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Goodies-Wincon: Eliminate Baddies

Skullduggery Pleasant- The “Skeleton Detective” is always on the lookout for his arch nemesis Nefairan Serpine. Rolls die for a RID kill or spy every night.

Stephanie Edgely/Valrykie Cain. Because of her reflection taking her place every day, she is unlychable.

Tanith Low- A master swordswoman, has the ability to fight off the character of her choice (block)

Ghastly Bespoke-His magical clothes allow whoever wears them to be protect ted from any attacks (save)

Mr Bliss-An incredibly tough man, has BTSC with China Sorrows and together they can follow someone to see what theyre up to (follow spy)

China Sorrows-An enchantingly beautiful sorceress, she and Bliss (BTSC) have the resources to track someone (follow spy)

Eachan Meritorious-The Grand Mage of Ireland, his opinion is very important. Therefore, he can multiply his vote as much as he wants (x0,x1,x2,x3)

Morwenna Crow-The wisest of all the Elders, with her logic she can convince any player to change their vote (vote manip)

Baddies-(BTSC and NK) Wincon: Majority

Nefarian Serpine-The most evil being around, Serpine is out to get the Book of Names and control every sorcerer on the face of the Earth. NK carrier with his Scepter of the Ancients, he, being the leader, can make his vote count x0,x1,x2,x3.

The White Cleaver- The most powerful being, brought back to life by Serpine’s Necromancy, he can keep the character of his choice “busy” (block)

Sagacious Tome-The “rat” in the Sanctuary, Tome has the power to find out anything about any character he likes (role spy) and, being an Elder, takes the form of a random goodie when spied.

Tie=no lynch

I guess it will say who they followed.


RID/Goodie spy>Goodie Block>Baddie Block>Action Spy>NK>Role spy
















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If, by the 7th, no one has joined, one of you backups will have to play. Anon and Yuli, please decide between yourselves.


Looney Tunes isn't even over yet and may not be by the 7th.

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Stephanie Edgley sniffled. Her uncle Gordon had just died. And for some reason, he had given her his huge mansion and estate.

“What ever will I do with this place?” she asked herself.

“You could come with me, right away, before I hurt you.” Called a gruff voice from the shadow. Suddenly, the Hollow Man jumped at her. Stephanie screamed.

“Not so fast!” called Skullduggery Pleasant, bursting through the doorway. He shot six bullets from his revolver and throwing a flame at the same time, killing the Hollow man on the spot.

“Goode evening, Stephanie,” he said, taking his hat off. “I think its time I told you about magic.”

Again, Stephanie screamed. Mr. Pleasant was a skeleton.


Sagacious Tome sat with Eachan Meritorious, Morwenna Crow, and Mr. Bliss. They were making plans about what to do about the dubious Nefarian Serpine. His master would be pleased to know all of their plans.


Down in London, Tanith Low had just killed a troll.

“Nasty, dirty things, trolls” she told herself. Suddenly, her phone rang. She picked it up, instinctively knowing who it was.

An enchanting voice carried into Tanith’s ear. “Tanith, please come back up to London. Some...interesting things are going on up here.”

Tanith knew that she had to go. China Sorrows was not someone to be disobeyed.


Nefarin Serpine laughed as he killed the Cleaver. He was enjoying this. Then, after plenty of injections, the corpse stiffened. Suddenly, the White Cleaver sat up straight, ready to do its master’s bidding.


Ghastly Bespoke sat in his shop, idly sowing together some new magic protective clothes for himself. Then he saw his old friend Skulduggery come through the door with a girl. He knew he wasn’t going to like this, but he had to help.

Skulduggery laughed. “Meet my new apprentice, Miss Valrykie Cain, previously Stephanie Edgley.

Not nearly as well written as other ones, but whatever.

Edited by Aaryan
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Host: Aaryan

1. TheCube

2. Hidden G

3. Flamebirde

4. Shadow

5. KlueMaster

6. Anon26

7. Auramyna

8. maurice


A. curr3nt



1. Molly Mae



sorry, me out :( :( :(

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I was going to pass (I have a lot to do on the wiki), but sure... I was already in back-ups. And the numbers have already been changed...

Host: Aaryan

1. TheCube

2. Hidden G

3. Flamebirde

4. Shadow

5. KlueMaster

6. Anon26

7. Auramyna

8. maurice

9. Molly Mae

A. curr3nt






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you ought to be grateful,

See me:

1st Mafia Game: Vanilla (TMM2)

2nd Mafia Game: Vanilla (HP2)

3rd Mafia Game: Baddy (TMM4)

4th Mafia Game: Vanilla (I dont count taking two to kill as an action.)

And you know, whose behind this all?


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