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Death Note Mafia: Rematch


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  star_tiger said:
Agreed. And that would have been a good strategy, although I think the DNH might have still won...but as PT said, it all depends on what's going to happen in the night :D (although not to be a pessimist, but the future of TF doesn't look all too good... :P )

Especially since I gave my role previously, which in hind sight may not have been wise.

Edited by Prof. Templeton
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  Prof. Templeton said:
Especially since I gave my role previously, which in hand sight may not have been wise.

Well, it might have still worked. Most people here know how slimy you can be :P But it is a very good strategy...gets me thinking about some other plans... :o (If my post sounds stupid, it is because I can't concentrate with a black t-shirt on)

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Haha...thanks ;P

Just so you know, the Night Post will come a little late, since I will be gone for while tonight.

No problem! Looking forward to another great post! I've got high expectations ;)

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  Prof. Templeton said:
Especially since I gave my role previously, which in hind sight may not have been wise.

But, actually, God tricked you into giving youself up to Him so early on.....and you didn't even notice. :lol:

Even you cannot fool a God, Professor. So don't worry about your little misdirections: Mikami, with God's Spirit by his side, has you covered. Goodbye.

As for your unfulfilled plans about pretending to be Rem, perhaps one day Mikami will tell all the task force ghosts about the story of Rem's unveiling. The task force will discover that you cannot conceal secrets from a Death Note Holder.

My God knows all... :rolleyes:

edit: oh, and Mikami's prediction: the real Mogi will be leaving this world soon.....

Edited by foolonthehill
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Rem: Misa is crying that you have not responded to her question. (And so she should for failing Light and giving herself away <_< )

While an insignificant detail, it is important to Misa that she completes her list, so she wants to know what name you gave to Star_Tiger last night...pretty please. ;)

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  foolonthehill said:
Rem: Misa is crying that you have not responded to her question. (And so she should for failing Light and giving herself away <_< )

While an insignificant detail, it is important to Misa that she completes her list, so she wants to know what name you gave to Star_Tiger last night...pretty please. ;)

Oh sorry dear Misa, I must have missed that. I know that star_tiger is NOT the Chief...I also found out who Sparanda is if that is significant...


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  Sinistral said:
Thanks Rem. Misa is guessing Mellow for Sparanda, but that is with her human eyes... do Rem's eyes see something different?

Ah Misa you smartie! You didn't need Rem's help for that ^_^


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What is up with all these third-person talks? They are starting to give me nightmares :P

I'm glad the DNH and Shinigami are happy, because I would HATE for people to die with their last moments being sad... ;)

Anyhow, I'm just glad Kat didn't kill me. And yes, I'm not the chief :o Although I'm still a bit peeved that the DNH are so eager to kill me off...luv you guys too <_<

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  Kathleen said:
Ah, well in the manga/anime, Misa ALWAYS talks in the third person...plus it's fun ^_^


Fine, go be emotionless. Don't you care at all about my nightmares? :o

I hope Y-san posts the Night Post soon! I know she said it will be later on in the night, but I'm just so excited :P

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Sakura And The Candle

The walls of Cherry Lane’s apartment were plastered with anti-Kira posters. They depicted a picture of a pair of shifty glowing red eyes inside a circle with a slash through it. On the bottom of the posters were scrawled “Just say NO to false Gods.”

The television in the apartment was on, tuned into Sakura TV News at 10. The pretty blonde news anchor was reporting on the shocking details of the death of Kira earlier that day. Apparently he had transformed into a monster from all the Innocent souls he had consumed playing Mafia games, and been scythed down by a mysterious stranger in a skull mask.

Cherry Lane picked up the remote and flicked the TV off. Serves him right, she thought. Then she snatched her keys up from the kitchen counter, grabbed her jacket from the hall closet, and headed out the door.

Tramping up the hill were two figures clad in long white robes. They carried oil lanterns which projected their elongated shadows downwards. Suddenly, the figure in front halted, bending down to pick a flower. The other figure, whose hood hung over his entire head, didn’t see the pause and subsequently proceeded to trip over his companion. He threw out his hands for balance, but only succeeded in grabbing onto his compatriot. The two bodies entwined in a ball, and rolled down the hill.

When they stopped, the one underneath pushed the other off him brutally. His hood fell back as he stood up, and his eyes glared at his partner over his glasses. “Hey, watch it, Miss Airhead!” he grunted, dusting himself off. Then he turned his eyes longingly upwards. “God, why did you leave me to have to deal with her?”

“Baka-Mikami is the one who should watch where he’s going!” Misa pouted. She flicked a blonde pigtail behind her ear. “Misa would kill Mikami, only Light said in his last will and testi…testa…testa-whatever for Misa not to…” She pulled herself up off the ground and straightened out her robe. Clinging tightly to the white flower she had just picked (which had somehow miraculously survived intact during the tumble), she declared, “Well, Misa will be the one to make Light’s dream come true!”

With that, Misa stomped back up the hill. Mikami looked up pleadingly at the sky once again, but his God gave him no sign to follow.

Prof. Templeton was in the Study with the Candlestick…err…wrong game…Anyways, Prof. Templeton set the candle and candle holder on his desk in his study. He struck a match and used it to light the candle, then sat down in his comfortable (but not too comfortable *cough*) chair. After situating himself, he opened picked up a book from the stack on his desk and opened it to a previously earmarked page. Then he picked up his pen and prepared to begin preparing the notes for his next guest lecture at Redrum University.

An hour later, the Prof. sat back and stretched his arms. He was stuck on one part of the talk. Looking out at the clear sky and the bright moon, he thought about what a nice Night it would be for a walk. Why not? It might help him get ideas. You never know what happens on those moonlit walks…

Cherry Lane was strolling down a scenic street that was lined on both sides with sakura (cherry blossom) trees. The pale pink petals drifted down all around her, and the light breeze caught them and danced them up and around through the Night.

And the Night was beautiful. The sky was clear and cloudless, and the elegant moon hung high in its perch amidst the twinkling stars. Cherry Lane stopped and stood, taking in the beauty and harmony of her surroundings. She inhaled, and the lovely floral scent wafting around her filled her nostrils. She exhaled, a peaceful smile covering her face.

Suddenly, the tranquility was interrupted by the thundering sound of hoofs on the paved street. A sickening feeling of déjà vu insinuated itself into Cherry Lane’s stomach. She turned slowly, awkwardly, her movements constrained by her fear. Her eyes beheld the sight they so dreaded: a stampeding Yak. Her knees, as if from memory of her previous life, weakened on their own in terror. Her legs refused to move from the spot. The image of the Yak came closer and closer and closer…

At the last moment, a man appeared flung himself into Cherry Lane, pushing her out of the way. Cherry Lane was thrown to the side of the road, and her eyes did not witness the collision, but her ears heard the sickening thud of clashing flesh and bone…

In Prof. Templeton’s study, the candle flickered, then was extinguished.

Finally managing to pull herself to her feet, Cherry Lane wobbled on shaky knees to where the mangled body of Prof. Templeton lay. Tears filled her eyes as she kneeled down and bowed over his form. What a brave and honorable man, she thought. Pain filled her heart, unbearable pain. Sakura petals floated down all around them. The pain in Cherry Lane’s heart grew…and grew…and grew? No, the pain wasn’t just from sadness and loss…there was another sort of pain there. Cherry Lane grasped her chest. She tried to breathe but couldn’t. Then her body fell over and the paved ground next to the Prof’s.

Then there was only the dancing of the pale pink sakura petals in the darkness.

Shinigami King: Y


1)Brandonb - DEAD [Light] (turned into an egg of Kishin and Death Scythed down)



4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)


6)Cherry Lane - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)


9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

10)the second dawh




14)Prof. Templeton - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

15)Prince Marth

16)Ben Law - GONE [Ryuk] (Shinigami chopped)

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Okay, so i just got back from a movie (Twilight, my Girlfriend had me see it... some odd lines in those... "I like watching you sleep" "Your like my own personal drug")

anyway, so i think that the choice for today is obvious, we have to kill Rem before we kill Misa. so i will start the vote...

Shinigami King: Y


1)Brandonb - DEAD [Light] (turned into an egg of Kishin and Death Scythed down)



4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)


6)Cherry Lane - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)


9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

10)the second dawh

11)Mekal - Voting for Kat



14)Prof. Templeton - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

15)Prince Marth

16)Ben Law - GONE [Ryuk] (Shinigami chopped)

Edited by Mekal
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Yeah...No question here. Gotta get rid of Rem. No hard feelings...Right Kat?

Shinigami King: Y


1)Brandonb - DEAD [Light] (turned into an egg of Kishin and Death Scythed down)



4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)


6)Cherry Lane - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)


9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

10)the second dawh

11)Mekal - Voting for Kat



14)Prof. Templeton - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

15)Prince Marth - Voting for Kat

16)Ben Law - GONE [Ryuk] (Shinigami chopped)

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  Brandonb said:

I had specified a death that involved CL and PT dying in the crossfire of ninja foreplay (you can figure out where that came from / was going :rolleyes: ) I guess the Shiniking overrides death notes at will :P

Sorry, has to follow the rules of the Death Note...can't manipulate someone else into killing your victim for you :P.

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Shinigami King: Y


1)Brandonb - DEAD [Light] (turned into an egg of Kishin and Death Scythed down)


3)Sinistral[Misa] - Voting for Mekal

4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)


6)Cherry Lane - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)


9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

10)the second dawh

11)Mekal - Voting for Kat



14)Prof. Templeton - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH)

15)Prince Marth - Voting for Kat

16)Ben Law - GONE [Ryuk] (Shinigami chopped)

Misa will try to save you, Rem!

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