are on the same team. Someguy does not want to be voted again because he does not want to loose another summon, thus making him very vulnerable. I would rather that Someguy be sacrificed then Impervious. If you want to keep the teams balanced because you are not sure who is on who's side, you should vote for me. If you think you are on the same side as impervious, go ahead and vote for him. If you are an independent, you should vote for me because voting for a team which already has an independent will give them their two independents and they will be unable to recruit anymore.

I thought it took 2 sacrifices to get an Indy?

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  Brandonb said:
I thought it took 2 sacrifices to get an Indy?

That was my understanding... :wacko:

  IDoNotExist said:
Ok, obviously someguy and impervious are on the same team. Someguy does not want to be voted again because he does not want to loose another summon, thus making him very vulnerable. I would rather that Someguy be sacrificed then Impervious. If you want to keep the teams balanced because you are not sure who is on who's side, you should vote for me. If you think you are on the same side as impervious, go ahead and vote for him. If you are an independent, you should vote for me because voting for a team which already has an independent will give them their two independents and they will be unable to recruit anymore.

And why is it obvious that Impervious and SG are on the same team? :unsure: After all, SG is voting for you. Your statement also implies that you are not on the same team as Impervious? Something clearly doesn't add up here. :blink:

I'll keep my vote where it is for now and see what others have to say. There's still plenty of time to make (or change :rolleyes: ) a decision.

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Mmkay, so maybe I skimmed everything too fast, but wasn't Brandonb claiming Demeter earlier? So shouldn't he know who Someguy is based off the summon he got? Maybe he and IDNE are on the same team, and if someone knows who Someguy is, we might be able to get a better idea of who IDNE is. The problem is, that can be good and bad...whoa, that was a waste of typing xD Anyway, witholding my vote for now, I'll probably sleep on it, unless something monumental comes up between now and eleven. Now I'm off to babysit :3


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  Kathleen said:
Mmkay, so maybe I skimmed everything too fast, but wasn't Brandonb claiming Demeter earlier? So shouldn't he know who Someguy is based off the summon he got? Maybe he and IDNE are on the same team, and if someone knows who Someguy is, we might be able to get a better idea of who IDNE is. The problem is, that can be good and bad...whoa, that was a waste of typing xD Anyway, witholding my vote for now, I'll probably sleep on it, unless something monumental comes up between now and eleven. Now I'm off to babysit :3


I thought so too...maybe Bb's witholding the info :o You could always try bribing it out of him, or threatening :P SG and IDNE might be on the same team, while IDNE tries to put doubt on that by his recent accusation. Maybe Athena is in play here -_-

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