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What is the product for unanswered = ?
If letters are factors of equations
zero = 0
one = 1
two = 2
three = 3
four = 4
five = 5
six = 6
seven = 7
eight = 8
nine = 9
ten = 10
twelve = 12
fifteen = 15
twenty = 20
thirty = 30
forty = 40
sixty = 60
hundred = 100
thousand = 1000
million = 1000000
billion = 1000000000

note: i got the idea for this puzzle post from X-MAS TREE thread that was unanswered by dtdt..thanks

happy holidays!

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Haven't you just proved, that there is no integer solution?

Witzar, from my myopic view, it does look like I have done so. But I've found that the Denizens are far more imaginative in their puzzle-making than I am, and I can easily imagine that TSLF has envisioned something more complex than "z" * "e" * "r" * "o" = 0, etc. I just can't imagine what it would be...

Thanks for your support! :thanks:

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I didn't have time to figure it out all the way, but the answers are not integer, (Also u has to be one)

sixty/six = ty = 10 -> ty=10

forty/four = 10 = ty/u

u-> 1

twenty/ten = 2 = twy, 2 = two -> o=y

I had several other letter combinations that equal each other and a few that resolved to actual numbers.

Hope that helps some.

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I didn't have time to figure it out all the way, but the answers are not integer, (Also u has to be one)

sixty/six = ty = 10 -> ty=10

forty/four = 10 = ty/u

u-> 1

twenty/ten = 2 = twy, 2 = two -> o=y

I had several other letter combinations that equal each other and a few that resolved to actual numbers.

Hope that helps some.

It sure does, KevinK! Nice work, except...this implies

en=1 (from twenty=20, tw=2, ty=10)

o=1 (from one=1)

ni=9 (from nine=9)

t=10 (from ten=10)



Edited by CaptainEd
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building on the kevin's and captain's work...

from ni=9 and ir=ree -> nee=9
from nee=9 and ne=1 -> e=9, n=1/9, i=81

plugging known values into fifteen we get


r=36*sqrt(6) from four

h= 1/(9720*sqrt(6))

correction: I think Captain missed a "w" when simplifying unanswered

unanswered = 100*wre/h = 100*9*36*6*9720/5 = 377,913,600

Edit: added "w" back

Edited by k-man
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This is a 21 unknown 21 equation problem:

a = ? zero = 0
b = ? one = 1
d = ? two = 2
e = ? three = 3
f = ? four = 4
g = ? five = 5
h = ? six = 6
i = ? seven = 7
l = ? eight = 8
m =? nine = 9
n = ? ten = 10
o = ? twelve = 12
r = ? fifteen = 15
s = ? twenty = 20
t = ? thirty = 30
u = ? forty = 40
v = ? sixty = 60
w =? hundred = 100
x = ? thousand = 1000
y = ? million = 1000000
z = ? billion = 1000000000

I hope some other puzzle can be derived from this like: " what word is posible for 18896063730041700?"

i.e. = brainden but that is difficult and i dont know if there are other posible answers

Congratulation to the team work participants that answered this!

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