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For the rules, check out this topic.

1) name that spice

2) the lesser of two racers

3) the beginning of a question about limbo

4) I call my funny kid my:


6) when battles aren't fought on home turf

7) delicious dinner

8) a bullet hole

9) a pool boy could be this (nothing to do with desperate housewives)

10) This can blow up a grave

11) a boring cow

12) this beer might give you a clue

13) the crossbreed of an primate and an a**

14) an annoying symptom of a bad cold

15) an amazing mansion, one might say

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  itachi-san said:
For the rules, check out this topic.

1) name that spice

2) the lesser of two racers

3) the beginning of a question about limbo

4) I call my funny kid my:

5) that priest smokes so much he's been labeled the:

6) when battles aren't fought on home turf

7) delicious dinner

8) a bullet hole

9) a pool boy could be this (nothing to do with desperate housewives)

10) This can blow up a grave

11) a boring cow

12) this beer might give you a clue

13) the crossbreed of an primate and an a**

14) an annoying symptom of a bad cold

15) an amazing mansion, one might say

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  itachi-san said:
For the rules, check out this topic.

1) name that spice

2) the lesser of two racers

3) the beginning of a question about limbo

4) I call my funny kid my:


6) when battles aren't fought on home turf

7) delicious dinner

8) a bullet hole

9) a pool boy could be this (nothing to do with desperate housewives)

10) This can blow up a grave

11) a boring cow

12) this beer might give you a clue

13) the crossbreed of an primate and an a**

14) an annoying symptom of a bad cold

15) an amazing mansion, one might say

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dull bull

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tomb boom

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  itachi-san said:
For the rules, check out this topic.

1) name that spice

2) the lesser of two racers

3) the beginning of a question about limbo

4) I call my funny kid my:


6) when battles aren't fought on home turf

7) delicious dinner

8) a bullet hole

9) a pool boy could be this (nothing to do with desperate housewives)

10) This can blow up a grave

11) a boring cow

12) this beer might give you a clue

13) the crossbreed of an primate and an a**

14) an annoying symptom of a bad cold

15) an amazing mansion, one might say

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far war

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good food

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  itachi-san said:
For the rules, check out this topic.

1) name that spice

2) the lesser of two racers

3) the beginning of a question about limbo

4) I call my funny kid my:


6) when battles aren't fought on home turf

7) delicious dinner

8) a bullet hole

9) a pool boy could be this (nothing to do with desperate housewives)

10) This can blow up a grave

11) a boring cow

12) this beer might give you a clue

13) the crossbreed of an primate and an a**

14) an annoying symptom of a bad cold

15) an amazing mansion, one might say

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wager lager

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Well done so far! Here are the answered ones in spoiler form.

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1) name that spice

2) the lesser of two racers

3) the beginning of a question about limbo

4) I call my funny kid my: laughter daughter - akaslickster


6) when battles aren't fought on home turf: far war - Seventh Sage

7) delicious dinner: good food - Seventh Sage

8) a bullet hole: round wound - largeneal

9) a pool boy could be this (nothing to do with desperate housewives)

10) This can blow up a grave: tomb bomb - Seventh Sage and largeneal

11) a boring cow: dull bull - thegirlyouneverknew

12) this beer might give you a clue: hint pint - LIS

13) the crossbreed of an primate and an a**: monkey donkey - Budouka

14) an annoying symptom of a bad cold

15) an amazing mansion, one might say

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  bonanova said:
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water rater / water hater / water dater / water eater [nah]

water rater works well. I don't know how many pool boys check the pH and chlorine levels but I'm sure some do. I had another answer in mind for #9 so I'll diversify with another clue (this is probably the hardest one btw). I'm expecting the same answer as the original #9.

Alternate 9) Helper during a rain delay

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Almost all of 'em! Just 9 and 15 remain. Here are the answered ones in spoiler form.

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1) name that spice: finger ginger - bonanova

2) the lesser of two racers: worse horse - bonanova

3) the beginning of a question about limbo: how low - Brandonb

4) I call my funny kid my: laughter daughter - akaslickster


6) when battles aren't fought on home turf: far war - Seventh Sage

7) delicious dinner: good food - Seventh Sage

8) a bullet hole: round wound - largeneal

9) a pool boy could be this (nothing to do with desperate housewives)

9) helper at a rain delay (both 9's have the same answer)

10) This can blow up a grave: tomb bomb - Seventh Sage and largeneal

11) a boring cow: dull bull - thegirlyouneverknew

12) this beer might give you a clue: hint pint - LIS

13) the crossbreed of an primate and an a**: monkey donkey - Budouka

14) an annoying symptom of a bad cold: rough cough - bonanova

15) an amazing mansion, one might say

edit: typo

Edited by itachi-san
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  itachi-san said:
water rater works well. I don't know how many pool boys check the pH and chlorine levels but I'm sure some do. I had another answer in mind for #9 so I'll diversify with another clue (this is probably the hardest one btw). I'm expecting the same answer as the original #9.

Alternate 9) Helper during a rain delay

I don't know what a pool boy's duties are, either.

So say he doesn't check the water. Who would, then?

Lifeguard, maybe.

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I doubt this is right lol, but oh well...

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Ace base?...ok I know its bad!

I'm still liking the monkey-a** one - anyone consider what I did? : :D

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Donkey Kong!

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