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Haha! I LOVE Heroes! :D

Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S


1) Frozen

2) Mekal

3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???)

4) onetruth

5) twoaday

6) Kat-voting for- onetruth

7) Crazypainter voting for onetruth

8) GC

9) Nayana

10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14)

11) Dusty - voting for onetruth

12) Dawh

13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero)

14) taliesin

15) woon

16) Ben Law

17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic)

18) SoKrisky

19) Brandonb - voting for Dusty

20) Joe's Student

From what I've read, it's pretty clear onetruth is a baddie of some sort, and we want to get rid of baddies asap, so that explains my vote.


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Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S


1) Frozen - voting for Barack Obama. (not voting)

2) Mekal

3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???)

4) onetruth

5) twoaday

6) Kat

7) Crazypainter voting for onetruth

8) GC

9) Nayana

10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14)

11) Dusty - voting for onetruth

12) Dawh

13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero)

14) taliesin

15) woon

16) Ben Law

17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic)

18) SoKrisky

19) Brandonb - voting for Dusty

20) Joe's Student

Edited by frozen_in_fire
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  Kathleen said:
Haha! I LOVE Heroes! :D

Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S


1) Frozen

2) Mekal

3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???)

4) onetruth

5) twoaday

6) Kat-voting for- onetruth

7) Crazypainter voting for onetruth

8) GC

9) Nayana

10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14)

11) Dusty - voting for onetruth

12) Dawh

13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero)

14) taliesin

15) woon

16) Ben Law

17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic)

18) SoKrisky

19) Brandonb - voting for Dusty

20) Joe's Student

From what I've read, it's pretty clear onetruth is a baddie of some sort, and we want to get rid of baddies asap, so that explains my vote.


Why does everyone think I'm a baddie? Because everyone is assuming that GC is telling the truth? I'm a good girl, I am. So, basically, no one is questioning him? Didn't someone mention the danger in ASSumptions (sorry LIS)? And why pink? Isn't it obvious I prefer purple? Also...does anyone know of a copy service in Utah that will go to a location to make the copies? Finding one is keeping me from M4F14!

Is everyone else going to jump on the GC bandwagon? I'd like to hear from the more quiet players...Mekal...TwoaDay...taliesin...SoKrisky...etc

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  Brandonb said:
LOL! I would also like to change my vote to airlock Barack Obama :P

*Ok, there's my one nonsense post... But it was worth it B))

if only we could do that...

anyways... i just got back from high shool... so i am still catching up... but TC... good game... you played well...

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  Brandonb said:
LOL! I would also like to change my vote to airlock Barack Obama :P

*Ok, there's my one nonsense post... But it was worth it B))

I would also like to airlock him. Brandon, we finally agree! lol

Umm...so when does voting end? I'll vote soon. I'd *like* to hear what the others have to say, but if they take too long, I'll vote before then. Even though it looks like I'm headed over to join Obama. If the Innocents want to lose one of their own, then fine. But I won't go down without a fight!

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I'm still not convinced that onetruth is the best choice. Brandonb and onetruth are the only ones with their names being thrown around as baddies, but there are still a lot of baddies out there. Brandonb is pretty much confirmed; it's nigh impossible that he could be someone else based on what he's claimed and the events that have transpired.

However, the only evidence (that I've seen) that we have showing onetruth is a QA comes from GC's statements, without any support from anyone else. Is that enough evidence? Everyone's just going to take his word for it? Of course the M4F14 know whether or not GC is telling the truth....Hmm, maybe the three people currently voting for onetruth are doing so because they know who GC is since they are M4F14! :o (That's not probably true; I'm just trying to look at both sides of the issue.) Besides, a lot of people haven't even been on yet to support or condemn GC's claim.

I think that it's a little premature to trust GC so implicitly. I'm still thinking about things and trying to figure out what's going on. I have a hunch (figuratively, :P ) but I'm not going to vote on it yet. I need to go back and check on some things first... :unsure:

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  dusty_b109 said:
The color is violet, and there are a lot of people saying you're bad, not just GC...

It doesn't mean you're a bad person, just a bad character :P

lol I know...but why do they think I'm a baddie, besides what GC claimed?

I guess in this court it's guilty until proven innocent...

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Wow, what a long story. At the end I almost forget sinistral also been killed, untill I see the summary list.

It's awesome. At the end I might switch my focus to the storyline of itself, from whom been killed or airlocked.

and of coarse TC cannot be mutant. Remember Seven is fighting with Mutant while intend to kill TC until he received a message of "target change" and he move to TC. If TC is mutant, seven doesn't make the trouble to go somewhere else because he is fighting with mutant at that time.

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  onetruth said:
Why does everyone think I'm a baddie? Because everyone is assuming that GC is telling the truth? I'm a good girl, I am. So, basically, no one is questioning him? Didn't someone mention the danger in ASSumptions (sorry LIS)? And why pink? Isn't it obvious I prefer purple? Also...does anyone know of a copy service in Utah that will go to a location to make the copies? Finding one is keeping me from M4F14!

Is everyone else going to jump on the GC bandwagon? I'd like to hear from the more quiet players...Mekal...TwoaDay...taliesin...SoKrisky...etc

im quiet because i go to sleep then go straight to school and depending on the day i might so straight to tennis... anyway...

so first off... they must have cleaned up the pr1s0ns in the future because BB posted alot and HE never got gangbeat <_<

second off... my vote go to onetruth... all you have said is"how could i be a baddie..." ... thats bound to make people suspicus... who knows...

Edited by Mekal
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  Mekal said:
they must have cleaned up the pr1s0ns in the future because BB posted alot and HE never got gangbeat <_<

Well, it's not so much that they are cleaned up, but that the other prisoners really weren't sure about how to handle a Man-Eating ArachnoRabbit. :P

As for OT, GC wasn't the only one. I said that OT was probably a M4F14 on the 1st day, when she 'blindly' defended Phaze as being a M4F14. Well I was telling the truth when I thought that Phaze was a M4F14... wait, did GC say that OT is a QA? nvm on this line of reasoning... :huh:

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  Mekal said:
if only we could do that... (talking about Obama)

anyways... i just got back from high shool... so i am still catching up... but TC... good game... you played well...

Oh Please oh please lets NOT talk politics in here.

I am VERY politically active and this is my sanctuary.

Shhhh no political bashing, no BD player bashing

Come on people.

I am glad that those of you in here who are too young to vote

are getting interested in the process. Register when you are


But I dont want to hear any political, or to be more clear,

no presidential babble in here ok?

Please OK?

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It's minipost time again:

Craving More Take-out (of the game)

Having also cloned Dawh's taste for pizza, the Cybernetic Droid headed towards the Pizza Pi Palace as dinner time arrived. It had been pondering who to clone next...Bb? Nah, it was very vain and didn't want to look like a Man-eating ArachnoBunny...Sinistral? Oh wait, he had been killed before his first day on Affinion 7. Too bad, too. Sinistral had some really amazing qualities (besides the fact he looked exactly like 41Z3N). It could always clone Dawh again, but the pizza cravings it got were annoying...

Meanwhile, Onetruth was just exiting the Pizza Pi Palace, carrying an extra large pepperoni pizza pi. She needed some comfort food after the terrible day she'd been having. She'd almost been strangled by Seven and now everyone was itching to airlock her. What else could go wrong?

"Ow!" she cried as the CD ran straight into her. She lifted the lid of the pizza box to make sure her pi hadn't been crushed. It hadn't. Well, she thought, at least something hasn't gone wrong...

The smell of the pizza wafted up to the CD's cloned nose. Its cloned salivary glands began to water. In a flash, it grabbed the box and tugged.

"Hey!" Onetruth yelled, tugging back. "Let go of my pizza!"

It was a stalemate as both sides were desperately in need of the cheesy meaty pi. At last, a fluorescent light bulb went off above the CD's head and it had the solution. It grabbed Onetruth along with the pizza and turned to head back to its cloning lair.

Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S


1) Frozen - voting for Barack Obama. (not voting)

2) Mekal

3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???)

4) onetruth - cannot vote

5) twoaday

6) Kat

7) Crazypainter voting for onetruth

8) GC

9) Nayana

10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14)

11) Dusty - voting for onetruth

12) Dawh

13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero)

14) taliesin

15) woon

16) Ben Law

17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic)

18) SoKrisky

19) Brandonb - voting for Dusty

20) Joe's Student

Okay, Onetruth is removed from discussion for 24 hours, until 6pm Central time tomorrow.

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  taliesin said:
Anyone have any idea who the Dead people are? Good/Bad? Any roles, confirmed facts?

Well, we Know for sure that Slickster was the Bio Engineer

as far as the others I can only say who they were not by

reasoning that they were not killed by suicide.

None of the other roles have been revealed.

But we know onetruth is not the droid.

Thunder Chicken wasnt a M4F14050 and I

doubt he was a QA. But I am not sure he was an innocent.

Wait.. I think TC was the mimic!

Hows that for my 500th post?

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  crazypainter said:
Well, we Know for sure that Slickster was the Bio Engineer

as far as the others I can only say who they were not by

reasoning that they were not killed by suicide.

None of the other roles have been revealed.

But we know onetruth is not the droid.

Thunder Chicken wasnt a M4F14050 and I

doubt he was a QA. But I am not sure he was an innocent.

Wait.. I think TC was the mimic!

Hows that for my 500th post?

Lol sorry again but I can't help it... I should probably stop reading this topic until the end...

Ok I think you should read the story again... If you looked closer, I died AFTER 7 threw me out the window...

And it IS possible for an engineered droid to fall 4 stories and live.

And I couldn't have been the Mimic because I died by a shape-shifter, which I'm pretty sure is the Mimic, but I'm not sure...

To tell the truth I don't know what killed me at the moment either, that's for you guys to figure out...

Ok Y-San that was my last death post!

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  ThunderChicken said:
Lol sorry again but I can't help it... I should probably stop reading this topic until the end...

Ok I think you should read the story again... If you looked closer, I died AFTER 7 threw me out the window...

And it IS possible for an engineered droid to fall 4 stories and live.

And I couldn't have been the Mimic because I died by a shape-shifter, which I'm pretty sure is the Mimic, but I'm not sure...

To tell the truth I don't know what killed me at the moment either, that's for you guys to figure out...

Ok Y-San that was my last death post!

you were killed by the mafia after escaping from 7, one QA, and the mimic masking as a QA.

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  ThunderChicken said:
Lol sorry again but I can't help it... I should probably stop reading this topic until the end...

Ok I think you should read the story again... If you looked closer, I died AFTER 7 threw me out the window...

And it IS possible for an engineered droid to fall 4 stories and live.

And I couldn't have been the Mimic because I died by a shape-shifter, which I'm pretty sure is the Mimic, but I'm not sure...

To tell the truth I don't know what killed me at the moment either, that's for you guys to figure out...

Ok Y-San that was my last death post!

TC!! Shhhhh <_<

shaking my head in disbelief.

Why dont you just come out and tell us who you were?? No dont. That was a snide comment.


Edited by crazypainter
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  crazypainter said:
Well, we Know for sure that Slickster was the Bio Engineer

as far as the others I can only say who they were not by

reasoning that they were not killed by suicide.

None of the other roles have been revealed.

But we know onetruth is not the droid.

Thunder Chicken wasnt a M4F14050 and I

doubt he was a QA. But I am not sure he was an innocent.

Wait.. I think TC was the mimic!

Hows that for my 500th post?

Congrats CP!

I can assure you, I am the Mimic. I need to kill a baddie tonight, I also may need a saving role to help me out since I will probably be targeted by the remaining baddies.

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  Brandonb said:
Congrats CP!

I can assure you, I am the Mimic. I need to kill a baddie tonight, I also may need a saving role to help me out since I will probably be targeted by the remaining baddies.

"Wait.. I think TC was the mimic!"

that was just a joKe I made.

I was 100% sure he wasnt.

I didnt think he would post a

reply and give up info......

does he realize he did?

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