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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. [rant=role abilities don't substitute for thinking] I started out playing "vanilla" mafias where it was all about logic and deception. Playing mafias on BD, I think the specialized roles are interesting, but I'm concerned that sometimes ppl rely too much on the role abilities and not on their own mental abilities. Role abilities should be considered in addition to your own abilities, not in place of them. Everyone has the ability to be clever, lie, deceive, misdirect, and most importantly, think strategically. I don't believe in limiting what ppl can say on the thread, b/c I believe that's an important part of the game. I think ppl are too focused on their own roles instead of the big picture of the game. I'm disappointed with the level of activity in this game. Both L's were correct in encouraging activity. If I were a TF, I'd definitely try to trick the DNH by pretending to be someone I'm not...try to get them to take the bait and out themselves thinking they had manipulated me for the win. And the lack of innocent killing roles is advantageous due to the TF based on how the Death Notes work. It would be very easy and no risk to have pretended to be a Shinigami. [/rant] Edit: And you know I'm very good at pretending to be a role I'm not...;P
  2. [big bad wolf with a Death Note to little red riding TF] All the better to shoot yourselves with, my dear [/big bad wolf with a Death Note to little red riding TF] Yeah, that would work well Thanks, and there are other things that went wrong for the TF in this game that I can't talk about until after the game...and happened in both DNMs I like that idea...but I'm not sure how it works with the whole idea of being manipulated...hmmm...
  3. [rant=Innocent Killing roles, con'd] Oh, and before anyone brings up the idea of giving the TF a Death Note... First off, if they held a Death Note, they would be a Death Note Holder . But seriously, that would actually be a lot worse than having an assassin-type killing role. An assassin type would encourage trigger-happiness and friendly-fire. An innocent Death Note would extenuate "previous-game bias" and have the effect of punishing players for being good, which I really really REALLY hate. While an assassin would try to avoid killing a good player they're unsure about b/c they don't want to risk losing that player if they're actually on their team, with a Death Note, there is no reason not to go after the good players first as DNH/Shinigami. In fact, it's the rational thing to do, since they would only die if they were your enemy. Supporting having players getting killed simply b/c they're good ruins the integrity of the game in my eyes, and goes against all my founding principles. [/rant]
  4. You should thank the ppl complaining about there being a lack of innocent killing roles to friendly-fire instead of remembering how I emphasized that this is different than other mafias in that it was more a mental battle...*cough* Although I do realize the vote thing still needs tweaking...even though the DNH can't get the second kill without figuring out the True Name (and hopefully the TF have tried to hide their True Names)...but towards the end it gets too easy to guess True Names b/c of the odds turning in the favor of the DNH...so Light should be the only one who can manipulate, since Misa clearly doesn't have the mentality to do so ;P. Edit: Oh yes, and if memory serves me right...I think I recall something about the Warrior killing the Fed to win the game for the Paladins? ;P
  5. And don't forget this is a game about strategy and deception...and the Task Force is free to be deceptive too...that's how Near ended up beating Light in the manga/anime, wasn't it? ;P
  6. *Cough* The Task Force would probably have LOST the game by now if they had a killing role , since what MOST often happens with innocent killing roles is that they end up friendly-firing early on...right, Marth/Montoya?
  7. But L says: Thinking so hard burns a lot of calories...*takes a bite of chocolate cake* ;P
  8. *Cough*...I think you missed part of the sentence under Light's description...it starts with "If..." ;P
  9. All Death Notes work the same, whether in the hands of the DNH or the Shinigami But Shinigami only kill to steal life, so they don't delay or manipulate.
  10. Some things... The rules about DNH and Shinigami Eyes changed from last game. Read them. ;P And did I ever mention anything about apples in the Night 3 Post...?
  11. Links Rules Intro: Successful Drafts Night One: If Looks Could Kill...;P Day One: W-Interception Night Two: With A Smile On His Face Day Two: "Shinigami Chop!" Night Three: A Rose By Any Other Name...Is Just As Thorny
  12. Aha! So that's why I kept sneezing...;P
  13. NIGHT THREE A Rose By Any Other Name…Is Just As Thorny The light in the small apartment the thorny threesome resided in flickered. At the dining table, Light was once again sitting, hunched over his Death Note. Misa sat besides him, running her small hand through his light brown hair. “Stop it, Misa,” Light said, swatting absentmindedly at her hand. “Yeah, God has spoken,” Mikami left the kitchenette area where he had been working and approached the pair. On his cheek was adhered a bandage, a remnant of the last cat-fight. He had on a frilly pink apron with red hearts dotted over it. In his left hand he held a spatula, in his right, a pepper grinder. “Speaking of which,” he continued, staring admiringly at Light. “How would God like his steak?” Misa pouted, her painted red lips sticking out as far as they could go. “Hey! What about Misa?” she cried. Mikami glared at Misa over his glasses and taunted “You’re just a nuisance. You can starve to death for all I care. In fact,” he chortled, “we would all starve to death if we had to endure your cooking.” Misa’s cheeks reddened in fury. She reached for her Death Note. Well, she reached for where it should have been, but Light, being astute and having seen this coming five minutes ago, had removed it and hidden it in an unspoken locale. As Misa threw her hands up in frustration, Mikami smirked. “It wouldn’t have mattered, anyway,” he leered. “You can’t even spell your own name, let alone, mine.” Misa’s eyes glowed challengingly. “Yes I can! I can spell my name just fine. It’s S-I-N-I-S-T-R-A-L.” At the register inside a convenience store, the cashier handed Star_Tiger back her change. She thanked him, picked up her bag, and exited through the glass door, causing the bell to jingle. ST was so deep in her ruminations about the cute boy in her math class (he had the most amazing eyes) that she didn’t perceive the second ring of the bell a few seconds later. Star_Tiger strolled towards her house, unaware of the lavender mummy that was following her. She was completely oblivious to the fact that she was being targeted by Rem, who couldn’t stand there being a more kawai girl than his Misa around. Suddenly, a sick feeling invaded Rem’s stomach. Uh oh, he thought, Misa’s done something dumb again. Grudgingly turning away from his target, he took off in the air towards his ward. Landing outside on the patio of Light’s apartment, he peeped in through the window, to see a sight that was becoming too familiar. Misa and Mikami were attempting to scratch each other’s eyes out, and Light, resigned to his fate by now, attempted to ignore them. Rem shrugged and pulled out his Death Note from underneath layers of bandages. He opened it up to an empty page and scrawled Star_Tiger’s name in it. Then he paused and scratched his head. What was her True Name again? That Night, Star_Tiger slept soundly, freely dreaming about math boy with the amazing eyes. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb 2)Itachi-san 3)Sinistral[Misa] 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane 7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 8)Kat 9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 10)the second dawh 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda 13)Star_tiger 14)Prof. Templeton 15)Prince Marth 16)Ben Law - GONE [Ryuk] (Shinigami chopped) Edit: Added roster (no one died) Day ends in 24 hours!
  14. Yeah...it would have been SO much better if you could both kill the same day...and take each other out...XP
  15. Uh...yeah...there's a reason I don't like innocent killing roles...XP
  16. Yay! Great job! (Sorry it took me 36 hours to respond... ) You've got it. I really like that one...hehe...;P Congratulations to everyone who worked on this! Good teamwork and I hope you enjoyed it .
  17. Yoruichi-san

    Oh, and about Peter and Claire... what if the puppetmaster turns out to be Claire's real father? ...uh...ewwwwwww... But maybe that's why Hiro had to lose his memory...
  18. Links... Rules Intro: Successful Drafts Night One: If Looks Could Kill...;P Day One: W-Interception Night Two: With A Smile On His Face Day Two: "Shinigami Chop!" ...and okay, I confess, I amalgamated 3 different kinds of 'Shinigami' in the Day Post...hehe...;P
  19. Well...I wouldn't go that far...;P Awesome ending though, PG! Thanks for the game, it's been really interesting . Yeah, the Night 1 post meant Mekal had to be Westley, since all three attacks (Roberts, Vizzini, Humperdinck) had been accounted for and the only one who didn't die was Mekal...so the attack on Westley had to been on Mekal. I thought for awhile CL might be Buttercup, based on her certainty that Mekal was innocent and how quickly she noticed the Buttercup stopping Prof. T thing in the Night 2 post...I figured Buttercup would be the first person to go after that...that's why I was asking Mekal about CL... CP, that's the last time I try to read hints into anything you say...I thought you had checked Marth the first night and that was why you kept saying he wasn't the Prince... Good game guys. Nicely played Prof. T, but like you said, you can't beat the odds...or logic ;P.\ Edit: And ha, I was right about Bb missing the "I am Buttercup" thing...XP
  20. DAY TWO “Shinigami Chop!” The rotation of the blades of the ceiling fan volleyed long shadows around the small crowded room. The 13 people encircling the large mahogany table were silent, lost in contemplation over the day’s events. The day had started out interestingly enough…it appeared that Kira had a sense of humor. But as the votes had swung towards the shifty-eyed Brandonb, the accused had confessed to being the illusive Light. Of course, this being the shifty-eyed one, no one could take what he said at face value. So now they were deep in thought, attempting to decipher the intentions of he-of-the-Shifty Eyes. Itachi had come out and encouraged the Task Force to vote for Ben Law. Disconcerted by Bb’s big reveal, the dazed group lackadaisically went along. Ben Law, who had become the second victim of the plush chairs, snoozed blissfully, ignorant of the events coming to pass. Up in the Shinigami world, a slug-like creature with stubby limbs crawled up to the throne of the Shinigami King, dragging behind it a sack full of apples. This Shinigami had heard rumors that Ryuk had convinced the Shinigami King to give him an extra Death Note, and it wanted in on the fun as well. As it closed in on the vicinity of the throne, its large protruding Shinigami Eyes saw that the pile of cloth on the throne was just that and only that: a pile of cloth. On top of the heap was propped a cracked skull mask. The jaw of the skull seemed to be laughing. Back in the room in the Investigations building, Itachi approached Ben Law with his sleeves rolled up and the syringe poised for the injection. When Itachi stepped in front of him, casting a long shadow over the sleeping figure, Ben Law abruptly awoke. He tried to protest, but Itachi swiftly jabbed the needle into Ben Law’s neck. Ben Law’s eyes popped out in shock and his large mouth opened as wide as it could go. As Ben Law’s body began to convulse, he threw his arms out and then brought them in, crossing them over his stomach. He hunched forward and a frightening sound came out of his mouth… “Muhahaha!” Ryuk guffawed. His bulging eyes flashed red with mischief. “You think you humans can kill a Shinigami! There is only one way to kill a Shinigami…but today, I’ll be the one killing you today!” Ryuk took out the Death Note that had been hidden inside…(uh, where does Ryuk hide his Death Note in that tight fitting costume of his?). He whipped out a feather pen and opened the Death Note to a blank page, preparing to write. His Shinigami eyes scanned the True Names of all those in the room. Putting pen to paper, he prepared to begin the massacre, when… “Shinigami chop!” a voice cried. An overly-large white hand-shaped object collided onto Ryuk’s skull. Ryuk froze. A moment later, his body fell forward and landed, unconscious, on the floor. A flash of purple and orange swept away Ben Law’s body, leaving only the empty linoleum where it had been. The Task Force collectively blinked, then simultaneously shrugged and went back to the task at hand. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb 2)Itachi-san 3)Sinistral 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane 7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 8)Kat 9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 10)the second dawh 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda 13)Star_tiger 14)Prof. Templeton 15)Prince Marth 16)Ben Law - GONE [Ryuk] (Shinigami chopped) Good job, Task Force! But there's still much work to be done ;P.
  21. Fine, those who haven't voted, you can either take your one free nonvote or you can place your vote before the 24 hr deadline.
  22. Okay, Ben Law has pleaded "No Contest"...I will make the Day Post now...
  23. Bringing up the roster... 3 ppl yet to vote... Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb 2)Itachi-san - voting for Ben Law 3)Sinistral 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill - voting for Ben Law 6)Cherry Lane - voting for Sinistral 7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 8)Kat - voting for Ben Law 9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 10)the second dawh - voting for Ben Law 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda voting for Ben Law 13)Star_tiger - voting for Ben Law 14)Prof. Templeton - voting for Sinistral 15)Prince Marth - voting for Ben Law 16)Ben Law - voting for Brandonb Sorry if it wasn't clear before, I figured it crossed over from the first DNM. If the DNH specify details, I will make a note of it in the Night Post. If I don't, it means they don't. Also, another cross-over...the Shinigami Eyes only work on humans. If they are used to spy Shinigami, the user will be informed that the use failed (which obviously means the target was a Shinigami).
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