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Heroes: Season 1.1


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Heroes Season 1.1

Alright, for basic rules of how to play and stuff, check unreality’s Guide to Mafia. Hopefully none of you need it, but it’s a just in case sort of thing. Now to the game, which has been much improved by me and BB. We perfected many of the problems from before, like how everyone started outing themselves. Well, that’s not happening this time around (check out the company’s and HRG’s new ability!). Oh, and Candice has a powerful addition to her ability (I bet PG would have liked that). Anyway, there were a number of changes, mostly small, though one of great importance is that of the daily lynches (which we like to call injections, still need a better name for that :P). I suggest rereading all of the rules (especially about day voting) so you know all of the changes that we made. I don’t even remember all of them, there were quite a number.

The game works in cycles, like usual:

The Day: It lasts 24 hours exactly, every time, like always. During the day, everyone votes for someone to inject with the nullifier virus. The injection consists of the original strain of the Shanti Virus which Dr. Suresh Bio-engineered to nullify the abilities of anyone for 24 hours. However, the strain randomly mutates, 50% of the time it will only disable the ability for 24 hours, the other 50% the person injected dies. When administering the virus, the blood of the injected will be analyzed and their ability will be revealed. If the same person is injected twice, then the strain mutates and kills the person no matter what.

The Night: It will be 18 hours like usual, and I must have all PMs in by that time (though if you’re a little late, I won’t really care). I have school, so the night post will not be posted at the same time, usually later, but most likely within 24 hours. This is when most actions are performed, specifically the killing ones.

The Villains:

The Company – A secret organization that has BTSC. Every night they can kill someone. They win if they are the only ones alive. At any time (day or night), the company may perform an RID (role identification) kill on anyone, where they match a player and a role and will kill that player if they are correct. However, to do so, the company must sacrifice their next night kill, which means that they cannot use the RID more than once per day/night cycle. The RID kill bypasses any saving (if at night, the person targeted will not perform any night actions) and the effect will be instantaneous (a mini post will be made), but it comes with the added risk of not completing a kill. The only people immune to this attack are Ted, Sylar, and Claire; along with any player that is injected and survives (they get RID immunity).

• Linderman – Each night may save one player (preferably a company member) however he may NOT save himself.

• Candice – Any night but not two in a row, she may alter the reality of any person and if a night role, their target is randomly redirected to anyone that is not Candice, the original target, or the person that Candice targeted. That person will be notified that their target was redirected. Also, any day, but only once per game, she may alter the results of the blood analysis. She PMs me a role of her choosing, and I announce the injected person as that role, whether they live or die (Candice does not have to be the one injected).

• HRG – Is the member of the Company that has the final say in who is killed each night. He is outed when he dies, and he cannot be saved by Linderman. Also, any night but not two in a row, HRG can choose to recruit someone to the company (He can’t recruit Ted, Claire, Sylar, or a surviving player that was previously injected, same as with the RID kill). HRG must be able to identify that person’s role correctly for the recruitment to work. The recruited person joins the company and gains BTSC; however they lose all of their previous abilities and become a simple company member. Once HRG successfully recruits someone, he can never recruit again.

• The Haitian – Any night but not two in a row, selects one player that will lose their role ability for that night or following day.

Sylar – He’s the ultimate baddie. If you’ve seen the show, you know what I mean. Every night, he has the capability to kill someone. After killing them he gains their ability for the rest of the game (without any restrictions on that ability), though he doesn’t find out what the ability is until he can use it. Along with killing someone and taking their ability, Sylar can also use one of the abilities that he has gained so far, but only one each night. Also, Sylar can kill Ted, but only if he uses both of his abilities at the same time on him (Sylar must use two kill abilities or he uses his main kill ability and he saves himself with his extra ability to successfully kill Ted), and Sylar will not gain Ted’s invincibility. Sylar can’t be killed until the night after he makes his first successful kill, unless he is injected. If Sylar survives the injection, then he can be killed the following night, or the next day by a second injection. He wins if he kills Claire. If Claire dies before Sylar can get to her, then he must be the last one standing to win the game.

The Heroes (win by killing the villains):

Peter Petrelli – Peter is the ultimate hero, however he is still not completely aware of his ability. Whenever he gets close to someone, he mimics their ability. Each night, Peter may visit one person, and then he uses that person's ability on them. If Peter is visited by 3 or more people on the same night he will blow up and take everyone else that visited him with him. If he visits Hiro, he won’t be able to kill him. Whoever Peter chooses will be referred to by their role in the night post.

Nathan Petrelli – He can save someone each night by flying them to safety. He can’t save the same person two nights in a row.

Molly Walker – Every day, Molly can seek a HERO role of her choosing, and learns the identity of the player with that role. She cannot be protected two nights in a row.

Claire Bennet – May save one person any night but not two nights in a row, and she can’t save herself. She is invincible to everyone as long as HRG is alive.

Hiro Nakamura – Every night he goes one night into the future (the following night) and kills one person of his choosing, though if he chooses, he can decide to do nothing instead of killing someone. That person is pronounced as Hiro's future target in the night post, though they are still alive until the following night and may defend themselves in the thread the following day to convince Hiro of their innocence. OR Hiro may (every night except the first night) choose to retract his kill choice from the previous night. Hiro's victims may not be protected by any saving role, and if Hiro dies after making his choice, the kill will still occur. Also, if Hiro chooses Peter, Peter is referred to as “Peter,” and he can survive if he also chooses Hiro on either the night Hiro makes his choice or the following night when the attack actually occurs.

Matt Parkman – chooses one person each day to read their mind and find their role. The target will be notified that they were discovered and may send one message to Matt. He cannot be protected two nights in a row.

Isaac Mendez – Each day he paints a picture showing the events of the night before and learns the roles of the people that died. He cannot be protected two nights in a row.

DL – Has BTSC with Niki. Any night he can save one person, as long as Niki isn’t killing someone. If Niki dies, then DL gets restricted to use his ability any night but not two in a row.

Niki – Has BTSC with DL. Any night she can kill one person, as long as DL isn’t saving someone. If DL dies, then Niki gets restricted to use her ability any night but not two in a row.

Ted – With his radioactive powers, he can kill someone any night but not two in a row. However, due to his radioactivity, no one can come close to him, making it impossible for them to kill him. However, Ted was previously injected with a strain of the virus, and if he is injected again, he will die. Ted can also be killed by Haitian + Kill or Candice + Kill, or if Sylar doubles up a kill on him, or saves himself and uses a kill on Ted (Sylar can’t take Ted’s invincibility). Also, Ted can never be saved by anyone.


"Where does it come from? This quest…this need to solve life's mysteries with the simplest of questions can never be answered. Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we might be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. But that's not human nature. Not the human heart. That is not why we are here."

"Using my father's research, I tracked down many different people with various and amazing abilities. Levitation, teleportation, tissue regeneration. These abilities are no longer outside the realm of possibility of human evolution."

"I gathered many of these special people together so that we could learn the cause of all these seemingly spontaneous and rapid evolutionary mutations. All of these people seem very kind, and just as interested to learn about their abilities as I am."

"Then, just as I was starting to make progress in my lab… some other people came. They seemed just as interested in my research as I was, and they were willing to steal my research using any means necessary. There were four of them, they came into my lab and caught me by surprise. They injected me with some type of shot; however it didn't seem to do anything to me. A man in horn rimmed glasses kept a gun pointed at me; while I watched the other three rip apart my lab. They were searching for the flash drive I had hidden in my aquarium that contained all of my father's research. 'Nobody stands in the way of the company' said the man wearing the glasses. 'You can help us do this the easy way, or we can just find them ourselves."

Now a man, dark and quiet, approaches me… he puts his hand on my head… I...

"When I awoke, my place was trashed, and a few of the people that I was trying to help were kneeling over me. I told them I didn't remember what happened. But by looking around, and seeing the destruction, but realizing that nothing had been stolen; it became apparent what they were looking for. Someone had come into my lab, and judging from the empty syringe on the floor, they knocked me out with some type of drug. Luckily, my flash drive was right where I had hidden it. But I still wondered, if they don't have this, then what did they find?"

"Once I was able to see straight, I got up and began to analyze the remnants in the shot they had injected me with. I was able to reconstruct it, and came to learn that it could actually take away abilities! But then I had no idea why I couldn't remember anything, and since the serum couldn't have had any effect on me... but those people didn't know that. Once I learned how to duplicate the substance that the company had injected into me, I decided that this would now give me the chance to take my revenge. I finally had the ability to take vengeance against the man that killed my father. In addition to that, I now had something that I could use against those people that attacked me in my lab."

"Quickly, the news spread among the kind people that had volunteered for my study that I now possessed something that could take away the abilities of those people with powers. Before I knew it there were 15 people at my door; many more than I had originally been studying. Some saying that they had found the man that had killed my father, others saying that they knew who had attacked my lab. I knew that the bad guys were hiding among these people, but I couldn't tell who was who. I can't remember anything from the night that my lab was attacked. All I know is that I don't know what's going on anymore."

"In this group there is an unimaginable amount of power... teamed up against someone, this group would be impossible to stop. I cannot be judge, jury, and executioner. I told them that if they choose someone in the group, I will inject them with the serum, and analyze a blood sample to determine the ability that person possesses. This seemed to be the best way... no, the only way to find those people that had destroyed my lab, and Sylar... the man that killed my father."

Yes, I know it's the same intro, but it's basically the same game, so it's hard to come up with a new one.

Host: Mohinder Suresh

1) Yoruichi-san

2) Brandonb

3) Unreality

4) Prince Marth

5) Akaslickster

6) SomeGuy

7) Impervious

8) Prof. Templeton

9) Crazypainter

10) Cherry Lane

11) Grey cells

12) Sinistral

13) Itachi

14) Kat

15) Star Tiger

Anyway, I'll be sending out roles soon. Please respond to them as soon as possible so I know everyone is confirmed. However, to speed this game up, send me your action for night 1 so the night can end tomorrow.

Edited by Frost
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Oh, one quick reminder to all of you. If you are defending yourself (as in, someone accuses you, or Hiro attacked you, and you try to disprove them), be warned that the company will gain a lot if you out yourself, so try to refrain from outing yourself.

  rene83 said:
If there is room I would like to give it a shot

Sorry, but the roster is already full.

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  star_tiger said:
Yay!!!! Hopefully this time I'll make it pass the first night :P

You and me both!!

""Oh, one quick reminder to all of you. If you are defending yourself (as in, someone accuses you, or Hiro attacked you, and you try to disprove them), be warned that the company will gain a lot if you out yourself, so try to refrain from outing yourself.""

no worries my dear. I am already out! ;)

Edited by crazypainter
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Dang, sorry guys, I forgot something...there's a slight problem in the rules. In Ted's description, it says that he can be killed with the help of Candice and a Company kill. Ignore that part, it's not possible, because Candice can't redirect his invincibleness, just his kill. :P

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I have to say, I'm really looking forward to this. Though, I'm a little disappointed that it's back to a mafia game, rather than a "teams" game like last time.

I'm sure it'll be a blast, but it was a lot of fun talking strategy with my team :) Oh well though, I guess a few of us get to enjoy that priveledge. <_<

In other news, omg Hiro and Sylar. yay

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  SomeGuy said:
I have to say, I'm really looking forward to this. Though, I'm a little disappointed that it's back to a mafia game, rather than a "teams" game like last time.

I'm sure it'll be a blast, but it was a lot of fun talking strategy with my team :) Oh well though, I guess a few of us get to enjoy that priveledge. <_<

In other news, omg Hiro and Sylar. yay

Sorry about that, there are two different games (Heroes Season x and Hybrid x) that just share many of the same characters (I probably should've made Hybrid use a different theme to avoid the confusion, sorry). No worries though, Hybrid will be returning.

Yeah, I'm glad to see Hiro and Sylar again, those are two sweet roles that I couldn't use in Hybrid. I can't wait to see what they can do in this game :lol:

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  Brandonb said:
Sorry about that, there are two different games (Heroes Season x and Hybrid x) that just share many of the same characters (I probably should've made Hybrid use a different theme to avoid the confusion, sorry). No worries though, Hybrid will be returning.

Yeah, I'm glad to see Hiro and Sylar again, those are two sweet roles that I couldn't use in Hybrid. I can't wait to see what they can do in this game :lol:

Ahh, I didn't realize that they were two separate games... Oh well though, as I said, I'm glad to be in this game too...

On topic: Anxiously awaiting the night post... However I don't think it will be up for a while. Frost is a busy lad, so I would expect it in the late afternoon-early evening (for the timezone EST)

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  grey cells said:
Yeah! Time is up, I guess. Bring it on Frost, the thrill of waiting for a night post. :unsure::P

:lol: , I always get jittery before night posts, and I tend to get, really, really scarily hyper B)) I feel sorry for the people near me at moments like those... :P Frost, where are you? :D

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  star_tiger said:
:lol: , I always get jittery before night posts, and I tend to get, really, really scarily hyper B)) I feel sorry for the people near me at moments like those... :P Frost, where are you? :D

It's been a pretty long time since I have experienced this adrenaline. :D

Now the routine procedure is NO MORE POSTS until the night post, I guess. :P

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  grey cells said:
It's been a pretty long time since I have experienced this adrenaline. :D

Now the routine procedure is NO MORE POSTS until the night post, I guess. :P

*tries to resist posting...clicks "reply" button anyways* <_< Been on BD for the last 3 hours, when I was suppose to be studying :P Why must people be so active today??? :lol:

Does anyone know when Frost usually comes on? I'm getting a tad bit anxious :)

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  star_tiger said:
*tries to resist posting...clicks "reply" button anyways* <_< Been on BD for the last 3 hours, when I was suppose to be studying :P Why must people be so active today??? :lol:

Does anyone know when Frost usually comes on? I'm getting a tad bit anxious :)

Probably when Frost comes back from school...at least today I have a day off :D


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Just to inform you...I get home from school around 5PM EST, so don't expect the night post any sooner than that. Unless it's a weekend, then it's whenever time's up and I'm on. Anyway, I have a number of PMs to check, and something important that I hope has been resolved, so I'll start working on the night post soon...though it will take some time, so be patient. :P

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