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is a fun little Role-playing game called "Lost Chronicles". It's like Mafia in a way, but also different. The point is to be the last one remaining through, alliances, betrayal, fighting, and strategy. There are six "jobs" to play as each with their own abilities and powers. Every other day there is an arena match, and everyday someone has to die. The arena days make sure someone dies. Then during the normal and arena days someone can try to kill someone else. They will PM me this. During Arena matches you will post on here what you’re doing like in story format... playing out your battle. Characters will have one hit kill abilities, but can only use them once in the game making it so that if you use it too early... you’re a goner. You can also make an alliance with other players till you guys are the only ones left. Alliances can be broken and are kept secret from others. These are one of the only times you can PM others. Also people with alliances are allowed to help each other outside of the arena. Matches are chosen randomly out of a hat by the way. It would actually be easier to play the game and tell you the rules and examples as we go now.

I can have 15 people playing

1. Kat (reserved :P )

2.Riranor ( I will participate to help others not to kill anyone)















Your Job... decides what powers and abilities you have. Your Job is not a secret to everyone in this. IN fact I will be telling everybody on the list so you can’t try to lie about it.

Warrior: An all around fighter that can do basically everything physical orientated.

Ability: Can fight with any basic technique and easy to cause the killing blow without special techniques.

Power1: Can use anything (that is possible like a chair or something) as a melee weapon (anytime)

power2: Can use anything as a range weapon (throwing... unless it’s a bow... then you need arrows which are supplied) (anytime)

power3: Can block ANY attack (5 times once a day)

Magician: A spell caster that can use breathtaking techniques

Ability: Uses a spear if no other this is possible and can use magic

power1: fire magic in any form (5 times a day)

power2: Ice magic in any form (5 times a day)

power3: Lightning magic in any form (5 times a day)

Priest: A healer of great power

Ability: can fight with a mace without powers


power2: Can avoid a situation that seems bad with a simple divine spell (3 times on self and 3 times to help others in one battle)

power3: Can cause an automatic death with an obliterating flash (ONCE IN WHOLE GAME UNLESS REVIVED)

Thief: A nimble fighter that uses his agility with his stealth to win

Ability: Can perform flips and other acrobatic maneuvers in battle

power1: Can kill someone automatically without them even knowing someone was following him (ONCE IN WHOLE GAME UNLESS REVIVED)

power2: Can hide and strike in battle (3 times a battle)

power3: Can steal spy on others finding out who one alliance is (ONCE... a day)

Ninja: Uses Stealth and minor magic to finish their enemies

Ability: Uses shuriken, Kunai, and Katana with the ability to walk on walls and fight

power1: Makes 3 clones if guess wrong one very dangerous (but not deadly) attack is dealt to someone temporarily crippling them (once every other battle)

power2: Flare is sent into air from a scroll used to call for help (not used if in arena) from people you have alliances with. (Once a battle)

power3: This technique allows you to betray an Alliance and get them killed and your place (ONCE IN WHOLE GAME UNLESS REVIVED)

Avenger: Has pride and justice on his side with his strength in battle

Ability: Uses Large swords with powerful techniques

power1: His []smite power allows him to kill someone automatically (ONCE IN WHOLE GAME UNLESS REVIVED)

power2: Creates a clone that takes the hit for him (once a battle)

power3: Can heal a single wound (3 times a battle)

There i just want you to post your character in this format







I hope you like :D

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  Riranor said:
we will continue tommorow with arena day so everyone be prepared to fight just in case you are chosen.

Just a sidenote: I won't be on all day tomorrow, and probably can't come on until 7 in the night. You might want to consider not choosing me for battle tomorrow :(

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  star_tiger said:
Just a sidenote: I won't be on all day tomorrow, and probably can't come on until 7 in the night. You might want to consider not choosing me for battle tomorrow :(

Where are you gonna be? Hasn't your school ended already? o.O


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Yesterday we had a bit of a rough start with everyone found out how battle worked... i hope that doesn't mean anyone wishes quit but PM me if you do. In about 6 hours from now (early morning here) i will post the arena match but for now whenever nothing is going on you all may talk IN CHARACTER at the bar or arena waiting room. Hospital isn't open till someone escapes an outside arena match. I have played this game with others before with this design and it went smoothly, and all you have to do is strategize the minute someone God-mods i will get rid of them making it so that the have to follow rules. Sorry for being harsh but i just want to keep order and allow everyone to have fun thank you

Edited by Riranor
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The sun came up and the first thing this morning everyone went to the arena. The all stood around Riranor waiting in suspense to see who would be the contestants today.

"A fight to the death! Today is the first day that blood will spill, and bone will break! I shall now name the contestants!"

Takes hand in mid air and from a burst of fire two pieces of paper appear (OOC: I actually just used a hat :P).

"The fighters will be ... Jen-jenz vs. Einkil (Peace vs. SG)! The battle will begin with both contestants greet each other. (OOC: I will start a 24 hour countdown at the actual beginning of the match... for now just a greet) Then it shall start on my word."

(OOC: just describe your entrances however you like but nothing to fancy please)

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From one end of the Arena a simple looking man with brown hair appears. In his hand is a one handed mace, a short stick with a large hammer's head on the end. He steps slowly into the arena, dust kicking up around his feet, and waits no more than a few steps from the border. With a shrug of his shoulders he looks around at the crowd gathered to watch the battle today, and lets out a tired sounding sigh. He bounces the mace a couple times in his hands, and then adjusts his glasses on his face. "Alright" he says, quietly enough that only he could hear it. "Let's do this."

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...in the corner of the arena, a huddled dark mass sits. Incoherent mumblings are heard eminating from the figure. Words can be made out in the jumble of utterances....."protect....life.....death mumbled savings...liknie..noitcetorp...lleps....". The figure sudenly stands up with arms oustretched towards the sun and an electrical bolt fires from his staff towards Einkil. Einkil notices the bolt but does nothing, adjusting his glasses some more. There is no noticeable effect from the bolt but Einkil's features seem just a bit sharper, a little more energetic...

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  Twin Pop said:
...in the corner of the arena, a huddled dark mass sits. Incoherent mumblings are heard eminating from the figure. Words can be made out in the jumble of utterances....."protect....life.....death mumbled savings...liknie..noitcetorp...lleps....". The figure sudenly stands up with arms oustretched towards the sun and an electrical bolt fires from his staff towards Einkil. Einkil notices the bolt but does nothing, adjusting his glasses some more. There is no noticeable effect from the bolt but Einkil's features seem just a bit sharper, a little more energetic...

(OOC: you know your not fighting right... it's Peace vs. Einkil in the arena. Interrupting is not allowed if you wish to fight PM me someone who isnt already fighting you wish to challenge and then you will fight that person without anyone elses knowledge. Sorry but the misunderstanding of rules.)

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  Riranor said:
(OOC: you know your not fighting right... it's Peace vs. Einkil in the arena. Interrupting is not allowed if you wish to fight PM me someone who isnt already fighting you wish to challenge and then you will fight that person without anyone elses knowledge. Sorry but the misunderstanding of rules.)

Yes, I know I'm not fighting. I just thought I'd send some vibes over to SG before his fight. Sorry if I was interrupting.

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  Twin Pop said:
Yes, I know I'm not fighting. I just thought I'd send some vibes over to SG before his fight. Sorry if I was interrupting.

(ooc: oh sry didnt interpret it corrctly my bad... it's fine then)

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Klinartic gracefully sat herself down on the ground just beyond the border of the arena. Chanting softly to herself she did a quick prayer for those who were fighting today. Her companion Charbiane paced back and forth whilst his master had her eyes shut, balefully watching the other characters in the arena. Once Klinartic finished she opened her eyes and started to size up the others in the arena...

(ooc: while i was waiting for my sister to come home last night i drew this...)

  Reveal hidden contents

introducing... Klinartic!



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Triyx leaned forward on the railing above the entrance of which Einkil entered from. She was neatly hidden in the shadows, making sure no human and un-human eyes can detect her. She looked over the two fighters with her large silver eyes, absorbing every detail of their movement and strategy. She lightly placed one pale hand under her chin.

"Looks like Einkil has the advantage...Jen-jenz has barely done any preparation," Triyx murmured with amusement.

She turned her head at the sound of a soft brush, and the next second, the shadows was empty of any creature.

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Out Of Context: Fun! We can post little bits?

Back In Character

Halcyon watched calmly from the top of the stands, as the competitors entered. Her hair hung over her face in an odd angle, which was normal as she was hanging upside down from the walls, in her usual position. She narrowed her eyes as Klinartic entered along with her puppy, and she turned towards Einkil. Her mouth curved into a frown; both didn't look like much. She would have to see how the battle played out. She pushed off the wall, landing a backflip, and dusted herself off, and went to find a snack, limping with the minor burns of electricity...


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  Kathleen said:
Out Of Context: Fun! We can post little bits?

Back In Character

Halcyon watched calmly from the top of the stands, as the competitors entered. Her hair hung over her face in an odd angle, which was normal as she was hanging upside down from the walls, in her usual position. She narrowed her eyes as Klinartic entered along with her puppy, and she turned towards Einkil. Her mouth curved into a frown; both didn't look like much. She would have to see how the battle played out. She pushed off the wall, landing a backflip, and dusted herself off, and went to find a snack, limping with the minor burns of electricity...


(ooc: LOL were did those burns come from :rolleyes: and where is peace)

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  Riranor said:
(ooc: LOL were did those burns come from :rolleyes: and where is peace)

Out Of Cookies:

I'm sure she's just busy with final tests and such. I think most people have their last day of school tomorrow, so I'm sure she'll be on more...


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  Kathleen said:
Out Of Cookies:

I'm sure she's just busy with final tests and such. I think most people have their last day of school tomorrow, so I'm sure she'll be on more...


ooc: maybe not this time (I agree with Kat about the final test thing for Peace), but can each battle on this thread be 24 hours long? I tend to get a tad bit impatient :P (sorry)

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  peace*out said:
OOC: Sorry!! I didn't realize it had started!! (can i ask a question - whats in the arena!!)

ooc: I was thinking something like the Colloseum, so, just a big ring with sand and dirt :P Then again...I guess it's up to your creativity ;)

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  peace*out said:
ohhhhhh, ok........

OOC: (another question - sorry!!!!!! When you block an attack, do you do that before, or after??)

(ooc: to block you wait for them to attack then you describe how you blobk. eventually you wont be able to think of anything so you say that "i fail to block or dodge" and then they escribe the attack if it was meant to be lethat or not.

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Smiling, Jen-jenz whipped out a bow and arrow, and shot it toward Einkil. She was right on her mark, but she was still tence, waiting for the arrow to hit it's mark. Her boots were sinking in the sanda bit, and she wasn't blinking, scard that she might miss a counter attack, or Einkil's final moment. She waited ready, for what would come her way.

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Einkil leaps easily out of the arrow's path, mace still held loosely by his side. A hand comes up, as if it were ready to deflect the arrow itself and he peers through his glasses at Jen-jenz.

"This is a warning, and your only one" he says. "I hold the power to kill you at a moment's notice, and am not afraid to use it in this battle. However, it is not the only way." As he speaks he circles slowly around the arena, keeping a healthy distance between himself and Jen so that he can continue darting out of the way of arrows. "Someone has to die today, but it does not have to be one of us. Swear to fight another opponent, one who cannot kill you in an instant, to the death, and we can both walk away from this fight."

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