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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Is there a prize for correctly identifying all the characters in the logo? ^_^

    Lol, actually the logo is the "MafiaxMafia" thing I made to resemble the HunterxHunter logo. It's not quite right, the F is messed up, but I had already wasted too much time indulging my semi-obsessive aesthetic tendancies :rolleyes: . If you can identify the characters in the picture though, I'll sent you a high five through cyberspace ;).

  2. When does night end?

    Waiting on some confirmations, probably afternoon/evening tomorrow if they come in. (But feel free to send me your actions anytime ;))

  3. "Yes, some of those words sound familiar," Janine piped up over the neuro-link. "I wasn't paying that much attention to Sector Nu's dialogue, Father was overseeing them...he's occupied at the moment, but I'll try to help if I can."

    "Thanks, Janine," Orin replied.

    Wraith nodded. The agents had made some insightful guesses to the images presented under the sliders. He wasn't sure they were all correct, but he suspected that there was a theme of some sort, a method to the Witch's madness, as usual. And the letters on the plaques...what did they mean?

  4. Hmmm...interesting. I was only considering the obviously distinguishable cases since they don't a way of telling time and I wasn't sure how fast the mice went, how big the prison was, etc., but as plasmid points out, depending on the level of distinguishability, there are interesting ways of being even more efficient ^_^.

    Thanks for the puzzles TSLF :).

  5. Oh, an additional rule I forgot to add, that's usually not necessary to point out, but just in case (since information can't be undone):

    No direct reproduction of information from outside the thread in the game thread (i.e. copy and pasting from your role PM).

  6. Deep in the numerous underground caverns comprising her lair, the Ant Queen lounged on the accumulation of bones that improvised a throne.

    She ran one long feeler along the curved surface of a giant egg. It was made of a translucent material, and inside a dark form pulsed. My son…she cooed telepathically.

    The chimera ant soldier cleared coming through the passageway cleared his psychic throat. Your majesty, your next repass has been prepared. Would you like your servants to bring it now?

    Of course, the Ant Queen answered without looking at him. I must feed so that I may create more soldiers for our army. Hunters, I must have Hunters! They taste so marvelous and engender soldiers of such strength!

    The ant soldier bowed and was about to retreat when suddenly he felt an enormous menacing aura overwhelm him from behind, sending a shudder quaking down his spine.

    Neferpitou, good, I have a task for you...the Ant Queen addressed the newcomer.

    “Sorry, I don’t take orders from you,” the cat-insect hybrid member of the royal guard replied. “I serve the King.”

    She hopped effortlessly onto a rocky ledge and perched there, letting her legs hang. She casually eyed the egg and the Ant Queen. And when the King is born, they’ll be no use for you anymore...


    Balancing upside down on one hand, Gon inhaled and focused his nen into that palm. Abruptly, he pushed it out, and the burst sent his body upwards. Gritting his teeth, he concentrated on maintaining his elevation by maintaining the nen emanating from his hand. Sweat trickled down his face and extended arm but the boy ignored it, determined. He would become stronger, faster, a better Hunter. He had to, for Kite...

    A short distance away, in a clearing, Killua sensed the jump in his friend’s aura, and paused. Electricity crackled from his down and around his lean, pale form. Gon was pushing hard in his training, and Killua would have to too. He wouldn’t be left behind.

    In a second, Killua’s super-speeding figure vanished from the sight of Shoot, who was flying over above, riding on a nen-generated hand. The boy had come a long way, they both had, but would they be ready for the battle that was to come? For that matter, was he? A shiver of fear crept down his spine.

    “Good boy,” Knuckle scratched one of the dogs he was feeding behind the ears and laughed as it licked his cheek. He pushed the food dishes further towards them. “You eat up now, I have to train some more so that I can protect you and everyone else from those chimera ant monsters.”

    Suddenly he whipped around, alerted by the snapping of a twig. “Who’s there?” he demanded, his face set in a challenging, no-nonsense expression.

    From the shadows of trees emerged a willowy form with long dark hair. “I found you with my nen ability,” Palm explained. “It’s time to begin. Are you ready?”

    Knuckle grinned. “Bring it on!”


    The Ant Queen: (Wincon: remains alive in game until Hunters are all killed/removed) May target one player each Night to kill and devour. Learns the identities of those devoured. (Not a nen ability.)

    Neferpitou: (Wincon: remains alive in game until Ant Queen, Gon, and Killua are killed/removed) Necrophiliac member of the royal guard, she learns the identities of the deceased, and each Night may choose to use either (but not both) of her nen abilities.

    Terpsichora: May puppeteer the bodies of the dead. May use the nen abilities of one of the deceased. (All actions appear done by the puppet, i.e. character of the deceased, not by Terpsichora)

    Doctor Blythe: May save someone from death. *In the Night Post it will be indistinguishable whether the save was done by DB or Killua

    ***In addition: if the Ant Queen is lynched, she may use the enormous power of her en (aura) to destroy the psych of a player and remove them from the game if she can correctly identify their role. She may attempt to use this ability any Night/Day cycle, but not two in a row (cannot be blocked or saved from but still counts if the attempt is unsuccessful).

    Hunters (Wincon: Ant Queen and Neferpitou are killed/removed)

    Gon: Intuitive and determined, any Night may use his nen ability of Rock, Paper, Scissors to try to discover the role identity of his target the following Day. During the Night, he will choose a target and a bid (Rock, Paper, or Scissors), and the following Day, his target will be informed they must choose a bid. If Gon wins, he learns the role identity of his target after the Day Post, if he loses, his target learns his player identity, if it is a tie, nothing happens. If the target players fails to choose a bid by the end of the Day, Gon wins by forfeit.

    Killua: An adept semi-reformed child assassin, any Night may use his nen ability of Godspeed to whisk a player away to safety and protect them from death. May not protect the same player two Nights in a row. *In the Night Post it will be indistinguishable whether the save was done by DB or Killua

    Knuckle: Hot-headed but soft-hearted, any Night may use his nen ability to attach APR to a player. Under APR, every Day/Night cycle, and when the player acts or votes, interest is added. Once interest is added 3 times, the player goes bankrupt and is removed from the game. Only one player may be under APR at a time. Knuckle may choose to remove APR from a player at any time (will go through with the Night/Day Post), if reattached to a player it was removed from, the counter resets. APR attachment will be announced on the roster, if Knuckle dies, APR vanishes.

    Shoot: Careful, perhaps a bit too careful, any Night may use his nen ability to trap his target in a cage and prevent them from acting. Cannot trap self.

    Palm: Determined and a bit too persistent at times, any Night may use her nen ability to follow a player and find out their target.

    ***Host Rules***

    Game ends once one faction reaches its win condition.

    Kill attempts, successful saves, and blocks will be shown in the Night Post. Everything else is up to the creative license of the host.

    I hate ties so if there's a tie, everyone in the tie dies and the last player who added, removed, or changed their vote also dies.

    My general rule of thumb is that actions are initiated at Night/Day but only through during the transitions b/w Night and Day so will the results will not interfere with other actions unless otherwise stated.

    Please direct questions to the host in purple. Thank you.
    And have fun ;)!.

    Chairman: Yoruichi-san

    1) Phil1882
    2) Framm18
    3) Flamebirde
    4) bonanova
    5) GMaster479
    6) Araver
    7) Nana77

    Sorry for the delay, was having image issues and spent waaay too much time on the logo :lol:. Roles will be sent out shortly. Please confirm in this thread once you have yours!

  7. i could probably use a mentor. i have a general gist how to play, but am still a little unclear.

    for example, to we kill a person based on majority vote or unanimous? if majority, what happens if there is a tie?

    and in this mafia there are only 5 good guys. so its gonna be pretty tough it seems to identify him before he eliminates them, unless when you get down to just one good guy, he can kill the bad guy himself.

    Good questions! The answers to those are actually sometimes different for different hosts. I usually add a 'Host Rules' section in the rules, this time I forgot, sorry :blush: ...but it'll definitely be in the game thread.

    The answers in this case are:

    1) Lynches are by plurality vote

    2) (This is my personal rule ;P) I hate ties so if there's a tie, everyone in the tie dies and the last player who added, removed, or changed their vote also dies.

    Anyways, game thread will be up within the hour ^_^.

  8. n/3.

    A lamp placed on the vertex of a triangle will light the entire triangle. If that vertex is shared by other triangles, it will light the other triangles as well. You can divide every polygon into triangles that share its vertices. If you color each vertex of a triangle a different color, i.e. every triangle will have a vertex of each color, then the maximum number of lamps you need is equal to the number of vertices of any one color, and of course, you would choose the color with fewest vertices. The maximum number of vertices colored by that color would be n/3.

  9. Awesome :D. I'll get the game thread up tonight after I get back from work.

    Note: Neferpitou will have an added ability - If the Ant Queen is lynched, she may use the enormous power of her en (aura) to destroy the psych of a player and remove them from the game if she can correctly identify their role. She may attempt to use this ability any Night/Day cycle, but not two in a row (cannot be blocked or saved from but still counts if the attempt is unsuccessful).

  10. That should work. I had a different answer in mind.

    Encode days of the week with numbers: Sun=1, Mon=2, etc.

    Whoever starts off with the mice sends a mouse clockwise N times, where N is the day of his execution, and each of the other prisoners will let the mouse continue on its way so all prisoners will see a mouse going clockwise N times. The starting prisoner then sends a mouse counterclockwise, with everyone passing the mouse along, to let everyone know they've reached the end of the number.

    To get the mice to the next prisoner, the prisoner who started off with the mice sends one mouse clockwise and one mouse counterclockwise. The next prisoner (going clockwise) will see a mouse going clockwise after the counterclockwise mouse signaled the end of a number, and that will be his cue to keep the mice and become the next prisoner to signal his execution day. The other prisoners will see the mouse going counterclockwise (which will be the second time in a row they see one going counterclockwise), and will know that it's not their turn to signal yet and will let the counterclockwise mouse continue along until it reaches the next person to signal their date.

    Then just repeat that process for all the prisoners. It should work as long as the distances between cells aren't vastly different -- if they were, then on the last step where the mice are released at the same time going in opposite directions, it might cause the counterclockwise mouse to arrive at the next cell going clockwise before the clockwise mouse.

    A slightly more efficient method:

    Assuming the mice move at the same speed (since they are alike in every other way and move at fixed speed), there are four possible easily distinguishable configurations:

    A)1 mouse clockwise

    B)1 mouse counterclockwise

    C)2 mice clockwise

    S)2 mice counterclockwise

    Denote one of the last two as the 'STOP' code, let's say 2 mice counterclockwise. Agree that the order of signaling (i.e. the way the mice will be sent after a prisoner is done signalling his day of execution) will be the same direction, i.e. here counterclockwise.

    You should be able to code all 7 days with 2 trips of the mice around, since there are 3*3=9 different combinations, as long as each time the prisoner allows the mice to return to his cell before sending the next trip (the time between trips that the other prisoners see may be significantly different, but that should be okay, since it's the order that matters, not the time). For example:

    AA - Mon

    AB - Tue

    AC - Wed

    BA - Thur

    BB - Fri

    BC - Sat

    CC - Sun

    After coding his day, the first prisoner who has the mice will send them both counterclockwise (S-stop) to allow everyone to know he's done. The first time each prisoner sees the stop code he will let the mice pass. The second time a prisoner sees this, he will know it's his turn and pick up the mice and start his code, so that the prisoner adjacent counterclockwise to the previous prisoner will be the one to pick up the mice and start his coding.

    Edit: Actually, to make it the tiniest bit more efficient, since we're using a STOP code, you could code 3 of the days with just one trip, then STOP. Eh.

    ...if the prisoners decide to code each day in 2 trips, then there's no need for every prisoner to see the STOP code, so the first time a prisoner sees two mice together counterclockwise he can pick them up. That way it will require a total of 2*7+1(for the mice to be passed all the way around) =15 trips around the prison.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Since it's been awhile since the beginning, a refresher or for new agents:


    Welcome to Sector Lambda

    Our world is in grave peril. The most nefarious, most maleficent, most devious Chromatic Witch seeks to destroy it through her malevolent tricks and heinous devices.

    The Chromatic Witch draws her vile power from her seven Gateways. Each Gateway has the property of being a different color, and each color grants the Chromatic Witch different powers.

    Hence, we have gathered you, the best and the brightest agents, here, under the skillful supervision of the most capable and fair Father to form an elite team in the world’s defense.

    You and your fellow agents will have to venture into the territory of these Gateways and destroy them, one-by-one, to remove her hold on this world and vanquish her.

    There are a few things you must know, though, before you can attend the task at hand.

    1. Do not question the word of Father. He is here for your guidance and protection. Father knows best, and has your best interests at heart. Normal human beings such as you and I cannot hope to understand the depth of Father’s knowledge and comprehension.

    2. Do not question the above, ever.

    3. Some of the challenges the Chromatic Witch will pose will require special knowledge, which should be readily available through the neuro-link to the vast information network implanted into your minds. If your neuro-link is malfunctioning, please contact the BioIT department at SectorLambdaBioIT@gmail.com for help.

    4. Some of the challenges the Chromatic Witch will pose may have more than one possible solution. If you discover multiple solutions, then take pride in your savvy as an agent. However, you will have to face the Chromatic Witch in her own domain, and to defeat her power over the domain, you must find the solution to what she has set as the key to her devices and abilities.

    5. Some agents will be more readily adapted to certain tasks or easily identify the knowledge needed for certain challenges than others. After all, no man may have complete knowledge, no man except Father, that is, but he is no mere man. Therefore, to be the most effective, you must function as a team and build on each others' strengths. Remember, this is not about you as an individual, this is about protecting our world.

    6. Do not question any of the above. It just may cost you or your team their lives.


    Links to the previous episodes on my 'About Me' page ^_^

  12. is that the cipher key is (hyphens in for letters not used):


    i.e. "I confess" and then the rest of the alphabet as is. That and the mysterious content of the message are reminiscent of puzzle competition type puzzles and suggest to me there might be a deeper puzzle. :ph34r: (or maybe it's from a video game or sth and I'm reading too much into it lol)

  13. That should work. I had a different answer in mind.

    Encode days of the week with numbers: Sun=1, Mon=2, etc.

    Whoever starts off with the mice sends a mouse clockwise N times, where N is the day of his execution, and each of the other prisoners will let the mouse continue on its way so all prisoners will see a mouse going clockwise N times. The starting prisoner then sends a mouse counterclockwise, with everyone passing the mouse along, to let everyone know they've reached the end of the number.

    To get the mice to the next prisoner, the prisoner who started off with the mice sends one mouse clockwise and one mouse counterclockwise. The next prisoner (going clockwise) will see a mouse going clockwise after the counterclockwise mouse signaled the end of a number, and that will be his cue to keep the mice and become the next prisoner to signal his execution day. The other prisoners will see the mouse going counterclockwise (which will be the second time in a row they see one going counterclockwise), and will know that it's not their turn to signal yet and will let the counterclockwise mouse continue along until it reaches the next person to signal their date.

    Then just repeat that process for all the prisoners. It should work as long as the distances between cells aren't vastly different -- if they were, then on the last step where the mice are released at the same time going in opposite directions, it might cause the counterclockwise mouse to arrive at the next cell going clockwise before the clockwise mouse.

    A slightly more efficient method:

    Assuming the mice move at the same speed (since they are alike in every other way and move at fixed speed), there are four possible easily distinguishable configurations:

    A)1 mouse clockwise

    B)1 mouse counterclockwise

    C)2 mice clockwise

    S)2 mice counterclockwise

    Denote one of the last two as the 'STOP' code, let's say 2 mice counterclockwise. Agree that the order of signaling (i.e. the way the mice will be sent after a prisoner is done signalling his day of execution) will be the same direction, i.e. here counterclockwise.

    You should be able to code all 7 days with 2 trips of the mice around, since there are 3*3=9 different combinations, as long as each time the prisoner allows the mice to return to his cell before sending the next trip (the time between trips that the other prisoners see may be significantly different, but that should be okay, since it's the order that matters, not the time). For example:

    AA - Mon

    AB - Tue

    AC - Wed

    BA - Thur

    BB - Fri

    BC - Sat

    CC - Sun

    After coding his day, the first prisoner who has the mice will send them both counterclockwise (S-stop) to allow everyone to know he's done. The first time each prisoner sees the stop code he will let the mice pass. The second time a prisoner sees this, he will know it's his turn and pick up the mice and start his code, so that the prisoner adjacent counterclockwise to the previous prisoner will be the one to pick up the mice and start his coding.

    Edit: Actually, to make it the tiniest bit more efficient, since we're using a STOP code, you could code 3 of the days with just one trip, then STOP. Eh.

  14. The girl focused on the sound of her own breathing as her feet pounded the belt of the treadmill underneath her.  In the background, the TV was playing, some children’s show - Along a Rainbow or some such, she wasn’t paying attention.


    Coming upon the last ‘leg’ of her run, she clicked the speed setting up until her legs were flying at their top speed.  Her face set in an expression of determination as she struggled to breathe and watched the odometer count up:  9.6...9.7...9.8...9.9…


    As the counter reached 10 miles, she slammed down on the “STOP” button.  The belt decelerated precipitously and she breathed heavily.


    Her breath returned shortly, but with it came thoughts about what was to occur and unwanted feelings of longing and sadness.  The girl winced.


    “It’s alright to be scared, you know.”  The young man, who had been watching unnoticed from the doorway, took this moment to come forward.  “Anyone would, in your position.”


    The girl wiped her head with a nearby towel, then shook it.  “No...what I have been tasked with requires a strength of will...fear...fear will only get in the way.  I have to be strong, I have to control my emotions…”  Her voice drifted off as a pained look crossed her features.


    The corners of the young man’s eyes curled up sympathetically. He placed a hand on her sinewy shoulder.  “Hey...why was the electron invited to the party wagon?”


    A puzzled expression crept onto the girl’s face.  “I...what?”


    “It wasn’t, it just lept-on!” The young man gave her a huge, silly smile.


    Her eyes furrowed with incredulity, but the corners of the girl’s lips couldn’t help curling up into a smile.  “I see…that’s...terrible...” she laughed.


    The young man shrugged.  “I heard that somewhere and thought you might enjoy it.  I don’t know, you’re the smart one, after all.”


    Still smiling, the girl squeezed his hand.  “Thanks…”


    Nodding softly, he gazed into her eyes earnestly.  “You don’t have to go at it alone you know...not yet at least…”


    Glancing away, the girl nodded sadly.  “I know…”






    The Chromatic Witch


    EPISODE 3:


    W, Did You Know?  Zombies Only Eat Orange





    Knock knock,

    Who's there?


    Banana who?

    Knock knock,

    Who's there?


    Banana who?

    Knock knock,

    Who's there?


    Orange who -

    Orange you glad I didn't say 'banana'?


    Remembered from a random childhood book of 'Knock knock' jokes





    Orin ran along, laughing, as his dog Spot barked at him and hopped up and down.  Finally, finding a good trajectory, he tossed the frisbee he was holding high in the air and far into the distance.  Spot sprinted for it, making an impressive jump for the orange disc at the last moment and catching it squarely in his furry jaw.


    “Good boy, Spot,” Orin praised as the jack russell terrier delivered the prize to his feet, then looked up at his owner hopefully, tail wagging vigorously.  The blond boy reached out his hand to pat his pet on the head and...


    *Beep*  *Beep*  *Beeeep*...*Beep*  *Beep*  *Beeeep*...


    Orin groaned and rolled over in his bed, hugging his pillow to his head, which was still pounding from the festivities of the night before.  The persistent noise was so annoying...if only he could press a button and turn that darn alarm off, like before, when...wait, when was that?


    One of his blue eyes cringed open as the sound of Janine’s voice came into his head over the neuro-link.  


    “Good morning Agents,” the feminine voice chirped cheerfully...much too cheerfully in Orin's present opinion.  “There is a matter of urgency, please congregate in the main operations room at once.”


    Groaning even more loudly, the blond young man tumbled out of his bed and somehow managed to rummage up and into his uniform, brush his teeth, and haphazardly throw some water on his face.


    A few minutes later, he stepped into the main operations room, where the other agents had already gathered.  Father stood on the second floor veranda with Umi and Janine next to him.  As the magnanimous leader began to speak, Orin realized that the fog had gone from his head.  He frowned, then shrugged.


    “Agents of Sector Lambda,” Father addressed them in a deep, resounding voice.  “While you were engaged with the Green Witch, the location of the Orange Gateway was discovered.  An advance team, Sector Nu, was sent to scout out the area and report back, but as of 0400, we lost contact with them and have not been able to re-establish the connection.”


    There was a concert of concerned gasps.  “What...what does that mean?” one of the agents inquired with trepidation.


    Father’s countenance darkened and his jaw set stonily.  A somberness weighed heavily down on his voice.  “It means that, Sector Lambda, you must deploy immediately.”




    This is the Orange Gateway?” A dubious expression hung on Orin’s handsome features as he stepped out of the black van and shut the door adorned with a silver lambda symbol.  The faces of the other agents echoed his reticence as they stared up at the ramshackle structure towering before them.  


    The immense warehouse-resembling construction boasted several rows of crumbling windows covered with boards that were themselves displaying differing degrees of dilapidation.  A mosaic of plaster, concrete, and faded paint in a shade that could barely prove it had been orange at some point in its lifetime spanned the building’s outer walls.  In the center of the monolith, rounding out the pageant of decrepitude, an enormous bright orange upward-sliding door stood like an 18th century street walker in London.


    Wraith shrugged.  “That’s what the intel said, but, I don’t know...it doesn’t really seem like the Witch’s style...”


    “It’s what Father said,” a pretty red-headed female agent interrupted him, glaring.  “Are you questioning his instructions?”


    Throwing up his hands as if in a shield, Wraith blinked.  “Whoa, no, of course not, I’m just questioning...well I guess I’m questioning the Witch’s taste.  The previous Gateways seemed more...well, elegant…”


    “The Chromatic Witch is a vile, repugnant, and vulgar creature,” The flame-haired agent blazoned.  “Claiming otherwise is treachery to the cause and to Father.”


    “Yeah...of course…” the Captain stammered, taken aback.  The redhead opened her mouth to continue her beratement, but Wraith was saved by Janine’s voice broad-casted over the neurolink.


    “We scanned the entrance, and it doesn’t appear to locked or fixed in any way.  It doesn’t appear to be trapped either, you have the go to enter the Gateway.”


    Shaking his head ruefully, Captain Wraith stepped up to the orange door, took hold of the handle, inhaled, and pulled up.  The door slid easily, the chain machining it clicking as it rose.


    “Well, that was easy, that’s a good sign, right?” Orin piped up, putting on a smile.


    “Mmmhmm…” was Wraith’s reply.  In truth, he wasn’t sure that a smooth entrance was really an auspicious omen…


    The light rolling through the doorway illuminated an empty floor, devoid of anything other than a thick layer of dust.  The space beyond was dark, and expansive.


    Wraith bit his lip hesitantly, but Orin felt a sense of excitement welling up internally and stamped into the building.  After a moment, the other agents followed.  The Captain sighed, but brought up the rear.


    The moment he was inside the structure, the door abruptly slammed to the ground behind him and what seemed to him an ocean of fluorescent lights blasted on.  Apprehensive murmurs rumbled through the group of agents as they waited at the mercy of their eyes adjusting to the brightness.


    When they did, however, the disquiet in their tones modulated into acquisitiveness.  Before them extended a long corridor inlaid with 14 burnt-orange doors, each presenting an inscribed gilded plaque.  Orin stepped up to the one nearest him, it read the letters “MP


    Below the letters was an old fashioned slider, with somewhat larger dimensions.  Orin slid out the gilded cover, and below was shown:


    (-1) 3

    (+1) post-7969-0-65567200-1405225481_thumb.pn


    The agents investigated the other doors, and found similar markings.


    (-1) 6


    (-1) 5

    (+1) post-7969-0-89388600-1405225475_thumb.pn


    (-1) 3


    (-1) 3

    (+1) post-7969-0-71944300-1405225478_thumb.pn


    (-1) 4


    (-1) 3


    (-1) 4


    (-1) 3


    (-1) 2


    (-1) 5


    (-1) 7



    (-1) 4



    (-1) 2




    “Well,” Captain Wraith ruminated.  “I’m guessing we have to pick the right door...and that the others probably lead to a fate that’s...unpleasant.”  He glanced around, frowning.  “I don’t see any signs of Sector Nu, they must have gotten past this point.  We should try to get to them as quickly as possible.  Let’s get to cracking this!”

    • Upvote 1
    • Downvote 1
  15. If you were to attempt to use that strategy in a solution

    Would the prisoner in cell 2 (just left of cell 1) be able to distinguish whether the prisoner in cell 1 sent one mouse left and then one mouse right, vs sending them both at the same time and having them arrive to cell 2 at different times simply due to different path lengths?


    The mice can go from cell to cell through food tray slots", which (from the tv/movies I've watched :lol:) I would assume to be pretty short, and, like, be rectangular,prism shaped, so if sent through at the same time, I would imagine they would arrive at pretty much the same time...? I don't know, like I mentioned, I'm not sure if I'm actually understanding the OP correctly...

    7 ways to send the mice w/Assigned day of the week:
    Thu:R then L
    Fri:R then R
    Sat:L then L
    Sun:L then R
    1)The person who starts with the mice sends both mice on left simultaneously (Wed).
    2)The second person sends both mice on right simultaneously (Tue).
    3)the first person will send both mice on left.
    4)The second person would send the mice on the left simultaneously to the third person,
    5)the third person would send them back,
    6)the second person would send them on the right simultaneously,
    7)the third person sends them back,
    8)the second person sends them in the original configuration (both mice on left) to indicate string is done.
    9)Third person then adds his day to the string and sends to the fourth person, etc, until everyone knows everyone else's day.
    1)P1-LL to P2 : Wed
    2)P2-RR to P1 : Tue
    3)P1-LL to P2 : reset
    4)P2-LL to P3 : done
    5)P3-RR to P2 : done
    6)P2-RR t0 P1 : done
    I guess you are on the right track for a solution, but i lost trail on step 7)

    Let's say P3 is executed on Mon,

    1)P1-LL to P2 : Wed
    2)P2-RR to P1 : Tue
    3)P1-LL to P2 : reset
    4)P2-LL to P3 : tells P3 string starts on Wed
    5)P3-RL to P2 :
    6)P2-RR t0 P3 : tells P3 second term in string is Tue
    7)P3-RL to P2:
    8)P2-LL (or RR or RL, anything that has already been used): tells P3 string is finished, which also indicated length of string
    9)P3-LL to P4: tells P4 string starts on Wed
    ...etc...until everyone knows the full string
    Like I said, this is definitely not the most efficient method, some kind of pendulum arrangement (i.e. P1->P2->P1->P7->P1->P2->P3->P2->P1->P7->P6->P7->P1->P2->P3->P4->P3->P2->P1->P7->P6->P5) would probably save the mice some travel time, but I'll leave that to someone else while I work on stuff like CW and MxM ;)

  16. I'm still not sure if I really understand the problem, and there's probably a really elegant way of doing it, but...

    Since there's no limit on how many times the mice can be passed, you can gather information piece by piece until it's complete and then pass it on to everyone else. There are 7 clearly distinguishable ways to send the mice:

    1 mouse on Right, 1 mouse on Left simultaneously

    Both mice on Right simultaneously

    Both mice on Left simultaneously

    1st mouse on Right, 2nd mouse on Left staggered (i.e. count to 10 or sth)

    1st mouse on Right, 2nd mouse on Right staggered

    1st mouse on Left, 2nd mouse on Left staggered

    1st mouse on Left, 2nd mouse on right staggered

    There are also a bunch of ways not so clearly distinguishable, like sending just 1 mouse (might get confused with last 4 configurations) or sending the second mouse right after the first or waiting a longer interval to send the second mouse. Probably could design a more efficient way of doing it with those, but the simplest, albeit tedious way:

    Assign each of the configurations a day of the week. The person who starts with the mice sends the mice to the person next to him in the configuration corresponding to his execution day, say both mice on left simultaneously (Wed). The second person sends them back in the configuration corresponding to his execution day, say both mice on right simultaneously (Tue). To indicate the string is done, the first person will send the mice back in the original configuration, both mice on left. Then the second person will know to send the mice on to the next person.

    He can either send the string starting with the first person's day or his day, it doesn't really matter which as long as they agreed beforehand on the convention. Let's say they start the string with the first person's day, then the second person's day, etc. The second person would send the mice on the left simultaneously to the third person, the third person would send them back, the second person would send them on the right simultaneously, the third person sends them back, the second person sends them in the original configuration (both mice on left) to indicate string is done. Third person then adds his day to the string and sends to the fourth person, etc, until everyone knows everyone else's day.

    There are definitely more efficient ways of doing it, like some kind of pendulum arrangement rather than a circular one, but this works, if I am understanding the OP correctly, and is fairly straightforward. And the extra exercise is not cruelty...exercise is good for you! ;)

  17. What is nen?

    What are Necrophiliac's nen abilities?

    What is APR -- or is that obvious?

    If Gon loses RPS, his target learns Gon's identity?

    1) Lol, for brevity's sake, just consider it a descriptive term that categorizes the role abilities of all the roles except the Ant Queen. ^_^

    2) Terpsichora and Doctor Blythe (descriptions under Neferpitou's role description). She can use one or the other. I'm considering adding an additional ability at this time, as well, in case the Ant Queen dies early ;).

    3) I'm actually not sure, I don't think they defined the acronym in the series this is themed after, but what the APR ability does is explained in Knuckle's RD (role description).

    4) Yes.

  18. Does an indy win end the game and make the goodies lose?

    For Knuckle's APR ability, does it start counting APR on the night that it's used -- meaning that the target will probably go into the next day phase with 2 APR (one due to the night phase passing and one due to their night action that night) and then die at the end of the upcoming day phase?

    Does Shoot's trap act like a block, or does it act more like what I typically think of as a trap by also saving and preventing the trapped player from voting and being voted for the next day? If the latter, is the indy prohibited from continually self-trapping to make themselves invincible and guarantee that they'll outlive their wincon targets?

    1) Yes, good question, I'll clarify that in the game rules.

    2) No, doesn't start counting until it's attached, which occurs after the Night Post, and it is added every Night/Day cycle (i.e. Night/Day1) not every Night and every Day, so it wouldn't be added until the end of Day 1 in that example.

    3) It's a block, I'm not familiar with your definition of "trap", I use it descriptively, in reference to the theme. I know different hosts use different terminologies, that's one of the reasons I try to explain how abilities work instead of just using keywords ^_^.

  19. Questions about the indy.

    1) does she learn the identity of the dead only if using the control dead ability, or automatically regardless of power used

    2) when are the roles of the dead learned

    3) how many of the dead are learned (all, or just the last killed, or just the one asked about)?

    1) automatically, good question, I'll rephrase her RD to make it more clear for the game thread

    2) after the Night Post

    3) all, although I think the answer to the first probably already answered the other two, lol

  20. “Help!” the Princess’s voice rang out from the tower. “Someone, help me, please! I was captured and imprisoned her by the evil Witch! Please, someone, save me!”

    The ever intrepid and tenacious Agent Flamebirde smiled brightly and summoned up a giant pillow for the princess to land on. The copious skirt of the princess's pink gown also served as a parachute to some degree, gathering air and slowing her descent.

    Kyle Rayner, Green Lantern - DEFEATED!

    She wore an airy pink gown with a modest bodice that was amply adorned with lace and ribbon. The sunlight streaming into the tower through the window created a halo around her hair, which cascaded down around thin shoulders in golden waves. Uncertain blue eyes stared at the agents through long dark lashes.

    Orin frowned. There was something strange...strangely familiar about this woman.

    “It’s alright, you’re safe now,” Wraith accosted her in a reassuring tone. He slowly took a small step forward and held out his hand to her. “We’re here to rescue you.”

    The Princess timorously extended a fine, porcelain skinned hand, placing it inside the Captain’s, tentatively at first. Then, encouraged by his confident, friendly grin, she clasped her delicate fingers around his and gave him a pretty, affable smile.

    Abruptly an image appeared in Orin’s mind. That same porcelain face, but sheathed, with the glare of intent in those piercing eyes. “Wait,” he cried, reaching out…

    ...Not quickly enough. The glint of a blade peaked out from under the pink drapes of the Princess’s dress just for a second before it was plunged into his Captain’s side.

    With a roar, Orin summoned up a short sword and swung it wildly at the Witch, who adeptly hopped back to dodge it. The golden-haired young man knelt down and elevated the Captain’s shoulders onto his.

    The ‘Princess’ form dissolved in little squares into a green silhouette, uniformly amorphous except for that pair of intense, scrutinizing eyes. Then gradually, having expended the last of the Gateway’s power, the green form itself began to disintegrate.

    “I’m alright, I’m pretty sure it missed all my vital organs,” Wraith’s voice came hoarsely as Orin helped him to his feet. Grimacing, his glance went to the Witch’s now disembodied eyes, still staring at the expression of concern on the young man’s face. For a moment, just a moment, he thought he saw something there, something he didn’t quite understand...and then they too, were gone.

    He shook his head. It was nothing, must be the pain getting to him. He winced, turning to his team, then gave them the most cheerful smile he could manage. “Well done, Agents, looks like that’s another one down. Now let’s get back to the command center and celebrate!”


    From the second floor balcony, Father serenely surveyed the revelry of the exuberant agents below. Notes of music interlaced with laughter and cheerful hollers wafted up from the tumult of faces, bodies, and refreshments. Captain Wraith glanced in his direction, caught his eye, and raised a foamy half-emptied glass in salute. Father smiled and nodded.

    The great leader turned to Umi, who stood next to him, staring blankly into space as if her mind were lost in thought, or more accurately, computation. “They are developing well,” he commented, “this batch looks promising.”

    Umi nodded her small silver-haired head. “Yes, I calculate a 57.8% chance of success based on the data we’ve collected so far. However, given the circumstances of the Witch, I can only calculate it a to a certainly of 73.1%.”

    Father sighed, a deep rumble that seemed to reverberate in the space around them. “Yes, we must still be careful, the Witch is...unpredictable. That unpredictability is exactly what makes her so...problematic.”

    The slim girl cocked her head at an angle. “Are you not attempting to counteract that unpredictability with further unpredictability?”

    “Yes,” Father replied slowly, his scrutinizing gaze traveling to the carousing agents below. “That is another reason we must be careful…”


    Great finale, next episode should be out this weekend. :D

  21. Mafia x Mafia

    The Ant Queen: (Wincon: remains alive in game until Hunters are all killed/removed) May target one player each Night to kill and devour. Learns the identities of those devoured. (Not a nen ability.)

    Neferpitou: (Wincon: remains alive in game until Ant Queen, Gon, and Killua are killed/removed) Necrophiliac member of the royal guard, each Night may choose to use either (but not both) of her nen abilities.

    Terpsichora: May puppeteer the bodies of the dead. May use the nen abilities of one of the deceased. (She learns the identities of the deceased. All actions appear done by the puppet, i.e. character of the deceased, not by Terpsichora)

    Doctor Blythe: May save someone from death. *In the Night Post it will be indistinguishable whether the save was done by DB or Killua

    Hunters (Wincon: Ant Queen and Neferpitou are killed/removed)

    Gon: Intuitive and determined, any Night may use his nen ability of Rock, Paper, Scissors to try to discover the role identity of his target the following Day. During the Night, he will choose a target and a bid (Rock, Paper, or Scissors), and the following Day, his target will be informed they must choose a bid. If Gon wins, he learns the role identity of his target after the Day Post, if he loses, his target learns his player identity, if it is a tie, nothing happens. If the target players fails to choose a bid by the end of the Day, Gon wins by forfeit.

    Killua: An adept semi-reformed child assassin, any Night may use his nen ability of Godspeed to whisk a player away to safety and protect them from death. May not protect the same player two Nights in a row. *In the Night Post it will be indistinguishable whether the save was done by DB or Killua

    Knuckle: Hot-headed but soft-hearted, any Night may use his nen ability to attach APR to a player. Under APR, every Day/Night cycle, and when the player acts or votes, interest is added. Once interest is added 3 times, the player goes bankrupt and is removed from the game. Only one player may be under APR at a time. Knuckle may choose to remove APR from a player at any time (will go through with the Night/Day Post), if reattached to a player it was removed from, the counter resets. APR attachment will be announced on the roster, if Knuckle dies, APR vanishes.

    Shoot: Careful, perhaps a bit too careful, any Night may use his nen ability to trap his target in a cage and prevent them from acting. Cannot trap self.

    Palm: Determined and a bit too persistent at times, any Night may use her nen ability to follow a player and find out their target.

    Chairman: Y-san













    (Okay I confess, it took quite a bit of self-control to make most of the roles fairly straightforward...HxH has so many interesting abilities that I could have so much fun with...maybe I'll make a more complicated version in a few months if/when mafia activity is back up ;))

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