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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. What Kat said...but I can see how that sentence can be misinterpreted ...so I will restructure it to be clearer in the future. And thanks for giving me the vote idea .
  2. That's an interesting idea. I think I want it so that the DNH know whether or not the Shinigami are alive, b/c the interactions b/w DNH and Shinigami strategically are an important part of the role. But for Interlude, I was thinking of having a kind of 'redirect' role (maybe an alteration of Aiber) that could cause the Death Note to kill the person who the target is disguised as instead of the target. That's a very interesting idea. I'll think about that. One of my reasons for adding Naomi was so that if L was killed he could not only leave his information, but also instructions to Naomi. Maybe I can let Naomi send a message twice...hmmm.... That's the way it already is...Rem dies during the save. Oh, wait...that's perfect! Rem dies if he ever votes for the same person as Misa...that should resolve the DNH/Rem voting block issue... Actually, I like it that the first Night is simple, gives the DNH time to learn the ropes of the Death Note...but I do think there should be a role that can take on the responsibilities of another role (except L) that dies. I was thinking maybe Watari would do it after L dies...or I could make the game bigger I guess...(bring in Takada for a real cat-fight with Misa...hehe ;P) Yeah, that was great...as you can see from FOTH's comments, the DNH were worried about you ;P. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. They've been great and I welcome any more input you have .
  3. The final set of links... Rules Intro: Successful Drafts Night One: If Looks Could Kill...;P Day One: W-Interception Night Two: With A Smile On His Face Day Two: "Shinigami Chop!" Night Three: A Rose By Any Other Name...Is Just As Thorny Day Three: "Matsuda May Be The End Of Me" Night Four: Sakura And The Candle Day Four: From Dusk Til Dawn
  4. Thanks. And you're right about both Rem and Wedy...I forgot to mention my thoughts about those (and probably other stuff I'll remember later...darn fever XP)...but yeah, I was thinking the Rem needs Misa to survive and Light dead (after Ryuk of course) before all the TF are dead or something along those lines. And losing Wedy so early was a terrible blow to the TF. I was disappointed (sad) that Wedy didn't get any successful messages through in the first DNM, and in this one Wedy got killed immediately...what would have put the finishing touches on my hypothetical Aiber strat (where Aiber pretends to be Rem) would be to have someone secretly feed him correct roles through Wedy, and then he gives the false info to the DNH... Oh, and your Matsuda playing was great...you made it so that the DNH didn't believe it...;P
  5. Ooh...please tell me it was mine ;P -When your "writing projects" are all prologues/intros/night posts for future mafia games...
  6. DAY FOUR From Dusk Til Dawn The pinnacle room in the Investigations Building was bathed in luxurious golden-orange rays by the sun drowning into the horizon. The remaining 9 people (well, 8 people and 1 Shinigami) sat wordlessly, their eyes oscillating between motions of staring at each other and at glancing down at their watches. The silence was broken by Mekal finally releasing the yawn he had been trying so to stifle for the last hour. He was desperately battling the urge to give in to the all-too-plush chair for the second time. Taking notice, Marth stood up and offered to bring Mekal some coffee. Mekal nodded at him gratefully and then turned back to address the rest of the group. “Well,” he said, rubbing his eyes. “It appears that foolonthehill is the one getting it today.” All eyes turned warily to foolonthehill. They were hoping to avoid a replay of yesterday’s events. Foolonthehill glared at the group over his glasses. Then he began to chuckle. Unable to control himself, he opened his mouth and let out a string of maniacal laughter. “Fools!” He cried, reining in his excitement. “You think you have won, but you forget that we are the ones favored by God!” His eyes glowed, mimicking that of his God. At that moment, Misa leaped up and went to stand by FOTH’s chair. “Yeah, baka-Task Force,” she taunted, sticking out her pink tongue at those gathered in the room. “Misa knows that there are those of you who must follow our orders. She held out her hand towards Star_tiger. “Right, Naomi-chan?” Star_tiger reached out one hand to take Misa’s. But then she froze. Her other hand, trembling, was grasping the ring on the chain around her neck. Her eyes were blank, but a tear formed in them, and fell down her pale cheek. Misa’s painted ruby red lips pouted. “Come on, don’t fight it. Naomi-chan is Misa’s friend now, and must do whatever Misa wishes. And Misa wished for the evil men who killed my Kira to be die.” “Don’t listen to her, Star,” Sparanda stood up went to her, trying to offer her support. He put a kind hand on her shoulder. In one quick convulsion, Star_tiger jerked away from Sparanda and yanked the chain off her neck. The precious ring fell onto the mahogany table, where it gyrated and propagated cold metallic ringing through the room. By the time it stilled, Star_tiger was standing besides Misa, holding her hand. “Well, that’s too bad about Star,” Mekal observed calmly as Marth placed a Styrofoam cup in front of him. Mekal nodded his thanks to Marth and took a greedy sip of the caffeinated elixir. Then he turned his frown back to his adversaries. “That’s still not enough. Sorry, but foolonthehill is going to…” Before he could finish his sentiment, a violent cough came up his throat. He brought up his hand to cover his mouth, and when he pulled it away and looked down at it, he saw blood. He turned incredulous, bloodshot eyes up to Marth as his chest was consumed by more coughing. His last sight was of Marth staring down at him with a cold, blank gaze. That night, the remaining Task Force members each received a surprise left outside their doors. It was a box, wrapped in pink paper covered with red hearts, and tied with a big pink bow. Inside box, each Task Force member found a gun along with a note written on very special stationary. What was written on the note was each Task Force members’ name, followed by: “…will upon finding this note, shoot themselves in the head with the provided gun.” On the roof of the Investigations Building, Misa and Mikami sat side-by-side, each clasping their respective Death Note to their chests, gazing out onto the pink, lavender, and gold streaked sky. It was not only the dawn of a new day, but the dawn of a new era, the era of Kira’s Justice. Mikami sighed regretfully and pushed up his glasses. “If only God were here to enjoy the new world he has created.” “Yeah…” lamented Misa. “Misa wishes her Light was with Misa.” She cocked her head sadly and stared longingly at Light’s favorite pen, which had been placed ceremoniously halfway between the two Death Note Holders. Mikami shrugged and muttered, “I guess we’ll just have to rule the new world by ourselves…all by ourselves…” A look of realization and dread crept into his eyes as he continued “Just the two of us…just you and me…for all time…” Mikami’s eyes darted to the pen also. Then both Misa and Mikami’s eyes rose and their gazes met. For several minutes, they sat there, staring at each cautiously, motionlessly as the rising sun silhouetted their forms. From a distance point, the cry of a rooster could be heard, heralding the new day, the new era, which promised to bring peace and prosperity to all… Yeah, right. They both lunged for the pen. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb - Light 2)Itachi-san - Mogi 3)Sinistral - Misa 4)dawh - Wedy 5)foolonthehill - Mikami 6)Cherry Lane - Aizawa 7)Joe's Student - L 8)Kat - Rem 9)SomeGuy - Chief Yagami 10)the second dawh - Matsuda 11)Mekal - Aiber 12)Sparanda - Mello 13)Star_tiger - Naomi Misora 14)Prof. Templeton - Watari 15)Prince Marth - Near 16)Ben Law - Ryuk Congratulations DNH and Rem! (Sorry the ending is not as awesome as I would have liked, but the fever is hindering my writing abilities right now...XP) Great job Task Force! Thanks for never giving up...you're all truly worthy warriors in the war for Justice. You all did splendidly, and helped me a lot demonstrating what I need to tweak for future DNMs, so thank you for that! Special notices to Prof. Templeton for his great job fooling the DNH into thinking he was L at the beginning...I was rooting for you! And to Itachi for figuring out Ben Law was Ryuk . For dawh for his always insightful way of looking at things and trying to figure out the best strategies . For JS for putting so much thought and effort into his albeit brief span as L. Thanks to everyone for their praise about the Posts...it's good to have your art appreciated . And of course, thanks to everyone for trying their best! (Do I even need to say anything to the DNH's? ;P You guys know you rocked.) Changes to future R versions of DNM: only Light's Death Note can manipulate votes. Aiber will be able to not only disguise himself but also to disguise the person he chooses. I like the idea Sinistral brought up about suicide, although I need to figure out a way for the person to figure out that their being manipulated beforehand...hmmm...Also, the "things to remember" section is going to grow to include more clarifications about the Posts and advice...as well as in the amount as asterisks ;P Anyways, the next DNM will probably be Interlude, since I'm excited about the whole Light/L duality and Light not knowing he's Light. Still working on it though, so it probably won't be for awhile...and right now I'm ready to go for something less intense, and the prologue for M4F14-8 is burning a hole in my hard drive...hehe ;P
  7. Links Rules Intro: Successful Drafts Night One: If Looks Could Kill...;P Day One: W-Interception Night Two: With A Smile On His Face Day Two: "Shinigami Chop!" Night Three: A Rose By Any Other Name...Is Just As Thorny Day Three: "Matsuda May Be The End Of Me" Night Four: Sakura And The Candle
  8. Sorry, has to follow the rules of the Death Note...can't manipulate someone else into killing your victim for you .
  9. NIGHT FOUR Sakura And The Candle The walls of Cherry Lane’s apartment were plastered with anti-Kira posters. They depicted a picture of a pair of shifty glowing red eyes inside a circle with a slash through it. On the bottom of the posters were scrawled “Just say NO to false Gods.” The television in the apartment was on, tuned into Sakura TV News at 10. The pretty blonde news anchor was reporting on the shocking details of the death of Kira earlier that day. Apparently he had transformed into a monster from all the Innocent souls he had consumed playing Mafia games, and been scythed down by a mysterious stranger in a skull mask. Cherry Lane picked up the remote and flicked the TV off. Serves him right, she thought. Then she snatched her keys up from the kitchen counter, grabbed her jacket from the hall closet, and headed out the door. Tramping up the hill were two figures clad in long white robes. They carried oil lanterns which projected their elongated shadows downwards. Suddenly, the figure in front halted, bending down to pick a flower. The other figure, whose hood hung over his entire head, didn’t see the pause and subsequently proceeded to trip over his companion. He threw out his hands for balance, but only succeeded in grabbing onto his compatriot. The two bodies entwined in a ball, and rolled down the hill. When they stopped, the one underneath pushed the other off him brutally. His hood fell back as he stood up, and his eyes glared at his partner over his glasses. “Hey, watch it, Miss Airhead!” he grunted, dusting himself off. Then he turned his eyes longingly upwards. “God, why did you leave me to have to deal with her?” “Baka-Mikami is the one who should watch where he’s going!” Misa pouted. She flicked a blonde pigtail behind her ear. “Misa would kill Mikami, only Light said in his last will and testi…testa…testa-whatever for Misa not to…” She pulled herself up off the ground and straightened out her robe. Clinging tightly to the white flower she had just picked (which had somehow miraculously survived intact during the tumble), she declared, “Well, Misa will be the one to make Light’s dream come true!” With that, Misa stomped back up the hill. Mikami looked up pleadingly at the sky once again, but his God gave him no sign to follow. Prof. Templeton was in the Study with the Candlestick…err…wrong game…Anyways, Prof. Templeton set the candle and candle holder on his desk in his study. He struck a match and used it to light the candle, then sat down in his comfortable (but not too comfortable *cough*) chair. After situating himself, he opened picked up a book from the stack on his desk and opened it to a previously earmarked page. Then he picked up his pen and prepared to begin preparing the notes for his next guest lecture at Redrum University. An hour later, the Prof. sat back and stretched his arms. He was stuck on one part of the talk. Looking out at the clear sky and the bright moon, he thought about what a nice Night it would be for a walk. Why not? It might help him get ideas. You never know what happens on those moonlit walks… Cherry Lane was strolling down a scenic street that was lined on both sides with sakura (cherry blossom) trees. The pale pink petals drifted down all around her, and the light breeze caught them and danced them up and around through the Night. And the Night was beautiful. The sky was clear and cloudless, and the elegant moon hung high in its perch amidst the twinkling stars. Cherry Lane stopped and stood, taking in the beauty and harmony of her surroundings. She inhaled, and the lovely floral scent wafting around her filled her nostrils. She exhaled, a peaceful smile covering her face. Suddenly, the tranquility was interrupted by the thundering sound of hoofs on the paved street. A sickening feeling of déjà vu insinuated itself into Cherry Lane’s stomach. She turned slowly, awkwardly, her movements constrained by her fear. Her eyes beheld the sight they so dreaded: a stampeding Yak. Her knees, as if from memory of her previous life, weakened on their own in terror. Her legs refused to move from the spot. The image of the Yak came closer and closer and closer… At the last moment, a man appeared flung himself into Cherry Lane, pushing her out of the way. Cherry Lane was thrown to the side of the road, and her eyes did not witness the collision, but her ears heard the sickening thud of clashing flesh and bone… In Prof. Templeton’s study, the candle flickered, then was extinguished. Finally managing to pull herself to her feet, Cherry Lane wobbled on shaky knees to where the mangled body of Prof. Templeton lay. Tears filled her eyes as she kneeled down and bowed over his form. What a brave and honorable man, she thought. Pain filled her heart, unbearable pain. Sakura petals floated down all around them. The pain in Cherry Lane’s heart grew…and grew…and grew? No, the pain wasn’t just from sadness and loss…there was another sort of pain there. Cherry Lane grasped her chest. She tried to breathe but couldn’t. Then her body fell over and the paved ground next to the Prof’s. Then there was only the dancing of the pale pink sakura petals in the darkness. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb - DEAD [Light] (turned into an egg of Kishin and Death Scythed down) 2)Itachi-san 3)Sinistral[Misa] 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 8)Kat 9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 10)the second dawh 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda 13)Star_tiger 14)Prof. Templeton - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 15)Prince Marth 16)Ben Law - GONE [Ryuk] (Shinigami chopped)
  10. Haha...no...I'm back already...;P Writing the Night Post now...should be up within an hour...
  11. Haha...thanks ;P Just so you know, the Night Post will come a little late, since I will be gone for while tonight.
  12. Okay...waiting on Night Actions... Links Rules Intro: Successful Drafts Night One: If Looks Could Kill...;P Day One: W-Interception Night Two: With A Smile On His Face Day Two: "Shinigami Chop!" Night Three: A Rose By Any Other Name...Is Just As Thorny Day Three: "Matsuda May Be The End Of Me"
  13. Okay, since thanks to a friend I can finally see what would cause misinterpretation, let me make this say what I really want it to say (my apologies if it was unclear initially): Alright, that should make it clear what I was trying to say. And again, admitting my error in not realizing earlier that the vote manipulation was still too powerful. My apologies. And emphasizing that I think HIGHLY of natural mental abilities of BrainDenizens, which I encourage, as opposed to relying too much on role abilities.
  14. *Sigh* You're the one who needs to stop it. I know exactly what I was thinking and intending when I wrote the rant, you don't. Stop pretending like you do. That's what's insulting about the whole thing.
  15. Anyways, hopefully everyone else doesn't follow Itachi's misinterpretation, but I want to make sure everyone knows that I appreciate their efforts and am no way criticizing any player, but I do lament one of the side-effects of specialized roles, which is to cause too much reliance on role abilities and undermining everyone's natural abilities. And hopefully you all can realize that the fact I lament this proves that I think HIGHLY of BrainDenizens' natural abilities. If I didn't I wouldn't have bothered commenting on it, encouraging ppl to use their natural mental abilities. And as I said, I do think the vote manipulation should be limited to one, now that I think more about it. Not realizing this before was a mistake on my part and I apologize. But now we're down to the wire...hehe...and yes, I continue with my amalgamation of Shinigami's...;P
  16. DAY THREE “Matsuda May Be The End Of Me” Flashback (last Night…based on a true story…hehe…dialogue taken directly from the horse’s mouth) Light was standing by the window in his small apartment, looking out at the majestic moon, unable to sleep due to his apprehension about the day to come. Misa rushed over to Light. She flung her arms around him and hugged him tightly, wanting to never let go. Light wrapped his arms around her as well, and bent his neck to position his mouth to her ear. “Hey Sin,” he whispered softly, sweetly. Tears welled up in his eyes and a lump formed in his throat, but he swallowed and continued, “Just in case we fail, and I die tomorrow…” The words caused Misa’s embrace on him to tighten, but Light found it surprisingly comforting. His smile was bittersweet as he finished his sentence “…It was nice working with you.” They had bonded through the entire experience. But tonight, their bonding would be complete. The remaining group of 12 filed one-by-one into the stuffy conference room (with the dangerously plush chairs) in the Investigations Building. Well, actually, 11 of them filed one-by-one into the room. After taking their respective seats, they glared with anxious annoyance at the empty seat where Matsuda should have been sitting, then correspondingly glanced at the clock ticking away on the far wall. A few minutes later, Matsuda shuffled into the room, tripping over the threshold. After regaining his balance, he hastened to his seat with an ingenuous apologetic look on his face. He set the soda can he had been carrying on the table with one hand and put the other hand behind his head, giving the room an abashed grin. The room collectively sighed. Prof. Templeton coughed pointedly to draw the room’s attention. “Well…” he said, pushing his glasses up his nose. “It appears there is a tie. I suppose we should solve this with a good old-fashioned coin flip. Now who has the coin?” Brandonb grinned to himself in triumph as everyone’s looks were tossed around the room. He always won coin tosses, so victory was his! Finally, Cherry Lane exclaimed, “Oh, I remember, we gave Matsuda the coin for safe-keeping!” 22 eyes came to rest on Matsuda. “Right!” he asserted, reaching into his right jacket pocket. After fumbling around for a minute, a confused look crossed his face. He pulled his pocket out. Nothing. He reached into his left jacket pocket. Empty as well. He patted his pants’ pockets. Still no. Befuddled, he scratched his head. He reached out to pick up the can of soda on the table and absentmindedly took a sip. As his eyes focused on the can, realization dawned on his face. The room let out another collective sigh. Then foolonthehill said “Hey, no fear…we’ll just fix up the nifty random number generator on L’s laptop.” The group crowded around as he boot up the computer. “Okay, below 5, it’s Brandonb, above, it’s the second dawh.” After Mathematica loaded, he typed in “Random[Real,{1,0}]”. Everyone’s eyes stared anxiously at the screen. The number that appeared… 1.96119. “Nooooo….” cried Brandonb, throwing up his hands to his head, moaning in pain as he clasp his skull on both sides. Through a series of indescribable events, long ribbons of bandages were dispensed from his back and some began to wrap themselves around his head. The other ribbons lashed themselves outwardly, knocking into the members of the group and pitching them into the walls. When the transformation was complete, Brandonb’s head was completely enrobed in the bandages, on which were painted long, vertically oriented black eyes. Struggling to his feet, Sparanda stammered “Wh-a-at ha-a-ppened?” An enigmatic voice answered him from behind. “He’s turned into an Egg of Kishin…from eating too many innocent souls in mafia games.” Twisting around, Sparanda cast stunned eyes on the orator. The figure was robed entirely in black, and her face was covered with a skull mask. Underneath her, small devices which spewed blue fire allowed her to levitate in the air. Standing besides Shinigami-sama was a red-haired man in a sleek suit, who was smoking a cigarette. Shinigami-sama thrust out her arm. The red-haired man threw down his cigarette and then his form disappeared into a swirl of light. The light carved out a circle in the air and rematerialized into…a Death Scythe. Shinigami-sama’s hand closed on the handle of the scythe. Her body flew forward over the mahogany table, propelled by the blue-fire devices. As she neared Brandonb, she drew back the scythe. In a flash, her expert swing cut his body in half, releasing the intensely glowing red orb of his soul. Shinigami-sama reached out her white-gloved hand, and the orb floated into it. Shaking her head, Shinigami-sama lamented sadly, “I’ve never seen a soul this corrupt…” Then in a flash, Shinigami-sama and the Death Scythe were gone. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb - DEAD [Light] (turned into an egg of Kishin and Death Scythed down) 2)Itachi-san 3)Sinistral[Misa] 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane 7)Joe's Student - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 8)Kat 9)SomeGuy - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 10)the second dawh 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda 13)Star_tiger 14)Prof. Templeton 15)Prince Marth 16)Ben Law - GONE [Ryuk] (Shinigami chopped)
  17. Actually...surprisingly, I'm not in a very violent mood...just disappointed at my words being misinterpreted...when I've cared enough about my players that I was worrying myself over it for the last two days...and when I try to make an observation to help those who feel helpless...suddenly I'm attacked for it...
  18. Yeah, sorry...just trying to suggest that it's possible for those who may feel helpless to help themselves...;P Hehe...may be getting carried away with myself in this Day Post...XP
  19. *Sigh* like I said...I apologize for DNM...my once-a-day comment was about Shootout, where we were waiting for you for two days...
  20. I never said anything about being the best or anything along those lines. I was expressing my opinion in general about specialized roles in mafia games and how I have seen that ppl have a tendency to rely too much on those roles. I am 100% with you on unreality being the founder and his games have been great and fun. ABR has also been great and fun and different. My intend for DNM was to also to be different, and I've specifically stated that many times. I did not direct my statement towards anyone in particular. I am not saying anything about anyone, just on the general trend I've noticed, hoping to alert others to it as well. As for you and the BL thing, it's unfair for you to take my general rant as being directed to you without taking my congratulations to the TF for getting Ryuk as being directed towards you, since it would follow rationally that that would be directed towards the person who accomplished it... I don't take offense to you post, I just don't understand it, and I think you're misunderstanding me, and being the one taking offense where you shouldn't be. I am all for well thought out constructive criticism, i.e. presenting what you think should change and the reasons why, but the general complaining statements like "aw, I wish we had a killing role right now" without even trying to think about what effect it would have on the entire game is not welcome and basically are equivalent to "aw, I wish I could just magically win right now". Edit: And as I recall, I was the one defending your ABR setup when others when complaining about it being unbalanced... <_<
  21. *Sigh* my apologies if I hurt your feelings about DNM...but checking the thread in a game you're playing in at least once daily is expected...
  22. Alright...since nothing is going to change, I'm making the Day Post... Oh, and FYI, if I had been Aiber, I would have destroyed the DNH...Edit: Nvm...I shouldn't explain yet ;P
  23. I meant in general. Edit: Actually, there's a little over 2 hrs from the time of this post until the end of the day. *Shoots self in the foot thinking about Shootout* *sigh* Be inactive on me once, shame on you, be inactive on me twice, shame on me .
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