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Anime Battle Royale: Bleached


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  Brandonb said:
it's b/c he had someone die for him... but he didn't care at all. Kinda puts him in the baddie category for me. I looked back and the only ones that do that are Lelouche or Grimmjow. Lelouche was active he couldn't have used that defense, which just leaves Grimmy, and we know Grimmy wasn't active, so he was certainly defending.

When I said Mekal was more likely to be a Hero than a Villain, it was only because of the ratio that Wally West pointed out. He certainly could be Grimmjow and I did notice the fact that he didn't really care about his protector. However, I discounted that as evidence of anything, first, because I know very little about any of the characters and it's possible for some callous Heroes to exist alongside the Villains, and second, I figured that Itachi wouldn't put a clue that obvious in the post considering that he apologized for making Kat's identity in the original Anime Battle Royale too obvious in one of the night posts.

One thing that I want to mention is that Prince Marth was defenseless, which means that Aizen chose PM's target. So that means that Aizen targeted Joe's Student, Mekal, or CrazyPainter through PM. I'm not sure what that tells us, but if we can figure out PM's identity, then that should tell us something more about the identities of some of our other fallen comrades.

I'm not ready to vote yet as I'm not seeing any blaring signs of Villainy and I'm not terribly happy with any of the explanations given for the people currently on the chopping block. :unsure:

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I have to agree with Brandonb about Mekel's defense on Night 1. Everyone has people they have feelings for defending for them or they can't be found. The only possible exceptions are Lelouche and Grimmjow. The major is a Cy-borg, but she still cares about Batou. So...

Recruiter: Toushiro

1) JS -DEAD (killed by Gaara)

2) Prof. Templeton - voting for Mekal UNblindfolded

3) Mekal

4) Prince Marth - DEAD (killed by Aizen)

5) GC - voting for Kat, unblindfolded

6) woon

7) CrazyPainter - DEAD (killed by Chad and Ishida)

8) Cherry Lane

9) FIF

10) PG

11) Brandonb - voting for Mekal UNblindfolded

12) Sinistral

13) Kat

14) Wally West

15) dawh

16) Laharl

17) sweetness kat

Mekel, I'm sorry :( but, if you have anything to add in your defense, I would like to hear it.

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  woon said:
I feel myself so stupid this time as I haven't come out any analysis yet. Most probably due to I didn't memorize all the roles and partner and defense and all kind of stuff except my role.

I don't know whom to vote till now....... give me time....

Okay I'm pretty much the same as Woon right now. I'm going to go back and reread everything a few times and then give my vote and reason...

Edit: added in "much"

Edited by sweetness kat
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Okay... First off... I didn't write the story. The thing is... I defended last night. But what about the 5 other people that defended? Couldn't grammaw be one of them? :huh:

Anyway... i have to go to a tennis tournament... again... wish me luck... :D:ph34r:

Edited by Mekal
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  grey cells said:
Just searched up a few heroes on Wiki and one of them's part-hollow. Just wanted to bring this out, as the hint may well be a red herring. :P Either Mekal's Grimmy or a powerful hero. Mekal, C'mon defend yourself. Otherwise even if you are a hero, you will be executed.

I try to keep it calm... The more you defend yourself the more you look suspicious. The thing is... I have no proof yet as to how prove my role. Do you? all i did was defend my self last night so that people would not kill me. I have no info that only my charecter wold have that can prove myself. actually i do... but you guys would blow it of or I would get targeted by the RC's especially.

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  grey cells said:
Agree with Mekal's lack of sympathy in the night post. But there are no hints in the night posts, right? Already Grimmy's task is cut out. I don't believe Toushiro would make it even more difficult for him by giving us easy hints about Grimmy's identity.

It could be due to there are too many scripts need to be written by Itachi-san so he skip those unnecessary parts that he think they are. I believe this is not a clue from Itachi-san.

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  Mekal said:
I try to keep it calm... The more you defend yourself the more you look suspicious. The thing is... I have no proof yet as to how prove my role. Do you? all i did was defend my self last night so that people would not kill me. I have no info that only my charecter wold have that can prove myself. actually i do... but you guys would blow it of or I would get targeted by the RC's especially.

There's a way if you really are an hero and you know it. But I am not sure it's advisable at this stage. If you are an hero, you can come out with your role. Of course, there's always the chance you are bluffing. But if the role you claim is also claimed by another, we can always decide whom to vote for. That wouldn't be so bad as losing you if you really were a hero. Of course if you are Grimmy, you won't come out with your role. ;)

Hey! All the best for your tennis tourney. :D

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  Brandonb said:
Itachi, are the posts still written in chronological order? Or can that not be assumed?

I wouldn't make that assumption. In ABR2, I was Yuna and Light killed me with his Death Note as the first act of the night and then Yuna killed CL as the last act of the night, meaning that anyone who tried to place my role based on the chronology would have been confused.

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Okay so i'm just going to write down what I think...

Prince Marth could've been Chad, Ishida, or Gaara therefore Aizen was targeting Crazypainter or Joes Student... He couldn't have been Rukia because Aizen asked PM if the task was complete and he said it was, Rukia did not get his target(Mekal) so it was not complete...

I think Mekal is a villian because Rukia is a hero and targeted him without being "hypnotized" by Aizen... he could be Grimjow because his defense says that he has someone else die for him... or he could be Laughing Man because he can control other people using the nanomachines so he may have controled that person who died for him... Mekal can't be LeLouche because of reasons already stated... and I am not going to vote yet because I am still sorting things out...

If I am coming to a conclusion to quickly, sorry but this is my first game :blush:

Edit: I just reread Laughing Man's description and he can only control when he attacks and it's obvious by the night post that he was defending.... so I scratch out the possibility of LM

Edited by sweetness kat
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I don't think we will come out any finalized vote in the next few hours. I need to go to bed now. I will check tomorrow what's the outcome. Also by rest also give my mind a chance to cool down whom I think is villains and should I vote.

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  Prof. Templeton said:
I may have to start a chart for this one, just to keep track. So only four heros attacked, and three of them had to. Only Prince Marth was definately a hero. Is it possible that all three of Ichigo's comrade's are now dead? If they don't know each others identity can they unknowingly attack their friend? That would mean no villians were dispathed. If this scenario is possible only jubei can find out. I'm reserving my vote until later. I can see no hard evidence to vote for anyone, I think this night will have to be a guess.

Yes, Gaara had no real reason to attack as far as I see, but he chose to anyway. What I read from the intro is that Aizen can only manipulate defenseless players.

  dawh said:
When I said Mekal was more likely to be a Hero than a Villain, it was only because of the ratio that Wally West pointed out. He certainly could be Grimmjow and I did notice the fact that he didn't really care about his protector. However, I discounted that as evidence of anything, first, because I know very little about any of the characters and it's possible for some callous Heroes to exist alongside the Villains, and second, I figured that Itachi wouldn't put a clue that obvious in the post considering that he apologized for making Kat's identity in the original Anime Battle Royale too obvious in one of the night posts.

One thing that I want to mention is that Prince Marth was defenseless, which means that Aizen chose PM's target. So that means that Aizen targeted Joe's Student, Mekal, or CrazyPainter through PM. I'm not sure what that tells us, but if we can figure out PM's identity, then that should tell us something more about the identities of some of our other fallen comrades.

I'm not ready to vote yet as I'm not seeing any blaring signs of Villainy and I'm not terribly happy with any of the explanations given for the people currently on the chopping block. :unsure:

I wish we knew who Prince Marth was. Do you think any of the three targets an unusual choice? Looking back, I can see perhaps how CP made herself a target by posting so much on Night 1. What did JS and Mekal do?

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Recruiter: Toushiro

1) JS -DEAD (killed by Gaara)

2) Prof. Templeton - voting for Mekal UNblindfolded

3) Mekal

4) Prince Marth - DEAD (killed by Aizen)

5) GC - voting for Kat, unblindfolded

6) woon

7) CrazyPainter - DEAD (killed by Chad and Ishida)

8) Cherry Lane

9) FIF

10) PG

11) Brandonb - voting for Mekal UNblindfolded

12) Sinistral

13) Kat

14) Wally West

15) dawh

16) Laharl

17) sweetness kat- voting for Mekal UNblindfolded

I also believe that he is Grimjow...

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  dawh said:
I wouldn't make that assumption. In ABR2, I was Yuna and Light killed me with his Death Note as the first act of the night and then Yuna killed CL as the last act of the night, meaning that anyone who tried to place my role based on the chronology would have been confused.

Right, I remember that. Everything was in chronological order that night except that everything was one big circle, so it worked out for everyone except Yuna. I was just wondering if those same rules still applied, in that the posts are in chronological order with exception of a full-circle of actions.

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Holy Cow! 3 dead already?!?! I guess that's why it's called the Battle Royale, huh? Alright, I just finished reading the night post. Let me catch up on what has been written since then and I'll add my 2 cents (not that anything makes much sense right now.)

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  Brandonb said:
I was just wondering if those same rules still applied, in that the posts are in chronological order with exception of a full-circle of actions.

I try to make the Night Posts chronological, but obviously this can be impossible sometimes. You can somewhat base your thoughts chronologically, but not fully. Also, I did and/or will be throwing in hints and red herrings. It's up to you guys to use or ignore them.

Edit: another thing that came up in the recent discussion was content of Night Posts. I only write about the encounters that occur over the Night. If someone Defends and does not get targeted they are left out of the Post since nothing happened, except for their Defense getting used up.

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Okay, I keep reading the character descriptions then the night post, then the descriptions, then the night post... I am totally confused...but what else is new. Anyway, the one thing that did strike me is Mekal's similarities with LeLouche. The night post said that he was sitting at a desk working at something intently (High School Student??) and again that he didn't seem to give a flip about whoever it was that died for him (an innocent bystander??). I know that some of you mentioned that Itachi wasn't going to give clues in the night posts...but with two things pointing Mekal directly at LeLouche, it's kind of hard to ignore.

Anyhow, that's as far as I've got. I'll look things over a bit more thoroughly and see if I can come up with something more sound. Otherwise, I am feeling swayed toward voting for Mekal.

Edit: I was writing this while Itachi made his post. He IS including hints!! ...but they could also be red herrings. What to do??

Edit: oh wait!! LeLouche can't use a defense if he is attacking! OR...is the red herring that Itachi wants us to THINK LeLouche was attacking since he was lying in wait for PM. He did not ACTUALLY attack...he just considered it. Hmmmm. I'm still going with Mekal is LeLouche.

Edited by puzzlegirl
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  grey cells said:
I think Brandon means the Renji conversation. It could also be that Brandon is creating his own red herring. :P

Laharl is a player who signed up as a backup alongwith S-Kat and due to their obvious enthusiasm were inducted into the main ranks. :P

hehe I thought it was funny how you shortened my name, I could easily get offended :P how about just SK?

Anywho, can someone explain to me what a red herring means? :unsure::blush:

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Okay, one more quick point for my arguement, then I have to go (going to see "Eagle Eye" and dinner with my hubby! :) ) Anyhow...looking again at LeLouche's description...LeLouche doesn't have bad luck. Period. He either kills, teaches a lesson, or gives a Geass Order. PM came out the door right next to him and headed the other direction and LeLouche didn't do anything about it? Yeah right?! I'm more and more convinced that LeLouche never decided to attack, but that Itachi just threw that in there to be clever. I've made up my mind...I've voting for Mekal (sorry, buddy!) Now...off to the movie! :D

Recruiter: Toushiro

1) JS -DEAD (killed by Gaara)

2) Prof. Templeton - voting for Mekal UNblindfolded

3) Mekal

4) Prince Marth - DEAD (killed by Aizen)

5) GC - voting for Kat, unblindfolded

6) woon

7) CrazyPainter - DEAD (killed by Chad and Ishida)

8) Cherry Lane

9) FIF

10) PG - voting for Mekal unblindfolded

11) Brandonb - voting for Mekal UNblindfolded

12) Sinistral

13) Kat

14) Wally West

15) dawh

16) Laharl

17) sweetness kat- voting for Mekal UNblindfolded

Edit: spelling

Edited by puzzlegirl
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  sweetness kat said:
Anywho, can someone explain to me what a red herring means? :unsure::blush:

Dictionary.com says:

2. something intended to divert attention from the real problem or matter at hand; a misleading clue.

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