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Tombstone Mafia


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hmm I am totally lost I think Hirk was right about us pointing fingers without any real reason except for Araver( i think) because he he changed his plans a nd screwed everything up

I did not understand ur defense Araver because it was too long (sorry) do u think you could simplify it

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Before that goes up, I'd like to say something (what might be my final words.) Yes, an experienced player would choose the baddies. But my track record as a baddie is terrible. I am a much better goodie. My explanations come easier because I don't have to lie. I can be honest as a goodie. And yes, I WOULD have chosen the baddies to side with, IF I had gained BTSC with them. but the likelihood of someone killing me off is high and with the baddies not knowing I am on their side, I would most likely die at their hands. So, I figured hey... I'll join the goodies and then if they can win it, I will win with them. I can be effective while I am alive and win once I am dead.

If I'm dead in a couple minutes, please investigate Araver thoroughly today... And good luck if I'm gone!

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Night 2

McMasters handed the young saloon girl a shiny coin. "I'll be back in the morning," he explained. "Remember this is what you need to find out for me." The young lady nodded to confirm her understanding. She then strolled up to the bar and leaned over it, right next to Hirkala. She knew he'd start up a conversation. They made their way to the back corner of the Oriental. Hirkala had much to say.


Turkey Creek saw araver's horse tied up outside his cabin. He pulled out his knife and cut the rope, sending the horse off and back into the wild. araver would not be able to do what he needed to do tonight.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Morgan relied heavily on the cosmos this night. "What should I do, please send me a sign." The shooting star could not have been a coincidence. He hopped on his horse and rode out. He scouted his target's location and then noticed araver walking around, unholstered, looking for something. Morgan pulled out his rifle and took aim. The first shot caught araver in the kneecap, sending him sprawling towards his front door. A prone target was too difficult from this distance. Morgan casually rode up to araver. araver proudly turned over.

"Let me explain why you shouldn't do this Morgan. You see if you consider…"

Morgan decided he did not have the time. araver last word's were little more than a gasp but clear. "Make sure my tombstone spells my name A-r-a-V-e-r"

_ _ _ _ _ _

Curly Bill was situated in the opium tent across from Vine. Vine had never felt the effects of opium before. Curly Bill was sure that she would do as he suggested.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Curly Bill watched to make sure Vine did what he wanted and then he made his way to his target. He saw Young Scientist alone at a table. "Perfect", he thought to himself. He made his way towards Young Scientist, who was suddenly joined by another. Knowing his plans for the night were foiled, Curly Bill smiled, tipped his hat, and kept walking, gritting his teeth the whole while.

Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt

6. slick

7. onetruth

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. benjer

11. EDM

12. Araver - dead, gunned down by Morgan Earp

13. Glycereine

14. young

Day 2 ends Thursday night at 7pm EST.

edit - merely formatting changes

Edited by maurice
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No night kill. Did the baddies just find Wyatt?

No Ike block. Suggests AraVer was Ike. (Is that the form you prefer? I was using araver since that is what you user name says.)

Wish we could see spy actions.

Goodie actions missing

No Texas

No Josephine

No White (unless I am reading the no baddie kill wrong)

Not much to go on.

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  On 2/3/2011 at 12:44 AM, Glycereine said:

I believe that was a good move in the long run. Here comes a question though...

do we use the same lynch strategy as yesterday to fish out Ike? Nothing has really changed regarding the plausibility of it as an action...

No Ike action last night. Was he killed or are the baddies hiding him?

I think we need a day of information. Shooting at EDM because she was the next suspicious after AraVer.

Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt - shoot @ EDM

6. slick

7. onetruth

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. benjer

11. EDM

12. Araver - dead, gunned down by Morgan Earp

13. Glycereine

14. young

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Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt - shooting @ EDM

6. slick

7. onetruth

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. benjer

11. EDM

12. Araver - dead, gunned down by Morgan Earp

13. Glycereine - shooting @ EDM

14. young

Agreed Araver's death coinciding with no Ike action is suspiciously making him seem like Ike but there are other possibilities. I do however believe he was a baddie.

Love to hear from you EDM.

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  On 2/3/2011 at 1:00 AM, Vineetrika said:

Or slick thought that he will be blocked so may be Ike chose not to act

Do you know something from this Vine?


@curr3nt. YS was saved in some manner so that could have been either of 2 actions or he could be a person.

Typically saves aren't mentioned unless successful, so no action doesn't mean no action all the time.

edit: I realize you're saying the redirect AND block seems suspicious on slick night 1. will look into Slick after EDM.

Edited by Glycereine
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Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt - shooting @ EDM

6. slick

7. onetruth - shooting @ EDM

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. DL

11. EDM

12. Araver - dead, gunned down by Morgan Earp

13. Glycereine - shooting @ EDM

14. young

Going along with this, since I've been suspicious of her since the moment she didn't vote for AraVer.

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  On 2/3/2011 at 1:03 AM, Glycereine said:

Typically saves aren't mentioned unless successful, so no action doesn't mean no action all the time.

If you are talking about the actions missing.

Just trying to see if there is a pattern to goodies missing. All three of those were missing from the first night too.

I'm thinking Blah was Josephine? That is the only role that doesn't make sense to not seeing in the post. Unless she didn't put in an action.

Trying to fill in some blanks.

( Is this the kind of stuff I shouldn't be talking about? )

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to an extent yes this is the kind of things you shouldn't be talking about...

If you deduce something (100%, 50% whatever) about someone's role that the baddies overlooked, but pick up on, it helps them far more than it helps the goodies.


assuming blablah is one of the goodie actions that isn't in the night post is safe though. Just like araver isn't one of the roles that acts tomorrow night :P

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Host: maurice

1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo

2. MollyMae

3. Oboe Passion

4. Hirkala

5. curr3nt - shooting @ EDM

6. slick- voting for EDM

7. onetruth - shooting @ EDM

8. Vineetrika

9. Panther

10. DL

11. EDM

12. Araver - dead, gunned down by Morgan Earp

13. Glycereine - shooting @ EDM

14. young

I think Vine is starting up to no good and I'm seriously thinking he wants me as his scapegoat like others. For now she is my best try.

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