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that was funny.. i was shocked when i did it and it got my card right but then i remembered seeing a trick like that a while ago.. i tried it on people but failed miserably because i kept messing it up :P

edit: lol at the explanation comments.. way to overanalyse, guys :lol:

Edited by lemonymelon
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How do they do that... they guessed every card? :unsure:

Hahahah... I get it!

When they "take away" the card you chose they change all of them so it doesn't matter which one you pick... non of those cards will be there!!

:lol: Good one!

edit: OMG! I read some of the comments... some people didn't get it after a month!

I figured it out when

I decided to choose one of the "leftover cards" and when I went back to the page to pick again that card wasn't there!

:huh: and then it hit me! :D
Edited by andromeda
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Hahahah... I get it!

:lol: Good one!

When they "take away" the card you chose they change all of them so it doesn't matter which one you pick... non of those cards will be there!!

exactly they just keep the same face cars int eh same colors

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First thing I noticed from the start was there there were two of each face card (2J, 2Q, 2K). So when the next part came up, and there were still two of the face cards I had chosen (2Q)... but neither were the same suit as the one I chosen

:huh: didn't quite work from the start :P
Edited by Brandonb
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I was a bit freaked out at first, but I read Andromeda's explanation and then I figured it out.

Still...Even if I choose to remove the "black" Jack from the list (without a suit name), it still removed that Jack...weird.

I sent a message to the person that runs that website saying I had figured it out. I wonder what kind of reply I will get...

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lol i just did it once then picked two cards and they both werent there so i did it again ans i memorized the cards and none of them were there. Suprise. lol all the cards do is change all of them.

What is up with the people who were overanalyzing it?

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Those aren't serious comments, are they? That took alot of time to write up.

I believe they are genuine... and some or all of them are serious.

The best ones say:

"I picked two cards at once and it removed them both!! WOW!!!" (hint - try picking six cards at once)

or even:

"It didn't work for me" (How???)

It was certainly seems to have fooled the UK's Daily Mirror

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A genius website... once you've worked out the 'how' take a look at some of the comments...

I was surprised this hadn't been mentioned before (apologies if it has - I'll have to work on my searching skills)

it changes ALL the cards!!!

I love it though... :)

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My favorite comments are the ones where people seem to think the website can watch them through their monitor... "pupil dialation", watching where your eyes linger... that stuff made me laugh so hard!

...there is nothing random here. The same 6 cards show up in the same order every time. When an eye is clicked, the same 5 cards always show up (all different from the original 6). And each eye shows them in a particular order, ie. eye number 1 will always show them in a certain order every time it is clicked, eye 2 will show a different order from eye 1... Contrary to my initial thoughts, NOTHING is randomized within the program!

Edited by dwilly
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My favorite comments are the ones where people seem to think the website can watch them through their monitor... "pupil dialation", watching where your eyes linger... that stuff made me laugh so hard!

Lol, sounds like the person who tried to turn their monitor into a mirror. They even tried scanning a mirror and setting it as their background!

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I believe they are genuine... and some or all of them are serious.

The best ones say:

"I picked two cards at once and it removed them both!! WOW!!!" (hint - try picking six cards at once)

or even:

"It didn't work for me" (How???)

It was certainly seems to have fooled the UK's Daily Mirror

Actually I did run into a comment (I just skipped to the middle of the comments page) where the guy said that he picked all six cards, and they were all gone, but he still didn't get it :lol:

Oh... hahaha... and I love those where they mention coledge professors :lol:

Oh and the one where they were picking a card through a closed window, or when they tried to bust the Java script code :lol: to see if there's anything unusual... ohhhhh... the humanity :rolleyes:

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Quantum mechanics may permit synchronicity of thought and computer software. I suggest that, on the quantum level, you were able to predict the card I selected even before I selected it. It is also possible that my brainwaves may influence your software. Although this seems far-fetched, we know that brainwaves are detectable with SQUID (superconducting quantum interference devices.)
I believe you are able to determine which card I picked by examining my eye movement (point of reference - eyeball) and card location?

Ha! these ones made me laugh, if they knew how it workes they'd be pissed off XD

Edited by Yaru
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My favorite comments are the ones where people seem to think the website can watch them through their monitor... "pupil dialation", watching where your eyes linger... that stuff made me laugh so hard!

...there is nothing random here. The same 6 cards show up in the same order every time. When an eye is clicked, the same 5 cards always show up (all different from the original 6). And each eye shows them in a particular order, ie. eye number 1 will always show them in a certain order every time it is clicked, eye 2 will show a different order from eye 1... Contrary to my initial thoughts, NOTHING is randomized within the program!

that is SOO FUNNY!! oh boy... people are crazy if they think that. lol

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This explanation was funny,

this was amazing, and fun too. i am having problems with my own = spirituality and this has just given me rise to laugh at myself. If you = can do it over a computer and several thousand miles, my soul is not = that far from me, I just have to open up to it. Thank you. Linda F

but this has to be the best one,

Dear Dr Pickover, I am writing in response to your amazing esp experiment. Since having seen it last night, the world has become a much more interesting place. The solution to your experiment, whether simple or so advanced, that a mere person such as myself will never explain, has intrigued me all the same. Like everone else, I have some theories. Whether right or wrong here they are.

1. You are an Alien.

2. You are the most amazing software writer on this planet.

3. Like everything else in this universe history is repeating itself.

4. My thoughts are creating my reality.


Edited by yellowsubmarine
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What is it with some of those people, talk about overdoing it! :lol: I reckon he has had many emails that have explained how it works but he chooses only to show the ridiculous ones, and some of them are crazy! :D

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