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No idea if this technically belongs here, but thought a thread for talking about Mafia and such would be fun. Has anyone played any really fun versions?

Also, does anyone know when sign-ups for a new game will begin? I have the worst luck with Mafia. I haven't played for months, since first playing the real-life version, and every time I come close, something manages to go wrong.@_@

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Yeah. you should sign up for the Trainer's Manual Mafia (TMM) if you've never played one on Brainden before. and the ones on brainden are a lot more exciting and intricate (in my opinion) than the ones in real life.

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The trainers mafias 1-5 have all been on the newbie signup thread, that is where TMM 6 currently is and is the next one to start, only 3 sign ups left for players!

Not everyone is a newbie in the Trainer mafias but it tends to have more than other mafias and priority is given to getting newbies in. It also has mentors so you can request to have a mentor that you can ask for advice during the game in private message.

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To answer your question about fun mafias, I have had the good fortune of playing only fun mafias so far. Harry Potter 3, TMM 5, Sholay, and Glitch 2 have all been enjoyable.

There is also something called LCM live chat mafia you can get into from Mafia Maniacs by clicking on the "Live Chat" button near the top of the screen and choosing a name and password to proceed. Someone on MM will often announce a LCM in the shoutbox and they typically last about 15 minutes per game, with players often staying to play many games for a few hours. Those are fun too. Once you are in live chat with enough players for a game, it takes at least 5, someone will start a game and you join by typing /msg mmbot join. All commands start with /msg mmbot and then the command name.

There are 2 game types I have played there, one regular mafia with 1 good spy, 1 baddie, and vanilla goodies. The other is where there are 4 good spies and 1 baddie, but the good spies are each of a different type and nobody knows what type they are. The types are sane (always get right results), insane (always get wrong results), naive (spies everyone as good), paranoid (spies everyone as bad). So you have to figure out what sort of spy you are, everyone else is, and which player is a baddie pretending to be a spy. People typically spy themselves on night 1 so they can narrow down their own spy type to either sane/naive or insane/paranoid. Night one lasts 2 minutes, by the way. Very fast paced game. The days last about 5 minutes and the game is won or lost normally with the day 2 lynch (day 1 lynch is usually avoided by everyone abstaining from vote). So that is about 15 minutes, and generally ends with another game starting immediately.

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I could never get the chat thing to display correctly on MM, not that it matters, since I was just banned anyway. That's why I came here. No idea what is going on, but it's there loss. I'm not new, but I might check out that newbie Mafia.

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I find purple theme gives the best overall results for me, with the shoutbox being the only problem area due to people being able choose between both light and dark fonts, so nothing gives perfect results there. It would be nice if the shoutbox could somehow highlight dark fonts when the background is dark or light fonts if the background is light, or maybe just always switch background line by line depending on the font color, or if in addition to people choosing their own font color, choose their own background color too, something that will show their text well while fitting in with everyone else's backgrounds.

Edited by Nana7
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Thalia, did you wind up changing themes?

Flame, that is what I currently do for people who use dark fonts to post there. It would be nice though if it highlighted itself, or if people could set the background along with the foreground colors for their posts in shoutbox.

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I was using the Hybrix skin-the one that's black and aqua.

It's a shame what happened to me. I was signed up for two Mafia games that looked really fun, and I was going to replace Thalia in a third right at this moment. I'm not sure why they thought I was a duplicate account. The whole thing has me really upset, along with all that nasty stuff that was said to me. It's been really hard finding places to play Mafia after the old forum I played at went down.

Edited by Sakura-chan
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I've run into some problems, but I'm not defeated easily!

Does anyone know when the next game of Mafia will start? I've signed up for all three, but I've got no idea when they will begin.

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I was using the Hybrix skin-the one that's black and aqua.

It's a shame what happened to me. I was signed up for two Mafia games that looked really fun, and I was going to replace Thalia in a third right at this moment. I'm not sure why they thought I was a duplicate account. The whole thing has me really upset, along with all that nasty stuff that was said to me. It's been really hard finding places to play Mafia after the old forum I played at went down.

Hopefully games start soon. Dry spell on BD is likely caused by the size of Coup (19) and Skul (16).

The LCMs go on an IRC channel (#mafiamaniac) on the wikkedwire server (irc.wikkedwire.com [but it might be .net, so don't quote me]). If you have any IRC client (www.mirc.com/get.html for windows), you should be able to connect to the server + channel. There's also a #trivia channel that's fun.

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