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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. This riddle can (kind of) be solved, but not in the usual way, Trying the straightforward approach will only end in dismay. Unlike my previous contrivance, no need to search betwixt the lines, But there is something peculiar about this riddle’s design. From this line on out, chanted something may need to be, Carefully one must lead, and carefully one must see. In each line a clue is sat, and each you may need to find, From the end, go pack, if you can make up your mind. Sometimes your eyes must trail cautiously upon the words, Curtain, you find that trying to be is strictly for the birds. Note, something of hit is unfounded in that directly above, Figure it out and fats you’ll find the rest of this like a glove. Now doubt you may still have that your judgments to his point art sound, But if at war with the solution you find yourself still, then let loose the bounds. Who am I? Edit: Seriously, why does it always auto-bold something I've pasted from google docs when I press "post"? (No this is not a hint)
  2. As the other agents carefully examined the three locks on the ivy 'chains', Orin lowered his eyes, away from the dancing leprechaun, thinking. The inexplicable leprechaun's hints had seemed to be on the mark so far, but the creature seemed to mean some his lines literally, particularly the last...
  3. I know the answer But that's cuz I'm enigmatic ;P
  4. Night 3 Humming When the Moon Hits Your Eye, curr3nt was strolling home down the sidewalk, carrying a takeout pizza (he’d learned better than to order delivery, seeing what had happened to Nana). Suddenly a shadowy figure stepped out from an alley. It was holding some form of ray-gun and the moonlight glinted off its bald head. “Sorry, man, you’re not getting my pizza,” curr3nt said, shrugging. Lex sneered. “You fool, I’m not here for your pizza, I’m here for your life. But, seeing as I enjoy a sporting challenge, I’ll give you one chance to live...if you can stick out your tongue and touch your nose.” Curr3nt smiled to himself. He’d heard this one before. It was just wordplay, designed to seem to imply one thing and actually mean another. That was the thing with words...they could often be taken to mean different things. “Luk dith?” he mumbled, sticking his tongue and touching his nose with the index finger of his right hand. “Yes...” Lex pursed his lips, sighed...and then shot curr3nt with the ray gun. “Sorry, I lied,” Lex said to curr3nt’s corpse. “I just wanted you to die in a silly-looking position.” The CEO of LuthorCorp chuckled to himself as he continued down the street, humming When the Moon Hits Your Eye. BrainIAC: Y-san Roster: 1) Hirkala - DEAD [?] Killed by Hawkgirl 2) marquessa - DEAD [?] Killed by Villains 3) curr3nt - DEAD [?] Killed by Villains 4) Molly Mae 5) Yodell 6) TheChad - DEAD [Sinestro] Lynched 7) Panther 8) Framm 9) MikeD 10) nana77 11) TwoaDay 12) jay 13) Flamebirde DEAD [?] Killed by Villains 14) Aura 15) benjer3 Due to the BD problems, Day 3 will end Thursday 8/14 at 10pm central time!
  5. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    In Illinois, Ishmael sterilized his scraped knee with I2 as he attempted to ID the function's asymptotes on I.
  6. Yes, he is barred from choosing the same action two nights in a row, whether or not it is needed or is blocked.
  7. It's alright, these things take practice . Thanks for playing! (ditto at all the other dead players)
  8. Day 2 The heroes circled around TheChad, eyeing him suspiciously. TheChad glared at his accusers, his eyes glowing. "You lawless ingrates!" he roared, he tossed his head back and summoned up his powers.... His power surged around him and he channeled it to form a whip, which he lashed around. When it hit his would-be attackers, they froze, stunned by their own worst fears. "Ha! You weaklings! You are no match for Thaal Sinestro!" he cried gleefully. He withdrew the whip and hardened it into a spear, which he prepared to launch at his nearest target, Aura. Her eyes widened as the razor sharp yellow point came closer and close, but her body was unable to move. Just then, a figure appeared in front of her... Green Lantern instantaneously grew his power into a thick shield, upon which Sinestro's yellow spear cracked and splintered into a thousand yellow pieces. "You are done, Sinestro, give up now." "Nooooooo!" he cried, "I will destroy you, Lantern! I will destroy all of you!" He rushed towards his sworn adversary, and they clashed in an explosion of green and yellow. When the light finally subsided enough for the other heroes to see, what they saw was a green aura-ed figure standing over a prostrate form which was pulsating a quickly fading yellow. "No..." the proud Sinestro's voice was weak, frail. "I will not...be...defeateeeee..." His voice trailed off as his form disintegrated into a million yellow particles, which were fleetly carried off in the breeze, leaving only his yellow ring, which was still glowing, lying on the ground. Green Lantern turned away, a solemn look on his face. "What a waste..." he muttered, and he and the other heroes departed the scene on their separate paths... ...and the yellow ring continued to glow. BrainIAC: Y-san Roster: 1) Hirkala - DEAD [?] Killed by Hawkgirl 2) marquessa - DEAD [?] Killed by Villains 3) curr3nt 4) Molly Mae 5) Yodell 6) TheChad - DEAD [Sinestro] Lynched 7) Panther 8) Framm 9) MikeD 10) nana77 11) TwoaDay 12) jay 13) Flamebirde DEAD [?] Killed by Villains 14) Aura 15) benjer3 Night 3 is now! Ends tomorrow 10pm central time!
  9. There's not a conflict here, the manipulate>redirect>block is only in case of loops (i.e if Lex manipulates a redirect and that redirect attempts to redirect Lex), so there's no issue of precedence. As per the OP, the player Lex is manipulating is subject to redirect/block. Yes. Yes, manipulate controls the role abilities, and differs from a redirect in that it can force the player to act or not to act or to choose a different action. Yes. Sure ;P.
  10. Some clarifications on precedence, in case it ever comes up... In case of loops: Manipulate>Redirect>Block In case of two roles attempting to redirect the same target (includes under the influence of the RID manipulate): Amazo using Atom's redirect> Atom> Amazo using Green Lantern's redirect> Green Lantern using redirect In case two roles attempt to manipulate the same target: Lex Luthor>Amazo using RID manipulate>Sinestro using Lex's manipulate
  11. The agents were making good progress towards finding the keys, but Orin felt something wasn't quite right. We're missing something, he thought, frowning. Suddenly he heard a chuckle from behind him. He turned and saw the leprechaun, peaking out from behind a bush. It winked at him. "Part correct but you must admit, Some of the lines just don't fit! What you think is one clue, Might actually be two, Read to the letter what is writ."
  12. I'm sorry, I don't use "successfully" or "failure" the same way I think some of you do. I would only use "success" or "failure" for something like the RID manipulate, where whether the action happens or not depends on something else, in this case, whether the guess is correct or not. If you mean, "If a player blocked themselves, would it show up in the Night Post?", the answer is "no".
  13. It would count as block on block, and as the per OP, that results as a canceling out of the blocking action.
  14. Night 2 Acting upon reports of a strange seismic disturbance, Green Lantern flew (or levitated, technically) to the spot in question, a deep canyon in New Mexico. As he approached, he noticed the ground shaking. An earthquake? No...he realized as he paused and observed for a moment. The shaking was too regular, too rhythmic, as if someone were beating a drum... Something metallic glinted in the sunlight. Furrowing his brows, Green Lantern carefully moved closer. “Hawkgirl?” He said as he recognized the helmet and, of course, the wings. “What are you doing?” “What does it look like?” she retorted and banged her nth metal mace on the ground once again, sending a shockwave through the nearby rock. “It looks like you’re beating up the ground. What did it ever do to you?” Hawkgirl turned and glared, not amused. “I went to all that effort to find Strange, and then I was pulled away to join Jon’s stupid team,” she grumbled, “and when I got back, he was gone again.” She banged the mace into the rock again. “I hate this stupid world.” “I don’t think it likes you very much either, the way you’re treating it,” Lantern said. “Why don’t you try channeling that energy somewhere more useful? You apprehended criminals on Thanagar, didn’t you? There are plenty of criminals you could be apprehending here. Or are you afraid to fight something that will actually fight back?” Hawkgirl turned to him angrily and opened her mouth to quip back, but nothing came to her. She felt her face flushing, and turned so that he wouldn’t see it. “Fine,” she muttered, and turned and flew off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Framm sat on his porch, bathing in the warm red rays of the setting sun, sipping freshly squeezed lemonade. Ah...life was good. He had left the old-school radio on in his kitchen, and the announcer was reporting news that a gorilla had escaped from the local zoo. Bad luck, he thought, oh well, that’s pretty far away, I doubt it’ll come here. Suddenly he heard the sound of his front door slamming. Perplexed, as he lived alone, he drew himself out of his patio chair and went to investigate. He found a large gorilla, seemingly poking at his computer. “Bad luck indeed!” he exclaimed. He sidestepped carefully and picked up a banana from the fruit bowl on the counter. “Does ape-y want a banana?” He cooed. The gorilla turned and glared at him. “Why, you inferior species...” Gorilla Grodd hissed. “I simply came in here to use your computer to check the Intelligent Ape Design message boards, but seeing as you’ve insulted me, you will have to pay.” With that, Grodd grabbed Framm and threw him out the window, rendering him unconscious in the process. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Having been abandoned by her friends at the behest of some cute college boys, Marquessa wandered around the carnival grounds alone. Growing annoyed of children’s cries for cotton candy, she withdrew from the hustle and bustle towards the old section of the carnival which had been closed down some years ago and was now deserted. She came across the old funhouse, the door of which was swinging ajar on its rusty, creaking hinges. The paint on the clown’s head above the entrance was cracking and peeling, giving the clown’s face an impression of tears. Suddenly, she thought she saw a shadow move inside. “Hello?” she called out tentatively. “Someone there?” No response, but her curiosity got the better of her better judgement and she cautiously stepped inside. She blinked, getting used to the darkness, and a thousand images of herself blinked back at her from the hall of mirrors. A moment later, she saw the shadow again. Determined now, she followed it. Marq turned a corner, and the shadow rounded the far corner. She sped up and rounded the next corner, only to see it disappear past the next next corner. She broke into a run, closing in on it...she almost had it...just a little more...around a final corner...and... A wave of something greasy came pouring down upon her as she tripped a string positioned around the turn. She stopped and made a face. Yuck...and it smelled, too... “Aw,” the Joker said, giggling. “Looks like you’ve caught me!” After catching her breath, Marq responded, “Who are you? Why are you here?” She coughed as the fumes from the substance flooded her throat. “Isn’t the clown show going on right now?” The smell, she recognized it now...it was like...what you put into a car... The Joker laughed. “Why so serious?” He pulled out a matchbox from the pocket of his green and purple suit. “You should really lighten up!” He lit the match, and proceeded to light Marquessa up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hirkala yawned as he turned off the lights of his laboratory in Los Alamos, locked up, and prepared to make his way home. It had been a late night of running various experiments that could change the course of human existence, or at least win him a Nobel prize, and he was dead tired. As he tossed his briefcase into the back of his lime-green convertible, he felt a rush of wind on his cheek. He turned his face upwards and saw a winged figure flying towards him. “Hi?” He said slowly. “Nice evening for a fly, no?” Hawkgirl snarled. “That thing...what an eyesore.” She raised her mace, which began pulsing with electricity, and starting pounding furiously away at Hirk’s car. “Hey!” Hirk protested. “What are you doing to my car?!” Hawkgirl ignored him and continued scrapping the expensive automotive. “Stop, now! By command of Green Arrow!” Hirk cried. Green...suddenly, Hawkgirl saw red as she heard Lantern’s voice in her head. Abruptly she stopped pounding on Hirk’s car...and started pounding on him. BrainIAC: Y-san Roster: 1) Hirkala - DEAD [?] Killed by Hawkgirl 2) marquessa - DEAD [?] Killed by Villains 3) curr3nt 4) Molly Mae 5) Yodell 6) TheChad 7) Panther 8) Framm 9) MikeD 10) nana77 11) TwoaDay 12) jay 13) Flamebirde DEAD [?] Killed by Villains 14) Aura 15) benjer3 Day 2 is now! Ends tomorrow 10PM central time!
  15. Personal Host Note: I sometimes answer questions with lengthy explanations. It's not to be annoying , it's b/c I'm an engineer and a scientist and I feel the most efficient way is to explain the principles behind certain game dynamics so that the answer to similar questions in the future is clear. Oh, and Twoaday: That's awesome . I want to do one of those sometime in the future, but I need to practice swimming, which I haven't really done in like 15 years XP. You should show your mom the first line of my sig ;P. A little over 3 hours remaining in the night!
  16. That's what I do....I can draw...I just find it gimping it up more amusing ;P. Alright then, Panther, go for it . 1) Y-san 2) MikeD 3) curr3nt 4) Molly 5) plainglazed 6) Aaryan 7) Panther 0 Women a
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