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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Lol...actually, there was a 14 year-old math grad student at my college...;P
  2. Haha...my thoughts exactly... Hehe...if they get sick of people posting random things, the mafia could always get rid of them...XP Oooh...big brother is watching...;P
  3. Close...it has to fit the other two lines as well...
  4. And the insanity begins...;P Haha, thought of this while riding the bus home today...sorry, can't resist...O_o You have this ginormous Scales of Justice. You know that baddies weigh more than innocents (due to all those concealed weapons XP). What is the minimum # of weighs you have to do in order to identify all the baddies?
  5. Perfect. Now find the answer that fits all the lines. It's one particular word.
  6. Haha...nice ...yeah, when they have these on those TV magic shows I always figure out the trick instead of actually doing it... Well, at least *you* spend your time thinking about new magic tricks...*me*, I spend my time thinking up new ways of killing people while having an airtight alibi...;P
  7. Lol...so am I, and But good job solving the puzzle!
  8. Correct? Lol...um...I think you're off by a little...
  9. Look at the last term closely...two words maps one-to-one to two words...;P
  10. Okay, since you're working so hard, I will give you this clue:
  11. Thank you, saves me the trouble, lol Actually, the theme was the "all around the world" part...but it made me think of that song, and the "statutes crumble for me" instead of "statues crumble for me" is a metaphor refering to thinking outside the box, which is what a lot of puzzles are... Edit: And the fact that Beijing, China is 8 is *not* a coincidence...Beijing Olympics starting 8-8-08! (888 is a lucky number in China ;P)
  12. , yes it can...but not the way you're thinking... Line 2 gives the most direct answer to the question. I never give up, either!
  13. Wow...lol, okay, fine, I'll summarize the hints I've given (and have been decoded) where did woon go...
  14. Lol...where did Ben Law go? He's sooooo close...
  15. No, the title is not a typo... As usual, put in something special in the last one just for me...;P
  16. Getting closer...but remember, you need to remove a noun from all lines except the last one... You are *so* close...just line 2 is wrong...and line 2 gives away the answer...;P
  17. Good job, everyone! More coming...and yes, I have an addiction to Detective Conan...(500+ episodes and still going XP)
  18. Good thinking...but keep in mind a lot of my stuff has a math/science tint to it, so the possibilities that may not make sense to you at first glance, may actually be the correct ones...;P
  19. Lol...well you can think about puzzles *and* date...you just have to know how to pretend like you're actually listening to what your date is saying instead of trying to figure out the answer to the latest puzzle...;P Anyways, I think I'm misunderstanding the problem, are you asking for the largest n that it is possible to have all nonintersecting lines?
  20. Soooo close on 12 (amazing job Ben Law)... Here's a hint for 10
  21. Very creative answer! But you're forgetting the catch...check post #47...
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