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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Nay once more, you have yet to score!
  2. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    Sorry, got stuck in a particularly tricky box...;P On that note: ...alive or dead...
  3. Um...not sure how those were arrived at, but nay and nay to those who have for the answer sot, it seems the device has yet to be got. Sorry, don't mean to be dismissive, but rhyming is so addictive!
  4. Nay, it is neither of wind nor water though to both it may apply. However....
  5. The actor is also playing the 'Bill Clinton' type character on Political Animals, which is also turning out be pretty good Edit: Also just watched The Hollow Crown, which is also pretty good. I totally support Loki for King ;P.
  6. Expect to differentiate, First, though, correlate, Find the relation, For the equation, You may see there lurks, Exponents at work, Fairly quickly wrote, From elegance remote, Under extreme duress, Frantic with stress, Begotten this riddle was. What am I?
  7. Um...that is calculus ;P. Calculus is more than just equations with "d/dt" or the integral of something. It's the concepts of rate of change and limits etc. It's from these concepts that the equations were based on, but you don't need to use the equations to be using calculus, just like, say, you're using algebra when you try to figure out how many cobs of 25 cent corn you can buy for $2 even if you don't write the equation for it.
  8. So are there, like, teams? Is that what the BTSC threads are for? I guess I'm trying to ask if there's any reason for the leader not to nominate the two strongest players and the other players not to vote out the strongest player without immunity, especially if the challenge ends up being one of the 'luck of the draw' types. UR tried doing a reality-show kind of thing called Astray, but it ended up being canceled due to it looking like it would take too long. It had 3 teams, of 5 or 6 players each, I think.
  9. That was the derivation I was looking for. What happens when we increase the height of the cylinder to H=3R or decreasing to H=R, or general nR, or assume the cylinder is sitting on a base so that it is not exposed?
  10. Try a right circular cylinder with height = 2R, made of the same material at the same T and P. Yes, you can assume initial conditions of R0, t0, etc.
  11. You have a spherical mothball which sublimes at a rate of k cm3/s per cm2 of exposed solid surface (assuming constant T and P in the room). When will it be at half its original radius? When will it have completely sublimed?
  12. Final links: I'm really proud of the ending post .
  13. Night 4 Boughs of fog rolled in from the dewy sea. A lone figure sat on the dock, humming an odd tune. Suddenly a shadow appeared, a dark entity projected onto the mists. It loomed over the hummer. “Yodell,” said a steady, somber voice. “I’ve found you.” The silhouette came forward, and two glowing green eyes pierced through the fog. “Oh, it’s you, Lantern,” Yodell said, continuing to hum under his breath. “What can I do for you?” “Nothing,” Green Lantern replied. “Just that: nothing. I have come to put an end to your evil ways.” Yodell shrugged. “I think you’re confused, old chum.” But Lantern was not having it. He manifested a giant green fist with his power ring and swung it at Yodell, who jumped away just in time. “If you insist...” *** Meanwhile... Booster strolled down the street, waiting impatiently for Skeets to tally their profits. “$204,572 from that last deal, Booster,” the robot finally said. “Pff...that’s not even enough to buy a decent hover-car,” Booster lamented. “We’ve got to go bigger! I mean...seriously, who cares about teaming up with Elastic Man? No, what we need is something more, like...” Just then Panther came flying around the side of tall brick building, face set fiercely, zoning in on the intended target. “...Like that,” Booster grinned. “Come on Skeets, we’ve got ourselves a deal to catch.” *** Elsewhere... Hawkgirl and Flash stood their ground, facing their golden android adversary. “Give up now and we’ll go easy on you,” Flash declared. The android’s impassive eyes stared at her, and then it’s face shifted into a replication of what the humans called “a smile”. Hawkgirl shrugged. “Or not...” She raised her electrified nth metal mace. “I’m fine with doing it this way...” And she swung the mace... ...at the Flash. Taken by surprise, the red speedster barely managed to dodge. “Hey, what are you doing?” “I can’t...control...it...” Hawkgirl muttered through gritted teeth as she struggled. Amazo looked on with its inhuman eyes. The ability it had learned from Lex Luthor was appearing to quite useful. Flash dodged another attack...and another...and another. This is useless, he realized, glancing at Amazo. Maybe if I take the android down... He rushed at Amazo, readying his fist into a vibrating weapon, and thrust a lightning fast blow at the android... ...which missed as Amazo moved itself out of the way just as quickly. It’s unfeeling glare challenged the Flash with his own ability. “Uh oh...” Wally murmured. *** As it finished the information from the various satellites it had hijacked, the three glowing circles on the Brain Inter-Active Construct’s pulsed and then went dim. It had seen enough. It was time to finish this. It turned to activate the device, the electromagnetic disruptor ray which would destroy Earth’s magnetic fields and put into motion the irreversible changes that would first overturn the planet’s ecosystem, followed by its climate, and finally, the motions of the tectonic plates which would eventually cause the planet to collapse into itself. This tool which had been the annihilator of so many alien civilization would now be Earth’s. “Stop!” A voice cried, as a hole of blinding light seemed to rip through the fabric time and space. Through it stepped a being in a golden helmet and golden cape. Unflinching, the Brain Inter-Active Construct’s eyes glowed and shot out twin lasers at the intruder. The being shimmered out of space-time and back in a few feet and a few milliseconds away. “I can’t let you do this, BrainIAC,” said the interloper. “It is not the fate of this planet and the heroes on it to end here.” The sentient super-computer paused to process this new information and this new helmeted variable. A few seconds later, it responded. “Very well, it seems there may be more to learn yet. I will allow this planet to remain as it is...for now.” The other super-being nodded and waved his hand, reviving the feed from the satellites. “Let us watch how this plays out.” *** “You’ll have to do better than that, friend,” Aquaman said as he dodged the Lantern Corp soldier’s enormous green hammer by diving into the water. Green Lantern scowled and shifted his manifestation into a giant sieve, dipping it into the water and fishing the fish king out. “How’s that?” “Not bad,” the fish man responded, “But what are you going to do about that?” As he spoke, a dolphin jumped out of the water and rammed into Green Lantern, knocking him back. Taking only a moment to regain his balance, the soldier prepared to counter-attack... “Aaahhhgggg...” Suddenly he fell to his knees, clutching his head. The king of Atlantis dropped into the water, doing the same. *** “I said, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” snarled Wonder Woman, attempting to shake Booster off her tail. But the entrepreneur was persistent in his pursuit of profit. “C’mon...I watched holo-toons about you when I was growing up, but you’re even prettier in live action! We’d be so good together...think of the marketing possibilities...’Beauty and the Booster’...’The Once and Future Hero and Queen’...” “The Princess and the Pea-brain?” A voice interjected as a green wall appeared in front of them, halting their chase. Behind it levitated Nanatern, who was also using his ability to levitate Yodaquaman. “What are you two doing here?” Princess Panther asked. “Benjon communicated to us with his Martian mind trick and showed us the error of our ways,” Nanatern replied. “We shouldn’t be fighting each other. Flash and Hawkgirl are in trouble.” The princess glanced at Boojay with disdain and let out a deep, deep sigh. “Fine...” *** Panting, Flash Flash Auralution moved out of the way of his own attack from the left as Hawkgirl’s mace came from the right. He managed to avoid the strike, but it wasn’t a clean dodge, as a gash in the chest of his suit testified to. He winced in pain and felt blood trickle down from the wound. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take of this... “Need some help?” A green force field appeared around him just in time to deflect another lightning fast attack from the android. The android prepared to launch another attack, but it was knocked off its feet by a geyser of water, courtesy of Aquaman. Twoahawk screamed, dropped her mace, and crumpled to her knees, clutching her head. A moment later, Martian Manhunter phased in next to her and put his ‘hands’ on her temples. The tension in her face melted and a serene look flowed over her. Wonder Woman rushed at Amazo, landing a blow at full force which knocked the android into the side of a building, crashing through it and bringing an avalanche of debris down on it. “That creature is no stronger than a man,” the princess sniffed. She caught the other heroes smiling at her and then added grudgingly, “Well, perhaps not all men are so weak...” Suddenly, a golden blur exploded up from the pile of rubble and then crashed down onto the pavement, sending out a shockwave which knocked them all back and left a crater on the ground. From the android’s throat came a replication of the laugh it had learned from the fallen villains. “Thank you,” it said in replicated tone of smugness. “This saves me the time of finding each one of you myself. Now I have learned all of your strengths.” Immediately, Amazo manifested a green cage around Hawkgirl, shot a geyser of water at Flash, suspended Green Lantern into the air with a red tornado, formed one arm into a mace which it smashed into Aquaman, formed the other arm into a lasso which it ensnared the Martian with, and flooded Wonder Woman’s mind with a paralyzing wave of pain. “You are all now no match for my powers.” The android stated matter-of-factly. “I have all of your strengths.” An immense winged shadow appeared from behind the android. Amazo turned its head to an impossible angle and saw a dark figure behind it. “You may have replicated their strengths,” a low, hoarse voice spoke. Suddenly, there was a spark, then a flicker. “But...” The figure emerged into the light of the street lamps, revealing himself to be Batman, holding a lit match. “...you have also replicated their weaknesses.” The android tilted its head, uncomprehending. The Dark Mike turned his head and cried “Now, Booster!” From the side, the 25th century “hero” appeared with his robot. A hole opened up in Skeet’s front panel and orangish liquid squirted out onto the android. Batman tossed the match at it, and Amazo burst into a blazing ball. “NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” The android cried as the Martian’s crippling fear of fire overwhelmed his systems. Its limbs jerked around as it struggled in vain to put out the 25th century chemical enhanced flames. It catapultedinto a building, then into the ground, growing more frantic and hotter by the moment. Finally, it let out one final agonizing scream and shot into the air like a rocket. A moment or a minute or an eternity later, who knew, the shooting star exploded in the sky like the most beautiful firework the heroes had ever seen. The group, dirty, scratched, but not all that much the worse for wear, gathered together to watch the colorful show of lights. Then they turned towards each other, their eyes attesting to their unspoken comradery. Maybe this team thing wasn’t so bad after all... “Aw...are we too late to join the party?” A man in a robin hood costume appeared behind them, followed by a pretty blonde woman wearing a black jacket with a black choker around her neck and an attractive brunette in a tailcoat and top hat. The members of the newly formed team shared a look and a long moment of silence. Then the Flash flashed between the two females, taking one in each arm with a huge grin. “The more the merrier.” Hawkgirl rolled her eyes but couldn’t keep the corner of her mouth from lifting up. The rest of also broke out in smiles as well. “Welcome to the Justice League.” THE END... ...or is it??? Here are the Night and Day actions, I will update them in this post as they occur: Notes: Benjer chose to observe Hirk, but he's going to end up observing himself as he was redirected to self so he's going to see his target visiting himself. Originally Marq was going to attack GL and it would have failed, but she was redirected to self is going to kill herself. This would have been a perfect night for Aquaman to watch Hirk, since he's obviously going to be target of many an action, but he didn't :-(. I was excited that Framm was going to get Hawkgirl's kill [insert devil smiley], but then he was blocked :\. Thanks all for playing. Really bad luck and bad timing (in terms of RL stuff) for the Villains, ridiculously good luck for the Justice League. This is the most one-sided luck I've seen since ABR1, where the heroes lost every single coin toss (no, I'm not exaggerating...every...single...coin toss).
  14. Sorry, rl stuff came up so post will be late.
  15. Yoruichi-san

    Obscure Jokes

    A mathematician goes home with a hot chick he picked up at a bar (no, that's not the joke ). As they are undressing each other, the chick stops and frowns at his "equipment". "Is there something wrong?" The mathematician asks. "It's just so...normal." The girl replies. The mathematician blinks. "Is there something wrong?"
  16. And I love questions that are specific and use the terms laid out in the OP rather than vague undefined terms that differ from host to host and game to game . Also, I am not going to reveal the specific wording I put in PM's, just know that it conforms to the terms of the OP . Thank you, Panther .
  17. Yoruichi-san

    One Up Me

    To the review board, the physic professor's attempt to demonstrate the right hand rule using, um, alternative appendages stuck out like...well, you know...
  18. Day 3 The group closed in on Molly Mae with nearly unanimous animosity. He glared back at them, pride fiercely burning in his eyes. “You fools! You think this is over? This is just the beginning! You think you’ve won, but you have no idea what you’ve just brought down upon yourselves. Strike me down, and a hundred, no a thousand of me will rise from the ashes and lay waste on your puny world...” “Lex, stop,” his childhood friend and greatest adversary said, shaking his kryptonian head. “It’s over. Give up now and we won’t hurt you.” Lex laughed haughtily. “You? Hurt me? You’re incapable of hurting me. You’re incapable of hurting anyone. That was always your greatest weakness...well, except for this...” With that Lex flicked open the panel in the chest of his suit, revealing a piece of glowing green rock. Pain flooded over Superman’s face as the rock’s radiation bathed him. “Maybe he is,” a voice cut in sharply. Hawkgirl stepped forward, beating her mace in her palm. “But I have no such qualms.” She roared and rushed towards Lex, and he did the same towards her. Sparks flew into the air as metal clashed on metal. Lex’s suit was strong, and his pride stronger, but they were no match for Hawkgirl’s fury. In the end, Clark kneeled, cradling his old friend in his arms. “I’m sorry it had to come to this,” the farm boy from Kansas said to the Luthorcorp heir. With the last of his strength, Lex reached for Clark’s hand and squeezed it as tight as his remaining life would allow. “But it did...have to come to this...” And then Lex Luthor, billionaire, master manipulator, presidential hopeful, was no more. BrainIAC: Y-san Roster: 1) Hirkala - DEAD [?] Killed by Hawkgirl 2) marquessa - DEAD [?] Killed by Villains 3) curr3nt - DEAD [?] Killed by Villains 4) Molly Mae - DEAD [Lex Luthor] Lynched 5) Yodell 6) TheChad - DEAD [Sinestro] Lynched 7) Panther 8) Framm 9) MikeD 10) nana77 11) TwoaDay 12) jay 13) Flamebirde DEAD [?] Killed by Villains 14) Aura 15) benjer3 Night 4 ends tomorrow 10pm central time, thanks!
  19. Yeah, I actually found it on the side of a box of blueberry infused green tea...lol...just goes to show you to pay attention to the little things in life... ...too bad I feel most alive when I'm asleep ...dreams are so much more exciting than real life...especially when I get to fight monsters/bad guys/airships and have superpowers ;P. If anyone is interested, further exposition of 'social calculus' is on my blog, which is now linked to in the 'blogs' section of this site, or go directly to 'schrodingersdemoncat.blogspot'. Admittedly, I've been somewhat remiss in writing to it...*whistling*
  20. Yes all targetted Night actions unless otherwise specified.
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