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Part 3

I am confused, how can someone so smart, have such a crappy job ?

Why is he not being more productive with his life ? As in trying to get into a position to utilize his intelligence for the greater good of man kind ?

His IQ is ranged between 190-210.

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Having an incredibly high IQ just means he has more potential than most people. I refuse completely to refer to this man was the world's smartest. He's wasting his life. I don't care if school didn't challenge him. It doesn't challenge me. It's called suck it up, sleep through it, get a degree, and get an awesome job that matters.. Any 'genius' should see that. ..This dude is such a waste. Someone with this much potential rarely comes around, and... he does.. nothing. He thinks. Well done.

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Oh man, you know what I've just realized? I'm pretty sure someone of such an IQ is at least mildly interested in brain teasers/puzzles. So sir, Mr. Langan, if by chance you've read what I posted above, I want you to know in no way am I apologizing. Please sir, just do something that will help mankind? You've got the potential, no doubt. You're also a middleaged, overweight, American. That doesn't say much for your mortality. Just.. dude. Please? ..For the children of America*? ;D?

*Geez, did I actually just say that? Ah well. But seriously, do something!

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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

I am confused, how can someone so smart, have such a crappy job ?

Why is he not being more productive with his life ? As in trying to get into a position to utilize his intelligence for the greater good of man kind ?

His IQ is ranged between 190-210.

He seems to be a Mr. know it all, who will not let you win an argument, even if you are right. He may have some type of a mental problem and I would not be surprised if he'd been in jail for a long time. I knew someone similar. They are trouble in a bar. :P
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Hahahaha... I think he's absolutely awesome!!! :P

I don't think he should help mankind, we don't deserve it! <_<

I like some of his ideas, especially the one about population control! B))

I love his voice, it's very soothing... I could listen to him for hours... :)

It would be great if he joined BrainDen!!! Not to solve riddles, but to make them! :D

And last but not least... bell curve hahaha... :lol:

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Oh man, you know what I've just realized? I'm pretty sure someone of such an IQ is at least mildly interested in brain teasers/puzzles. So sir, Mr. Langan, if by chance you've read what I posted above, I want you to know in no way am I apologizing. Please sir, just do something that will help mankind? You've got the potential, no doubt. You're also a middleaged, overweight, American. That doesn't say much for your mortality. Just.. dude. Please? ..For the children of America*? ;D?

*Geez, did I actually just say that? Ah well. But seriously, do something!

Izzy, I am Chris Langan and I appreciate your non-apology. Since the special came out and has received criticisms such as your own I really have begun to put things into perspective.

I am currently in phase 3 trials for a product that I truly believe will improve life on this earth as we know it. The working name is the "Finglonger" (Patent Pending) and it will really revolutionize how we reach things.

I am not Chris Langan, I am MDAri.

The Finglonger was invented by Hubert Farnsworth of Futurama fame.

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I've downloaded it, begun reading it, but will not read it any further. Basically 'cos it's all bollocks, especially the bit about Intelligent Design. ID (for those unfamiliar with it) asserts that most biological systems are far too complex to have arisen naturally. None of the claims of ID have ever been published in respectable scientific journals, or stood up under any sort of scientific testing. One of the bigger arguments against ID, as stated by Richard Dawkins, the eyes of vertebrates are wired backwards. Other animals have their eyes wired more rationally. Eyes are not designed. They developed several times, different times, as evolution took place.

There's loads of other arguments, that being the simplest to understand from what I've heard. If you want more/are not convinced, PM me and we can debate it. Dinner's just arrived...

Honestly, I think this guy just wrote this attempting to use the most confusing vocabulary there is (and failed - I understood most of it, and my vocab sucks), hoped no 'real' scientist would look into it, and got away with it.

I've changed my mind. I'll read into it. And disproof every last year.

Chinese food now! I'm off.

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On another note, does anyone know whether this guy is lefty or righty?

When you two meet for you to explain to him all the mistakes he had made in his work...

throw something at him and depending on the hand he'll use to catch that object (assuming it's not a bullet) you'll know whether he's lefty or righty. But since he is SMART he'll probably dodge the object


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When you two meet for you to explain to him all the mistakes he had made in his work...
throw something at him and depending on the hand he'll use to catch that object (assuming it's not a bullet) you'll know whether he's lefty or righty. But since he is SMART he'll probably dodge the object

That never worked with me or people I tried it on, It's never consistent really.

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Heh, that doesn't work with me either. I let things thrown at me hit me, and then tell people off for throwing them. One time I got hit in the head with a metal box, thinking it was a pillow, and my head started bleeding like hell. I freaked out, got my mom, and she thought I was joking.

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Well buy their favorite candy and one more thing, and this is very important... when you're about to throw it, warn them and say "Catch!" :rolleyes:

I didn't mean throw stuff randomly... :huh: I dodge them too, but I wouldn't drop my favorite sugar injection! :D

EDIT: We are a bit off the topic, so... WORLD's SMARTEST MAN

Edited by andromeda
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I've just asked my mom. I began talking at 8 months. My first word was Kaba (chocolate milk..) and my first sentence was "Snee all!" (Snow gone/empty). She couldn't remember when I started speaking in complete, proper sentences, but apparently whenever I was thinking, I'd look straight ahead, touch my pacifier, take it out, say what I had to say whilst making eye-contact, put it back in, and wait for a response.

I kind of want to discuss this guy in the Atheism Thread. Anyone up for it?

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I've just asked my mom. I began talking at 8 months. My first word was Kaba (chocolate milk..) and my first sentence was "Snee all!" (Snow gone/empty). She couldn't remember when I started speaking in complete, proper sentences, but apparently whenever I was thinking, I'd look straight ahead, touch my pacifier, take it out, say what I had to say whilst making eye-contact, put it back in, and wait for a response.

I kind of want to discuss this guy in the Atheism Thread. Anyone up for it?

I have to read 56 pages of his work first!

edit: I NEVER used a pacifier, I hated it! :D

Edited by andromeda
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I kind of want to discuss this guy in the Atheism Thread. Anyone up for it?
Sounds great as long as we don't have to read through that megafoundation waffle. Though I suspect it may come to that.
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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

I am confused, how can someone so smart, have such a crappy job ?

Why is he not being more productive with his life ? As in trying to get into a position to utilize his intelligence for the greater good of man kind ?

His IQ is ranged between 190-210.

I guess being smart is as much about the choices you make as the potential you have. With no education and a chip on your shoulder, that's what happens.

But never mind that, check out this

LMAO but slightly scared.
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I guess being smart is as much about the choices you make as the potential you have. With no education and a chip on your shoulder, that's what happens.

But never mind that, check out this

LMAO but slightly scared.

o_o Whoa that guy creeps me out... :unsure:

So I've been reading this topic, and I have to say that this whole "World's Smartest Man" thing is total B.S. (pardon my language). To think you are is just arrogant. Plus IQ really doesn't tell how smart you are, it just shows how fast/accurate you are, which is different than intelligence. Give this guy a real mental/philosophical question and see what he says :rolleyes: .


Edit: 5 more...:D

Edited by Kathleen
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o_o Whoa that guy creeps me out... :unsure:

So I've been reading this topic, and I have to say that this whole "World's Smartest Man" thing is total B.S. (pardon my language). To think you are is just arrogant. Plus IQ really doesn't tell how smart you are, it just shows how fast/accurate you are, which is different than intelligence. Give this guy a real mental/philosophical question and see what he says :rolleyes: .


Edit: 5 more...:D

If you are interested :rolleyes:THIS IS WHAT HE SAYS!!! :)

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I'd like to see this guy have a back and forth with a physicist of Stephen Hawking's caliber and see who grasps reality better... but I guess not many of those scientists go to his bar or his ranch. :rolleyes: It's one thing to be able to understand and process things at a high level, but it's a totally different thing to actually come up with important, ground-breaking theories, experiment and prove them.

This guy may have a quick mind, but he lacks the key essence of a "smart" person: creativity. If he had that, he wouldn't be such a hypocrite. He speaks of how intelligent people should rule and make the toughest decisions for the good of mankind (which is a reasonable notion IMO) but then he lives a life that puts him in absolutely no position currently or in the future to have a large-scale effect on mankind. I think he's right in saying that people of high mental processing skills have a responsibility to better our race and the world, but if he's the "smartest" one of us, he's setting a poor example if this is all he has to offer. In a word: weak. <_<

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o_o Whoa that guy creeps me out... :unsure:

So I've been reading this topic, and I have to say that this whole "World's Smartest Man" thing is total B.S. (pardon my language). To think you are is just arrogant. Plus IQ really doesn't tell how smart you are, it just shows how fast/accurate you are, which is different than intelligence. Give this guy a real mental/philosophical question and see what he says :rolleyes: .


Edit: 5 more...:D

BNo matter what test you give to measure intelligence there will always be someone like yourself trying to disprove it .

"Plus IQ really doesn't tell how smart you are,"

Please construct a measuring construct to find the true measure of intelligence.

Intelligence does come in many different forms, however the ultimate universal measure for intelligence capacity is the IQ test.

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