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Mafia III



Mafia III

Sign up now ;D 12 is the absolute minimum, though 15 is the real minimum. 18 would be awesome, and 21 is ideal for what I have in mind (more than 21 is even better tongue.gif)

Check out Mafia II for more information on what Mafia is, and the concepts and stuff:

Post #29 - Rules
Post #17 - Strategy Tips
Post #51 - Intro
Post #65 - A Wild Evening
Post #77 - The Blue Octane
Post #159 - To The Sharks!!!
Post #174 - Open Warfare
Post #338 - The Web of Lies
Post #360 - Last Girl Standing
Post #429 - A Firelit Lynching (& Epilogue)

I won't post the official rules and roles for Mafia III until I know how many people are playing, so sign up quick biggrin.gif

* Dnae is invincible for the first night and first day
* Puzzlegirl is invincible for the first night

(If you don't know, those two are invincible because they died first & second in Mafia II)

the roster:

Host: Unreality
1) dnae
2) puzzlegirl

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I'm ~phoenix~ on a different forum (lostpedia, for all things LOST :D) and I've been playing in a Mafia game there... I was up for lynching as a Mafia (though I wasn't) cuz a guy named Ceb accused me and then got killed by the Mafia... but it was actually a frame-up by the Mafia... I'm a baddie, but a Cult Leader. Cult Leaders are kinda like QAs in that they don't know each other, they need a blind majority

so as I was about to be lynched, I posted this:


hahahahahahaha ;D I'm so evil

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I'm ~phoenix~ on a different forum (lostpedia, for all things LOST :D) and I've been playing in a Mafia game there... I was up for lynching as a Mafia (though I wasn't) cuz a guy named Ceb accused me and then got killed by the Mafia... but it was actually a frame-up by the Mafia... I'm a baddie, but a Cult Leader. Cult Leaders are kinda like QAs in that they don't know each other, they need a blind majority

so as I was about to be lynched, I posted this:


hahahahahahaha ;D I'm so evil

Aww c'mon, you don't need to give the future QAs any ideas.

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I'm ~phoenix~ on a different forum (lostpedia, for all things LOST :D) and I've been playing in a Mafia game there... I was up for lynching as a Mafia (though I wasn't) cuz a guy named Ceb accused me and then got killed by the Mafia... but it was actually a frame-up by the Mafia... I'm a baddie, but a Cult Leader. Cult Leaders are kinda like QAs in that they don't know each other, they need a blind majority

so as I was about to be lynched, I posted this:


hahahahahahaha ;D I'm so evil

pretty clever, but like Brandon said, that's quite an idea to give to characters like QA's...

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Now I know how it feels for all you dead guys. Man I hate being dead! I miss the arguments, the deception, the fun of Mafia! :D

I can't wait for the next one. Go Innocents! You will be victorious! If only someone hadn't stolen my bullets... B))

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Now I know how it feels for all you dead guys. Man I hate being dead! I miss the arguments, the deception, the fun of Mafia! :D

I can't wait for the next one. Go Innocents! You will be victorious! If only someone hadn't stolen my bullets... B))

If someone quits or neglects the game, then you should be allowed to take over like an alternate. I'm so glad to have my internet going again. Now I must catch up on all my mail etc. Also once again to LIS> :lol:HAPPY B-DAY!

Now we can lynch him. TEE-HEE :P

Edited by akaslickster
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Now I know how it feels for all you dead guys. Man I hate being dead! I miss the arguments, the deception, the fun of Mafia! :D

I can't wait for the next one. Go Innocents! You will be victorious! If only someone hadn't stolen my bullets... B))

Oh, suck it up, Frost. At least you died quickly. Do you know how unpleasant drowning is?! :lol: I should copyright a weapon of my own.... Maybe a staff, or a rifle? Yeah, the LRG Rifle! All I need to do is file the patent.... and find the copyrighted button on my keyboard. :lol::lol:

Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday, Lost in Space!

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my newest plans for Mafia IV: (though I may change the Atheist role to something else, not sure)

Mafia IV

Awesomeville is awesome, I couldn't resist returning...

Baddies (and Vigilante) strike at night, while the Innocents try to lynch them during the day by majority vote


1) only play if you've read the rules, the roles, the strategy tips and most of Mafia II and Mafia III!!! You need to know what you're getting into. Nobody will be allowed to join late and nobody will be allowed to quit. YOU MUST BE ON AND CHECKING/POSTING/PMING/VOTING ABOUT MAFIA AT LEAST TWICE A DAY!!!!!

2) no PMing behind the scenes!!!! Not only is this one of the stupidest things you could do in Mafia (you don't know who you're giving your role to and who is asking for your role, etc), even if you do know another person's role (ie, Defender and Vigilante) you can't PM them behind the scenes. The only people that are allowed to are the Mafia, and they can only do it at night and with the living Mafiosos. If a majority of Quarky Agents go after the same target one night, the QAs involved can also PM each other. BUT NOBODY ELSE! Also all Mafiosos and QAs should CC me in their PMs, just so I know what's going on faster and can move the game along faster

3) again, make sure you understand the rules and roles. If you don't get something, that's okay, just PM me :D


20 peope: 8 baddies, 12 Innocents


* 4 Mafiosos (Godfather, Thief, Assassin, Bankroller) - the Mafia kills each night. The special abilities are useable any night but not 2 in a row

* 3 Quarky Agents - kill each night. Must have majority to kill. If they do reach this majority, those who were part of the majority meet each other and get to PM

* 1 Grim Reaper - kill every even-numbered night. Invincible for first night and first day

win conditions for baddies:

* Mafia - kill everyone except Mafiosos

* QAs - kill the Sphinx. If they fail, they are immediately notified and a secondary mission is given: lynch a specific person the next day (the person is chosen randomly by me and is not a QA). If the QAs fail the secondary mission, their aliases are discovered and they are mass-lynched along with the actual person being lynched

* GR - kill the Vigilante

mafia special roles:

* Godfather - [any night, not 2x in a row] see faction of 1 person (mafia/innocent/QA/GR)

* Thief - [any night, not 2x in a row] steal from 1 person and assume their identity the next day if the Spy investigates (even days) or if Inspector is getting the Thief's identity PMed the next day (odd days)

* Bankroller - [any night, not 2x in a row] rough-up someone, beating them up, which is a message to stop your accusations the next day, and a warning that the Mafia will kill you if you don't stop or if you reveal you were roughed up. Also, the Bankroller's identity (including the Bankroller status) is revealed completely when he/she is killed, no matter day/night/whatever

* Assassin - [any night, not 2x in a row] if the Assassin is using his ability at the same night that a Doctor or Healer has decided to save the Assassin, he/she kills the Doctor/Healer (or both if both decided to save the Assassin that night) after the Doctor/Healer saves the Assassin (if saving is necessary of course, otherwise the Assassin just kills the Doctor/Healer/both)

*** All Mafia abilities must be PMed to me separately before the night is over. I won't wait for a decision on whether or not to use the abilitity. Same with the Bomb's lie-detect ability

Special Mafia Wipeout: if the Mafia are sure of the Inspector's identity, they can do a "wipeout" where they all come and kill the Inspector. Doctors/Healers/Sphinxes around are all killed on the spot on the wipeout's path to the Inspector, who is also killed. However, if the Mafia were WRONG about the Inspector, all those people (or just the non-Inspector) gang up on the Mafia and it's a Mafia-wipeout, the other way around

Innocents: win by killing all the baddies. Each Innocent has a special role...

saving roles = Doctor, Healer, Illusionist

* Doctor - save one person each night. Not same person 2x in a row. Can save self only once

* Healer - same as Doctor

* Illusionist - save one person every even-# night from the Grim Reaper only. If the GR dies before the Illusionist, the Illusionist becomes the Sphinx

* Sphinx - every odd night, turns into a sphinx and protects one person. If baddie trying to kill the person can answer a riddle correctly, the sphinx steps aside. If baddie can't, all baddies in that faction die (or just the QAs that decided to kill the target that night). Baddies have the option of stepping down if the riddle is too hard, they only get 1 guess

discovery roles = Inspector, Spy, Bomb

* Inspector - gets PMed, every odd day, a baddie identity in this order: Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA, Mafia, QA, Mafia. The order is determined at the beginning of the game, so dead people may be included.

* Spy - PMs me one player each even day, I reveal their role

* Bomb - [knows Inspector & is known by Mafia] can use lie-detect ability any night, but not two nights in a row. If Bomb is lynched, 1 person that voted for him/her is blown up with the Bomb. If Bomb is killed at night, there is a 1/2 chance it will be a dud and a 1/2 chance it will take one of its attackers with it in a fiery explosion

killing roles = Vigilante and his/her Defender. They know each other's identities

* Defender - no special powers on their own

* Vigilante - while Defender is alive, cannot die

other roles = Town Crier, Warlock, Jihadist, Atheist

* Town Crier - gets PMed a list of 3 logical statements every night. If the Town Crier PMs me back one of them in time, the Town Crier will announce that statement the next morning for the whole town to hear. The Town Crier can never (if they out themself) say what the other statements have been

* Warlock - the Warlock is a cruel, anti-social magician and a longtime enemy of the Quarky Agents. The Warlock can bewitch one person every day (if they PM before the day is up) and if that person is a Quarky Agent, they explode the next day. The Warlock is a semi-independent character and wins by killing ALL THREE Quarky Agents in this manner. Otherwise, the Warlock wins with the Innocents

* Jihadist - the Jihadist can kill anyone at any time in a suicide bombing (ie, both people die)

* Atheist - the Atheist is favored by the Host God Unreality. The Atheist cannot be lynched and on the 3rd day, can convert one more person to atheism. The new atheist, in addition to their previous role, cannot be lynched either. If either atheist is lynched, they get out of the lynching via divine intervention (ironic, lol)

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Dang, then it's really bad for the Inspector to out himself...and does he never discover who the Grim Reaper is?

I like the Atheist role. :lol:

Edited by Frost
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That seems like the ultimate gaming experiance You should make a site exspeshily for Mafia

There already are plenty, just Google it. You can also play it in REAL LIFE *gasp* amazing.

EDIT: Unreality beat me to it.

BTW, has anyone played a real life mafia game before.

Edited by pw0nzd
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BTW, has anyone played a real life mafia game before.

I've played a couple different versions of it, I think back in middle school, when we were riding the bus home.

Not as fun as playing on here with the awesome stories and variety of roles though.

And the incredibly intelligent and crazy good people on here(along with the good liars). Deception, deception. :D

Hey unreality, question: do you ever get tired of hosting(I'm sure it's very fun) and actually want to play the game? I'm sure you'd be good at it, just get another dedicated player to host(like me :D). Just a thought. Not that I necessarily want to host though. Hehe B))

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I've played a couple different versions of it, I think back in middle school, when we were riding the bus home.

Not as fun as playing on here with the awesome stories and variety of roles though.

Hey unreality, question: do you ever get tired of hosting(I'm sure it's very fun) and actually want to play the game? I'm sure you'd be good at it, just get another dedicated player to host(like me :D). Just a thought. Not that I necessarily want to host though. Hehe B))

Oh, he plays. And he's at least as devious as I am! :P

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Oh, he plays. And he's at least as devious as I am! :P

Oh yeah, I forgot about the game on the Lost site, but I meant play on here. B))

That was an incredibly devious post, too. Very good idea. :D

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hehe- I was actually thinking of making Itachi host if I ever wanted to play on brainden, if it's okay with him

I'm still definitely hosting IV, though :P a LOT of stuff went wrong with III (Just like I, but different stuff), II was perfect but small, I'm trying to make it awesome for IV (and I really like my Awesomeville town, dunno why :D)

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I had a quick idea for a contribution to a role, just basically someone that kills at night, but the death is not revealed until the lynching at the end of the following day. That's when the person is noticed as missing and the body is found.

The person that gets killed at night and is PMed that they are not allowed to contribute to the thread until that day is over. Just a little twist, though nothing special.

Edited by Brandonb
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No more Innocent killing roles, sorry ;D Vigilante (and Warlock) are all I'm going to have... I have to fine tune Mafia IV very carefully and make sure it is very balanced... still making tweaks...

Let's hope it can only get better. <_< :D

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