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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Found an interesting puzzle off an Australian site, thought I'd share ;):

    Joe Nobody awoke feeling like a dog, with a strong urge
    to go back to his old family. He went to answer the door,
    where two people were there saying they were his long
    lost parents—but only in order to claim the $50,000
    reward. Joe ran to a nearby trash heap, and then began
    robotically sorting the waste while talking to his
    cockroach friend. Joe was found there, and got into a
    boxing fight, in which all parties were hurt badly, with
    Joe breaking their ribs with two quick jabs but in turn
    taking a lot of damage to his eye, and eventually they
    decided to call it a draw. Joe then phoned home.
    Following their advice, he cut a hole in a metal bucket to
    see out of and stuck it over his head. However, the
    bucket turned out to be full of pig’s blood, and Joe was
    soaked in it, making him very angry. After all his failed
    matchmaking, Joe decided to marry his only critic,
    someone almost twice his age. However, Joe was
    surprised when he was instead insulted and called a
    “lascivious Moor”. He retorted by saying that “stupid” is
    as stupid does.
  2. 1. Framm


    2. Phil +170.33

    3. Brainiac100 +115.33

    4. Molly Mae +93

    5. BMAD +19

    6. Auramyna 0

    6. Marksmanjay 0
    6. Panther 0

    6. Flamebirde 0
    10. DudleyDude -100
    11. Rob_Gandy -144

  3. Who says I can't? >D

    (Seriously, though, that's a good question...at this time I'm going to say that since there is an odd prime number of players, a tie means someone is not committing, which I dislike, so no one gets revealed.)

  4. Update:

    1. Framm


    2. Phil +170.33

    3. Brainiac100 +115.33

    3. BMAD +19

    5. Molly Mae +93
    6. Auramyna 0

    6. Marksmanjay 0
    6. Panther 0

    6. Flamebirde 0
    10. DudleyDude -100
    11. Rob_Gandy -144

    Ignore the last sentence of the previous post, it should have been deleted.
  5. 1. Framm


    2. Phil +170.33

    3. Brainiac100 +115.33

    3. BMAD +100

    5. Molly Mae +93
    6. Auramyna 0

    7. Marksmanjay -15.33
    8. Panther -25.33

    9. Flamebirde -40.33
    10. DudleyDude -100
    11. Rob_Gandy -144

    Preparations for round 6 are being made. Sign-ups will be up tomorrow.

    There will be a one-week hiatus before sign-ups for round 5 start. Thank you.

  6. b/c it is again a double negative if it means no...i.e.

    If I asked you 'is the sky blue', would you say yes? -yes, if I asked you 'is the sky blue', would you say no? -no

    If I asked you 'is the sky red', would you say yes? -no, if I asked you 'is the sky red', would you say no? -yes

  7. I'm going to call the guards A,B, and C, and the doors 1,2, and 3 for the sake of clarity:

    Ask A, "If I ask you if B is the random answerer, would you say ja?" If he says ja, then either A or B is Random. If he says da, either A or C.

    Ask the one you know is not the random god, "If I ask you if 1 is the door to Heaven , would you say ja?", if he says ja 1 is the door to heaven, and you're done, if not, ask him the same question about door 2, if he answers ja, it's door 2, if da, it's door 3.


    hmmm, are you assuming you know what Ja and Da means?


    Ask the one you know is not the random god, "If I ask you if 1 is the door to Heaven , would you say ja?", if he says ja 1 is the door to heaven, and you're done, if not, ask him the same question about door 2, if he answers ja, it's door 2, if da, it's door 3.

    if the guy you ask is a liar, won't your conclusion be wrong?

    It's running the question through him twice, i.e. "what would you say if I ask you" rather than directly asking him, so if he lies, the lies make a double negative.

    It's probably the most common strategy in these kind of puzzles ^_^. I can see how the phrasing might be confusing in this context, so if you like, you can rephrase the question "If I ask you on the next question 'is door 1 the door to heaven', would you say ja?"

  8. I'm going to call the guards A,B, and C, and the doors 1,2, and 3 for the sake of clarity:

    Ask A, "If I ask you if B is the random answerer, would you say ja?" If he says ja, then either A or B is Random. If he says da, either A or C.

    Ask the one you know is not the random god, "If I ask you if 1 is the door to Heaven , would you say ja?", if he says ja 1 is the door to heaven, and you're done, if not, ask him the same question about door 2, if he answers ja, it's door 2, if da, it's door 3.


  9. Okay, so this isn’t technically a ‘mafia’...no one dies, no factions. Every player is out for themselves and the game ends when 3 players reach their win conditions. Those 3 are awarded first, second, and third place, respectively.

    The roles:

    Nanashi: Chooses a player and a positive integer and finds out if that player’s role has more or less than that number of letters or chooses for all actions on himself to be nullified for the Night. Wincon: Correctly RID Faceless and Random and be incorrectly RIDed as Alucard.

    Faceless: Chooses a player and a positive integer and finds out if their role is divisible by that number or chooses a player on whom all actions will be nullified for the Night (cannot choose self). Wincon: Correctly RID Random and L’estranger and be incorrectly RIDed as Nanashi.

    Random: Chooses a player to get two letters from their role (randomly chosen from the letters he hasn’t gotten yet) or chooses a player to randomly redirect. Wincon: Correctly RID L’estranger and Mystique and be incorrectly RIDed as Faceless.

    L’estranger: Chooses a player to find out if their role is above him on this list or below him or chooses a player to redirect all actions on himself to. Wincon: Correctly RID Mystique and Candide and be incorrectly RIDed as Random.

    Mystique: Chooses a player to find out if their role has even or odd number of letters or chooses a player to appear to have ‘switched’ identities with for the Night. Wincon: Correctly RID Candide and Alucard and be incorrectly RIDed as L’estranger.

    Candide: Chooses a player and a letter and finds out if that player’s role contains that letter or chooses a player all actions on whom will be redirected to himself. Wincon: Correctly RID Alucard and Nanashi and be incorrectly RIDed as Mystique

    Alucard: Chooses a player and a positive integer and finds out it that player’s role is more or less than that number of roles away from him on this list (is considered to ‘wrap around’) or chooses a player whose action will be nullified. Wincon: Correctly RID Nanashi and Faceless and be incorrectly RIDed as Candide.

    General rules:

    Each player may submit and action and one RID guess a Night.

    No actions will be shown in the Night Post. Instead it will simply be a list of what RID guesses were made, not specifying who made which RID and which are correct.

    Players will only get feedback about their actions if they choose the information gathering action, and feedback will not state who their target was (i.e. whether they were redirected), only the information they received from their target. If their actions are nullified, they will be informed it failed.

    During the Day, players may place a vote for a player whose role will be publicly revealed. However, every player has an one-use lynch deception, which will allow them to appear as whichever role they would like. Must PM the host the role they would like to appear as before the Day ends. Only counts as being used if the player is actually lynched.

    In case of loops,nullify>redirect, then alphabetically by role. In case of multiple actions on the same player, all actions will occur, in alphabetical order by role.

    I reserve the right to make changes before the game starts ;).

    Host: Y-san









  10. Lol...I was recently watching an episode of Franklin and Bash in which they defined art as "anything that evokes strong emotions"...

    But I don't agree with Flame's hypothesis about evoking positive emotion. I tend to find the most beautiful poems, for example, to be the sad ones, and I think that can be said for, like, some photography as well.

    Most of the time beauty is considered a positive thing, but does this always have to be the case? I.e. is there such a thing as "too beautiful"?

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