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A Freshmen at Murder U. was found burned to death in his dorm room. His neighbor was brought in for questioning. She said she saw 5 other students visit the guy before he died. She wasn't around during the time of death, so she wasn't a suspect. She saw an Engineering Major who had been making her own rockets, a Physics Major who was also a pyromaniac, a Psychology Major who had been practicing hypnosis by candle-light, a Chemistry Major who's room was littered with stolen Bunsen burners, and an Undecided who just happened to be a chain-smoker. She couldn't remember the order in which they came though. All five were ex-girlfriends and had motive to kill the guy. ;)

The guy's body was badly burned (obviously, since the burns were deadly), but the room was relatively free from any burns or singes. There was no smoke reported. And there were no strange smells lingering in the room once the body was found. He was found sitting on his desk chair by his computer. In the room was remnants of a broken rocket, a lighter, a Bunsen burner kicked under the bed, a watch, an ashtray full of cigarette butts, a Physics book, and a pair of glasses. All of which did not belong to the victim. The dorm sprinklers and smoke detectors never went off. And nobody around at the time heard a commotion from his room that night.

This being their first case, the campus staff was stumped. Can you figure out who did it and how?

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I was thinking two things...

They all ganged up to kill him.

He invited each ex over one by one and borrowed one of their things (like Bunsen burner,rocket,etc.) and using a physics book (also borrowed) and a pair of glasses, this idiot tried to make fire out of the blue in his apartment or whatever?

Am I on the right track?

BTW: Nice puzzle!

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I was thinking two things...

BTW: Nice puzzle!

They all ganged up to kill him.
He invited each ex over one by one and borrowed one of their things (like Bunsen burner,rocket,etc.) and using a physics book (also borrowed) and a pair of glasses, this idiot tried to make fire out of the blue in his apartment or whatever?
Am I on the right track?

Thanks! And no, not the right track ;)

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the burns maybe have something to do with dry ice?? Since there were no signs of combustion. So my guess is that we need to recreate the crime to know in what order were certain items used and I think that's how we'll know who the killer is. Cause the item used at the end will indicate who the killer is... and I'm thinking that our killer went to his room twice when she saw what other girls brought to his room and then at the moment decided to kill him. Went to her room to bring that something she needed and came back again when everyone was gone.

I have couple of questions:

1. Were all the items used during the killing?

2. Were the girls coming to his room one by one or there were more girls in his room at some point?

Nice riddle! :)

Edited by andromeda
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The victim was obviously a science guy himself, seeing how all his former 'interests' were in similarly related fields. Given the short duration of the romantic stints that our victim had with these women (he was still only a freshman), he began to realize, as they visited one by one, how meaningless and hedonistic his life had become. He decided to end it all in his computer chair by ingesting a large quantity of acid. The burns were internal.

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The victim was obviously a science guy himself, seeing how all his former 'interests' were in similarly related fields. Given the short duration of the romantic stints that our victim had with these women (he was still only a freshman), he began to realize, as they visited one by one, how meaningless and hedonistic his life had become. He decided to end it all in his computer chair by ingesting a large quantity of acid. The burns were internal.

I've told you before and I'll tell you again! You would be a great story writer! ;)

Edited by Faizaan
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Ha thanks....but for some reason, I can never quite manage to get the 'correct answer' on any of these damned puzzles. If you wanna even try to argue that there is a correct answer.

Edited by MDAri
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Ha thanks....but for some reason, I can never quite manage to get the 'correct answer' on any of these damned puzzles. If you wanna even try to argue that there is a correct answer.

Welcome to my world. -_- ..I haven't solved a puzzle since i got here... :(

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does anyone else find it odd....

that a next door neighbor would be able to identify people and what they were doing in their off time? Seems a bit creepy....


how would she know who was visiting before he died, but not be a suspect, nor around at the time he died?


All the other items in the room could be traced back to previous girlfriends, except the glasses. Who did they belong to?

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Welcome to my world. -_- ..I haven't solved a puzzle since i got here... :(

Alright, I got a puzzle I think u can solve:

I am a ligand with key functioning in biological development

whose name was inspired by a video game.

I make a pretty kick-a** avatar.

I am blue.

What am I?

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Alright, I got a puzzle I think u can solve:

I am a ligand with key functioning in biological development

whose name was inspired by a video game.

I make a pretty kick-a** avatar.

I am blue.

What am I?

Ok if that has anything to do with MY avatar :o ...:lol:

sonic the hedgehog!

:D YAYS!!! I solves one puzzles!! :D:D
Thanks for making me feel better about myself now..
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Nice riddle! :)

answers']the burns maybe have something to do with dry ice?? Since there were no signs of combustion. So my guess is that we need to recreate the crime to know in what order were certain items used and I think that's how we'll know who the killer is. Cause the item used at the end will indicate who the killer is... and I'm thinking that our killer went to his room twice when she saw what other girls brought to his room and then at the moment decided to kill him. Went to her room to bring that something she needed and came back again when everyone was gone.

I have couple of questions:

1. Were all the items used during the killing? -no

2. Were the girls coming to his room one by one or there were more girls in his room at some point? -one by one


Edit: oh and to rule out previous answers, the burns were not chemical burns, they were the same burns found after a fire, good guess though, it fits the original parameters except someone would have heard him screaming and the OP says nobody heard any commotion from the room.

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does anyone else find it odd....

All the other items in the room could be traced back to previous girlfriends, except the glasses. Who did they belong to?

Don't forget the watch...

I'm thinking it was the undecided. Since she didn't know what she wanted the study, she messed around in several different fields that used the various items which she brought to his room. While she and the dead guy were chillin' in the room (before he died of course)she was just smoking away and he was holding the rocket she brought in. She was trying to light a cigarette when she accidentally kicked over the bunsen burner and broke the gas line. Her cigarette ignited the gas in the room, which in turn ignited the fuel in the rocket. The result was a flash burn that left no strange odor but killed the guy since he led the rocket.


The neighbor did it offsite. She was jealous that the guy got all of these other girls but wouldn't look at her. She burned him somewhere other than the dorm, planted the objects to incriminate the other girls (the watch and the glasses were her calling card. They signified that it was "time" for him to really "see her clearly"). She dragged him up to the room and waited for someone to find him.


How are those answers?

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A Freshmen at Murder U. was found burned to death in his dorm room. His neighbor was brought in for questioning. She said she saw 5 other students visit the guy before he died. She wasn't around during the time of death, so she wasn't a suspect. She saw an Engineering Major who had been making her own rockets, a Physics Major who was also a pyromaniac, a Psychology Major who had been practicing hypnosis by candle-light, a Chemistry Major who's room was littered with stolen Bunsen burners, and an Undecided who just happened to be a chain-smoker. She couldn't remember the order in which they came though. All five were ex-girlfriends and had motive to kill the guy. ;)

The guy's body was badly burned (obviously, since the burns were deadly), but the room was relatively free from any burns or singes. There was no smoke reported. And there were no strange smells lingering in the room once the body was found. He was found sitting on his desk chair by his computer. In the room was remnants of a broken rocket, a lighter, a Bunsen burner kicked under the bed, a watch, an ashtray full of cigarette butts, a Physics book, and a pair of glasses. All of which did not belong to the victim. The dorm sprinklers and smoke detectors never went off. And nobody around at the time heard a commotion from his room that night.

This being their first case, the campus staff was stumped. Can you figure out who did it and how?

the neighbor was the one who killed him. because she was THE ONLY ex-girlfriend he ever had. she must've of snuck him out and burned him and brought him back claiming she wasn't there at the moment. ok. i'll be back to finish this... teehee. i have to go to be.

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the neighbor was the one who killed him. because she was THE ONLY ex-girlfriend he ever had. she must've of snuck him out and burned him and brought him back claiming she wasn't there at the moment. ok. i'll be back to finish this... teehee. i have to go to be.

all the clues in the guy's room are things the guy owned (except for the glasses- the neighbor probably owned that): he was all the "ex-girlfriends"

hope i got it :D

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Well if you're gonna bring someone off-site to a secret location, why would you go through all the trouble of burning someone. There are a million and one ways to do it better and faster. Unless.....

He's a witch!!

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By far, you are the closest yet. Just take this idea a step further.

The girl who studys the hypnosis did it:

She hypnosis the guy so he thought he is at a very cold place. She hypnosis him to use the bunsen burner to warm his body. And that cause the burnt.

This is very creepy. I hope I guess it wrong.

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How about

a bit of a stretch...

- the murderer was the hypnotist

- she wasn't physically in the room but hypnotized the victim over chat or skype or some online video chat ( he was sitting at his computer).

and.. stretching it even further...

- she got him to use the cigarette stubs to burn himself to death (long time and painful.. but he was hypnotized..)

and the kicker.. the hypnotist and the next door neighboor are the same person... so not being their at the time of death does not mean she is in the clear.

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Since everyone wanted him dead, that means he did not have a good relationship with them. Thefore he could of been a stalker and stole all of their stuff at once, hence why they would all visit him to question him .

As for his body, someone brought him outside his dorm room, burned him to death, then brought him back.

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If the girl studying hypnosis's was a prime influence, then maybe she hypnotized the investigators, when infact there was smoke ect...

Maybe she was the investigator.....

Maybe this whole thing was a dream.....

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By far, you are the closest yet. Just take this idea a step further.

I wasn't really making a declaration, I was just pointing out a flaw in other people's logic. I'm not at good at actually figuring these things out.

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I know, I know...

SHC - Spontaneous Human Combustion (but it only occurs in specific conditions)! I didn't read the previous posts so I'm probably way off. But I'm thinking maybe the hypnotist chick made him believe that he's experiencing those conditions!

Yeah... I thought the same when I read my post :huh:

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