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I used to wait tables in college and for those of you who dont know, 90% of servers income comes from tips. I, along with every other server, have noticed that there are certain ethnic and SES groups that do not tip well. On dry nights, I'd see a new table in my section with some of these people and couldnt help but think "Awe nuts, this is going to be a waste of my time... and rent is due soon also." I still tried to treat every table the same, but sometimes you cant stop your thoughts.

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I don't believe that thinking about stereotypes makes one a racist. There is a reason most stereotypes exist: because many poeple of whatever group the stereotype is about do whatever the stereotype suggests. :rolleyes:

I used to be a waiter too and that stereotype is absolutely true. It's not racist to think that way. It would be racist to hate them for doing it.

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I don't believe that thinking about stereotypes makes one a racist. There is a reason most stereotypes exist: because many poeple of whatever group the stereotype is about do whatever the stereotype suggests. :rolleyes:

I used to be a waiter too and that stereotype is absolutely true. It's not racist to think that way. It would be racist to hate them for doing it.

true. I dont hate anyone for anything they dont have control over.

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I don't believe that thinking about stereotypes makes one a racist. It's not racist to think that way. It would be racist to hate them for doing it.

Oh poo! Can I change my vote?! I said "yes" only because I have had instances of similar thought. I have friends of all races, religions, backgrounds and socioeconomic status. I guess I am racist against intentionally rude and hateful people....also people who wallow in their own stupidity (like racists!) :D

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I disagree with most of the stuff written so far. None of it qualifies as racist, though it may be stereotyping or possibly go as far as being prejudice, but it's certainly not racist.

Racism is the belief of the inherent superiority of one race over. Viewing certain groups as bad tippers is simply a prejudice about the cultural norms and stereotypes attached to that group. I too was a waiter, and I also have to agree about the tipping stereotype.

When I saw this topic I thought it was going to talk about how many promotion groups are stating that if "you don't vote for Obama then you are a racist." This statement is absolutely absurd. A competition between two people based on their stances on issues has nothing to do with race, unless of course one is voting primarily on the basis of skin color. So it's simple to point out that there are a few logical fallacies with drawing a direct line from vote to reasoning.

Now, considering that these groups are promoting a candidate based on race, it is a logical conclusion that these people are casting their vote based on race, which in fact makes them and their statement racist. I guess it's needless to say that an ultimatum about racism that was issued by a self-proclaimed racist group is, well... hypocrisy at it's finest. :P

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I disagree with most of the stuff written so far. None of it qualifies as racist, though it may be stereotyping or possibly go as far as being prejudice, but it's certainly not racist.

Racism is the belief of the inherent superiority of one race over. Viewing certain groups as bad tippers is simply a prejudice about the cultural norms and stereotypes attached to that group. I too was a waiter, and I also have to agree about the tipping stereotype.

When I saw this topic I thought it was going to talk about how many promotion groups are stating that if "you don't vote for Obama then you are a racist." This statement is absolutely absurd. A competition between two people based on their stances on issues has nothing to do with race, unless of course one is voting primarily on the basis of skin color. So it's simple to point out that there are a few logical fallacies with drawing a direct line from vote to reasoning.

Now, considering that these groups are promoting a candidate based on race, it is a logical conclusion that these people are casting their vote based on race, which in fact makes them and their statement racist. I guess it's needless to say that an ultimatum about racism that was issued by a self-proclaimed racist group is, well... hypocrisy at it's finest. :P

Oh no Brandon, I wasnt going for that at all. I was just curious because someone asked me if I was jewish because I am cheap.

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I put yes, but I was mixing up stereotypes and racism. I don't hate any ethnic groups, really, or hate anyone for being in that group.. But I've got plenty of stereotypes up in this noggin

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I have to say that I think all of us are a bit racist.

I heard this comedian say "you can call a white person a honkey or a cracker and

they will do nothing. But call em racist and they are all over you!

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Let me try this again :) We are all responsible for what we do, though it's almost impossible to control thoughts. We can treat people equally (hopefully we do)... But what about those thoughts that you can't control? Our parents were racists, because their parents raised them that way. Minds are little sponges, we absorded that mind-set. As we got older, we realize how rediculous it is to hate based on someone's color. Some of us *choke* older ones were in school during integration. For me it was Junior High. It was scary at first, but we all grew to respect each other (except that girl named Sharon who was really mean).

I can't make excuses for what I know deep down is true. I'm responsible for what I say and do.

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I'm not racist. I hate everyone equally... <_< :lol: j/k

On a serious note, I know that my grandfather was a bit on the racist side but it wasn't to any extreme. But it was enough to the point that I was almost afraid to of what he might have said if he knew that the first ever girl I had a crush on was black. Hehe. As for me, I can't necessarily say I'm racist. I do tend to fall into the same thinking as everyone else when it comes to stereotypes in many cases, however.

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sometimes if i have thoughts that are a bit racist/stereotypical, i try to just keep them as thoughts and not really let it get in the way of anything else, God willing. I try to treat people equally, so racism doesn't really affect stuff.

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meh i see a black person, yes i will eye him or her closely... i see a mexican and i do the same thing, i ALSO eye a white guy trying to be black... to me they are just white trash and i want nothing to do with them. I dont see why we can all be equally the same, education and view wise.

Black people call each other nigger

Mexicans call each other beaners....

To me thats just trash, so screw them, throw them out of US and let them go back to where they came from and learn something decent and educate themselves on what America truely is!

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meh i see a black person, yes i will eye him or her closely... i see a mexican and i do the same thing, i ALSO eye a white guy trying to be black... to me they are just white trash and i want nothing to do with them. I dont see why we can all be equally the same, education and view wise.

Black people call each other nigger

Mexicans call each other beaners....

To me thats just trash, so screw them, throw them out of US and let them go back to where they came from and learn something decent and educate themselves on what America truely is!

Makes me curios how many ppl in here are not caucasian? I know we have some great players from india and also some of asian decent. But what else?

and Blade, I gotta tell ya but what you just said is racist. How is a white guy trying to be black? is he pulling an Al Jolson or something? Or do you mean that if he dresses hip hop

style he is trying to act "black"? What is the USA truly? Is it what they think or what I think or what you think?

Just some thoughts. :)

Edited by crazypainter
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I put no. I have and will always continue to have friends and aquaintances of all backgrounds. The older generation needs a kick now and then for conditioning the young minds who are racist today.

I can say I dislike rotten people who ruin things for good people. Hate is taking it to a high level. It takes something very nasty to hate someone I guess. :D Peace out. B))

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...Blade, I gotta tell ya but what you just said is racist. How is a white guy trying to be black? is he pulling an Al Jolson or something? Or do you mean that if he dresses hip hop

style he is trying to act "black"? What is the USA truly? Is it what they think or what I think or what you think?

Just some thoughts. :)

What he said really wasn't racist. It was a statement that was specifically addressing and criticizing the actions of those people. It's not a statement of racism, nor does it hardly even qualify as bigotry. It is a statement of discrimination and possibly hatred of someone because of their actions.

Racism is a much thinner line than what the cultural view has skewed it to now. Much more likely than not, when a person uses the term "racist" it is being used very ignorantly of the meaning and very deliberately as an attack, even though out of context. Depending on what comedian is using the term, it could be tied to anything if used out of context, and that's what makes it comedy.

Lets get an example.

To say that someone should not be hired for a job because they are a certain race, and because they are that race they could not possibly perform as well as someone of another race... THAT is racist.

To say that someone of a certain race should not be hired for a job because they dress/speak like a thug, and because they dress/speak like a thug they probably do drugs and will not perform as well as another candidate that is better dressed (despite any race being thrown into the equation)... THAT is prejudice.

To say that someone of a certain race should not be hired because they have a history of negligence and entitlement and they are confrontational... THAT is wise decision making skills... though it may lead to a law suit being filed under the false definition of racism.

Edited by Brandonb
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What he said really wasn't racist. It was a statement that was specifically addressing and criticizing the actions of those people. It's not a statement of racism, nor does it hardly even qualify as bigotry. It is a statement of discrimination and possibly hatred of someone because of their actions.

Racism is a much thinner line than what the cultural view has skewed it to now. Much more likely than not, when a person uses the term "racist" it is being used very ignorantly of the meaning and very deliberately as an attack, even though out of context. Depending on what comedian is using the term, it could be tied to anything if used out of context, and that's what makes it comedy.

Lets get an example.

To say that someone should not be hired for a job because they are a certain race, and because they are that race they could not possibly perform as well as someone of another race... THAT is racist.

To say that someone of a certain race should not be hired for a job because they dress/speak like a thug, and because they dress/speak like a thug they probably do drugs and will not perform as well as another candidate that is better dressed (despite any race being thrown into the equation)... THAT is prejudice.

To say that someone of a certain race should not be hired because they have a history of negligence and entitlement and they are confrontational... THAT is wise decision making skills... though it may lead to a law suit being filed under the false definition of racism.

Know what Brandon? You are right. The statement wasnt racist. It was ignorant.

Telling someone to go home or leave is ignorant because America is their home. And if they wanted to leave

who is to say that they could? If i wanted to leave the USA and move to say, Canada, I couldnt. I couldnt be a citizen there

because I am disabled. I couldnt immigrate to New Zealand either. Could i go to England? Could I immigrate there and become a

royal subject? Hmmmm?

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Know what Brandon? You are right. The statement wasnt racist. It was ignorant.

Telling someone to go home or leave is ignorant because America is their home. And if they wanted to leave

who is to say that they could? If i wanted to leave the USA and move to say, Canada, I couldnt. I couldnt be a citizen there

because I am disabled. I couldnt immigrate to New Zealand either. Could i go to England? Could I immigrate there and become a

royal subject? Hmmmm?


I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I am understanding your comment correctly, but I didn't mean to suggest that you should leave the US! Sorry if I came across unclear or in a derogatory manner towards you, I assure you that it was not my intention. :unsure:

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I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I am understanding your comment correctly, but I didn't mean to suggest that you should leave the US! Sorry if I came across unclear or in a derogatory manner towards you, I assure you that it was not my intention. :unsure:

Oh no Brandon. I understand how chat rooms are. I am not mad. You are cool. Peace man "hand Bb a daisy' No, I wouldve been a beatnick not a hippie. I have thought about leaving, or people have talked to me about it. My view has been why leave? I love this country and want to fight for it. There are ppl who cant leave due to money etc. If it was just cash then maybe I could pull something..no I couldnt. But I feel like if I wanted to go I could. Many people dont have the means to get up and go. So saying love it or leave it is not an option for most of america. That doesnt refer to you...just a random point.

but you better watch out because if we ever meet in person I am big on hugging. It shocks some people to have a stranger come up and embrace them. But thats me. :D

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