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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Day 6




    FreakinFan52 has posted a new link


    Woman Dies in Doorway from Lightning Strike


    DETROIT - A freak lightning storm hit a unassuming suburban neighborhood last evening...





    Skepchic:  Wut, srsly?  Can that rly happen? :o



    R.Palmer: Scientifically speaking, it is a nearly impossible phenomenon, but, truly, stranger things have happened...



    Annataz:  @R.Palmer: There are things out there that are outside the realm of science ;).



    th3qu3st1on:  Are you saying there was something else behind this incident??? O.o  Are you saying someone caused it?



    misteremmexwhy:  Teeheehee!  Yes it was me!  I played with space-time.  Now I can rhyme!



    Skepchic: lol u r nutz, man. @_@



    Pandora333:  THEY ARE COMING!!!



    [add comment]







    Doctor Fate: Y-san


    1) Phil1882

    2) Nana77
    3) bonanova
    4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched
    5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains
    6) onetruth - DEAD [?] killed by Supervillains
    7) dee_tot - DEAD [?] killed by Supervillains
    8) plasmid
    9) TwoaDay - DEAD [Zatanna] lynched
    10) Kikacat123
    11) Araver - DEAD [Black Canary] lynched
    12) Barca


    Night 7 beings now!  Ends tomorrow 9/23 at 9PM CST!

  2. Night 6



    The man in the moon seemed to be laughing at Felix Faust as he trudged down the suburban sidewalk.  “Heathens,” he grumbled to himself.  Why did they keep sending him out to do their ‘dirty work’, that bald epitome of greed with the intolerably smug smile and that bellicose, minorly magical mongrel who kept insisting that he was a god, and worse, kept insisting everyone else address him as such?  He was a wizard, the greatest of all time (Merlin?  Please, that sham could not even enchant a sword correctly...getting it stuck in a stone like that...wait, people thought he did it on purpose?  How ludicrous!), whose skill could alter the fabric of existence itself, given the correct circumstances, and they were sending him out like some hired gun?


    As if to taunt him, from somewhere, a small dog began yapping.  He ground his teeth.  


    He shouldn’t have had to deal with such discourtesy, and he certainly shouldn’t have had to deal with this nuisance.  Something had gone wrong toNight, the gateway he had created should have delivered him directly to his target’s home, not five blocks away, forcing him to walk the difference.  He hated walking.  No self-respecting wizard should ever have to walk!


    The commencement of some sprinklers brought him rudely out of his ruminations, and, he realized, he had passed his destination...and would have to walk back.  


    He threw up his hands into the air.


    Onetruth clicked “Post” and sat back, smiling to herself.  The picture was a good one of her, the top she was wearing brought out her eyes, and her smile shone brightly.  The man standing next to her was also smiling broadly, displaying a set of perfect white teeth.  Come to think of it, he never did give her his real name...although he didn’t seem to mind posing for a pic for her to Facebook…


    There came three brusque knocks on her door.  She frowned.  Knocking?  Didn’t whoever it was know how to use a doorbell?


    “Who is it?” she inquired.  There came a response, but it was a mumble that she could not make out over the barking of the neighbor’s corgi.  Briefly she considered ignoring it, but then the possibility of it being Joe again occurred to her and the sight of those impressive shoulders crept into her mind’s eye…


    Straightening up her hair, she pushed out of her chair and went to the door.


    A grin was plastered over her face as she threw open the door, but it froze when she saw what stood on her doorstep…


    Not the mighty specimen of a man she had been hoping to see, but an unimpressive man who was so gaunt he was bordering on skeletal, whose thin hair hung scraggily out from under a drenched hood and whose had-seen-better-days (or better centuries for that matter) purple robe was dripping water onto her “Welcome” mat.


    “I’m...here...to kill you…” the man muttered through clenched teeth.


    Her eyebrows arching incredulously at the appearance, soggy, hunched over, with his head down, and onetruth burst out laughing.


    In that moment, something seemed to snap inside Felix Faust.  A fountain of power he held never felt before seem to erupt along with his rage.  


    Sparks of electricity seemed to crackle around the man’s form.  He slowly lifted his head, revealing his face from under his hood...and his eyes seemed to shoot lightning.


    The laugh died in onetruth’s throat.  She opened her mouth to scream, but before she could…

    The next morning, reports of a freak lightning storm was all over the news.  There had been one fatality.  Apparently some poor woman had been struck while standing in her own doorway.





    Doctor Fate: Y-san


    1) Phil1882

    2) Nana77
    3) bonanova
    4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched
    5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains
    6) onetruth - DEAD [?] killed by Supervillains
    7) dee_tot - DEAD [?] killed by Supervillains
    8) plasmid
    9) TwoaDay - DEAD [Zatanna] lynched
    10) Kikacat123
    11) Araver - DEAD [Black Canary] lynched
    12) Barca



    Thanks for playing, onetruth!


    Day 6 starts now, ends tomorrow 9/22 at 9PM CST!

  3. Clarifications on some common misconceptions about the independent:


    Amazo may n/2 actions rounded down, where n is the number of the Night/Day cycle.

    If Amazo copies Superman, he gains Superman's invulnerability (i.e. as a passive as it itself is a passive) and susceptibility to kryptonite. 

  4. Day 5



    The red sun glared at plasmid from above a stony ridge as he backed away from the circle of glares at his front.  A few stones were set loose when his heel met the edge of the cliff, and went tumbling down, down, down onto the jagged rocks below.  He briefly glanced back and swallowed.  


    “Wait, I know it looks bad,” he protested, holding his hands up.  “But, really…” He closed all but two fingers of one hand and waved it in front of his chest.  “...I’m not the baddie you are looking for.”


    The grim expressions on the faces of his would-be executioners didn’t budge.  “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way,” Batman stated with his trademarked cowled scowl.


    “Please guys, listen to me…” plasmid pleaded.


    “Begging is for the weak,” Wonder Woman shook her head in disgust.  “Go to your death like a warrior!”  With that, she rushed forward, swinging her short sword.


    Plasmid jumped back to dodge and landed on...nothing.




    “Well, good riddance,” Nana commented, stepping up to the edge of cliff.  “Well, I suppose we should at least collect his body and send it back to where-ever he came from.”


    The others agreed, and Green Lantern created a platform of energy to carry them all down to the canyon floor.  As they were lowered, they murmured among themselves.  Who was plasmid, and where did he come from?


    Those questions were not answered when they arrived at the basin, however, because where he wasn’t, or his body at least, was there.



    Disclaimer:  There are no hints in the Day Post, everything is for storyline purposes/creative license, including but not limited to:  which characters are still alive, which roles are in the game, and what caused a non-death in case of one.





    Doctor Fate: Y-san



    1) Phil1882
    2) Nana77
    3) bonanova
    4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched
    5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains
    6) onetruth
    7) dee_tot - DEAD [?] killed by Supervillains
    8) plasmid
    9) TwoaDay - DEAD [Zatanna] lynched
    10) Kikacat123
    11) Araver - DEAD [Black Canary] lynched
    12) Barca



    Night 6 begins now, ends tomorrow 9/21 at 9PM CST!

  5. Night 5



    Closing the freezer door, onetruth paused briefly to beam at the “Parent of the Year” award her kids had made her which was pinned there.  She popped open the lid to the pint of Chunky Monkey in her hand and brought a luscious spoonful into her mouth.  Mmmm...sweet and creamy...heaven…


    “Almost done,” the handyman called to her from below the sink.  “I found the leak, I just have to change the gasket and then I’ll be out of your hair.”


    “Thanks!  Would you like some lemonade...uh…sorry, I forgot your name?”


    “Joe,” was the slightly muffled answer.  “And that would be mighty kind of you, ma’am.”


    “Least I can do to thank you for your help,” onetruth replied, reaching up to forage around the cabinet for a glass.  “You won’t even let me pay you…” succeeding in finding one, she began to twist around, “...are you sure…”




    The glass hit the floor and shattered into a hundred shards as a giant green hammer caught her from behind.  


    “What the…” But before she could finish, another blow took her right in the gut, bowling her over.


    Slowly the head of the green hammer rose up, preparing to deliver the final blow.  Onetruth closed her eyes and prayed, waiting for the end.  I hope my family is well taken care of, I hope my son makes it into little league, I hope my daughter gets over her fear of swimming, I hope my husband gets that raise he’s been wanting, he deserves it, I hope my father’s arthritis doesn’t worsen, I hope...wait, why am I not dead yet?


    Tentatively she opened one eye, then the other when she saw what was before her.


    Joe, the handyman, was standing in front of her, the muscles in his back (an impressive set, she noted, even in the circumstances) taut as his arms firmly pushed against the green hammer.  Gritting his pearly white teeth, he tightened his grip on the hammer and, with a loud grunt, snapped it in two.  The broken hammer of energy disintegrated.


    Wiping a bead of sweat from his square brow, ‘Joe’ turned to onetruth.  “I must confess, ma’am,  I lied to you, I’m not a handyman.  I had a feeling you were going to be in trouble toNight so I came to see if I could help.  I apologize for the deception.”


    “That’s...alright,” onetruth spoke slowly, waiting for the beating of her heart to calm down.  When it did, she shook her head.  “I’m the one who should apologize.  Where are my manners.  You saved me.  How can I thank you?”


    The not-really-a-handyman grinned boyishly.  “Well, how ‘bout that glass of lemonade?”



    Dee_dot tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for the newest episode of Sword Art Online II to load in her Crunchyroll app.  Man, the wifi connection was slow toNight.  She hoped her neighbors hadn’t hacked her password...again…


    Suddenly, though, the screen of her ipad went dark.  A moment later, an image appeared, but it definitely wasn’t anime.


    “Good evening,” a synthesizer modified voice spoke.  “I hope you are enjoying it.  It will be your last.”


    Looking skeptically at the shadowy silhouette she frowned.  “Right...and you’re going to kill me?  From inside my ipad?  With what, magic?”


    The silhouette threw his head back in a laugh, allowing moonlight to glint off his bald head.  “No, don’t be ridiculous.  Magic is for the weak minded.”  (It was hard to see, but he seemed to be smirking.)  “My means are much more...effective.”


    “Okay, well, if you’ll excuse me, while you’re expounding on your evil scheme of how you’re going to kill me, I’m going to go call for help.”  Dee reached for her cell phone.


    “Oh, but I’m not.” The smirk seeI’m not going to kill you.”


    Dee pause.  “Huh?”


    “No…”  The man leaned forward, and she could make out a glint in his eye.  “I’m not going to kill you.  You’re going to kill yourself.”


    “Why would I that?” Dee gave her conversant an incredulous look.


    The man sat back again.  He was silent for a moment, then:  “You have a sister, don’t you?  Sweet girl, funny too.  Real hard worker, trying so hard to ace her exams for med school.  Too hard, if you ask me.”  He shrugged in mock ingenuousness.  “She has such a bright future ahead of her...It would be a real shame if something bad were to happen to her…”


    “Don’t you dare touch a hair on her head,” dee snarled.  “If you do, I’ll…”


    “Oh, of course, I’d never dream of laying a hand on her,” the man replied quickly.  “But you know, young girls these days, they’re so emotional.  Like, if their boyfriends suddenly break up with them out of the blue and their friends snub them...well, it could easily drive even the most well-mannered girl into the tenuous hand of drugs, and that in turn could cause them to fail their exams, sending them deeper into those clutches, and if the dean found out, somehow, they would be expelled, and be forced onto the streets, and then...well, who can imagine where it will go from there…”


    Dee bit her lip.  She knew who this man was now, and she knew he very well had the resources to make what he was threatening real.  With a shaky hand, she drew open a drawer where she kept a handgun, ‘for emergencies’.


    “Fine, you win,” she conceded and closed her eyes.




    Doctor Fate: Y-san

    1) Phil1882
    2) Nana77
    3) bonanova
    4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched
    5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains
    6) onetruth
    7) dee_tot - DEAD [?] killed by Supervillains
    8) plasmid
    9) TwoaDay - DEAD [Zatanna] lynched
    10) Kikacat123
    11) Araver - DEAD [Black Canary] lynched
    12) Barca
    Day 5 begins now, ends tomorrow 9/20 at 9PM CST!
  6. Day 4


    If sound could have echoed in space (it can’t...physics and all that…), the vociferousness of the arguments that inundated the Watchtower that afternoon would have rang throughout the galaxy.


    “J’accuse!” Araver pointed a righteous finger at plasmid.


    “No, you’re mistaken!” Plasmid pleaded.  “You must have received bad information…someone, please tell him!”


    The others murmured to themselves, but no one spoke up.


    “Well, looks like we’ll finally have justice for Hawkgirl’s murder,” a confident smile crossed araver’s face.  “Well, I have a city to save, so I’ll leave the peddling out of punishment to you all.”  


    After his form vanished in the teleportation chamber, disintegrated into a million particles to be reconstructed back on earth, the Justice League closed in on the accused, somber expressions on their faces.


    “Wait…” Plasmid tried to make one final appeal.  “I believed araver was mistaken, but now I realize that he is very likely purposely lying!  Please, do not be taken in by him!  He is the Villain!”


    The Justice Leaguers (and enemies hidden within) exchanged glances, but slowly began to whisper in agreement.  Yes, perhaps that was the case…



    Star City


    “Well, that oughta do it,” Araver nodded in satisfaction and stepped back to admire his own good work.  


    The would-be terrorists (the ones who were still mostly conscious, that is) squirmed around in the ropes that tied them together and made muffled protests under their gags.


    “I think I’ll give myself a spa day.  I deserve it,” sighing, he envisioned the feel of warm stones being gently massaged down his back…


    A real sensation touched his back, but it was definitely not gentle.  A massive force sent him flying into a parked car, whose alarm promptly began blaring.


    “What the…” Araver pulled himself up from the dent created by his body’s impact (he hoped the owner had insurance), and shook his head.


    Looking up, he was greeted by a line of stony faces.


    “Uh...hey guys, what’s up?” he asked cautiously.  “And what was that for?”


    The line parted in the middle, and plasmid stepped forward.  “We’ve seen through your tricks.  You’re the one who must be punished.”


    “Wait...wha…” But before he could finish the thought, Superman came forward and cued a powerful punch.  Araver didn’t have time to think...his reflexed kicked in...


    Having been highly trained in combat, Caravery leapt up gracefully into the air and dodged.  However, Flash, being...well, you know...blinked up behind him and wrapped him up in Wonder Woman’s lasso.


    “Let’s finish him!” a voice hissed.


    Green Lantern held up what looked like a triangle shaped piece of glass.  As he aimed the beam from his power ring onto it, though, it began to glow and after absorbing enough power, a blast of light exploded from the center.


    “Is that...stop!” Caravery cried, but it was too late.  The white shaft of light projected latched onto her and dragged the bird of prey into the phantom zone.



    The owner of the hissing voice smiled.





    Doctor Fate: Y-san

    1) Phil1882
    2) Nana77
    3) bonanova
    4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched
    5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains
    6) onetruth
    7) dee_tot
    8) plasmid
    9) TwoaDay - DEAD [Zatanna] lynched
    10) Kikacat123
    11) Araver - DEAD [Black Canary] lynched
    12) Barca
    Sorry to see you go, araver :(.  But looking forward to your comments in the ghost thread ;).
    Night 5 begins now, ends tomorrow 9/19 at 9PM CST!
    Edit: Bah formatting.
  7. Updating roster and fixing font ;P 


    Dr. Fate:  Y-san


    1) Phil1882 - voting for dee_tot
    2) Nana77 - voting for plasmid
    3) bonanova - voting for 
    4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched
    5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains
    6) onetruth - voting for plasmid
    7) dee_tot - voting for plasmid
    8) plasmid - voting for araver
    9) TwoaDay - DEAD [Zatanna] lynched
    10) Kikacat123 - voting for 
    11) araver - voting for plasmid
    12) Barca - voting for Nana



    ~3.5 hours left in the Day!

  8. If Lex Luthor is in the game, would a spy see him as acting on his target only if he successfully manipulates them, or if he makes an attempt regardless of success?


    A following role will see all targeted actions (unless the action is blocked or undone), regardless of whether the actions is "successful".

  9. Night 4



    A ray of moonlight slipped through the crack between satin drapes and tickled the eyelids of the slumbering Justice Leaguer.  


    Below those lids, eyes shifted back and forth as the JLer’s mind floated through a strange abyss.  Surrounding the JLer appeared to be a multitude of stars, pinpoints of light in the odd, , whose radiances cast a bronze halo throughout the not quite linear space.  


    As the JLer’s consciousness drifted, the JLer became aware that one particular point of light seemed be brighter than the rest, and pulsing with an eerie reddish hue.  The JLer willed their astrobody (or whatever form they existed in here) towards it.


    Coming near to it after a period of truly indeterminable length, the JLer realized that the light was not a star, but a glowing orb.  The JLer squinted and willed themselves closer.


    The pulsing the JLer had noticed was actually images flashing within the orb.  The pictures were a little foggy, but as the JLer concentrated, they began to be able to make out some of the scenes:


    A figure in green, enveloped in a glowing green aura, stood on the pavement as a streetlamp flickered and burned itself out behind him.


    John?  The JLer mentally queried, confused.


    As if hearing, the green figure’s head turned, showing a shaded profile.  Then the figure stepped to the side and turned his body...revealing a bloody, mangled corpse behind him.


    The JLer mentallly gasped and drew back.  If they had had a hand here, they would have covered their face with it.  John, what have you done?


    The green figure stepped towards the perspective of the JLer, and his face and chest started to emerge from the shadows.  


    No, not John.  The JLer felt a breath of relief, followed by even more confusion as they noted the symbol on the man’s chest.  That’s not a Lantern...what is it?


    Before the JLer could discern the shape, the image changed.


    A dark, cowled man poised stoically atop the rooftop of a brownstone building, his silhouette outlined by the smoggy Night.  In the alley below, two armed and masked men were taking the purse of a woman and the wallet of her husband.  One of the men cocked his gun at the woman’s wrist, and she shakily removed her golden bracelet.


    The cowled figure shook his head in contempt, and turned away.


    A man in blue armor with a yellow crest and a red cape lounged on a red velvet sofa, staring at a black-haired woman carrying a golden lasso hooked at her waist.  She circled around him, stepping seductively, and bounced the green object she held in one hand.


    The man licked his lips and made a grab for the it, but the woman intercepted it adeptly in her other hand and waved it at him teasingly.


    Snarling, the man seized the woman around the waist and yanked her into his lap.  She laughed and placed the object, a green crystal, into the man’s open palm.


    The man looked down at it with hungry eyes, and then abruptly clenched his hand into a fist, pulverizing the crystal into a powder.  He brought it up to his face and inhaled.  Leering madly, he pulled the woman to his chest and…


    Startled awake, the JLer shot up in bed.  The JLer blinked and their gaze was immediately drawn to the glint of moonlight off something golden.  After a moment of re-orienting their mind, the JLer realized that it was a helmet.




    “Yes.  So you have seen it.”


    “Yes, but what is it?  You said you needed my help and I did as you said, but you never told me why?”


    The golden helmet nodded grimly.  “It is time.”  It turned up, revealing eyes that glowed white hot.  “I shall explain…”




    The little man screeched with glee and hopped up, causing the translucent stool under him to vanish.  “I win again!”


    Death gave the barest of nods.  It knew this interloper was cheating, toying with chance in that way of his, but it was of no import.  Games, plots, stratagems...they were all of no import.  In the end, there was only one thing:  death.


    But somehow these entities were resisting it, and its scythe was becoming ravenous.  If Death could feel, it would have thrown its head back in frustration.


    But it could not.  So it turned back to the little man, who had finished setting up another board of 5 dimensional bingo, and resumed the game.





    Doctor Fate: Y-san

    1) Phil1882
    2) Nana77
    3) bonanova
    4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched
    5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains
    6) onetruth
    7) dee_tot
    8) plasmid
    9) TwoaDay - DEAD [Zatanna] lynched
    10) Kikacat123
    11) Araver
    12) Barca



    Day 4 starts now, ends tomorrow 9/17 at 9PM CST!

  10. Day 3


    "I'm not exactly sure what happened. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another... If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!" - The Joker


    Death yawned.


    Having been lured to this “Mind Lair” or whatever it was called by the promise of another one of those delicious massacres that was known to pop up here on occasion...something about gangsters or whatever..,it had expected a colorful feast, but instead had been sorely disappointed.  


    Watching the all-too-pacifistic group from the awning of a gothic building, between two stone-faced gargoyles, its icy fingers ran along the edge of its scythe blade, which glistened hungrily for its next meal.   “Patience, baby…” Death cooed.


    Suddenly its attention was drawn by a disturbance in the life forces it sensed below.  The heroes and villains seemed to gathering around one particular player, and Death could smell the antipathy in the air around them.


    “Please, you’re making a mistake!” Twoaday cried, casting pleading glances around to his companions.


    “It has been decided,” Green Lantern spoke solemnly, “You killed Hawkgirl, and you’re going to pay.”


    “But I didn’t!” the accused pleaded.  “I didn’t...someone is setting me up...”


    “Liar!” Green Lantern bellowed, and summoned up a giant green hammer with his power ring.  “I’ll pound the truth out of you!”


    “Well, finally…” Death began, and prepared to swoop down on its prey.


    “You sure you want to do that?” an impish voice inquired.  


    Death did not have to turn its hooded, faceless gaze to see the little man who had just come through what the humans would consider an anomaly.  Or perhaps the little man had come through long ago, or had yet to come through...time was strange to it, it was Death after all.


    “Every entity must die,” Death spoke calmly, and then did turn to ‘face’ the man.  “Even you.”


    The little man giggled, and vibrations seemed to ripple out through what the humans would call space time itself.  “Yes, yes, I will, I am, and I have!”  He hopped from one foot to the other.  “But I’m bored.”  He frowned.  “I mean, I can’t really do anything now, or at least what this dimension considers ‘now’, I mean, I could, but you-know-who has that plan and we both know if we let it play out things will get far more interesting...man, talking in straight lines is hard!  How do they do it in this dimension?”


    Death was silent, in consideration.  Then it nodded.  “Then let it play out.”

    That evening, a report was sent to Watchtower.  A body had been found.






    Doctor Fate: Y-san

    1) Phil1882
    2) Nana77
    3) bonanova
    4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched
    5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains
    6) onetruth
    7) dee_tot
    8) plasmid
    9) TwoaDay - DEAD [Zatanna] lynched
    10) Kikacat123
    11) Araver
    12) Barca
    Thanks for playing TwoaDay.  Ghosts have been letting lonely ;).
    Night 4 begins now!  Ends tomorrow 9/17 at 9PM CST!


  11. Night 3



    Warily glancing one last time at the residence he was leaving, the harbinger of fate shook his head resignedly and stepped through the light filled portal.  


    As he wove through the flow of space time with the presence in his head, however, his sixth sense became alerted to another presence, one outside of his head, outside his gold helmet, outside of him.


    It is you, he spoke to it telepathically.


    Yes, it replied.  I have been monitoring your wager with Brainiac.  


    The gold-ensconced head nodded.  It has been difficult for both sides, and far from conclusion.  But that is not why you’re here.


    No.  There was a pause.  Have they been prepared?


    A deep breath from the portal traveller.  I have begun, but it will take time.


    A longer pause, then:  There may not be time, even for you.  They are coming.


    Under the yellow glare of the porch light, the young man fiddled with his collar nervously, casting timid glances at his companion.  “So…” he began, working up his courage.  “Can I see you again?”


    Nana laughed lightly and leaned in to her would be suitor’s cheek.  “Well…” she whispered, and the young man leaned in closer to catch her words.  “We’ll see…”


    With a suggestive smile she twirled around and stepped through the doorway to her house, closing the door behind her and leaving her date with a befuddled expression on his not-too-bad-looking features.  She leaned back on the door and chuckled to herself.  It seemed the strapping lads were falling over themselves trying to court her.


    “So you’ve finally returned,” a deep throaty voice accosted her.  


    She spun around to meet the gaze of a tall man of formidable stature who wore a red horned helmet.  “Who are you?  And how did you...oh, nevermind, don’t tell me...magic, right?”


    The man harumphed.  “You dare to keep a god waiting and now you expect answers to your questions?  Such insolence!”


    “Uh…” Nana gave him a challenging look.  “You’re the one who came into my house uninvited and definitely unwanted.  So you should answer my questions.  Like, what are you doing here?”


    Ares threw back his helmeted head and emitted a roaring laugh.  “That will be answered soon enough...when I kill you.”




    Nana sighed.  “Again?  Can’t you people just leave me alone?  What did I ever do to you?”


    “I am a god!” Ares raised his hands to the sky as if in demonstration of his power.  “You should be honored to be sacrificed in my name.”


    “Uh...no thanks.”  Nana pulled her hand from behind her back, revealing her cell phone which she had just speed dialed.


    A moment later, the door came crashing down, and a strapping lad came charging through.


    “Hey, I just fixed that!” Nana threw her hands up in exasperation.


    The new arrival blushed contritely but turned his attention to Nana’s attacker.  “I won’t let you hurt her, you Villain!”


    Ares grinned smugly.  “Please, I will not be deterred as easily as that useless wizard with the lean and hungry look.  I am a god.”


    Letting out a primal howl, the savior lunged at the attacker, fist raised.


    Easily intercepting his arm in midair, Ares laughed.  “You want to fight me?  The god of war?”  He lifted an armor clad fore-arm and cuffed the lad across his face.  “You really think you can win?”


    Hunched over, the young man wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand and noted the blood there.  He turned in Ares’ direction...and grinned.  “No...but we can.”


    A confused expression crossed the former god’s brow.  He slowly twisted around, following the direction of the lad’s gaze.


    Behind him stood a small army of well-built young men, all glaring at him.  At their center stood Nana, holding up her phone screen, which displayed a brimming call log.


    Ares frowned, his pride warring with his instinct of self preservation.  Finally he came to a decision.  A blinding flash of light filled the room, and when it faded, the god of war…

    ...was nowhere to be found.





    Doctor Fate: Y-san

    1) Phil1882
    2) Nana77
    3) bonanova
    4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched
    5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains
    6) onetruth
    7) dee_tot
    8) plasmid
    9) TwoaDay
    10) Kikacat123
    11) Araver
    12) Barca
    Day 3 begins now, ends tomorrow 9/16 at 9PM CST!
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