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Mafia VI: Gangs of Denbrain


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Okay, so basically looking at the Mafia deal the first day, two groups benefit: the Mafia (for reasons I previously discussed) and the QAs, who get the identity of the GR, whom they need to die in order to reach their goal, and whom they will be likely to go after that night, hence allowing them to meet...

I have suspicions of Mekal, because he claimed not to want to lynch the SB and that he believed the Mafia would lie and acted very hesitant, but...

...as soon as Bb started the Tolecnal vote, he immediately jumped on...

But then Bb withdrew his vote, and Mekal kept supporting the lynch Tolecnal campaign, I think that when he saw that campaign wasn't working, and realized suspicion would fall on him (which it did :P), he tried to cover his tracks by withdrawing his vote, and...

I have a good reason for that...

If you ask any of my friends(or ask my little Bros friend... "Chuck Norris"is his user name) they will say im EXTREAMLY indecisive. you can also ask frost... i changed my kill in Mafia V 3-4 times in one night... plus, i did agree about tolecnal with BB... but then i realized the QA's would have a higher chance of winning if we lynched Tolecnal or the mafia would lie... the reason i didn't want to lynch the SB in the first place was because of the Mafia IV incident when i got blown up by PG... and once i figured out that the SB wouldn't blow up... i changed my mind

Edit: Grammer

Edited by Mekal
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note esj made three posts yesterday but not on this topic - may have pm'd you but thats inactive

I agree, that's why I voted for him in the first place. I think we need to take a closer look at these nondescript people people in this game. I mean, honestly, does anyone have any clue about johnson? Not really, and it benefits a baddie greatly to be under the radar.

I realize he is in India and all that, but really, he's made two posts in this entire thread and they were "I choose not to vote now. " and "I have nothing to say clueless, since you are just voting for inactivity."

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I have a good reason for that...

If you ask any of my friends(or ask my little Bros friend "Chuck Norris"is his user name) they will say im EXTREAMLY indecisive. you can also ask frost... i changed my kill in Mafia V 3-4 times in one night... plus, i did agree about tolecnal with BB... but then i realized the QA's would have a higher chance of winning if we lynched Tolecnal or the mafia would lie... the reason i didn't want to lynch the SB in the first place was because of the Mafia IV incident when i got blown up by PG... and once i figured out that the SB wouldn'y blow up... i changed my mind

You have to admit that a lot of people thought that you were pretty suspicious yesterday. The Tax Collector took your vote and the Police Officer arrested you. I'm not going to vote for you yet as I have some other suspects on my list and I need to think about it, but Y-s made some good points to add to the list of grievances against you. BTW, what did you talk to the police about anyway? He/she released you and you said that they believed you, but I'm curious what they asked.

I need to check a few posts and consider the person I find more dangerous and then I'll vote.

And for anyone wondering where I was today, I had company over and I couldn't get on for most of the day. :P

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okay... i wasn't planning on doing this untill the 3rd day... but i am willing to come out with my role, i can also prove it. the one condition is that im going to need a doctor to save me tonight... so if a spokes person can say that they will save me tonight, then i will come out with my role...

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okay... i wasn't planning on doing this untill the 3rd day... but i am willing to come out with my role, i can also prove it. the one condition is that im going to need a doctor to save me tonight... so if a spokes person can say that they will save me tonight, then i will come out with my role...

That could be difficult since our doctor appears to be out of commission saving themselves and our healer is unknown. You will have to trust that he/she saves you, because it would be very unwise for them to respond publicly.

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That could be difficult since our doctor appears to be out of commission saving themselves and our healer is unknown. You will have to trust that he/she saves you, because it would be very unwise for them to respond publicly.

okay, then i won't come out until tomorrow... but i have strong evidence that Y-San is a baddie. When i said i have LM's role... i think she thought i was the spy... which is why she found as much evidence as possible to get me lynched... so im begging you guys... switch your vote to Y-San

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Host: Unreality

1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza

2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia

3) Frost

4) Brandonb

5) Dawh

6) Ysan - voting for Mekal

7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched

8) Clueless - voting for Johnson

9) Twoaday

10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

11) Johnson

12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia

13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper

14) Mekal - voting for Y-San

15) Rene

16) CrazyPainter

17) Pw0nzd - voting for LM

18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja

19) LM

20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover

21) Tolecnal- voting for LM

Edited by Mekal
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Host: Unreality

1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza

2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia

3) Frost

4) Brandonb

5) Dawh

6) Ysan - voting for Mekal

7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched

8) Clueless - voting for Johnson

9) Twoaday

10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

11) Johnson

12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia

13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper

14) Mekal - voting for Y-san

15) Rene

16) CrazyPainter

17) Pw0nzd - voting for LM

18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja

19) LM

20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover

21) Tolecnal- voting for LM

edit most updated

Edited by TwoaDay
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okay, then i won't come out until tomorrow... but i have strong evidence that Y-San is a baddie. When i said i have LM's role... i think she thought i was the spy... which is why she found as much evidence as possible to get me lynched... so im begging you guys... switch your vote to Y-San

This isn't good enough for me. Are you saying you are the spy, or you have this info somehow else? I think you need to give us a really good reason for your suspicious behavior.

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this is :P (don't use red)

Host: Unreality

1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza

2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia

3) Frost

4) Brandonb

5) Dawh

6) Ysan - voting for Mekal

7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched

8) Clueless - voting for Johnson

9) Twoaday

10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

11) Johnson

12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia

13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper

14) Mekal - voting for Y-san

15) Rene

16) CrazyPainter

17) Pw0nzd - voting for LM

18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja

19) LM

20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover

21) Tolecnal- voting for LM

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Lol...well, I love how I keep changing colors...psychedelic! XP

okay, then i won't come out until tomorrow... but i have strong evidence that Y-San is a baddie. When i said i have LM's role... i think she thought i was the spy... which is why she found as much evidence as possible to get me lynched... so im begging you guys... switch your vote to Y-San

But Mekal, the problem with your argument is that you were on my suspect list *before* you said you thought you knew LM's role...and you posted while I was collecting the evidence...

Thanks for *finally* answering my question...:P...I think Phaze was a QA due to the fact that UR said there was reason behind his suicidal behavior, and the only two roles that satisfy that criteria are the SB (but I think Tolecnal is telling the truth) and a QA trying to find the other QA...plus he kept asking the LP to confirm, trying to get the LP to out him/herself...

So with GR dead (yay Frozen! ;)), the LP or just the P now, I guess, is vulnerable to the QAs, so finding the other one should be of concern (especially with the annoying Mafia messages silenced XP)...I had two suspects, but UR's info narrows it down to one...

Anyways, as usual, I'm going to collect the evidence before naming the suspect...

Plus, before you said you knew LM's role, I had already said I had her pegged as one of two possible roles

Lol...Frost was just on, like a page ago, and plus, some people have lives outside of Mafia...;P

Oh, and before I forget again, based on hints she dropped, I think LM is one of two possible roles, both of which are Innocent...and I *don't* use a spreadsheet :P

I actually have LM's role... or at least im 99.9% sure... i just dont want to tell you since its LM's choice if she wants to come out with it...

The timestamps prove it :P

But I am definitely willing to change my vote if you have some evidence to clear yourself...however, revenge voting against me with a faulty reason makes you look more guilty...

Edited by Yoruichi-san
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This isn't good enough for me. Are you saying you are the spy, or you have this info somehow else? I think you need to give us a really good reason for your suspicious behavior.

you know what... screw it... i've already painted a target with a big red bullseye on the back of my head.

I am the spy. the first day i spied on LM... who is innocent(i am not telling you her accuall role...) and today i spied on y-san... who is a Yazuka. so that is why i needed a doctor to save me tonight.

EDIT: frost... tell them about how i changed my vote to kill in M-V a bunch of time... which is why i kept on changing my vote...

Edited by Mekal
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you know what... screw it... i've already painted a target with a big red bullseye on the back of my head.

I am the spy. the first day i spied on LM... who is innocent(i am not telling you her accuall role...) and today i spied on y-san... who is a Yazuka. so that is why i needed a doctor to save me tonight.

EDIT: frost... tell them about how i changed my vote to kill in M-V a bunch of time... which is why i kept on changing my vote...

Hmmm...well, I'm not saying that I don't believe you, considering how bad of a liar you are(no offense, but it was really obvious in Mafia V :P). Interesting...to be fair, you did change your kill in MV...but it was only on one night, from Y-san to TwoaDay(that was why that badge was on her property), at least as far as I can recall. You might have done it one other time, but I can't remember.

Anyway, about you claiming to be the Spy: Possible, as I said, you are a bad liar. Not really sure on this, would like to hear from Y-san first before I decide on who to vote for.

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you know what... screw it... i've already painted a target with a big red bullseye on the back of my head.

I am the spy. the first day i spied on LM... who is innocent(i am not telling you her accuall role...) and today i spied on y-san... who is a Yazuka. so that is why i needed a doctor to save me tonight.

EDIT: frost... tell them about how i changed my vote to kill in M-V a bunch of time... which is why i kept on changing my vote...

Ugh... I thought this might happen when he was saying stuff about how he knew some special secrets of people. Mekal is throwing stuff in from left field. This I know because I am the spy. Unlike Mekal, "who wanted to wait until round 3", I didn't want to do this at all.

I think Mekal at this point is just trying to save his own rear end.

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Ugh... I thought this might happen when he was saying stuff about how he knew some special secrets of people. Mekal is throwing stuff in from left field. This I know because I am the spy. Unlike Mekal, "who wanted to wait until round 3", I didn't want to do this at all.

I think Mekal at this point is just trying to save his own rear end.

Do you want me to post my role confermation? what about to PM that UR sent me?

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Ugh... I thought this might happen when he was saying stuff about how he knew some special secrets of people. Mekal is throwing stuff in from left field. This I know because I am the spy. Unlike Mekal, "who wanted to wait until round 3", I didn't want to do this at all.

I think Mekal at this point is just trying to save his own rear end.

Hmmm...now this could get interesting. Any proof? Not that I'm saying Mekal has much either, I'd just like some info on who knows what before I can decide on whicjh one of you is telling the truth. Though to be fair, it's usually the one who's telling the truth that comes out afterwards, just to defend themselves. B))

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Ok, now for some concrete Information. I wasn't joking when I said we needed to go after ESJohnson. He is a mafioso. I learned this yesterday, but had no real chance at starting anything without looking like a total walking bullseye. He's been lurking, but it's not just speculation anymore.

I know that one other person is innocent, but for the sake of their safety I'm not going to reveal who.

I don't know who Mekal is, so far all we know he could just be a scrambling innocent under the noose or a QA. I think ESJ is far more of a threat. If we don't take him down, he will kill tonight, and we know he is the last one.

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Hmmm...now this could get interesting. Any proof? Not that I'm saying Mekal has much either, I'd just like some info on who knows what before I can decide on whicjh one of you is telling the truth. Though to be fair, it's usually the one who's telling the truth that comes out afterwards, just to defend themselves. B))

here is proof... these are my role confirmation and the PM saying that Y-San is a yazuka

you are the Spy ;D good luck in Mafia VI! :P

who are you going to spy on today?
im probably going to wait untill later in the day... but before the votes get to far...

what about NOW? lol :D

okay, fine... i chose Y-San

you dont HAVE to choose now

but Ysan is.... *drumroll* YAKUZA! :P

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Ok, now for some concrete Information. I wasn't joking when I said we needed to go after ESJohnson. He is a mafioso. I learned this yesterday, but had no real chance at starting anything without looking like a total walking bullseye. He's been lurking, but it's not just speculation anymore.

I know that one other person is innocent, but for the sake of their safety I'm not going to reveal who.

I don't know who Mekal is, so far all we know he could just be a scrambling innocent under the noose or a QA. I think ESJ is far more of a threat. If we don't take him down, he will kill tonight, and we know he is the last one.

nice try... now we know two baddies...

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you know what... screw it... i've already painted a target with a big red bullseye on the back of my head.

I am the spy. the first day i spied on LM... who is innocent(i am not telling you her accuall role...) and today i spied on y-san... who is a Yazuka. so that is why i needed a doctor to save me tonight.

EDIT: frost... tell them about how i changed my vote to kill in M-V a bunch of time... which is why i kept on changing my vote...

Yeah, accusing someone of being the Yakuza is the easiest, since no one except the Yakuza knows what their goal is and so you don't need actual proof...XP

And yes, I knew LM was an Innocent (see above post)...

But I think the person who actually needs the protection tonight is the P, and this is a good ploy to draw that protection away from him/her if you are a QA like I suspect...and if the real Spy came out and contradicted you then again the protection is drawn away from the P...and although I thought there was only one QA remaining, I may have been wrong about Phaze...hmmm....

I don't know what CL was, but if there's a second protecting role, it needs to go to Frost...after UR revealed GC to be the Bankroller, I think I know what he is...plus the Mafia obviously want him dead ;P

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