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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Yeah, my friend GC, like I said, I am L...but the second one...;P And yes, I *always* talk/explain that much using logical reasoning...it is why I'm a scientist, or a result of being a scientist, or both Yeah, the jihadist thing totally took me by surprise, too, I wasn't aware there were hidden goals...next time I'll be sure to take that into account... ...wow...totally missed the "icy fire" thing...*really* have to get the hang of looking for clues... ...but having me be asleep and the bankroller not mentioned in the post...that clue I *did* notice, fortunately for me, no one else (who was alive, at least) did... and Frost, I didn't really think you were the inspector, I was just putting out possibilities, since there was no evidence, unlike the way pw0nzd went straight for Kat without an explanation that was evidence (and like I said, I never believe anything without proof)...but I did think you were the spy based on how you were "testing" people...I was wrong about that...like I said, I make mistakes, lots of them (like the not killing the last QA thing...grrrr....) ...haha...now I *really* have to go back to work...see you guys later...
  2. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Wow...well, I feel *so* much better now... Yeah, I really am sorry to everyone for being so aggressive towards GC...the funny thing is that I didn't realize I was being so aggressive...when ppl were commenting on it, I was like "what are you talking about..." way too much stress, way too little sleep... ...but I thought I played it pretty well with the johnson thing...so when dawh called me out I felt really dumb...but now I know he was just acting, hehe... and great job dawh, btw, making him come out with his warlock identity was a stroke of genius . I still need to get the hang of the finding clues in the storyline thing...I totally missed the warlock clue... and ha! See, girls, I told you that pw0nzd was the Inspector...(that's why I wanted to kill him ;P)...I thought his "random" vote for Kat wasn't so random...;P I'm surprised BB didn't go after anyone the first night...that threw off my reasoning...oh well, and Mekal, like I told you... and haha...we suspected Joe was the last QA, and we figured out frozen was the illusionist (from the "illusionist just getting the hang of things" clue) the same night he was killed...what I wasn't counting on (and I'm still hitting myself over the head with this) was that Joe would find him so fast...guess he saw the same clue well, that was fun, hehe...and I still think we should put in a Fairy Godmother...especially after Frost's story Yes, my friend GC, I am L...but the second one ;P Now I have to go back to work...looking forward to V...although I have a feeling no one will ever be able to trust me again...XP
  3. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Well, I wanted to wait to hear Johnson's "defense" and think some before I voted, but not only does he seem to deny/disregard anything any of us have said about how important this vote is to the innocents (including *all* of Unreality's warning posts...), he also claims to have voted for a reason which he obviously didn't... Anyways, he's climbed up to the top of my probable mafia list, and since dawh is the one I think is least suspicious, and he's voting for johnson, then I will do the same, so Host: Unreality 1) Frost - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Mafia 2) Brandonb - DEAD & VICTORIOUS [QA - MoS] Killed by Warlock 3) Kingofpain - DEAD [Defender] Killed by QAs 4) Pw0nzd - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) Cherry Lane 6) Dawh - voting for Johnson 7) Nayana - voting for Johnson 8) Dnae 9) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 10) GC - voting for Cherry Lane 11) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [bomb] 12) Slick - DEAD [?] Killed by QAs 13) Dusty - voting for Johnson 14) Wreath - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Grim Reaper 15) Joe's Student - DEAD & VICTORIOUS [QA] Sphinx's revenge 16) Johnson - voting for Yoruichi-san 17) Frozen - DEAD [sphinx] Killed by QAs 18) CrazyPainter - voting for Cherry Lane 19) Yoruichi - voting for Johnson 20) Mekal - DEAD [?] Blown up GC, hmmm, I'm thinking more and more that you may actually be just a very unlucky innocent XP...but if you are, and you accept the reasoning I discussed in my last post addressed to you, and by that reasoning, voting for PG does not clear johnson of suspicion, and his actions this past "day" have made him highly suspicious... Each innocent can't be sure who to trust, and can't and shouldn't blindly listen to someone else's orders, and since you and I have both been under suspicion, then just calling for everyone to switch to CL won't work. If you are innocent, then think about the evidence, which I think will lead you to the same point dawh, dusty and I are at about johnson...it is important that we all vote for the same mafioso. ...and that applies to all the other innocents! (And when the mafia realize it's hopeless, some of the mafia will probably go along just to avoid looking suspicious...) Anyways, I'm off to bed early as well, so that I can wake up early and check up to see if there are any important insights/revelations tomorrow before the vote is final...
  4. Actually, this is a very interesting problem, since the answer is I know that it is actually a hot topic in the field of mathematics, but I haven't had that much experience with it...I had a friend who worked on measure theory and he would probably know...I may ask him and post again
  5. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Lol...well, johnson, I have to give you props for creativity, however... ...would have been more convincing if your initial (and only) reply before voting for me hadn't been: And the reply after that was just attacking me for being a scientist and a mathematician... ...and looking at the previous vote, it's interesting that you voted for GC last time and now you're voting for me and *afterwards* you put us both into your theory... Edit: For once I'm glad you can't edit your own posts after 10 min...
  6. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    ? Why? I didn't know about the pig/warlock thing, so I figured since it's 5v4, the only way the innocents could win is if went down to 4v4 at night with "astronomical odds" is if the janitor was still alive and rolled a saving role on the correct innocent or a killing roll on a mafioso...? What did you think I meant?
  7. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Javoie was Sandy's initial replacement...you replaced Javoie when he quit... ...geez, no need to be mean...I am beginning to think you just don't like me...
  8. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Haha...yes, I'm accusing you...*you* are the mafia, and we are all innocents, and you're sitting there laughing at us fighting each other...O_o (And yes, I'm joking...;P)
  9. yep, it is lesser than...hint: don't think too hard...it's only #3, so it's not that hard...*12*, on the other hand...hehe ;P
  10. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    lol...ok, so you just keep introducing new things...like Quarky blowing up...lol, hmmm, this reminds me of a mafia game we played when at the end we realized there actually were *no* mafia...the guy playing God had just been killing off people each night ;P
  11. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Umm...so if I were innocent, I wouldn't have pointed that out??? lol Hmm...I thought you were an innocent because you filled in for javoie, but thinking back to javoie saying he had to leave because he was too busy...mafia are busier than non-mafia...hmmm....
  12. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    ...lol, umm...Unreality, if you really want to help the innocents, stop giving away what innocent roles are left alive...
  13. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    GC, lol, actually I wasn't apologizing for arguing...I agree with you, arguing is fun ;P...but I felt like my tone was kinda mean and I'm not usually like that, and I don't want to be like that...(cuz I hate when ppl are like that :/) Anyways, the fact that you seem to be listening to reasoning makes me think you might be innocent after all...if that is the case, it is important that we and the other innocents vote for the same person... So, GC, if you are innocent, will you accept that although you may not have realized that lynching the bomb on the first day may have been a good strategy for the mafia, that does not necessarily mean that the mafia did not, and in fact, since they get to discuss secretly at night, it is likely that they discussed what they wanted to do about the bomb (if you were mafia, would you not?)? If they decided it was a good strategy, then when you started the lynching campaign, it is possible, and (I think) even probable, that they joined in? So your assumption that anyone who voted for PG has to be innocent is not valid...
  14. 3, 10, 12 still up for grabs! I'll make a post summarizing the answers so far sometime later...
  15. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Hmm...well, using more Math voodoo ;P... ...if the mafia do consider it worth it to get rid of the bomb, not only is the least risky way to get her lynched on the first day, but also, if there are more non-mafioso than mafioso that vote for her, it is more likely that a non-mafioso will get blown up, which is good for the mafia, and adds to the expected gains of getting rid of the bomb... ...plus (sorry GC), the fact that CL has stopped her campaign against GC, and ejohnson has redirected his vote to me from GC last vote seems to support my GC/CL/johnson theory...(although of course, it does not prove it...now that I've gotten some much needed sleep, I have come out of my "myself-as-Sherlock-Holmes" fantasy ;P)
  16. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Oh, and based on past experience, I have a feeling ejohnson is going to want to eat me alive when he gets back...haha
  17. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Well, the mafia have the luxury of voting as a block...so in order to out-vote them, the innocents need to vote as a block as well (of course the mafia may join against their own just to avoid looking suspicious)...or it goes to tie-breaker...but (at the risk of sounding retaliatory, which is *not* what I'm trying to do) I'm more convinced now he is, since he seems to only care if we wait for him if his own neck is at risk, but doesn't seem to care to hear us out otherwise, even though this is a *really* important decision for the innocents (the innocents will pretty much lose if they make the wrong decision, the mafia still has a chance to win in future rounds), and as far as I can tell, his only reasons for voting for me is that I suspected him...and I'm a scientist ...and I have *not* done anything suspicious Edit: clarification
  18. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Welcome back! You didn't miss much...except me kinda venting my personal stress on GC (sorry GC, although that doesn't necessarily mean I think you"re not mafia...still thinking about that one...), and johnson apparently attacking me for being a scientist and *not* doing anything suspicious Anyways, I'm fine w/ KoP...lol, both 3 letters starting with K...but if she/(now he) is not mafia, its better to get him on right away so that he has time to think about this decision... Edit: grammar
  19. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Haha...well I hope he *is* a mafia, cuz if he's not, we're screwed... Well, it was the thief thing that made me suspicious initially...but, hmmm...he demands that we wait for his defense, but he doesn't care what happens otherwise...lmao...uh...
  20. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Bye Kat, have fun!
  21. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    *Sighs*...umm...I already said why I was suspicious of you... And lol, I think your confusing a mathematician with a politician...;P
  22. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Oh, GC, haha, I apologize...after waking up from a much needed nap, I realized my tone in some earlier posts was kinda rude...that's probably why it seemed like I was "bickering" with you...anyways, sorry, stress from my personal life and sleep deprivation makes a cranky Math-girl ;P. Now back to the game...
  23. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    I take back what I said about knowing who the mafia is from lynching the ML...I forgot to take into account the case if the mafia ML is lynched...the mafia may or may not vote for him/her...but I still think it is better for the innocent ML not to come out...give the mafia something to stress about . And I still don't understand why people think the fact that I took logical steps and trying to give my analysis of the evidence suspicious...being a scientist, I don't believe anything without proof... One thing I will point out in my own defense: If I were a mafioso, it would have been more likely that when I read GC saying that he had evidence against me, I would have been worried and tried to figure out how what I had let slip and tried to give justifications of anything that may have seemed suspicious, or waited until he produced said "evidence" and then tried to explain/justify...but because I knew my own innocence, I very confidently challenged him to "bring it on", because I knew no such evidence existed... Edit: If someone sees a flaw in my logic, please let me know...the point is that we should discuss this and make a good decision...
  24. Yeah...it still really irks me that they put not only filler episodes, but an entire filler arc in the middle of the storyline, after *finally* getting back to it...gaaahhh....I wanna see the captains do some a**-kicking...;P The only american animations I really like are the superhero ones...I'm a big fan of superheroes...Justice League and Justice League Unlimited were awesome, I love the clever way they put jokes in that only adults would get...Flash: I'm the fastest guy on earth. Hawkgirl: Yeah we know... is that why you can't get a date? ;P
  25. Yeah, Melancholy was awesome...and it's *so* not girly, lol, all of my guy friends who watch anime love it, it parodies girly anime, but in itself, it is not girly...my favorite episode (or episodes) is the one that parodies detective anime...I'm addicted to those myself...(ahhhh....500+ episodes of Detective Conan and still going!!!) And you should *definitely* watch Baccano!...I've been telling all my friends that...hehe
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