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Everything posted by phaze

  1. If it was a 6 inch high cylinder you might have better luck. You would still have to successfully argue that nothing constitutes a 6 inch hole with infinitly thin sides. As it is a sphere if the drill is the same size as the sphere the hole at the end of drilling is 0 inches (the drill bit may have traveled 6 inches or more but we are measuring the hole not drill travelling). The depth of the hole (or height of the resulting doughnut) changes when you drill through the sphere as the drill knocks off the top and bottom of the sphere. Although we are not told the width of the sphere or the width of the drill the width of sphere and drill are related. With a sphere with a 6 inch diameter the drill must be 0 inches wide, with a 60 inch diameter sphere the drill will need to be about 59.7 inches (the drill will travel 60 inches, but the remaining hole will be 6 inches)
  2. Confusion comes about as it is not exactly defined what the 6 inches drilled through is a measure of I think this might explain what bonanova is asking Lets just say for example that the sphere was the size of the earth the drill bit diameter is of such a width that by the time the earth has been drill through you have a doughnut 6 inches high. If this is the earth really thin sides with a massive hole in the middle and the drill has drilled a lot more than six inches. If the sphere is 6 inches high the drill bit must be 0 inches in diameter for the sphere to remain 6 inches high. in other words this ( ) is 6 inches this O is not necessarily 6 inches
  3. phaze

  4. phaze

    Both? This might help someone VERMONT ___ABORT Edit: spacing
  5. phaze

    Could you blow up VERMONT while you are at it?
  6. phaze

    Hmm, Yes I can see sometimes it is last and sometimes it is second to last, there is more to this hash than focusing on one city can provide. 1/ Need to figure out rule of where to start 2/ Meed to figure out rule for which way to go one above or one below
  7. phaze

    Dude, I think most of you are making the same mistake Start at the second to last letter not the last letter
  8. phaze

    I kinda figured I don't live in the States so...
  9. phaze

    Please pay 1 billion dollars before opening spoiler
  10. phaze

    Sorry, most of these are quite old "The Hobbit" by J R Tolken Any of the the Narnia series by C S Lewis "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the looking glass" by Lewis Carrol "The Magic Faraway Tree" by Eynid Blyton "Magic Kingdom for Sale" series by Terry Brooks
  11. phaze

    Aaaarrrrrgghhhhhh! :shrug: Well someone had to say it..
  12. phaze

    Mirror Mafia

    Thank goodness, time for the long sleep, time to relax, time to dream of chasing Smoke and Mirror though the afterlife. When I have finished with them they will wish they were alive!
  13. phaze

    Mirror Mafia

    @OT Then why did you join the bandwagon against Miss Kitten when there was another clearly more likely option available? I'd like to point out that there is goodie BTSC as well (the colours, optical and illusion) so claiming not to have BTSC and not working with other goodies who have BTSC paints you in an unflattering light.
  14. phaze

    Mirror Mafia

    It is just that you sound exactly like OT (Who I betrayed mercilessly in one game) I was wondering if you two shared BTSC but was confused by the fact that she was voting for you.
  15. phaze

    Mirror Mafia

    Mirror Darkly on the wall Will you find or will you fall?
  16. phaze

    Mirror Mafia

    @Vineetrika If Woon is MG he should be able to tell us who Gmaster is (anyone else MG investigated would be obvious to baddies or unverifiable)
  17. phaze

    Mirror Mafia

    @NF not really, Framm is characteristically quiet as in most games he plays. Any chance of updating you spreadsheet?
  18. phaze

    Mirror Mafia

    This just told me a lot, but then why this voting pattern?
  19. phaze

    Mirror Mafia

    If Woon can come up with a good reason that he is not Smoke I'll consider it. He will need to come up with a role which makes sense and nobody contradicts him. I am giving him plenty of time to figure out his defense which is why I am gunning for him so early. MG may not have acted as they were concerned about a frying a goodie (Note they did not act night 2 as well). Smoke would not be so concerned I think.
  20. phaze

    Mirror Mafia

    Hosts: Hirkala and Blablah 1)Framm 2)Lionheart 3)GMaster479 4)Vipe195 6)LJ 7)Phaze - voting forWoon 8)yuiop 10)Vineetrika 12)Marq 13)RainThinker 16)woon 17)qwerty 18) Fox 19)MissKitten 21)NickFleming 23)24_65... 25)onetruth Dead: 11)Molly Mae-Killed by Reflectors 14)Harvey-Lynched and found to be Mirror 22)Izzy-Killed by Reflectors 5)Filly-Lynched and found to be Audio 9)Glycereine-Killed by Reflectors 15)Limey-Lynched and found to be Black 20)EDM-Lynched and found to be Shadow 24)golfjunkie-Killed by Reflectors Think we should nail smoke = Baddies lose and have to endure living under Facade Means there is always tension between them and their new overlord having the use of Opacity Darkly means that I would not want to be Facade right now either
  21. phaze

    Mirror Mafia

    @Light Could you avoid Woon tonight so Dream can redirect him to someone else? @Dream Reckon you can use that?
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