Can you gain as much by switching back? Using the same reasoning?
There is a paradox: A gain for switching can be anticipated.
Yet, there is a preferred envelope, and if we initially chose it we should not switch.
Not sure what you mean by "switching back". The 50/50 comes from randomly picking one of 2 envelopes from which we know one has double the money of the other. I don't see a paradox.
Sorry, TSLF. I don't think I understand your comment. Are you saying that it's possible that a liar gets jolted twice by pressing LT followed by LR? It's either a T or R to his left, so both of these cannot be true.
It's your puzzle, so your interpretation prevails. However, you mentioned that it's a 'classic' and the prisoners are in a circle, which, in my opinion, strongly suggests the classic interpretation of the problem known as the Josephus problem. The reason they are in a circle is that you don't stop at the end and start the next round with the 'next first person' as if they were in a row. That distinction is what makes this problem interesting, IMHO.
correct answers
Respectfully disagree.
Let's test this solution for 5 prisoners. Execution order will be 1,3,5,4 with #2 surviving.
For 13 prisoners: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,4,8,12,6,2 with #10 survivng.
" by " is not " into "
It isn't indeed. And English is my second language, so all this time I've thought that it meant the same thing when applied to division.
So, BobbyGo has it then...
I think there's an error here (see part highlighted in red above)
You're right. I made a wrong assumption here and that's what amounts to the difference in the answers. I'm convinced that Bonanova's solution is correct.
I think you should mark this as solved. There is no way to place 6 points on a surface in a way that the minimum distance between any 2 points was m and the maximum distance between any 2 points was m*sqrt(3).