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Joe Nobody



Found an interesting puzzle off an Australian site, thought I'd share ;):

Joe Nobody awoke feeling like a dog, with a strong urge
to go back to his old family. He went to answer the door,
where two people were there saying they were his long
lost parents—but only in order to claim the $50,000
reward. Joe ran to a nearby trash heap, and then began
robotically sorting the waste while talking to his
cockroach friend. Joe was found there, and got into a
boxing fight, in which all parties were hurt badly, with
Joe breaking their ribs with two quick jabs but in turn
taking a lot of damage to his eye, and eventually they
decided to call it a draw. Joe then phoned home.
Following their advice, he cut a hole in a metal bucket to
see out of and stuck it over his head. However, the
bucket turned out to be full of pig’s blood, and Joe was
soaked in it, making him very angry. After all his failed
matchmaking, Joe decided to marry his only critic,
someone almost twice his age. However, Joe was
surprised when he was instead insulted and called a
“lascivious Moor”. He retorted by saying that “stupid” is
as stupid does.
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Good start :).

The site had some hints...

What a lazy puzzle title; it's just the main character's name.


Othello was the main character's name was well. And no other lines have anything to do with Othello at all.

I'm thinking we have a Shakespeare/ancient work theme going on, but the line about boxing seems to take that away.

Edit: But wait, there's more!

WALL-E! Trash + 'robot" + cockroach friend. So we're looking for movies, or plays, I guess. Spanning basically any time period. I have a few ideas about others, but some of them just make no sense to me.'

What originally puzzled me about this was how arbitrary the lines seemed, but I think I'm understanding the theme. What I'm thinking is that all lines reference something different.

Need some help here. I think the hint has gotten the ball rolling.

Edited by Aaryan
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I think we're not just looking for any movies/plays. I think we're looking for movies/plays where the title is actually the name of the main character. You've already noted Othello and Wall-E. I also see E.T., Carrie and Forrest Gump. I think the opening line might refer to Benji, but there could be other movies like that.

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I think we're not just looking for any movies/plays. I think we're looking for movies/plays where the title is actually the name of the main character. You've already noted Othello and Wall-E. I also see E.T., Carrie and Forrest Gump. I think the opening line might refer to Benji, but there could be other movies like that.

I can see the latter one now. I think that's the idea - every line refers to a different work with the theme you mentioned.

I see Rocky.

But what do the lines have to do with one another?

Edited by Aaryan
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although it's been so long since I read the book that I'm very unsure if the clues could all fit. At least it's the first story that comes to mind if this riddle's title is the main character's name. If that's the case, then the title of the book is also essentially the main character's name, but that's just coincidence.

Athena would have to be a "parent", not sure who the other god was anymore. The cyclops took the damage to the eye rather than Odysseus but maybe the riddle is just phrased strangely. Circe could be the source of the pig blood and failed matchmaking. Not sure about most of the rest.

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although it's been so long since I read the book that I'm very unsure if the clues could all fit. At least it's the first story that comes to mind if this riddle's title is the main character's name. If that's the case, then the title of the book is also essentially the main character's name, but that's just coincidence.

Athena would have to be a "parent", not sure who the other god was anymore. The cyclops took the damage to the eye rather than Odysseus but maybe the riddle is just phrased strangely. Circe could be the source of the pig blood and failed matchmaking. Not sure about most of the rest.

Probably not.

A lot of them don't fit with the Odyssey, and I think it's already been shown that the lines have nothing to do with one another. Also, the one about eye damage and ribs fits more with my latest one, though that one wasn't actually a draw...

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Sure, PM me...(I think there's a rule against posting links to other puzzle sites here)...but be forewarned: "Joe Nobody" is marked "easy"...most of the puzzles are the 'creative thinking' type of puzzles with multiple steps that I like to make and some a lot of the puzzles there make my puzzles look easy...and if you've noted the number of unsolved puzzles I have lying around here, you can deduce that that's not easy ;P

Also, if anyone is interested in joining our team, especially if you're good at 'cryptic crossword' type puzzles, PM me ;).

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Ooh, what's the link? Me and my friends might try our hands at it, and I promise not to open up anything that says "Joe Nobody".

I think she means cisra.com.au. I looked at a few of the archived puzzles there a few months ago, but *disclaimer* never looked at one called Joe Nobody.

We've tried our hand at the dog part, but I don't think Benji is quite famous enough to be the answer. I'm Australian, and we haven't really had a lot of exposure to that puppy. If the only hint is that the character in question is a dog whose name is the title of a film/play/book, I'd have to say I think the answer is Lassie.

I suspect there is a theme here. You would've told us if we were right with the title-role thing, and you did say there were multiple steps, so...

Please tell me this isn't going into anagrams or acronyms. *slams face on desk*

Edited by kestrelknight
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1 - "Joe awoke feeling like a dog, with a strong urge to go back to his old family"

Benji or Lassie.

2 - "He went to answer the door, where two people were there saying they were his long-lost parents—but only in order to claim the $50,000 reward. " Annie

3 - "Joe ran to a nearby trash heap, and then began robotically sorting the waste while talking to his cockroach friend." Wall-E

4 - "Joe was found there, and got into a boxing fight, in which all parties were hurt badly, with Joe breaking their ribs with two quick jabs but in turn taking a lot of damage to his eye, and eventually they decided to call it a draw." Rocky

5 - "Joe then phoned home." E.T: The Extra Terrestrial

6 - "Following their advice, he cut a hole in a metal bucket to see out of and stuck it over his head." Ned Kelly (I think. It could be Ned, an Australian film, or an older film also titled Ned Kelly. There are lots of films about him, and I'm not sure which one it is.)

7 - "However, the bucket turned out to be full of pig’s blood, and Joe was soaked in it, making him very angry." Carrie

8 - "After all his failed matchmaking, Joe decided to marry his only critic, someone almost twice his age." Emma (My mother has an unhealthy obsession with Jane Austen. Failed matchmaking tipped me off.)

9 - "However, Joe was surprised when he was instead insulted and called a “lascivious Moor”." Othello

10 - "He retorted by saying that “stupid” is as stupid does." Forrest Gump

Yay! I think we have all of them. I can see where this is going. But I'll leave it to you guys. I want this puzzle to last a little longer.

I've never seen Forrest Gump, or Lassie. Or, actually, most of the things in that list. I just know the basic storylines, because everyone just has to spoil them.

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I think I cracked it. kk, by listing them you gave me the idea






Ned Kelly




Forrest Gump

Now I use my number 1 pro-tip riddle-solver technique and read the first letter of each line (Benji does not fit the solution. Lassie, however, does...)


Lawrence of Arabia was another (fantastic) movie with the title as the main character's name. I believe that is our solution.

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