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Mafia III



Mafia III

Sign up now ;D 12 is the absolute minimum, though 15 is the real minimum. 18 would be awesome, and 21 is ideal for what I have in mind (more than 21 is even better tongue.gif)

Check out Mafia II for more information on what Mafia is, and the concepts and stuff:

Post #29 - Rules
Post #17 - Strategy Tips
Post #51 - Intro
Post #65 - A Wild Evening
Post #77 - The Blue Octane
Post #159 - To The Sharks!!!
Post #174 - Open Warfare
Post #338 - The Web of Lies
Post #360 - Last Girl Standing
Post #429 - A Firelit Lynching (& Epilogue)

I won't post the official rules and roles for Mafia III until I know how many people are playing, so sign up quick biggrin.gif

* Dnae is invincible for the first night and first day
* Puzzlegirl is invincible for the first night

(If you don't know, those two are invincible because they died first & second in Mafia II)

the roster:

Host: Unreality
1) dnae
2) puzzlegirl

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  unreality said:
I have one open Innocent role if people want to make suggestions for what it should be. Bodyguard? Mayor?

I'm not sure about the balance, but in a future Mafia if there are enough people, you could have a Bodyguard character which has an ability something like this:

* Can choose to protect someone during the night, but not two nights in a row and if the person is attacked, there is a chance the Bodyguard will foil the murder, a chance that he/she will die protecting the other person and a chance that he/she will kill the attacker instead. (Though, come to think of it, that sounds sort of like an offensive bomb character. :P )

One possible twist that I thought of would be that he/she chooses a person to protect during the day (so he/she would PM the host three choices in preferred order and then the host would announce that the Bodyguard is protecting the top choice that is still alive after the lynching during the day, but in addition to the rules * above, he can't choose to protect the same person twice (like the thief in Mafia III.) This would essentially give one character bomb status for a night and everyone will know, so attack at your own risk.

Again, I'm not sure how that would balance in the game, but some people seem excited about some sort of bodyguard and I thought of this, so I decided to share. B))

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  grey cells said:
Thought of going to sleep . Well I will wait for the intro post . :D

Yes out of 21, 3 are from the same time zone. I'll go to bed at 11:30 or so.

What about you and Nayana?

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  unreality said:
tman quit (GRRR :( lol) not his fault though. So we need one more person to take his spot!

Perhaps we should start a new thread again until stuff is resolved. I just went through alot of reading posts to see if anything happened besides the beginning of the story. If someone gets diarrhea then what we all suffer.??? :lol:

Memo for next time to have 2 alternative players like in a jury. Then we'll be prepared for what could infiltrate the story.

Edited by akaslickster
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I just thought of an idea for the Merchant:

* Merchant- the Merchant is an Innocent trader that does deals with the Mafia. At any time, the Mafia can request (through me) to trade with the Merchant, asking the role of one player in exchange for telling the Merchant one of their own Mafioso identities (all done through me, since the Mafia don't know who the Merchant is and stuff). The Merchant can choose to decline or accept the Mafia's request, or bargain for a different player to be revealed. Also, the Merchant- at any time of the day- can initiate dealings by offering the identity of a specific role (such as Defender) in return for a Mafioso identity, to which the Mafia can accept/decline/bargain. The Merchant doesn't learn the identities and whatnot that he passes on to the Mafia, since it's done through me.

interesting, but I'm not sure if it'd be good in reality :P


* Enchanter/Enchantress- gender revealed at beginning of the game (ie, whether they're an Enchanter or Enchantress) to everyone. The Enchanter/ress can choose to, one a certain night or something like that, enchant two people so that they look like each other, and thus if one of them was marked for death the other person dies instead, and everyone learns what happened and that they'd been switched. But if none of them are in danger, nobody's notified. The Enchanter/ress can't do this on the same people 2x in a row, blabla

I'm not sure if that'd be good either, it would make it really hard for the baddies to get kills, especially if the Enchanter knows the identity of a baddie... maybe if it only worked half the time... I dunno... so nvm on that one lol. I don't think either of those roles would be a good idea to use, but I thought I'd post them anyway ;D

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I had an idea for something LIKE the doctor, only in the opposite direction.

The Spoiler:

The Spoiler chooses two people every night, if they pick an innocent nothing happens. However, if the spoiler picks two mafiosos then the kill gets botched.

Maybe this could work somehow with the other killers also, but I'm not sure.

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