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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. what have dawh, frost and johnson been doing lately, they seem to be laying low?

    Lol...Frost was just on, like a page ago, and plus, some people have lives outside of Mafia...;P

    Oh, and before I forget again, based on hints she dropped, I think LM is one of two possible roles, both of which are Innocent...and I *don't* use a spreadsheet :P

  2. Thanks for *finally* answering my question...:P...I think Phaze was a QA due to the fact that UR said there was reason behind his suicidal behavior, and the only two roles that satisfy that criteria are the SB (but I think Tolecnal is telling the truth) and a QA trying to find the other QA...plus he kept asking the LP to confirm, trying to get the LP to out him/herself...

    So with GR dead (yay Frozen! ;)), the LP or just the P now, I guess, is vulnerable to the QAs, so finding the other one should be of concern (especially with the annoying Mafia messages silenced XP)...I had two suspects, but UR's info narrows it down to one...

    Anyways, as usual, I'm going to collect the evidence before naming the suspect...

  3. Hmmm...okay, I've thought of three possibilities why the Mafia are trying to get us to lynch Frost...the first and second would point to GC being a Mafioso and QA respectively and the last would point to the Mafia trying to clear one of their own...I wish I could elaborate, but in the case (which I now think is likely) that Frost is either the first or second possibilities...well, we need to protect him...

    And Frost, I'm glad my suspicions about you being the GR were wrong...;)

  4. Heck yea! Frozen you rock my socks off! So this is the end of Tolecnal as Suicide Bomber, sorry bout that, but I gotta leave.


    "True, I did, but I didn't want to lynch Dusty either(she seemed innocent as well), so I wanted to keep it tied up. It was not to keep LIS on the chopping block, it was to simply keep the vote going until there was more time to discuss"

    - this lie-detect worked, thanks Dawh, and it is TRUE. Clearly Frost is not the GR (from the night post), but I also believe he is not mafia or a QA. The evidence you have against him requires that Frost wanted LIS to be lynched, but he didnt...


    "The nitwit mafia are doomed"--this makes me think that Grey Cells is Mafia and that the Yakuza have decided to take the mafia out because the mafia was wiling to sell them out. THis would mean only the bankroller is the only mafioso left of the Mafia! We've taken out the GR and we have two QA's who have not met up yet on the loose and some Yakuza, damn that is sort of a long list.

    Okay, good work. And great work, Janitor/Ninja team! I like this coordination thing :).

    But do the Yakuza know who the Mafia are? I thought the Mafia know the Yakuza, but not the other way around...and I don't see anything GC did that seemed especially Mafia-like...

    But I need my question about whether or not a QA can target him/herself before I can go further with my reasoning...

  5. I kind of masticated the quote because I'm in a hurry, but since you promised you would kill the first person to vote to lynch for someone other than Frost, well that will be me :) I thought you always kept your promises? Please lone Bankroller don't hesitate to follow through! I refuse to lynch Frost, get me?

    I vote for LM!

    Host: Unreality

    1) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Yakuza

    2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia

    3) Frost

    4) Brandonb

    5) Dawh

    6) Ysan

    7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched

    8) Clueless

    9) Twoaday

    10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

    11) Johnson

    12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia

    13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper

    14) Mekal

    15) Rene

    16) CrazyPainter

    17) Pw0nzd

    18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja

    19) LM

    20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover

    21) Tolecnal- voting for LM

    I'm certain I didnt do that right but again Im in a hurry.

    Edit: peace and good luck to the next SB, sorry I couldnt help much peeps!

    Hehe, that was BRILLIANT!!! :D

    You weren't kidding about your Awesomeness...;P

  6. Whoa...just got back from watching The Dark Knight on the Imax...I'm dizzy...XP

    Wow...trying to read all of Phaze's posts...almost makes me with the GR would kill him already to shut him up...:P

    Speaking of which, we didn't hear back from Tolecnal? Well, I'm hoping UR's comments about the "epic ninja vs. GR" battle means the ninja managed to pick the GR...

    Edit: And wait, doesn't the GR dying have to revealed anyways, so that Lord Phoenix can turn into Phoenix or something...so there should be no problem with the epic fight scene...(which I'm excited to read ;P)

  7. I thought I had explained myself clearly early in the game. The GR is a rival to the mafia, they would probably want the innocents to kill it for them. As I have stated before, I figured that they probably do know who the GR is b/c otherwise they would probably use the yakuza as a bargaining chip instead. That's about it

    Actually, *I* was the one who said the Mafia wanted to take out the GR and the other baddies as well, since that is part of their win condition...

    But what was this about?

    Plus I hopefully have another thing to gain out of this, which is that if I am trying to get this done, then the Mafia will be much less likely to target me. Use your head and read the posts.

    Why would the Mafia target you more than some other Innocent who was against their plan? That's what shouted "SV" at me...>.<

    Edit: Clarification

  8. Wow, I feel like a total Newbie for not getting that! :( Kinda like a "Grand Newbie" :P

    So yeah, you're right, there's noway CL could have been the LP. :huh:

    Thank you for putting that so delicately :excl:

    Grrrr...omg, you better not play the noob card too :P

    But since you're finally back, I have a bone to pick with you...I was pretty sure you were acting like the SV, and that's why I backed down on your supporting of lynching Tolecnal (I thought "poor unfortunate SV")...and from the comments I don't think I was the only one...now that we know PG was the poor unfortunate SV...what in the world were you thinking???

  9. That was ALOT of fun :D ... i just went after the bomb, then y-san while the defender was still alive then finally y-san again... :D

    Anyways, can the PM please get me out of jail? i need to stop stealling the other prisoners phone tokens... *whisper* i think there going to gang beat me... :o

    Actually, going after me the last time (when you actually killed me XP) was a good idea...since you needed to get rid of the GR and you didn't know who she was...the easiest way was to kill the Ninja...especially if the Healer thought only the GR would go for me...what you didn't count on was CL going for Aizen the Yeti...;P

  10. I am going to force a couple of hands here and call the Mafia on thier bluff

    Dumb move on getting rid of the SV by the way as they did not appear to be helping the innocents

    QAs you are quite welcome to meet at my place tonight, you might even be able to knock me off on the way,

    I fear none and laugh in the face of death

    Could I get a confirmation from LP that you have got my back?

    Okay, these two things make me think he may be a QA...trying to get the other QA to target him and trying to get the LP to come out with their role? He may just be playing the noob card like Mekal did last game...or he could really be crazy :P

    I'm just curious, but does ANYONE have any clue what CL was? Phaze do you realize that she may have been the LP? Which means the GR wins tonight if a doc/healer doesn't protect you! :o

    If CL was the LP, then the QAs got a lynch target, right? So then either it was LIS and they won or it wasn't and they lost and get mass-lynched...either way I think Unreality would have written it into the day post?

    I'm really worried about the GR at this point...if it's who I think it is, I think he may have seen other clues that I picked up on...

  11. Hey GC you think Dawh is Mafia? Why? Has anyone noticed how Dawh's posts this time have been uber short? I don't at all want to say that is suspicious! because bull like causes us to lose innocents, perhaps Dawh was just having a bad day. I just miss your long messages they always included great stuff.

    Edit: whoa that's weird, hi Dawh!Edit2: and great point, I'll try that one too if the others dont work

    Yeah...to be fair, I think this whole Mafia Ultimatum thing was making a lot of players feel uneasy about what to do and not very into the game the first day...that's probably also why Bb seemed kind of defeated...

  12. It is a lot worse than you think, You have an insane and psycho ninja with a death wish running around :D:D :D

    There is more to life than Mafia and I am having a little fun provoking the wrath of Unreality with my suicidal tendences

    I repeat Medical Staff stay away from me tonight

    I could do with a little help from Lord Pheonix however

    Janitor could you confirm my role please

    sorry, if this confuses anytwo


  13. I would love to lie-detect someting Frost says to find out if he is the GR or not, I just also (I know I should know but I dont) what kind of statement he should say... any suggestions? But good news! Unreality informs me I have an infinity of times to test statements to find out if they are testable :P

    Lol...that would make a very long night...:P

    How about "The Defender's death brings me close to my goal" or something?

  14. I never claimed to believe LIS was the Defender...I just wasn't sure on who he was. Besides, that was after the day ended, the vot switching didn't matter, and I only did it to make the day last longer(which it obviously didn't).

    Lol...Frost, I know you're more intelligent than that...;P

    Yeah, the Thief thing confuses me, but you *did* claim to believe LIS:

    For the sole purpose of continuing this and preventing the lynching of LIS(who seems to be telling the truth)...I have nothing against you Dusty...just want to tie it up. B))

    Host: Unreality

    1) GC - voting for Dawh

    2) Frozen

    3) Frost - voting for Dusty

    4) Brandonb - voting for LIS

    5) Dawh - voting for Dusty

    6) Ysan

    7) LIS - voting for Dusty

    8) Clueless - voting for Pw0nzd

    9) Twoaday

    10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

    11) Johnson

    12) Puzzlegirl - voting for Phaze

    13) Phaze - voting for Mekal

    14) Mekal - cannot vote

    15) Rene - voting for LIS

    16) CrazyPainter - voting for LM

    17) Pw0nzd - voting for LIS

    18) Dusty - voting for LIS

    19) LM - voting for Dusty

    20) Dnae

    21) Tolecnal

    And then when Dusty pulled ahead of LIS, you withdrew your vote to keep LIS on the chopping block...I don't see why anyone except the GR would do that...

    I want to keep this tied...see what happens.

    Host: Unreality

    1) GC - voting for Dawh

    2) Frozen

    3) Frost

    4) Brandonb - voting for LIS

    5) Dawh - voting for Dusty

    6) Ysan

    7) LIS - voting for Dusty

    8) Clueless - voting for Pw0nzd

    9) Twoaday

    10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia

    11) Johnson

    12) Puzzlegirl - voting for Phaze

    13) Phaze - voting for Mekal

    14) Mekal - cannot vote

    15) Rene

    16) CrazyPainter - voting for LM

    17) Pw0nzd - voting for LIS

    18) Dusty - voting for LIS

    19) LM - voting for Dusty

    20) Dnae

    21) Tolecnal

    But I'm glad the Janitor/Ninja have BTSC...hopefully they can coordinate...I'm not absolutely sure, but I do think the Defender's death makes the GR threat the major one...

  15. So with the Defender dead, I think first concern should be getting rid of the GR, and looking at the evidence, I think I have a good suspect:

    Okay, looking at the last vote, I thought it was weird how Frost claimed to believe LIS was the Defender, but after Dusty got ahead in votes, Frost withdrew his vote for Dusty to tie up the votes...only the GR would want to do that, to get rid of the Defender so the Ninja would be vulnerable...

    Plus, I noticed that he seems to very against the Mafia deal (as I thought the GR would be) and he seems to be trying to cover up the GR's tracks by arguing that the Mafia won't give up the real GR name...which he knows to be his own...;P...and that's pretty much his only argument against the Mafia deal...

    I highly doubt that the mafia will feed us a baddie identity ever day. I even doubt that they would tell us the identity of the Grim Reaper. Why? Because it's bad for them. True, they don't have to worry about the SB, but the GR brings kills that help the Mafia finish off all of the innocents(even though there is a chance that the GR will pick a mafioso, that is not their primary focus). Do you remember Mafia II? The Mafia killed off Scott, the GR, who killed off a mafioso on the same night. And that hurt the mafia incredibly they didn't have the aid of the GR killing off some of the innocents at the same time. The more badies they tell us about, the worse for them. While I'm not completely against lynching the SB, I think that we should definitely think long and hard about this before killing off tolecnal.

    But it's not a guarantee that we will have the GR out of the game. We're dealing with the Mafia, and they can't be trusted. Once the SB is lynched, they don't have to care anymore, and can just feed us an innocent and we lose even more(Unless of course theywant to make another deal, but I that probably would be even worse). I just don't think it's worth the risk of the mafia screwing us over.

    Also, the Thief usually steals from the same person the Godfather checks, and since the Thief used Steal and not Frame, and Steal doesn't work on the Spy anymore, it doesn't matter if the person they steal from is the GR...the Inspector would just get PMed the GR's name instead of the Thief's...

    And I know from Mafia IV how good Frost is on picking up on minor Ninja hints, and I've seen some dropped, although I don't know whether they're accurate or not...which is why I hoped the Healer/Doctor/Phoenix saw them too...

  16. Unreality, you're a great host and totally have made these games really fun...if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have started playing these and hence would never have realized my full potential...;P

    But seriously, everyone gets stressed and angry and loud sometimes (including me the first time I played this game :/), and I agree, people shouldn't take it out on the host, but don't take it too seriously...we all love you...

    And also, it's *your* fault we're all addicted to this, so you can't quit now...:P

    Anyways, compiling some evidence for the Ninja and other Innocents...

  17. Uh oh...Sorry, LIS...this timing thing sucks :(.

    And actually, I'm always kind of laid back on the first day...to gather information before I start the baddie hunt...and this one has been somewhat informative ;P

    Anyways, Healer/Doctor/Phoenix, I hope you realize who you have to protect...if not...I may have figured out who the Ninja should go after...have to get to a meeting, but I'll be back later and give you what I've got...

  18. Well...since the Mafia were crafty enough to come up with the deal, they probably already figured out who the SV is...

    And, (no offense ;)) but LIS *always* acts "weird"...when he answers any of my puzzles I can never understand what he's talking about :wacko: (although it's always hilarious ;P)...so I'm not jumping on the LIS bandwagon...

    ...grrr...I'm going to follow my tradition of not voting on the first day...

    ...oh, and Tolecnal, I know you want to survive, but *be careful*! You're suppose to be helping the Innocents, not trying so save your own skin...;)

    Gnite, all!

  19. I am not a QA, or any kind of baddie for that matter, but you are right, I sure do have stuff to gain out of this. Apparently you haven't read my previous posts (nor the previous rosters) so you don't understand my reasoning that we can dispense a lesser innocent in order to save a potentially critical innocent from lynching, PLUS get the GR out of the game. Why are you against this? It sounds to me like you must OBVIOUSLY be the GR or a scared Yakuza.

    Plus I hopefully have another thing to gain out of this, which is that if I am trying to get this done, then the Mafia will be much less likely to target me. Use your head and read the posts.

    Yeah...hmmm...there was more than one condition...and I think I know what you are... ;P

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