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This is similar to "murder!", but different at the same time. We'll take turns making up a mystery scenario (usually murder), detailing all the suspects as well as police people, etc. Make it as complicated as you want- usually there are other crimes being committed on the side, some related to the bigger case, most not. Make it as complex and juicy as you want.

Then we, the players, play as investigators, asking questions to the various suspects, including police and stuff. Everyone involved (except us, we were called in later) are suspects.

The person that made up the scenario will answer as each character, as well as add new plot to the story- they can see new evidence/clues have been found, or they can add another murder in the middle of it, etc. Just everything has to match up and make sense as to why that person would say that (they don't need to necessarily tell the truth) and you can't change the scenario or whodunit halfway though or something lol

Sound good? You don't need to sign up to play, anyone can pop in and ask a question. And if you want to make a full-on Accusation, you have to have enough evidence to present your case. You can pull a full-out Sherlock and reveal all the mysteries and side-crimes with one monologue, or figure things out as a group as you go along. Whatever.

So who wants to be the first mystery inventor? I will be, if people want me to. Though I'm sure other people want to, so please go ahead :P everyone will get a turn

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Ok im in..

how do we start this off?

i want to be Von Million

Can we please not do the 4 pages of saying I'm in and providing fake names? The OP doesn't require this which made me happy.

Thuhchris, all you have to do is start. Just make up a scenario and anyone reading can solve the mystery. We don't need a set group of people to continue throughout this entire thread.

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Can we please not do the 4 pages of saying I'm in and providing fake names? The OP doesn't require this which made me happy.

Thuhchris, all you have to do is start. Just make up a scenario and anyone reading can solve the mystery. We don't need a set group of people to continue throughout this entire thread.

alright.. :lol:

i'll try to think of a scenario

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No, I'm actually gonna think of the scenario first :P anyone can go next, though ;D

alright... got one :D

This is set in the height of the Egyptian Empire. The pharaoh is a rash alcoholic named Pen'ra'tenutet IV who sits on his throne in a drunken stupor, while his son, Pen'ra'tenutet V, the High Prince, does all the work. The Prince is only 18, yet this burden falls upon him. He's a good kid and determined to not become an alcoholic like his father. Already the leaders of nearby empires consult with only him- they don't even bother with his father. The High Prince is the true leader of Egypt.

Some more background stuff: the High Prince's Honor Guard is led by Captain Ar'ara, a close friend of the Pharaoh before the Pharaoh became an alcoholic (after the death of his wife, the High Prince's mother). Ar'ara made a pledge to the Pharaoh's dying wife (she had a mysterious illness, unknown at that time) to look after the Prince and make sure no harm comes to him, and Ar'ara, who was also very close to the Queen (her name was Queen Mara), has taken on that promise relentlessly, with his Honor Guard of 12 men.

To the actual crime: the Pharaoh's orphan nephew, Axon, was found dead in the tomb of Queen Mara (the Pharaoh's late wife). He was stabbed once with a small knife in the throat. It is believed the knife went all the way through his esophagus and severed his spinal cord, but it didn't poke out the other side, which is close to the spinal cord, thus the knife has to be a very specific length... something a little above 3.14 inches. Axon was wearing prayer robes and fell harshly against the tomb, bashing his head (though he was already dead from the stab wound) and then collapsing on the floor next to the sarcophagus.

The body was found by the cruel caretaker of the tomb, Ryramidus. The old cripple has to use a gnarled cane to get around- as he was coming in for the weekly dusting of the sarcophagus, he came across the body.

A day after the murder, as you, the detectives, were being called here, Captain Ar'ara (who has taken his charge to mean protecting the entire royal family, including the Prince's cousin, Axon) discovered a young girl, Axon's age, that had a knife exactly 3.14 (and a little more) inches long. Her name is Joana, and she was Axon's lover (they are both 18). Joana's friend, Hoana (lol), has said that Axon and Joana had been having arguments up to the point of Axon's death.

Another suspect is somebody that was seen, by multiple witnesses, sneaking around the tomb's pyramid the night Axon was found dead. The man's name is Gnosso, an emissary from Rome. Ar'ara tracked him down and found that he also has an identical knife- 3.14 inches long, and when Ar'ara barged into the household in which he had been staying, Gnosso was seen, by all of the Honor Guard, cutting fish with the knife, making it bloody. They presumed he was trying to cover up Axon's blood, and they arrested him, too.

People you can talk to and ask questions:

Coroner (person studying the body)

Ar'ara (him personally, or him and his entire Honor Guard)

The Pharaoh, Pen'ra'tenutet IV

The High Prince, Pen'ra'tenutet V




have fun ;D

Edited by unreality
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okay, so 3.14 (and a little more) is pi.

so was Gnosso making a fish pie?

if so, that's to much coincidence to ignore :D

haha DAMN RIGHT! coincidence.. I think not!

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now I'm hungry for fish pie

oh wait, that actually sounds kinda gross

okay, well, here's another one

Joana: What were you and (insert dead guy's name here) arguing about.

and also, why does your name rhyme with Hoana?

I smell conspiracy

or is that just the fish pie?

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Captain Ar'ara: Did you see anyone while guarding Axon?

Joana: Who killed you? :P:D (not my real question)

What were you and Axon fighting about?

Gnosso: where were you during the murder?

Why were you making the fish bloody?

Do you send us the answers in message or post them on here for everyone?

Edited by Thuhchris
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This is similar to "murder!", but different at the same time. We'll take turns making up a mystery scenario (usually murder), detailing all the suspects as well as police people, etc. Make it as complicated as you want- usually there are other crimes being committed on the side, some related to the bigger case, most not. Make it as complex and juicy as you want.

Then we, the players, play as investigators, asking questions to the various suspects, including police and stuff. Everyone involved (except us, we were called in later) are suspects.

The person that made up the scenario will answer as each character, as well as add new plot to the story- they can see new evidence/clues have been found, or they can add another murder in the middle of it, etc. Just everything has to match up and make sense as to why that person would say that (they don't need to necessarily tell the truth) and you can't change the scenario or whodunit halfway though or something lol

Sound good? You don't need to sign up to play, anyone can pop in and ask a question. And if you want to make a full-on Accusation, you have to have enough evidence to present your case. You can pull a full-out Sherlock and reveal all the mysteries and side-crimes with one monologue, or figure things out as a group as you go along. Whatever.

So who wants to be the first mystery inventor? I will be, if people want me to. Though I'm sure other people want to, so please go ahead :P everyone will get a turn

its murder!!! not murder! stupid :P jk idc

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now I'm hungry for fish pie

oh wait, that actually sounds kinda gross

okay, well, here's another one

Joana: What were you and (insert dead guy's name here) arguing about.

and also, why does your name rhyme with Hoana?

I smell conspiracy

or is that just the fish pie?

Joana: Me and Axon were just having some problems... nothing big. Do you seriously think I would kill my boyfriend after a few arguments??? You're a bunch of lunatics! And Hoana and I are good friends- she had no name before I rescued her from slavery- so they just named her Hoana, after me. Isis above... you people are nuts! All these detectors, scurrying around like jackals going in for the kill... well I didn't kill Axon!

Gnosso: what were you doing sneaking around there?

what is your dominant hand?

Joanna: where were you when he was killed?

what is your dominant hand?

Coroner: what hand did the killer use to stab the victim?

Gnosso: Uh- sneaking around where? I was touring Alexandria. I'm just a bit suspicious sometimes- I have to be. Tensions between Rome and Egypt and really really tight right now... for a few big reasons... and I'm left handed. So what?

Joana: when Axon was killed, I was walking with Hoana in the Royal Gardens, all the way across the city! What's up with you??? And why does it matter what handedness I am?

Coroner: Well sir, I really can't say. It looks like it entered perfectly straightly, puncturing exactly 3.14159 inches or so, very specifically done. Because of this, they took much care in their killing- it's almost impossible to say. But from this I can gleam that the killing was carefully calculated. I guarantee it wasn't just some impulsive act.

Gnosso: What were you doing around the tomb? Did you know Axon in any way? What is your business in our city?

Joana: Did Axon mention anyone by the name of Gnosso?

Hoana: Did Joana ever mention anyone by the name of Gnosso?

Coroner: Did Axon's body show any sign of a struggle?

Joana: (looking nervous) Gnosso? Who the afterlife is that?

Hoana: maybe... dunno... I have a dim memory... we were drunk... she mighta said... nah, it's too hard, I can't remember. Please, don't tell anyone that we were at one of the High Prince's parties!!!

Coroner: As I've told another detective, the wound was very exact. No signs of struggle, all very precise. So if Axon did struggle, he would've been overpowered easily. So it's either that, or he was taken by surprise, with no time to react before he was dead. However, he does have a wound to the head, but the jarring around the bone suggests it was never even started to heal- it happened after he died- he must'v hit his head on Queen Mara's sarcophagus after being stabbed.

Captain Ar'ara: Did you see anyone while guarding Axon?

Joana: Who killed you? :P:D (not my real question)

What were you and Axon fighting about?

Gnosso: where were you during the murder?

Why were you making the fish bloody?

Ar'ara: I don't guard Axon- I guard his cousin, the High Prince. (sniffles a bit here) If I'd've guarded Axon, he never would've died. (hardens up again) It's not my responsibility, even though I extend my general protection and investigation to all members of the royal family, including Axon. Which is why I've made two arrests already (Gnosso and Joana). Those knives are suspicious... I've brought in a new guy, a mathemetician named Horus. He said that the knives are both exactly 3.14159- or pi- inches long, and seem to be of the same make. He's studying them as we speak...

Horus: hi!

Joana: I've already answered this question!!! GAH! Leave me alone! I'm innocent.

Gnosso: I was back at my room by the time of the murderer. It was just after my tour of Alexandria, and it was late, I was hungry. So I made myself some steamed fish. Or, I WAS making it, in the process of cutting up the fish, when that båstard Ar'ara barged in... I can't see how the High Prince is allowing such atrocity, especially to the ambassador from Rome. This is gonna worsen the tensions between Rome and Egypt even more! Let me out of this stupid sandstone jail cell! I demand of you!

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Ar'ara: What is your height and weight?

Gnosso: What is your height and weight?

and where did you get the knife you were using on the fish?

Coroner: What are the height and weights of the bodies?

Edited by Thuhchris
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3.14159- or pi- inches

I figured that out first!

Do I get a prize.

okay, this seems like an okay one from what I've heard so far

Hoana: Do you remember where you were at the time of Axon's death?

if so, where were you, and what were you doing?

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Horus: Hello. Do you recognize either suspect as a fellow math colleague?

Joana: Gnosso just sold you out! he says you hired him to ice Axon (throws chair against wall) what do you have to say about that?!

Gnosso: Joana just sold you out man! She said the whole thing was your idea and that you forced her every move. This is all gonna get pinned on you scumbag! (screaming spit in his face) You want to tell me what actually happened or do you want to ride the lightning! (literal lightning)

Coroner: Good work. Keep it up B))

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Ar'ara: What is your height and weight?

Gnosso: What is your height and weight?

and where did you get the knife you were using on the fish?

Coroner: What are the height and weights of the bodies?

Ar'ara: I'm 6'4", and I weigh 8 Persian Rugs

Gnosso: I'm 6'2", and I weigh 7.5 Persian Rugs... I got the knife from an acquaintance here in Alexandria. A man named Raxwell... he gave me the knife, he told me I would fit in better. Pah! (spits) Wasn't much of an "acquaintance", was he?

Coroner: Bodies? There's another body??? Axon, at least, was only 5'7", and weighed about 6 and a half Persian Rugs. He was a smaller-sized kid, but then again, people will become taller in the future. Don't ask me how I know that. (lol)

I figured that out first!

Do I get a prize.

okay, this seems like an okay one from what I've heard so far

Hoana: Do you remember where you were at the time of Axon's death?

if so, where were you, and what were you doing?

No prizes until the whole thing is cracked ;D

what do you mean, "okay one"??? lol :D

Hoana: I was walking with my friend, Joana, in the Royal Gardens. We were discussing her relationship with Axon.

Horus: Hello. Do you recognize either suspect as a fellow math colleague?

Joana: Gnosso just sold you out! he says you hired him to ice Axon (throws chair against wall) what do you have to say about that?!

Gnosso: Joana just sold you out man! She said the whole thing was your idea and that you forced her every move. This is all gonna get pinned on you scumbag! (screaming spit in his face) You want to tell me what actually happened or do you want to ride the lightning! (literal lightning)

Coroner: Good work. Keep it up B))

Horus: Either suspect? I thought we were all suspects... and no, I don't. Joana looks a bit familiar, though... I might've seen her before. And I'm still studying this knife.

Pharaoh: (snores, suddenly jumps awake) Phew... sorry... bad dream... (takes a huge "sip" of wine)

Joana: He's a f*cking liar!!! He lies about everything, he- I mean, I don't know him, but he MUST be a liar, as that's not true!

Gnosso: Calm down, man! Someone put you up to this, wasn't it? Who was it??? Don't tell me it was a guy named Raxwell!!! This is rediculous! I have places to be, things to do, people to meet with. The High Prince, for instant.

High Prince: I'm right here, Gnosso. And I assure you, this is all one big mistake. I trust you won't tell your superiors in Rome about your little arrest?

Gnosso: Little arrest???

Pharaoh: Wha bou' me?

High Prince: Go to sleep, dad. Listen, Gnosso- we can work this out-

Gnosso: I'm done working things out! I was just accused of murder- all because I have a knife! I got it from a guy named Raxwell! I was framed!

High Prince: Exactly what I was getting to. Captain Ar'ara, free this man instantly.

Ar'ara: (hesitates) Uh, yes, sir. But he was found with the knife- it was bloody- I saw him-

High Prince: He was cutting up fish, Osiris-D*mn-It!

Ar'ara: Yes, sir. (grabs Gnosso, who glares at him, and Itachi, as he's led out of the room)

Coroner: thanks ;D

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My name's GC , fresh from solving a crime involving a Rajah's death , which had everyone in India flabbergasted. ;)

GC:How were Axon's parents killed and was it before Queen Mara's death?


GC:At what time , do you have dinner?


GC:When did the King became an alcoholic?Did it have to do with some illicit affair?(eyes boring into Ar'ara's own)


GC:What topic were you and Hoanna discussing , during your walk at the time of murder?


GC:Where is this guy Raxwell residing?


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No prizes until the whole thing is cracked ;D

what do you mean, "okay one"??? lol :D

Hoana: I was walking with my friend, Joana, in the Royal Gardens. We were discussing her relationship with Axon.

So we do get prizes


Hey, are you making fun of my question!

I just figured, that if Hoana was doing anything BUT talking to Joana, then Joana was a big fat liar liar pants of fire hanging on the telephone wire.

but that seems not to be the case

okay, now I'm shooting at the dark.

Horus: did either of the blades have any nicks, or was one slightly duller than the other or SOMETHING to indicate it had been used?

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GC: we don't have names here... format your questions like I redid em in the quote:

Ar'ara: How were Axon's parents killed and was it before Queen Mara's death?

Gnosso: At what time do you have dinner?

Ar'ara: When did the King became an alcoholic? Did it have to do with some illicit affair? (eyes boring into Ar'ara's own)

Joana: What topic were you and Hoanna discussing , during your walk at the time of murder?

Gnosso: Where is this guy Raxwell residing?

Ar'ara: Axon's parents died when he was very young... poor boy. They were on a royal vacation with baby Axon when a group of jackals got them. For some reason the dogs left Axon alone.

Gnosso: Dinner? At Rome, it's usually just before sunset. I just arrived here, so I don't know yet. Like I've already said, I was touring Alexandria and got back late. I was hungry, so I made some fish.

Ar'ara: Read Unreality's post of the scenario (lol). After the death of Queen Mara from a mysterious illness a few years ago (Ar'ara sniffles here), the Pharaoh turned to alcohol to ease his pain. After only a month of heavy drinking and uncaringness to his son and his empire, he was a full-fledged alcoholic, lingering almost always in a drunken stupor. The Pharaoh loved Queen Mara very much- I highly doubt he would have had an affair, especially with Mara so sick.

Joana: (Hoana stares at her, as if trying to talk to her silently) We were talking about... my, uh, relationship with Axon.

Gnosso: How in the afterlife should I know? Raxwell met me as I arrived, told me he was another emissary from Rome, undercover, living here for a while- a sleeper agent. He gave me the knife and told me it would help me fit in. Then he was gone.

Horus: Speaking of the knives, I've been inspecting the two of them... something's been bugging me... (comes back with a huge history book)

Horus: did either of the blades have any nicks, or was one slightly duller than the other or SOMETHING to indicate it had been used?

Horus: (distractedly, while flipping through a heavy tome) Both appear to be in ruddy, dented condition. The handles of both blades are in good condition, some sort of shiny black metal, ebony-like, with a greyish symbol etched into the handle:


The blades themselves are both π pi inches long and made of old, ceremonial metal. Something old and not very strong. The ends of both knives are rusting. So while the handles of both blades are in good condition, the actual knife ends aren't. I can't imagine making such a precise wound with such a corroded blade... but maybe... hmm... no... no, it's not possible. Nevermind. Yeah, it would be hard- I can't really-

(flips to the next page in the book)

Yes! Exactly what I thought! The Cult of Pi... a bunch of radical nutheads who believed that pi is 3.14159265... and goes on forever without repetition. Ha! All Egyptians today know that pi is 256/81, or 3.16049383. These guys worshipped pi... they used the Pi Knife, which was exactly 3.14etc inches long, and was emblazened with the Greek symbol of pi on its handle. For 3 years, 1 month and 21 days, which is 3.14159 years, they were active, terrorizing mathemiticians to believe in their "True Pi"- then they suddenly disappeared. A short reign of terror. That was... 36 years, 5 months and 17 days before Axon's death.

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so now I've got the hardcore evidence to crack this case

it was suicide!!

and no, I didn't get the answer from anyone else

I can't think of any questions right now, I just posted this to bring it back on top so someone else will...

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