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Mafia V Signups


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I have an idea for Mafia VI...

* Policeman - the Policeman/woman (I'll just refer to as "Policeman" and "he" from now on) can make arrests during the day. The Policeman can make as many arrests as he wants during the day by PMing me, of which I announce during when it happens- so everyone knows which people are in the jail. If the Policeman arrests the Master of Subterfuge, it's revealed that he tried to do so and the MoS got away, but the MoS's identity is not revealed (by me anyways). The people that are in jail can still vote and converse normally via visiting hours, lawyers, etc ;D

Jailbreak- a jailbreak will never occur if there are only 1 or 2 people in jail, but if there are 3+ people in jail, and a majority of them are baddies, there is a jailbreak and everyone is freed from jail. If exactly half are baddies, there is only a jailbreak if those baddies are all in the same faction. A JAILBREAK ONLY OCCURS IN THE DAY POST AT THE END OF THE DAY.

Another "Additional Role", similar to Tiebreaker and Masked Lovers (who are always randomly picked by the host), the Escapee is another role randomly picked by the host (and could be a baddie or Innocent). The Escapee will break out of jail solo at the end of the day, but only if there is no jailbreak.

Those who are still in jail at the end of the day (after jailbreak and escapes) get x2 voting power the next day, if still alive, for their troubles.

If the Policeman is lynched, there is a mass jailbreak that day and then the jail is closed down

it's only an idea :P

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what we got so far:

Host: Frost

1) Unreality

2) Brandonb

3) Frozen

4) Slick

5) TwoaDay

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi

9) CrazyPainter

10) Cherry Lane

11) Dnae

12) Nayana

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd

15) GC

16) KOP

17) Dusty

18) Puzzlegirl

19) LIS [probably]

This color means we have saved these people a slot, but if they don't confirm their slot by the time the game starts or is going to start, someone else can take the slot

Edited by unreality
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  Frost said:
I guess no one wants to wait that long, it seems. THough it would be better if we did...

You're right, the stories would be better if we did. However, maybe we can just tweak the time constraints a little bit. Keep the 24hr and 18hr marks. Unless 1- all the night PMs are sent in early (same as the last game so the 18hrs would not be needed), and 2- Day Lynch votes are in 100% AND they are 75% in favor of one candidate. I dunno how much that could speed things up, but assuming that the quarkies don't meet up until the 3rd night, and everything else goes as slow as possible, then there should be less than 9 people remaining by the 7th.

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  TwoaDay said:
frost, you'll probably be there by the time mafia 5's over :)

Uhh...if you didn't notice, I'm hosting this game.

And not to be mean, but could you please stop constantly posting in here, it's getting annoying(you definitely shouldn't do it in the actual game, though you should still participate). You don't have to post every other time, it isn't necessary, especially your very short posts. So could you please slow down with the posting? It seems like all you care about is getting tons and tons of posts, which isn''t the idea of this forum. Thank you. B))

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days should always be 24 hours, regardless. Nights are 18 hrs MAX though, and can be done earlier if the PMs are in

and of course either time limit can be extended for the host. It's fine, Frost ;D

btw who saw post #130 about my jail idea?

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I didn't see what the exact disadvantage to being in jail was, unreality, why would the policeman arrest baddies if they just get out? Or is he trying to lynch innocents?

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  Frost said:
I didn't see what the exact disadvantage to being in jail was, unreality, why would the policeman arrest baddies if they just get out? Or is he trying to lynch innocents?

My understanding is the policeman wants them to get out - then we know who the baddies are

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  unreality said:
days should always be 24 hours, regardless. Nights are 18 hrs MAX though, and can be done earlier if the PMs are in

and of course either time limit can be extended for the host. It's fine, Frost ;D

btw who saw post #130 about my jail idea?

Saw the jail idea. It's very interesting. I have a couple questions though.

1- Does the Police Officer get to release people if s/he chooses? Or do people just remain in jail indefinitely until a jailbreak?

2- The Escapee is in addition to the original role right? (Doesn't sound too bad)

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  tolecnal said:

I'd like to sign-up, I need to read the last first 12 pages of this to catch up, but I wanted to put my name on the list before it's full. After that feel free to assess my preparedness for Mafia!

You need to read Maf II or IV, you need to read all the rules, and you need to be on often. 2 times a day minimum, and you must be active in the conversations.
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Host: Frost

1) Unreality

2) Brandonb

3) Frozen

4) Slick

5) TwoaDay

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi

9) CrazyPainter

10) Cherry Lane

11) Dnae

12) Nayana

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd

15) GC

16) KOP

17) Dusty

18) Puzzlegirl

19) LIS [probably]

20) Tolecnal

This color means we have saved these people a slot, but if they don't confirm their slot by the time the game starts or is going to start, someone else can take the slot

tolecnal: yeah what Bb and the others said, about joining. Be active! If you don't vote in the day, you die :D

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LIS is unconfirmed too

Host: Frost

1) Unreality

2) Brandonb

3) Frozen

4) Slick

5) TwoaDay

6) Yoruichi-san

7) Taliesin

8) Itachi

9) CrazyPainter

10) Cherry Lane

11) Dnae

12) Nayana

13) Dawh

14) pw0nzd

15) GC

16) KOP

17) Dusty

18) Puzzlegirl

19) LIS

20) Tolecnal

edit: though it couldn't hurt to have a backup roster

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Now I'm starting to think that we might want to wait to start the game, by the time we have the game set up and everyone has confirmed roles, it will probably be friday or saturday. I won't be on nearly as much during the vacation, and the gameplay will be slow. we can start it sooner if you like, but I think the best time would probably be either after or just before my vacation ends.

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