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8 random quickies



1.what gets hotter as it gets colder?

2.what is white when it's dirty turns black as you clean it?

3.what gets wetter as it dries?

4.how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?(kind of random)

5.what gets bigger and never smaller?

6.how much money do you need to be rich?

7.what time is it when your clock is only right once a day?

8.what shape that can, be made from four matches, face any direction , be flipped any way and will stay right side up?

feel free to add more questions in your comments if you like.

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1.what gets hotter as it gets colder?

2.what is white when it's dirty turns black as you clean it?

3.what gets wetter as it dries?

4.how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?(kind of random)

5.what gets bigger and never smaller?

6.how much money do you need to be rich?

7.what time is it when your clock is only right once a day?

8.what shape that can, be made from four matches, face any direction , be flipped any way and will stay right side up?

And yes, #1 is now officially answered.

1. Boobs in a bikini. Woohoo! Headlights FTW!


2. Chalkboard of course

3. Towel

4. It wood not want to

5. Universe? (I bet you were hoping I was going to make a reference to #1)

6. $1 more than someone who is $1 away from being rich.

7. Time to get a new clock... or time to set your clock... or time to change your clock's batteries.

8. A 4-sided equilateral pyramid. yes two edges are missing but the implied lines from the corners will still establish the shape.

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1.Air conditioner.. As it gets hotter.. It gets cooler..

2. Chalkboard or blackboard

3.A Towel

4.A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

5.Memory or age

6.All the money i can get

7.Whatever time your clock says.. it's only gonna come once a day..

8.A tetrahedron

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1)Fridge because the top gets warmer while the inside gets colder


3)Towel, or anything that soaks up water

4)8oz but it isn't really a question it is a tounge twister

5)Any individual's age, a high score in a game, the number of posts on any forum that doesn't allow you to delete posts, people in the world including dead people, number of proven maths theories, seconds since the start of the universe, size of the universe, number of answers to this question (or any question, actually), number of discovered digits in pi, number of unread e-mails a dead person who had a really secure password to their e-mail has, a world record. I could go on forever.

6)Any amount, just change your name to Rich.

7)Time to buy a new clock or at least new batteries, but this is only possible if it is a 24 hour clock that has stopped.

8)A tetrahedron (well, actually a stick connected to each vertex that all meet in the center, if we are only allowed 4 sticks)

My own questions:

9)What happens when an unstoppable rock meets an unbreakable, unmovable wall?

10)How do you get Pikachu on a bus?

11)Give me food and I will live, give me water and I will die. What am I?

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My own questions:

9)What happens when an unstoppable rock meets an unbreakable, unmovable wall?

10)How do you get Pikachu on a bus?

11)Give me food and I will live, give me water and I will die. What am I?

9) Zeus turns both objects into stars (just wiki "Teumessian Fox" if you don't get it)

10) You poke him on...

11) Fire

Edited by Pickett
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1.what gets hotter as it gets colder?

2.what is white when it's dirty turns black as you clean it?

3.what gets wetter as it dries?

4.how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?(kind of random)

5.what gets bigger and never smaller?

6.how much money do you need to be rich?

7.what time is it when your clock is only right once a day?

8.what shape that can, be made from four matches, face any direction , be flipped any way and will stay right side up?

feel free to add more questions in your comments if you like.

1. a heater (but I personally love "Chicks in bikinis" as a better answer)

2. blackboard, chalkboard, street.

3. towel , sponge

4. The number answer to this is highly argued (and varied btw), but the above " a wookchuck would chuck as much wood...if a woodchuck could chuck wood" is the traditionally accepted answer.

5. age , number of dead people, anything with a time factor

6. however much rich has

7. if your clock is only right TWICE (note the difference) a day, its time to get a new clock. I've never seen a military time clock with hands.

8. I think you mean 6 matches, the shape of a "tetrahedral" has six lines in it, not 4.

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