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Mafia III


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  Brandonb said:
My death tonight will :P

You do realize that you are still now confirmed a baddie.

How am I confirmed? Fine, someone kill me, it will only hurt you all in the end. Especially KOP, he needs my help. I know who the squeaker is through deductive reasoning, as I know a number of other people, such as you, Brandonb. I also know the Illusionist, if that tells you who I am, though I'm not dumb enough to reveal it, for those QA's are still out there. B))

Edited by Frost
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Brandonb - you need to make sense

1 = you out the bomb (dumb old me)

2 = you say you are squeaker to get killed by the vigillante. you should only do that when you are up for a lynching to avoid the mafia making you squaek who the defender is. EXPLAIN YOUR SELF FOR 1 and 2 (pls) LOL

any suspicions anyone, do we wait for KOP to put us in the frame - come on innocents, what do you think of brandonb(QA or INNOCENT SQUAEKER ???) a lone QA will have a chance to be a killer every second night instead of a random chance

Anybody worried about dnae ???

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  Brandonb said:
Frost, are you, or are you not a baddie?

I am not. In fact, I will reveal my role(unlike Ben Law) if you deem it necessary proof. You shouldn't be complaining, I helped you one night(not like it ended up mattering).

How is it you and I are the only ones that ever get into these long arguments? :D

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While I am alive (Thanks Sphinx! hope the puzzle is hard!)...I would like to support the theory that Brandon is a QA. That is the only possible rationale for asking to be killed by the Vigilante. Especially since he mentioned that Nayana was the defender. If the defender is dead, why would the squeaker be worried about revealing the defenders identity?

If I am not alive and cannot get a mafia tomorrow, I would back LIS's theory that Brandon is QA.




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  Lost in space said:
Brandonb - you need to make sense

1 = you out the bomb (dumb old me)

2 = you say you are squeaker to get killed by the vigillante. you should only do that when you are up for a lynching to avoid the mafia making you squaek who the defender is. EXPLAIN YOUR SELF FOR 1 and 2 (pls) LOL

any suspicions anyone, do we wait for KOP to put us in the frame - come on innocents, what do you think of brandonb(QA or INNOCENT SQUAEKER ???) a lone QA will have a chance to be a killer every second night instead of a random chance

Anybody worried about dnae ???

1) Again, I outed you so you could double-check Ben Law. Not "dumb old you" b/c you outed your role, but b/c you could have saved him if you had stuck around for 5 more minutes and run the lie detector on him.

2) I say I am the squeaker b/c I have been a pain in the Mafiosos a$$ and I figured that I would be killed tonight by them. Plus tonight the Vigilante can kill me instead. So I figured it would be better for everyone (except the baddies) if my secret dies a secret.

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  kingofpain said:
While I am alive (Thanks Sphinx! hope the puzzle is hard!)...I would like to support the theory that Brandon is a QA. That is the only possible rationale for asking to be killed by the Vigilante. Especially since he mentioned that Nayana was the defender. If the defender is dead, why would the squeaker be worried about revealing the defenders identity?

If I am not alive and cannot get a mafia tomorrow, I would back LIS's theory that Brandon is QA.




Don't worry KOP, I think you'll be okay. B))

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  kingofpain said:
While I am alive (Thanks Sphinx! hope the puzzle is hard!)...I would like to support the theory that Brandon is a QA. That is the only possible rationale for asking to be killed by the Vigilante. Especially since he mentioned that Nayana was the defender. If the defender is dead, why would the squeaker be worried about revealing the defenders identity?

If I am not alive and cannot get a mafia tomorrow, I would back LIS's theory that Brandon is QA.




I never said that Nayana was the defender, I said she was either a QA or a healer/doctor.

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  Frost said:
I am not. In fact, I will reveal my role(unlike Ben Law) if you deem it necessary proof. You shouldn't be complaining, I helped you one night(not like it ended up mattering).

How is it you and I are the only ones that ever get into these long arguments? :D

you are not a what?

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  Brandonb said:
I want you to write the whole thing. I want you to write something that could be Lie detected.


I am not a baddie of any sort, that goes for mafiosos, QA's, Grim Reapers, or anything else like them.

Tell LIS to Lie Detect that. B))

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  Brandonb said:
Hey, I was trying to get you to Lie Detect a statement he had made earlier, but you took off right when I told you that I needed you.

I had my reasons. Unfortunately none of the three role identifiers spoke up to confirm or otherwise. I stick by my Lynching of him, it's his fault for not coming out with his role when we told him.

How wld that help to come out as the healer for certain death, he cld have healed himself but did'nt unless that was his choice first night - bit weired to do that though.

Again asking why nayana is antedeath posting - not surprised she is miffed at the early demise, but a simple death rattle will do folks

GC any thoughts ?

Ant thought about GC ?

Three time zones to deal with, just need an Aussie in mafia IV and this gets really slow difficult and annoying, not that it would be there fault




KOP .... three initials makes you innocent - the game just got easier

Possible innocents


cherry lane




Total unknowns


Ravi etc

have to reread scotts post

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At the moment we are looking for mafia, frost wld be a king penguin if he cracked that one, but he also voted for ben law

I do not yet believe that brandonb b and frost are mafia, so will not detect them yet, I'll try something else

KOP confirmed as INSPECTOR

the bomb

I'll be voting dnae possibly - he was a messer

Edited by Lost in space
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  Frost said:
Don't worry about dnae, I got him covered. B))

Need something to go on Frost - two mafias ???

still have a lie detector left - anyone for input cos I shld be in bed

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  Brandonb said:
I would say Ravi, but I checked all of his (I think total of 4) posts, and there's nothing to go on.
to litttle input to make good use of it, they say nothing concrete and IMLRG is not helping

Any thoughts on lucifer, turning the vote around without much input - thats a bit concerning that someone else has controlled the votes - did i miss something while pre celebrationaly focused

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