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It was another confusing day, but araver was finally singled out...

"What do you want?" araver said, as he saw the FBI/Mafia coming towards him...

"Where is it?" They asked

"Where's what?" he asked back...

"Trying Reverse Psychology now?" they said. Araver started running, but was soon caught by the mob.

With a quick and hard blow, Araver was gone, a small pool of blood forming along the pavement.... the Tech Specialist was finally gone.....

Edited by NickFleming
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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM



6. Izzy

7. Molly

8. DD

9. Vineetrika

10. Glycereine

11. Marq

13. onetruth

1.maurice - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be The Informant

2.Slick 2.0 - Dead. Killed by FBI.

12. Slick - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be Inside Man's Old Partner

4.araver - Dead. Lynched and found to be Tech Specialist.







Night... whatever number begins! It will end at 7:00 PM EST at the latest (end early if all actions in.) Still need replacement for Marq!

Edited by NickFleming
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The Hitman would finally kill tonight. He'd negotiated the terms of the contract, and put everything in place. His target, Onetruth was visiting some friends tonight who lived out in the suburbs. Or at least that's what he'd planned. The Hitman parked his truck along the narrow country road, and hid in a nearby snow bank. And then he waited. After about an hour, his target came, driving slowly. He recognized the license plate. As she drew near the truck, she slowed down to make sure she got safely past it. The Hitman made his move. He strolled calmly to Onetruth's car, cocked his shotgun once, and blew her brains out. They had to do DNA tests to recognize the body.

Molly Mae was out walking around the streets, trying to wave over a taxi. Finally, one pulled over. He got in, and the driver turned around, asking "Where to?"Molly immediately tried to get out of the car. The driver was the Bodyguard. But the doors were locked. The Bodyguard sighed to himself, and pressed the Trunk Monkey button above his dashboard. A compartment in the back seat opened up, and a chimpanzee came out and beat MM to within an inch of his life. He woke up in the morning in a Barbie Doll warehouse, a naked Ken hanging in front of his face.

Glyc had just found a library book he'd been searching for for a week. He couldn't bear to think what the overdue charge would be. He decided to just drop it in the slot and see whether or not they billed him. He passed by the brick wall that enclosed the library, and was met with a blast of knockout gas to the face. The Interrogator dragged him to the FBI station, which was next door, as government buildings always seem to be on the same bits of land. He was released in the morning, his book one more day overdue.

Vineetrika was outside his apartment. There was this flickering light that just kept annoying him. On, off, on, off, on, off. It had been doing this for months, and in his aggravation he'd come out to just stare at the thing with a mad glare. He was considering throwing a rock at it and just destroying the lightbulb when a gunshot rang out. It hit a wire suspended above Vineetrika, severing it. It swung down toward him, electrocuting him. His charred and blackened corpse was found by the electrical crew.

The Inside Man was playing cards tonight with some 'fellow' mafia members. He'd managed to make the Bureau pay for it, and he was thoroughly enjoying himself! Listening and analyzing everything, but definitely enjoying himself.

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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM



6. Izzy

7. Molly

8. DD

10. Glycereine

11. LJayden

1.maurice - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be The Informant

2.Slick 2.0 - Dead. Killed by FBI.

12. Slick - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be Inside Man's Old Partner

4.araver - Dead. Lynched and found to be Tech Specialist.13. onetruth - Dead. Killed by Hitman9. Vineetrika - Dead. Killed by the Hosts: NickFleming and EDM



6. Izzy

7. Molly

8. DD

10. Glycereine

11. LJayden

1.maurice - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be The Informant

2.Slick 2.0 - Dead. Killed by FBI.

12. Slick - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be Inside Man's Old Partner

4.araver - Dead. Lynched and found to be Tech Specialist.13. onetruth - Dead. Killed by Hitman9. Vineetrika - Dead. Killed by the FBI






LJ has replaced Marq, and day ends at 7 PM EST






LJ has replaced Marq, and day ends at 7 PM EST!

Edited by NickFleming
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Somehow recorded this wrong :blink: . Here's how it should go.

Marq was outside his apartment. There was this flickering light that just kept annoying her. On, off, on, off, on, off. It had been doing this for months, and in her aggravation she'd come out to just stare at the thing with a mad glare. She was considering throwing a rock at it and just destroying the lightbulb when a gunshot rang out. It hit a wire suspended above Marq, severing it. It swung down toward her, electrocuting her. Her charred and blackened corpse was found by the electrical crew.

Edited by NickFleming
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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM



6. Izzy

7. Molly

8. DD

10. Glycereine - Voting for MollyMae

11. LJayden

1.maurice - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be The Informant

2.Slick 2.0 - Dead. Killed by FBI.

4.araver - Dead. Lynched and found to be Tech Specialist.

9. Vineetrika - Dead. Killed by the FBI.

12. Slick - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be Inside Man's Old Partner

13. onetruth - Dead. Killed by Hitman

Just curious if there was a reason you were blocked last night.

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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM



6. Izzy

7. Molly

8. DD

9. Vineetrika

10. Glycereine

1.maurice - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be The Informant

2.Slick 2.0 - Dead. Killed by FBI.

12. Slick - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be Inside Man's Old Partner

4.araver - Dead. Lynched and found to be Tech Specialist.

13. onetruth - Dead. Killed by Hitman

11. Marq - Dead. Killed by the FBI.




3. LJ



Thankfully I never sent that role to LJ...

Edited by NickFleming
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Marq did. Don't know how that happened. At least I caught myself this time. Note: Accidentally left one 'Vineetrika' in revised paragraph, edit-fixed. Guessing this is what caused Glyc to become confused.

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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM



6. Izzy

7. Molly - Voting for Vipe195

8. DD

10. Glycereine - Voting for Molly Mae

11. LJayden

1.maurice - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be The Informant

2.Slick 2.0 - Dead. Killed by FBI.

4.araver - Dead. Lynched and found to be Tech Specialist.

9. Vineetrika - Dead. Killed by the FBI.

12. Slick - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be Inside Man's Old Partner

13. onetruth - Dead. Killed by Hitman

@Glyc: There is.

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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM



6. Izzy

7. Molly - Voting for Vipe195

8. DD - Voting for Molly Mae

10. Glycereine - Voting for Molly Mae

11. LJayden

1.maurice - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be The Informant

2.Slick 2.0 - Dead. Killed by FBI.

4.araver - Dead. Lynched and found to be Tech Specialist.

9. Vineetrika - Dead. Killed by the FBI.

12. Slick - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be Inside Man's Old Partner

13. onetruth - Dead. Killed by Hitman

Just based off of the block last night and lack of a mention of the Surveillance Specialist.

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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM



6. Izzy

7. Molly - Voting for Vipe195

8. DD - Voting for Molly Mae

10. Glycereine - Voting for Molly Mae

11. LJayden

1.maurice - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be The Informant

2.Slick 2.0 - Dead. Killed by FBI.

4.araver - Dead. Lynched and found to be Tech Specialist.

9. Vineetrika - Dead. Killed by the FBI.

12. Slick - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be Inside Man's Old Partner

13. onetruth - Dead. Killed by Hitman

@DD: You got me.

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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM



6. Izzy

7. Molly - Voting for Vipe195

8. DD - Voting for Molly Mae

9. Vineetrika

10. Glycereine - Voting for Molly Mae

1.maurice - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be The Informant

2.Slick 2.0 - Dead. Killed by FBI.

12. Slick - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be Inside Man's Old Partner

4.araver - Dead. Lynched and found to be Tech Specialist.

13. onetruth - Dead. Killed by Hitman

11. Marq - Dead. Killed by the FBI.

Just cleaning up the roster so that Marq is once again dead and Vine back with the living.

@Glyce - I think it would be hard for MM to try to get out of the lynch. That, combined with the recent Den problems makes me think that we should quickly wrap this one up and put the game out of its misery.

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Hosts: NickFleming and EDM



6. Izzy

7. Molly - Voting for Vipe195

8. DD - Voting for Molly Mae

9. Vineetrika - Voting for Vipe195

10. Glycereine - Voting for Molly Mae

1.maurice - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be The Informant

2.Slick 2.0 - Dead. Killed by FBI.

12. Slick - Dead. Lynched and revealed to be Inside Man's Old Partner

4.araver - Dead. Lynched and found to be Tech Specialist.

13. onetruth - Dead. Killed by Hitman

11. Marq - Dead. Killed by the FBI.

Vipe, do you have anything to say ??

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Waitwaitwait. Molly admitting to FBIness and Vine voting with him? Did someone not get the FBI memo, or.. what? Because that is some weird voting. Talk.

Hosts: NickFleming and EDM



6. Izzy is voting for Vine

7. Molly - Voting for Vipe195

8. DD - Voting for Molly Mae

9. Vineetrika - Voting for Vipe195

10. Glycereine - Voting for Molly Mae

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7 of us left. 3 FBI and 4 Mafia.

I think I know 2 FBIs and I have some idea as to who is in Mafia. That vote is an attempt to find the third FBI and confirm my suspicions. Let's hear something from Vipe. I am sure to change my vote at the end of the day.

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