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I have this on The Revival, but I'm making one here cuz there's so many people :P

Basically, this is a forum game where everyone that wants to play must sign up beforehand, and at a certain time I will start, and we are locked in :P

The game is called Mass Battle and the goal is to be the last player standing- you get a big, invisible prize :D

The gameplay is centered around a list of the players and their stats, with each person reposting the stat block after their turn. This is what someone stats are like:

Unreality: GP, atk/def

GP stands for "Game Points", it's sort of like your "health". People can 'damage' you and take away from your GP. When your GP gets to 0 (or below) you are out of the game! Last one standing wins!. GP starts out at 30, for this game (I'm expecting a lot of people)

atk/def are your Attack and Defense stats. They start out as 6/4 and must always total 10

so the starting stats for everyone:

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

so a starting-statblock would look like this:

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

Name: 30 GP, 6/4

etc, depending on how many people are playing

Mass Battle game is turn-based... everything happens in "moves". You can move whenever you want, BUT at least TWO people have to go have went before you can move again. In other words, you can't go twice in a row or with one in between, there has to be at least 2 other moves in between before you can take another move.

When you take a turn, there are two things you can do!

* Attack- pick a target, then take your "Attack" stat and subtract your target's "Defense" stat. The remaining number (if above 0) is how much damage you deal to the target. Take the damage away from their GP. If they are now at 0 GP or less, they are out of the game. You can take their name off the stat block

* Rearrange- this is the other thing you can do. You can rearrange your atk/def stats to be any numbers, as long as the two numbers both add up to 10, and are positive. Also, your defense cannot go above 8, so the two extremes you can have are 10/0 and 2/8

after you take your turn, make sure to post the new statblock!!!

So, that's Mass Battle ;D

sign up, and hurry! We'll be starting soon

Phoenix: 30 GP, 6/4

(I'll call myself Phoenix for this game :P)

so, if another person joins, they would post this:

Phoenix: 30 GP, 6/4

TheirName: 30 GP, 6/4


yep ;D any questions about the rules, just post here. Mass Battle can get complicated in later games, when I add Special Moves and other tactical things and all kinds of awesomeness. But for this first game, I'm keeping it simple

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Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4

Puck : 26 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 26 GP, 6/4

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 6/4

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

ATTACK DUH PUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by giterdone
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Tut,Tut . This is what happens when you are fighting among yourselves . Such distractions . "Unreal" Phoenix is right at the top and you missed him .

I GO FOR THEE PHOENIX!!! Try rising from thy ashes. :lol:

Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 26 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 26 GP, 6/4

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 6/4

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

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Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 26 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 26 GP, 6/4

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

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Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 23 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 26 GP, 6/4

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

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Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 20 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 26 GP, 6/4

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

mwahahaha.... :P

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Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 19 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 26 GP, 6/4

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

Reayman: 30GP, 4/6

att Puck

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Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 18 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 26 GP, 6/4

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

Reayman: 30GP, 4/6

Sorry puck.

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One more spank to Itachi (if you have a girlfriend and she didn't give you enough last night :) )

Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 18 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 24 GP, 6/4

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

Reayman: 30GP, 4/6

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Itachi rearrange.

Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 18 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 24 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

Reayman: 30GP, 4/6

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Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 16 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 24 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

Reayman: 30GP, 4/6

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Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 15 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 24 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

Reayman: 30GP, 4/6

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Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 12 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 24 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

Reayman: 30GP, 4/6

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Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 10 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 24 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

Reayman: 30GP, 4/6

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Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4

Puck : 9 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 24 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4

Reayman: 30GP, 4/6

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OMG... nobody read the rules carefully enough :P or maybe I didnt explain well enough. Or maybe someone decided to change the rules (like the 4-post thing... nuh-uh. Normally it's ONE turn before you can go again, but for here, it's TWO. Rookie's rules are exempt :P)

and this is the current statblock before people started messing with the rules:

Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4

Puck : 30 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 28 GP, 6/4

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 6/4

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 30 GP, 6/4

trust me, I know what works and what doesn't. Attacking and Rearranging are separate moves (though one of the Special Moves i made allows both, but I'm not using Special Moves or Tactical Moves in this round) , and if you're wondering about the mechanics of the game then feel free to PM me :D

sorry to kind of go back on 2 pages of you guys playing, but it was 2 pages of incorrect playing. Don't worry, it's the first time ;D I expected something like this.

anyway, yeah. And there's no Color Code needed, though you can if you want to :P you're supposed to state your turn first and then repost the modified stat block

so I'll take a turn...

I attack Puck for 3 damage

Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4

Puck : 27 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 28 GP, 6/4

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 6/4

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 30 GP, 6/4

(see how I did that? be like "I attack x for y damage." or "I rearrange to x/y" or whatever ;D)

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I love how you restarted and I was the only one with less than 30 hp btw...

Itachi rearrange

Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4

Puck : 27 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 6/4

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 30 GP, 6/4

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4 - I edited her in

Edited by itachi-san
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Going defensive.

Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4

Puck : 27 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 6/4

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 6/4

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 30 GP, 6/4

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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Phoenix to the rescue of Puck . :P Sorry , didn't understand the attacking rules initially.

I will settle for rearranging. :lol:

Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4

Puck : 27 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 9/1

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 6/4

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 30 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 6/4

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

Phoenix , you must have missed Andreay's post . Just edited to add him.

Edited by grey cells
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Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4

Puck : 27 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 30 GP, 9/1

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 30 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 6/4

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

I still don't get it, it looked to me like there were two moves in between every repeat. (not just two posts, but two moves)

I guess I don't understand what a move is. Maybe it's a full roster cycle?

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A move and a turn are the same thing. A single action (attacking or rearranging) takes your turn. (except in some cases with Special Moves, and some Special Moves don't even take up turns, but anyway for this game, there are no Special Moves, so don't worry about)

I attack GC for 5 damage ;D no hard feelings, but your Defense is 1 :P

Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4

Puck : 27 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 25 GP, 9/1

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 30 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 6/4

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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I attack Puck for 3 damage

Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4

Puck : 24 GP, 7/3

Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8

Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4

Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8

Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4

Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4

Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4

GC : 25 GP, 9/1

Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4

jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4

BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5

ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4

Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4

Bociniki: 30 GP, 6/4

reayman: 30 GP , 6/4

amanda: 30 GP, 6/4

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