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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Oh, and before someone harps on me...I'm thinking what I *should* have done last night...I know this isn't going to work now...unfortunately .
  2. Yeah...that's why we're injecting Itachi...who seems to be trying to hard to get us not to inject him and not giving out any new info for the day...hmmm...but we're just trying to win this for the Heroes, and this the best path to secure our victory...if you're telling the truth, hope Itachi dies in the injection ;P.
  3. Hmmm...so Frost, theoretically, of course ;P, could Niki have done something sneaky like, say, let DL send in his save action and then say, like, "I will give DL's action priority and if it isn't allowed, my action will be to kill DL"?
  4. Right, so once I kill SomeGuy tonight, the game will either end or it won't...if it doesn't, you'd get a second injection... And there's a very very very slim chance that Sylar/Company are working together...Sylar having stolen Parkman's ability. To cover that base (slim as it is), I'd rather inject you and find out (and hope SomeGuy hasn't been recruited after all so that we can save Claire tonight...or I could kill Sylar)
  5. Well, I asked Frost about that early on in the game to make sure (along with lots of other questions ) . And he said we would lose btsc. That's why I thought it would be a bad move on the Company's part to recruit one of us, so they wouldn't...unless they killed the other one the same night...and that's what I've been playing based on...(as you can probably tell ;P)
  6. Lol...sorry...you're not the guinea pig, I'm just trying to win this for the Heroes as quickly and efficiently as possible...sorry...take your injection for the team ;P Oh...and I really do want to kill SomeGuy now...after leaking the info b/w me and Parkman to him under the impression he couldn't possibly have been recruited since we were still talking to each other...god I feel used...*sniff*...XP
  7. Well, given SomeGuy's behavior on Day 3 (trying to get Hiro to retract his kill on Kat), I'm guessing he was recruited Night 3, not Night 4, which means that Sinistral probably was Company after all (so good going CL ;P), but I want to make sure we have all our bases covered, which is why I'd rather give Itachi the 50% chance of surviving the injection and SomeGuy the 100% chance of dying by my hand tonight...;P And Prof. T (in ghost land), that's what I was hoping...good job going after CL and proving that she couldn't be Sylar stealing Ted's power . Edit: Saw CL's post...sorry, CL, but I'd rather have all our bases covered and take the 50% chance of killing Itachi as well and end this...
  8. 1) Yoruichi-san - voting for Itachi 2) Brandonb - DEAD [?] Killed by Company 3) Unreality - DEAD [?] Killed by Company 4) Prince Marth - DEAD [?] Killed by Hiro 5) Akaslickster - Injected [Claire]-voting for-Itachi again 6) SomeGuy 7) Impervious -DEAD [Candice] 8) Prof. Templeton - DEAD [?] Killed by Company 9) Crazypainter - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar 10) Cherry Lane 11) Grey cells - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar 12) Sinistral - DEAD [?] Killed by Ted 13) Itachi 14) Kat - DEAD [hrG] 15) Star Tiger - voting for Itachi Going with the plan...
  9. Question to Frost: if one partner gets recruited can the other be RIDed?
  10. Well...given that...I think our best strategy, if ST pans out, is to inject Itachi. I'll attack SomeGuy tonight, therefore proving that I still am Niki. Or we could inject SomeGuy, and I'll attack Itachi...either way...with CL invincible, if I fail to attack, if I survive the injection tomorrow, she can kill me tomorrow night.
  11. ...I asked you a couple days ago and I was playing based on your answer...
  12. Yeah...well, we'll see...*waits for CL*...btw, who was Prof. T?
  13. Are you defecting? We welcome you back with open arms...and a needle in one hand...;P
  14. Host: Mohinder Suresh 1) Yoruichi-san - voting for Star Tiger 2) Brandonb - DEAD [?] Killed by Company 3) Unreality - DEAD [?] Killed by Company 4) Prince Marth - DEAD [?] Killed by Hiro 5) Akaslickster - Injected [Claire] 6) SomeGuy 7) Impervious -DEAD [Candice] 8) Prof. Templeton - DEAD [?] Killed by Company 9) Crazypainter - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar 10) Cherry Lane 11) Grey cells - DEAD [?] Killed by Sylar 12) Sinistral - DEAD [?] Killed by Ted 13) Itachi 14) Kat - DEAD [hrG] 15) Star Tiger Edit: Actually, I realized ST can prove she wasn't recruited by checking CL...(who can't be RIDed). So ST...check CL...or we're injecting you .
  15. Hmm...that was unexpected. So it means someone was recruited...I know I wasn't and neither was SomeGuy or else we would have lost our btsc, and CL can't be recruited, so that leaves Itachi or Star_Tiger. Or...the very very very slim chance that ST is Sylar (and decided not to actand Itachi is Company and ST is protecting him. Either way, our best bet is to inject ST. Since CL can't die now, we've won.
  16. I am 100% sure that either Sylar was Unreality or b/w you and Sinistral. And I don't have any roles wrong...you're the one who's got me wrong...;P
  17. Uh...sorry, Itachi, but I think you're misreading what Sinistral said...it sounds to me like he's now agreeing with the idea of getting rid of HRG (to avoid recruitment if nothing else)...whereas he's admitting he wasn't in agreement before. There's no reason for him to admit this if he's Company...it would just make his suspicous...especially since he wasn't really pushing it after we learned that Sylar can't win tonight. But it might be good for him to admit if he's Sylar, to make himself sound like he didn't want HRG dead before and now changed his mind...;P
  18. It is impossible for us not to get Sylar in the lynch, assuming he's still alive. It will be b/w Sinistral and CL...and since you'll definitely still be alive tomorrow...
  19. Honestly, I have no idea if this is right, but I'll give one of these a try...
  20. Interesting idea...but let's say the pranksters from Redrum came from far away and had a long journey (the popsicle would of melted)...and didn't know where any convenience/grocery stores were in the area...;P
  21. Hiro knows what he should do . But of course, it won't hurt for Kat to give us some more info... Edit: I was serious about killing me...;P
  22. No...it was made of a material that wouldn't deform under the tension in the rope...like brass or something...my clarification about the construction of the ring wasn't that important except the fact that it would be impossible to freeze or gel a free flowing liquid inside it...that's where the importance of the red goop comes in ;P
  23. Haha ;P...well that doesn't prevent Kat from telling us who her ghost friends were to back up her story...
  24. Haha...nice...but no...it was a circular ring (torus shape) not a cylindrical ring...;P
  25. Hmm...then who is/was Linderman? ;P
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