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I have this on The Revival, but I'm making one here cuz there's so many people :P

Basically, this is a forum game where everyone that wants to play must sign up beforehand, and at a certain time I will start, and we are locked in :P

The game is called Mass Battle and the goal is to be the last player standing- you get a big, invisible prize :D

The gameplay is centered around a list of the players and their stats, with each person reposting the stat block after their turn. This is what someone stats are like:

Unreality: GP, atk/def

GP stands for "Game Points", it's sort of like your "health". People can 'damage' you and take away from your GP. When your GP gets to 0 (or below) you are out of the game! Last one standing wins!. GP starts out at 30, for this game (I'm expecting a lot of people)

atk/def are your Attack and Defense stats. They start out as 6/4 and must always total 10

so the starting stats for everyone:

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

so a starting-statblock would look like this:

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

etc, depending on how many people are playing

Mass Battle game is turn-based... everything happens in "moves". You can move whenever you want, BUT at least TWO people have to go have went before you can move again. In other words, you can't go twice in a row or with one in between, there has to be at least 2 other moves in between before you can take another move.

When you take a turn, there are two things you can do!

* Attack- pick a target, then take your "Attack" stat and subtract your target's "Defense" stat. The remaining number (if above 0) is how much damage you deal to the target. Take the damage away from their GP. If they are now at 0 GP or less, they are out of the game. You can take their name off the stat block

* Rearrange- this is the other thing you can do. You can rearrange your atk/def stats to be any numbers, as long as the two numbers both add up to 10, and are positive. Also, your defense cannot go above 8, so the two extremes you can have are 10/0 and 2/8

after you take your turn, make sure to post the new statblock!!!

So, that's Mass Battle ;D

sign up, and hurry! We'll be starting soon

Phoenix: 30 GP, 6/4

(I'll call myself Phoenix for this game :P)

so, if another person joins, they would post this:

Phoenix: 30 GP, 6/4

TheirName: 30 GP, 6/4


yep ;D any questions about the rules, just post here. Mass Battle can get complicated in later games, when I add Special Moves and other tactical things and all kinds of awesomeness. But for this first game, I'm keeping it simple

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Phoenix : 2 GP, 7/3

Puck : 20 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 2/8

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4


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attacking Phoenix for a kill

Phoenix : 0 GP, 7/3

Puck : 20 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 2/8

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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*Not taking a turn, just restating the standings

Puck : 20 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 2/8

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4


Phoenix : 0ut

Edited by Brandonb
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attacking puck for 2 damage

Puck : 18 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 2/8

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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Attacking Nayana for 2

Puck : 18 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 28 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 2/8

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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Here it comes to puck again. I just hope he only has two not nine lives.

I am attacking puck for a damage of 2

Puck : 16 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 28 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 2/8

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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Attacking Puck -2

Puck : 14 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 28 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 2/8

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

I can't post anymore!!! Look! (in case it changes its at 69) :blush:

Edited by Frazzler
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Puck : 14 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 28 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 2/8

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4


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Puck : 14 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 28 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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Puck : 14 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 28 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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Puck : 8 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 28 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

Attack puck

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Attack Puck -6

Puck : 2 GP, 6/4

Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 28 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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Puck Fatality!

Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 28 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 28 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 20 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 28 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4


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Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 20 GP, 2/8

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 28 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4


*makes her bottom lip quiver*

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Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 20 GP, 2/8

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 22 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

Ok then, Nayana -6

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Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 20 GP, 2/8

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 16 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4


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damn you guys post fast... how often do you log on? I leave for two days and come back and I'm dead ;D hehe any other Mass Battle I've done isn't this active... I'm pretty excited to see how it turns out :D

and Duh Puck, it doesn't matter if people are angry that I jumped us back 2 pages- they were playing wrong. The set of rules are a set that I've made after playing this multiple times ;D plus these are the simplest rules possible. Next game, I'll introduce Special Moves

unfortunately, with so many people here, I've noticed a certain "victimizing", ie, everyone attacking specific people (such as me or Duh Puck) cuz everyone else is... This is perfectly, 100% fine, it's part of the game and part of strategy... but if your reason is cuz of low defense (such as my 7/3), Puck is only at 6/4... I mean, look at Itachi- his stast are 10/0. That's damage equal to your Attack stat, lol, which is pretty major :P just sayin (nothing against you, itachi, just tryin to help people with strategy)

anyway, I'm curious to see who wins

ALSO, if you think switching to 2/8 and waiting out the game with higher GP is a good strategy, think again. It never works cuz then everyone gangs up on you near the end of the game :D

oh, another thing, it's not a big deal but it's kind of a pet peeve:

when you take your turn, talk in present tense of you doing something. I know it doesn't really matter, but still. For example:

"I attack so-and-so for a million damage"


"I rearrange to 10/0"

or whatever


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Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 22 GP, 2/8

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 10 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

Nayana again

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Attack Nayana for 6

Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 22 GP, 2/8

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 4 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

take Bociniki next after Nayana is done

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Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 22 GP, 5/5

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Nayana : 10 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

I rearrange 5/5.....


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Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 22 GP, 5/5

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

Nanyana is dead

Frazz is here, so let him help.

Edited by giterdone
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Fraz has agressed!

Attack Frazzler -5

Itachi : 28 GP, 10/0

Frazzler : 17 GP, 5/5

Giterdone: 30 GP, 10/0

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 19 GP, 2/8

Puppy: 28 GP, 3/7

jitHU: 29 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 10/0

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 26 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 24 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 2/8

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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