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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Okay, so I'm going to make this real penguin obvious, There is a catch to the riddle itself, not car the answer. Need more blue hints?
  2. Uhhh....I have no idea what you mean, lol...but welcome back LIS! We've missed you!
  3. Actually, what Pengville is is
  4. Lol...no...but something to do with math may be mentioned...
  5. Actually, since he has already chosen .314 (i.e. the event has already been observed), the probability of him choosing .314 is 1. ;P
  6. Well, if the puzzle went from word-> number there would need to be a preset, since there could be more than one possible answer, but since the puzzle it to go from number -> word, I just have to choose a way to do a particular word, and when you have a word in mind, you try to figure out the possible values and see if one fits, if one does, then it is the answer (or an answer I didn't think of ;P). Lol...the math part is supposed to be taking math and "putting it into plain english" so most of them are taking the mathematical operator and finding a word that means the same thing, such as ellipse->oval and obtuse->ignorance. And for some reason, I thought you'd like #9
  7. Lol...exactly what am I me? ;P
  8. So #3 must be Yep, nice!
  9. Oh, dude, you could have both...instead of the ninja, you have the Death Note Holder who is on the side on innocents, and tries to kill the criminals (baddies)...and instead of the grim reaper you have the Shinigami, who is trying to kill the Death Note Holder to get his/her Death Note back...
  10. ...hmm...I don't seem to remember signing myself up...lol... but what do you think about my Death Note Holder/Shinigami idea? It would be so awesome...
  11. Yoruichi-san

  12. Well...that's a result of the catch... And no, no one has it...you *really* have to figure out the catch first...
  13. Yoruichi-san

    Grrrr....hey, no fair posting this while I was busy trying to manipulate a lynching... I love these, and pictograms as well...I actually was thinking of coming up some of my own, but I don't have a scanner...
  14. "that long" was 3 days...it only seemed long because "day 3" was actually like 4 days in real time, lol...only 2 ppl got lynched...actually, only 1, since BB escaped his... Actually, I was thinking how the new bankroller ability reminds me of how Light used the fact that he could control his targets before they died to send messages to the police and L... ...hey, well, that would be an awesome role for Mafia VI (lol, I know, getting ahead of myself)...how about the Death Note Holder who kills someone and can control their actions, i.e. their roles for that night? Hehe...OR how about making the GR into the Shinigami and giving him that skill... ...oh, and anyone who has not seen/read Death Note...if you like mafia, you will *definitely* like Death Note!
  15. Hey! Well, I, personally, would like to think that had at least *a little* to do with skill... And, not fair, the new bankroller's ability is soooooo much better than mine was...I could of thought of soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to do with that...hehe...
  16. Okay, listen up, this is not a normal what am I? riddle...there is a catch to it, and I'm pretty sure you can't figure out the answer without figuring out the catch, so random guessing is not going to work...
  17. hehe...figure the out the catch first...
  18. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Hehe...yeah, you were my knight...you just didn't realize that I was No Princess ;P Lol...I dunno...depends on who's playing...;P 3 more posts till 1000...where's PG? I want to hear her comments...
  19. Lol...nvm...missed that page...well, Unreality's right, which impresses me for someone his age...;P
  20. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Working on getting to 1000 posts for you, Nayana ;P Oh, yeah, and thanks so much Unreality, it was great! All the twists and turns kept my mind reeling, trying to figure out what to do next (and added to my sleeplessness ) You mean mafiosas , and part of my strategy was trying not to lie...except for claiming to be an innocent of course... Hehe, Brandon, want to make a wager on which one of us gets lynched first... Lol...actually, it was ironic...the fact that you tried to be too inconspicuous by not saying anything when you voted for Kat was what made me suspicious of you...
  21. No...I don't think you can figure it out without figuring out what the catch is...;P
  22. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Yeah, I'm not saying it was a bad decision...it was just amusing at how basically Bb could have been killed/lynched/blown-up...and it was ironic that slick chose not to kill Bb, but Bb killed slick...;P Watching your back isn't going to help...I have *other* ways to kill you...hehe...science pays off XP Yeah...I thought the Jihadist was dead, based on what Unreality was saying (and saying and saying...;P) about how the innocents were screwed if they voted wrong...I thought that if the Jihadist were alive, he/she could take out one of the mafia...but you were *actually* after the warlock all along!
  23. Will need at least 24 hours for #12, and am sure I will get it #10 last 3 letters are "nat" ? #3: no, try to figure out a word for the math part (the second word) first, then find words that go along with it... #10: no...actual letters are capitalized...that's part of the math ;P
  24. Yoruichi-san

    Mafia IV

    Lol...yeah, I totally missed the warlock clue...I considered that the reason he didn't vote for BB was because he was the warlock, but since everyone else was, I figured the warlock wouldn't want to out himself...but I didn't really think about it too hard... ...actually, I thought a clever innocent might try that trick, so I didn't go after johnson until basically he had, like, "dropped five axes on his own foot" ;P...so that it wouldn't look suspicious for everyone to vote for him...lol, actually, I had my vote post all ready, but then I saw that dusty had just posted, so I postponed my post so that it didn't look like we were jumping on the train... ...I should have known something was up with you...I just didn't expect that there was a hidden baddie...well, I'll be ready next time I play... The most amusing thing, I think, is finding out that slick had rolled a kill on Brandon and actually didn't use it...haha...I guess the odds were stacked up against BB... But Dawh, you definitely get my vote for MVP of this game...which just happens to correspond to my first lynch vote next game...
  25. If I were in boxes, I couldn't be contained. You have me, and I am like you. I go up as you go towards grade F. What am am I?
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