itachi-san Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 ANIME BATTLE ROYALE III: Cue Badass BLEACH Intro -sorry it's not perfect quality, but most of the characters represent Even Yoruichi Eighteen characters met at the precise spot the Butterfly had depicted in its final message before it disappeared. They had all answered the challenge. Even two more than expected had heard word of the Battle and joined in hopes of testing their power to its fullest extent. The numerous faces were of a wide variety, yet some had knowing looks as if they had somehow knew what awaited them. Each face sneered at the others or simply ignored them, but it was somewhat obvious that a few were familiar with others, despite their trained expressions. "What were they hiding?" some thought. None of them noticed The Laughing Man's sudden smirk. They all stood impatiently on a desolate street in the suburbs of Tokyo, when a sliver of light appeared over the road. The sliver expanded into three sliding doors of an ancient look and opened to reveal another dimension. Hesitantly, the characters stepped through the gateway and the world they once knew vanished behind them. What they saw was like something from a story. A world wrapped in bright white, shining crystal, and a magnificent central tower. Once they set foot on solid ground they all stood before an enormous gate. The gate creaked open, slowly revealing the shadow of a young boy. His back was turned to them, but he looked slightly over his shoulder at the newcomers. His youthful body was deceiving though, because his eyes looked far too wise for a child. Once the gate was fully opened the boy reached for the sword strapped behind his back. With a flash, the boy lunged out of sight and had already slashed one of the newcomers in two! Everyone else froze, except for slight movement of fingers towards their own weapons. The boy began to speak after swiping the blood off his blade with a flick of his wrist. Toushiro: My name is Toushiro Hitsugaya, Captain of the 10th Protection Squad. I have been assigned the task of hunting down 3 renegade Captains that have defected from Soul Society. Their names are Aizen, Ichimaru, and Tousen and they are among you, but unfortunately none were the man I just killed. They wouldn't go down that easily anyway. This corpse was a known spy from Hueco Mundo and would not help our group's endeavor. There are however, others among you who wish us all harm. They have been elusive and our investigations have turned up nothing. It will be up to you Heroes to find and kill both these renegade Captains and the other Villains that have snuck in on the guest list for their own personal gain. To counter the misinformation of your identities we have successfully included two of own trustworthy Captains into the party. I will now debrief you on what you can expect of those around you. Since Soul Society has been severely depleted after Aizen's treachery, we have been forced to ask for aid from some who are not of our world. Villains: Each has their own agenda for winning The Renegade Captains: (RC) knows each other at the beginning. Only one of them can and must Attack each Night. When one is Attacking, the other two will be nowhere to be found. In other words, the RC's who are not Attacking will have infinite Defenses through out the game until there is only one RC left. Then that last survivor must Attack each Night. They each have different powers and none of them can Attack 2 Nights in a row. They win by killing everyone else. Aizen: Aizen is the most powerful villain. Aizen once held Soul Society in the palm of hand and is now back to make fools of us again. He uses a technique called Complete Hypnotism. When Aizen Attacks a Defenseless target he first completely manipulates their Night Actions. Then he has a 100% successful kill rate against them. Ichimaru: (Aizen's personal confidante and assassin) He has a 75% successful kill rate on a Defenseless Player. If he does not Kill though, he will teach them a lesson they will never forget. Tousen: (Aizen's Disciple) Tousen is Blind and therefore cannot be harmed by LeLouche. He only has a 25% successful kill rate on a Defenseless Player. If he does not kill, he will sit down with them peacefully and share a bottle of saké. Tousen's saké contains poison though and will kill his adversary on the Next Night after they take Action, if they choose to do so. Each RC can only ask for aid from Inoue. She cannot refuse to help even the most awful people. If Kisuke has perfected a technique for the specific RC he targets, he will break all Defenses and kill him with 100% success. LeLouche: (Disgruntled Prince/High School student) LeLouche wins if everyone else is Dead or under the influence of his Geass. When Attacking, LeLouche has a 1/3 chance of killing a Defense-less victim, a 1/3 chance of teaching them a lesson or a 1/3 chance of casting a Geass Order on them. If the Order is cast on a Player, they will learn LeLouche's Identity. But, the Geass Order will be that that Player can never Attack LeLouche at Night and can never Vote for him during the day. Also, a player under the Order can never reveal LeLouche's Identity or they will instantly kill themselves. They can try to be stealthy and secretive by giving away LeLouche's Identity, but LeLouche may pm me any number of posts he finds to be incriminating and if they are then that player will submit to the will of the Geass Order and die. LeLouche cannot attack himself, nor the same person twice. LeLouche has 2 defenses: Two times, he can order an Innocent bystander to die for him. LeLouche can ask for aid from Inoue or Radical Ed If Suzaku is your Partner the Night LeLouche Attacks you, then he will save you. The Laughing Man: (Genius Hacker) He wins if everyone else is Dead or Hacked. Our Technological Research division has managed to figure out that as you were all waiting for the portal to Soul Society to open, the Laughing Man somehow injected your bloodstreams with a new nano-technology. The Substance may allow him to control your actions. If he Attacks he has a 1/3 chance of killing a Defenseless target, a 1/3 chance of telling them a story of one of many memorable hacks, and a 1/3 chance of controlling them through those nano-machines. Much like LeLouche's Geass, you will not be able to target the Laughing Man in any way if you get afflicted by this virus he can install. You will learn his Identity if infected, but if he catches you trying to sneak a clue about him, he may pm me at anytime and the virus will mutate into a fatal specimen. The Laughing Man can never Attack himself or the same person twice. His 2 Defenses are that he will hack his way into our Research Facilities where he cannot be found. The Laughing Man may ask for assistance from Inoue or Suzaku If Radical Ed is your partner on the Night The Laughing Man Attacks you, Ed will use her hacking skills to counteract his. Grimmjow: (Aizen's Renegade Espada) Grimmjow is out for blood. Aizen created him from a powerful Hollow, but has since lost control of Grimmjow. Now, Grimmjow just wants everyone to join him among the dead. There is no defense from Grimmjow. He wins if everyone else is Dead or made into a Hollow. When he Attacks he has a 50% chance of Killing and a 50% chance of turning his opponent into a fellow Hollow. The transformation will not take effect during game-play though, so it's only impact will be getting Grimmjow one step closer to victory. Grimmjow can never Attack himself or the same person twice. His 2 Defenses are that he will trick fellow Espada into dying for him. Grimmjow may ask for assistance from Inoue, Radical Ed or Suzaku Heroes: win by killing all the Villains Major Kusanagi: (Leader of Intelligence Section 9) Figures out a random Villain every odd day. Each night, the Major can mobilize the Tachikomas to apprehend her suspect. The Tachikomas are programmed to kill anyone who is Defenseless that the Major orders dead. The Major has a 100% successful kill rate against a Defense-less player. When I PM The Major her role I will include a tip from Batou, one of her men. There is a 50% chance Batou is correct. It will be up to The Major if she wants to act on the info. If The Major is Defended properly against any and all of her Attackers any given night, there is a 50/50 chance she has set the perfect trap and will Identity them. The Major's 2 Defenses are a stealthy retreat to Section 9's base where she cannot be found and Batou will die for her. Ichigo: (Death God/High School Student) Ichigo is getting used to saving Soul Society so he can determine friend from foe pretty easily. If he Attacks, he has a 1/3 chance of killing a Defense-less Character, a 1/3 Chance of teaching them a lesson, and a 1/3 chance of allowing his inner-Hollow to take over. Evil Ichigo will Attack a random Player. Any 1 Night he may use his Bankai technique and have a 100% success rate and burst through any Defense. Ichigo's 2 defenses are his comrades Renji and Kira who will die for him. Urahara Kisuke: (Genius Death God) Every odd day he creates a technique to effectively destroy a random Renegade Captain. He has a 100% successful kill rate on them even if they are not Attacking that Night. Kisuke has a 50% chance of successfully killing a Defense-less player he Attacks under any other circumstance. Otherwise, he will teach his opponent a lesson. Kisuke's 2 Defenses are his apprentices who will both die for him. Gaara: (Unstable Ninja) If Gaara Attacks there is a 1/3 chance Gaara will Kill a Defenseless Player, a 1/3 chance he will tell them a Story of his childhood, and a 1/3 chance he will go completely insane and Attack a random player. This will be obvious in the Night post. Gaara's 2 Defenses are his siblings Kankuro and Temari who will both die for him. Jubei: (Legendary Samurai) There is a 50/50 shot he will kill a Defenseless player he Attacks. If he isn't in the mood to Kill, he will sit with them and share a bottle of saké. Also, due to his keen battle instinct, Jubei will know how many Villains still remain after each Night. Just pm me for the info. Jubei's 2 Defenses are hiding/training off in the distant forests so no one can find him. Onizuka: (Greatest Teacher/Outlaw Biker) Onizuka is a wild guy, but he also has a soft side. There is a 50% chance he will kill a Defenseless Target and a 50% chance he will teach them a lesson they will never forget. Onizuka's 2 Defenses are traveling around the bars in outer-Soul Society trying to pick up women. He cannot be found then and will usually be passed out on a bench. Chad: (Ichigo's Comrade) Chad has a 25% chance of Killing a Defenseless Target. Otherwise, he will teach them a lesson his Grandfather once taught him. Rukia: (Ichigo's Comrade) Rukia has a 25% chance of killing a Defenseless Target. Otherwise, she will teach them a lesson her deceased Hero Kaien once taught her. Ishida: (Ichigo's Comrade) Ishida has a 25% chance of Killing a Defenseless Target. Otherwise, he will teach them a lesson that has been passed down through generations of Quincy. If 2 of Ichigo's Comrades Attack the same Character they increase to 100% efficiency. If all 3 of Ichigo's Comrades Attack the same Character they increase to 100% efficiency and can break any Defense. Ichigo's Comrades have no Defenses and must Attack each Night Kyoraku Shunsui: (Captain) Knows who Ukitake is. Shunsui has a 50% chance to kill a Defenseless Player. Otherwise, he will share a bottle of saké with them. Shunsui cannot be Executed. Shunsui's 2 Defenses are lying on the rooftops trying to seduce his Lieutenant when he cannot be found. Jushiro Ukitake: (Captain) Knows who Shunsui is. Ukitake has a 50% chance to kill a Defenseless Player. Otherwise, he will tell them a story of Ancient Soul Society. Ukitake cannot be Executed. Ukitake's 2 Defenses are when he becomes ill and has to take to bed. His 2 Lieutenants will guard him and die for him. --- Each Night you can Attack, Attack with a Partner, or Defend. You may choose from Suzaku, who will protect you from LeLouche. Radical Ed, who will protect you from The Laughing Man. And Inoue who can undo any harm done during an Attack on you(with the exception of the actions made by Aizen's Complete Hypnotism, when she can only revive you). Only one partner may be used at a time. Heroes have access to all 3, Villains have them specified. Each character only gets to use a Partner once. Each Defense can only be used once throughout the Entire Game, with the exception of the Rogue Captains who are not Attacking on any given Night. The Days and Nights will be roughly 24 hours, but this will be lenient, especially since I started early. Nights can be finished once everyone has pm'd me. Daily Executions will be performed by Soul Society's Captains. The Blindfold Lynch will again be utilized for LeLouche and The Laughing Man. It cannot be used twice in a row, but it is the only way to lynch either of them. If they are tried for a lynch without a blindfold on LeLouche will use his Geass to free himself. And the Laughing Man will use his cybernetic eyes to hack the nano-machines in everyone and produce a similar effect. There will be no extra deaths from these occurrences though. Also, the 2 Captains, Shunsui and Ukitake cannot be Executed. It will be ambiguous which of the four escaped death that Day. When a Player tells another a Story there is a 50% chance that they will reveal their identity to the listener. When a Player teaches another a Lesson there is a 50% chance that they will discover the identity of their subject. When a player shares a bottle of saké with another player, there is a 50% chance for each of them that they will reveal their identities through drunkenness. Every player has to send me a PM every Night. The Renegade Captains can just send me 1 pm for all of them each Night if they want, since only one of them acts. --- Recruiter: Toushiro 1) JS 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Mekal 4) Prince Marth 5) GC 6) woon 7) CrazyPainter 8) Cherry Lane 9) FIF 10) PG 11) Brandonb 12) Sinistral 13) Kat 14) Wally West 15) dawh 16) Laharl 17) sweetness kat Toushiro: The Battle has begun earlier than expected. There is no penalty for things taking longer than planned. Please take your time and enjoy! Roles will be pm'd shortly. The choice is yours for tonight. Do you start aggressive and Attack or play it safe and Defend? Please help us save Soul Society! The First Night starts now! Edit: Last updated 10/4 @ 4:20 pt Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 (edited) That went a little over my head That's what I get for never watching Bleach. But I do understand it at least. Edited October 4, 2008 by Prince_Marth85 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prof. Templeton Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 It looks like ABR3 has some staying power. This may take awhile. Good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mekal Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 Wow! all new characters!!! This looks good!!! but you left out Light and L! That was the only one I've watched/read! i guess that i will have to watch new things... Can't wait! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 (edited) Wow this should be very interesting. Good thing I have tomarrow free to do as I like... during the day. I know you all will be jealous but on Sunday during the day I get to throw a baby shower!!! Yeah I am artsy so I get thrown it... lucky the girl is so kick a** and into these type of games.....oh she can help me out. Watch I bet she's even been in this site. I wonder if she is even playing one of these games... Hmmm I will have to prod her for advice on this 'Bleach' I will try to watch a copy tomarrow. Was ABR2 different from this and the first? we still start sunday right? Edited October 4, 2008 by crazypainter Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 It is really a long one especially with all the roles here. Need to take time to read. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 (edited) Woo hoo excited! I need to read it all a few more times but it sounds fun! I am new at these kind of games so I hope I do well I've done my research with ABR 1&2 and some Mafia so watch out! Since I haven't really done these games with the whole timezone thing, how do I know when the 24 hours is up? Do I go by the time it says on his post cuz i'm not sure if its based on my time zone...? Edit: NVM! I answered my own question! Edited October 4, 2008 by sweetness kat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 Looks like it's going to be fun! I do have one question, though: We can only attack with a partner once or can we attack once with each partner? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 Wow, the rules changed dramatically, and there's more baddies This could be difficult... ~Kat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itachi-san Posted October 4, 2008 Author Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 sweetness kat said: Since I haven't really done these games with the whole timezone thing, how do I know when the 24 hours is up? Do I go by the time it says on his post cuz i'm not sure if its based on my time zone...? It's 24 hours from my Post and from each future Post. But for now, it's "as long as it takes people to pm me their Night Action" since the game started early. Wally West said: Looks like it's going to be fun! I do have one question, though: We can only attack with a partner once or can we attack once with each partner? Both You can Attack once with all 3 of them throughout the game, but only may partner with one at a time. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 Whoa, didn't see this partner thing So does that mean that you have to coordinate it with a partner? ~Kat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 (edited) Kathleen said: Whoa, didn't see this partner thing So does that mean that you have to coordinate it with a partner? ~Kat Each character has a partner or partners they can use when attacking. For the Villains, it's listed with their defenses since they only have certain people they can use. For the Hero's, the have access to all of the partners. Edited October 4, 2008 by Prince_Marth85 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joe's Student Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 Prince_Marth85 said: Each character has a partner or partners they can use when attacking. For the Villains, it's listed with their defenses since they only have certain people they can use. For the Hero's, the have access to all of the partners. Thanks Prince, was a bit confused there myself Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 Prince_Marth85 said: Each character has a partner or partners they can use when attacking. For the Villains, it's listed with their defenses since they only have certain people they can use. For the Hero's, the have access to all of the partners. I am going to have to reread this again.. and again. Every time I think I have it figured out one of you on here gives out another piece of info I hadnt realized and then.. ..I am stuck thinking how did I miss that? i see that we have the ability to talk to some of the players but not all the Heros. just various ones....maybe I need a nap and read again while fresh. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itachi-san Posted October 4, 2008 Author Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 I guess to be clear about the partner thing, they basically replace the Item concept from the first 2 games. Suzaku, Inoue and Radical Ed are Out-of-Game Characters. Nobody plays as them. Any given Night when you choose to Attack you can also choose to partner up with 1 of them and only once for the whole game. i.e. assuming you are a Hero and Attack the first 3 Nights, you can partner with Suzaku Night 1, Inoue Night 2, and Radical Ed Night 3 and then that's it for your partnering for the rest of the game. Suzaku is LeLouche's nemesis and will stop him from harming you in any way. Radical Ed is a Hacker equal to that of The Laughing Man and will stop him from harming you in any way. Inoue is from Bleach, but her only power is to restore. If you partner with her, she will undo what has been done to you that Night, if anything. (I'll make Inuoe's role clearer in the OP) - I prefer that she undoes everything bad as opposed to just reviving you. The only thing she can't reverse are the actions done by Aizen's Complete Hypnotism, but she can revive you after you die in that case. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 (edited) itachi-san said: I guess to be clear about the partner thing, they basically replace the Item concept from the first 2 games. Suzaku, Inoue and Radical Ed are Out-of-Game Characters. Nobody plays as them. Any given Night when you choose to Attack you can also choose to partner up with 1 of them and only once for the whole game. i.e. assuming you are a Hero and Attack the first 3 Nights, you can partner with Suzaku Night 1, Inoue Night 2, and Radical Ed Night 3 and then that's it for your partnering for the rest of the game. Suzaku is LeLouche's nemesis and will stop him from harming you in any way. Radical Ed is a Hacker equal to that of The Laughing Man and will stop him from harming you in any way. Inoue is from Bleach, but her only power is to restore. If you partner with her, she will undo what has been done to you that Night, if anything. (I'll make Inuoe's role clearer in the OP) - I prefer that she undoes everything bad as opposed to just reviving you. The only thing she can't reverse are the actions done by Aizen's Complete Hypnotism, but she can revive you after you die in that case. So Sazaku can save me if Leloche comes after me? Edited October 4, 2008 by crazypainter Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 Ok got it. I didnt realize the 3 characters being talked about where not roles being played by someone.... but now I got it... seems there are many characters that act like that... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grey cells Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 EDIT: Right you got it CP. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 Ok ok, now I get it Just must have missed that... so we can choose each of them once, but not on the same night right? And I've noticed Itachi is pretty cool on times, so when does the night end? ~The Fox Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 4, 2008 Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 Kathleen said: Ok ok, now I get it Just must have missed that... so we can choose each of them once, but not on the same night right? And I've noticed Itachi is pretty cool on times, so when does the night end? ~The Fox the night ends when all of our pm are in. Usually it will be 24 hrs from the last day/night post but since Itachi said it was starting oct 5th he is being lax on the 24hr rule. Good to see ya in here kathleen, wish me luck! I wish you luck too as long as you are not a villian!! Otherwise watch your tail toots! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itachi-san Posted October 4, 2008 Author Report Share Posted October 4, 2008 crazypainter said: the night ends when all of our pm are in. Usually it will be 24 hrs from the last day/night post but since Itachi said it was starting oct 5th he is being lax on the 24hr rule. Yeah, the time is very lax for this game, but the action won't be Just to give everyone an idea of how it's going, I've gotten about half of the pms so far. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 5, 2008 Report Share Posted October 5, 2008 itachi-san said: Yeah, the time is very lax for this game, but the action won't be Just to give everyone an idea of how it's going, I've gotten about half of the pms so far. Ok ya'll you heard the man, get yer rears in gear! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itachi-san Posted October 5, 2008 Author Report Share Posted October 5, 2008 Night 1: The Silence Breaks in Soul Society The combatants waited restlessly in the manor houses they were assigned. The broad streets of Soul Society were deadly silent as all 13 Protection Squads had been ordered to stay their posts and let the newcomers wreak havoc among themselves in the hopes of finding and defeating Aizen and his disciples. The Sixth Squad Captain Kuchiki Byakuya watched impassively from his chamber. His Lieutenant, Renji, yelled from the doorway that the Heroes needed more help, but Byakuya stood motionless, yet gave the air of sureness in his inaction. Byakuya: Patience Renji. The outsiders have restored the peace to Soul Society before. Have faith in Ichigo and his companions once more. Renji: (hoarse from shouting) I do. ...I do. But I just can't stay here without helping. Byakuya: You will do what you must. We all will. Soul Society must never again fall into despair. --- crazypainter forcefully grabbed the molding and slammed open the sliding door to her new abode. She looked up at the blue sky and let out a loud sigh. "This night will be cold" she muttered, but it did not faze her to think so. She lurked throughout the inner depths of the outer-city, trying to bait out an enemy. Suddenly a shining arrow streaked down from the rooftop heights and blasted a hole through the ground only inches from her feet. cp: You're a bad shot. Ishida: That first shot was a warning. Surrender and tell me your identity. cp: You'll have to do better than that if you want to force information out of me. humph. Ishida rained down hundreds of arrows forged from his spirit power, but cp dodged them all. She kept using the walls and over-hangings of the pathways as cover, and Ishida began to look annoyed. What she didn't know though, was that he was leading her into a trap. She kept dodging and mocking Ishida, all the while leaping back and back until she slammed into a wall with a thud. Ishida poured arrows at the spot, but cp somehow managed to dodge all of them as well. But then she heard a low voice from the other side of the wall. ???: By the power my Grandfather passed down to me... Chad: ...I shall use this arm to cast your judgment. The wall exploded behind cp and she was sent flying into the opposite corridor, knocked almost unconscious. Ishida flash-stepped over and appeared right before her. He raised his bow to her eye-level ...and released his soul's full potential into the final shot. Ishida: One down. Thanks Chad. --- Rukia cleared the area around the villa Mekal had been assigned. She knelt next to the patio and crept up to sit right beside his window. She peered in and saw Mekal leaning seemingly hard at work at a desk, but she couldn't make out exactly what it was he was doing. She resolved herself and lunged in through the window, shattering the glass. Sword drawn she leapt for Mekal's back with a deft move, but someone jumped in front of her blow! Her eyes widened in horror as the limp body fell to the floor. Mekal slowly turned in his chair to get a look at his would-be attacker, but she had already vanished. Mekal looked at the body, shrugged and returned to his prior activity. --- Joe's Student calmly strode down the winding paths of Soul Society looking for trouble until he came to a clearing. He looked as far as he could and deemed the area to be safe. He continued on, thinking he would check the distant woods for any enemies that he might get a chance to take out. But the second he set foot on the soil, the ground began to shake ever so slightly. It was eerie. About ten yards ahead of him a figure began to emerge from the earth itself! JS took a step back. ???: Too late to flee. You stumbled right into my trap. JS: Who are you? Gaara: My name is Gaara of the Sand and you are my prey! JS shook with fear and turned to run but a wisp of sand caught his leg and tripped him up. He fell to the ground and was pulled toward Gaara. Sooner than he could realize, he was completely wrapped in sand. The harder he struggled, the tighter its grip became. He felt as if he was floating in mid-air. Maybe he was. Then all he heard was a muffled: Gaara: Desert Coffin! --- LeLouche hid outside Prince Marth's house surging with zeal, ready to strike at any moment. But without warning, Marth burst through the door and swiftly walked in the opposite direction. LeLouche cursed his luck and resigned himself to wait until Marth returned. That would give him plenty of time to setup an ambush, he then thought. He quickly ducked inside the house and shut the door behind him. Having to wait angered LeLouche, but the smile crept back onto his face as he thought through various strategies to surprise Marth upon his return. --- Prince Marth arrogantly strode up to a manor that he knew he shouldn't have known, yet it was perfectly clear to him who was waiting behind the door. He knocked once and the door quickly opened and then shut behind him. Aizen: Ah, Prince Marth. I've been expected you. I assume your task has been completed? Prince Marth: Yes, My Lord Aizen Aizen: Excellent. Well done indeed. I could use a tough one like you... Aizen calmly walked up to Prince Marth and clasped his shoulder. The two stood like that for some time, as if relishing the moment. Marth smiled proudly up at Aizen. Aizen smiled in return, cool and confident, gazing right into his eyes and then thrust his sword right through Marth's chest. Marth quivered and fell lifeless to the floor. Aizen: ...But it would be much more fun to use someone else instead. --- LeLouche grew tired of waiting and left Prince Marth's. He assumed that his target must have lost his life already. --- Recruiter: Toushiro 1) JS -DEAD (killed by Gaara) 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Mekal 4) Prince Marth - DEAD (killed by Aizen) 5) GC 6) woon 7) CrazyPainter - DEAD (killed by Chad and Ishida) 8) Cherry Lane 9) FIF 10) PG 11) Brandonb 12) Sinistral 13) Kat 14) Wally West 15) dawh 16) Laharl 17) sweetness kat Toushiro: Day 1 begins now! There will be roughly 24 hours to participate in the Execution vote. Please also vote if you want to use a blindfold or not,and remember that the blindfold cannot be used two days in a row. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grey cells Posted October 5, 2008 Report Share Posted October 5, 2008 So CP was either Aizen, LeLouche, Rukia or Gaara. If PrinceM defended, could Aizen still control his actions? Have to think about that. BTW, Great first night post Toushiro. Renji we heroes don't need any help this game, we are going to win. You will see. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grey cells Posted October 5, 2008 Report Share Posted October 5, 2008 So PrinceM was not defending, which means he was also attacking. But if Aizen controlled his actions, he would attack someone alse, not his intended target. So PrinceM was definitely a hero. He could have been Ishida, Chad, Rukia or Gaara. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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